Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 157


Lian Qing panted lightly, and smiled slightly, her white teeth were particularly dazzling in the sun: "It's okay, not to mention jogging saves energy, and I have to thank you for the medicine, otherwise I wouldn't be so relaxed."

Indeed, the sun can't help them now, so he is really very lucky compared to the others who are sweating and about to suffer from heat stroke.

When the ten laps were finished, Wen Rou was already flushed with exhaustion, sweating profusely, her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and they were too heavy to move. After the break, she rested for a long time before recovering.

After taking a bath, Qingling also came back.

"Sister Rou, do you have heatstroke? I'll take the medicine for heatstroke."

Qingling came with a large bag of various medicines.

She joined the army more than half a month in advance. During the first training, she unfortunately passed out, and at the beginning, her whole body was sore and backache, which was so tortured that she couldn't sleep well at night.

Up to now, her body is much better than before, and she has slowly adapted to it.

So she rushed over immediately after class.

Gentle changed into clean clothes.

Although I still have to train in the afternoon, there is no need to change clean clothes, but now I wash the clothes and hang them to dry. With the current temperature, they will be completely dry tomorrow.

"Thank you, Xiao Qingling, but no need, I don't have heatstroke, and I brought my own ancestral recipe, which is super useful."

She smiled and touched Qingling's thinned cheek.

Turn around and apply the diluted soreness water on both legs, the soreness will soon fade away.

Qingling was a little worried: "The sun is very strong today, if you apply this medicine, your skin will be easily sunburned."

This time Wen Rou didn't refuse, but she moved her face closer: "Look at my face, it's quite thick-skinned, and it's quite sun-resistant hehe."

Qing Ling took a closer look, and found that except for some redness, her skin was still tender and smooth.

She shook her head: "Don't be careless. I just started training today. I checked the weather forecast. It has been sunny for the past week, with a temperature as high as 38 degrees. Have you ever gone to the gym? Can you do it next?"

She smiled softly and said: "Okay, I will wipe this medicine. Well, you know recently that you are so busy with work that you don't have time to exercise, but you have to trust your sister, you can definitely get through it."

Touching her head, her eyes were soft and gentle: "It's you. You have only been here for a month, why have you lost weight again? Your skin is also darker, but you are full of energy. Who cut your hair? It looks pretty good."

Qingling's long hair was cut short, just reaching the length of her ears. After more than a month of training, her skin darkened for a while, her eyes became firmer, and her temperament also changed significantly.

The uncertain self-esteem before has long disappeared. Now she is full of confidence, and the light she exudes is so dazzling that people can't take their eyes off it. She has successfully completed the transformation.

Gentle and gratified, but also a little distressed, transformation is not so easy, she must have suffered a lot here.

"Well, Captain Li helped me cut my hair, isn't it beautiful?" Qingling stroked her hair shyly, revealing her daughter's delicacy in love.

Seeing Rourou, her heart boiled hot, such a cute girl was actually kidnapped by Li Qingyi, a big pig.

She coughed lightly, with a serious face: "It's good-looking, but he came to the army to cut it for you?"

"Yeah." Qing Ling nodded, her cheeks flushed again: "He is also from this unit, it seems that he has some military rank, anyway, he can come and go here freely."

"He sent me here, and at the beginning I was not used to high-intensity exercise, he was helping me mediate..."

The more she listened, the more Wenrou felt that a big bowl of dog food was stuffed, and she almost rolled her eyes because of choking.

"Ahem, let's go eat quickly, it's time, I'm starving to death!"

Wen Rou hurriedly stopped a certain cutie who became nagging when talking about her lover, and immediately dragged her to the cafeteria.

Let her continue, she is really afraid that she will choke to death on the dog food.

What Qing Ling said was not enough.

But eating is the most important thing, and I have to train in the afternoon.

Wen Rou, who had escaped a catastrophe, secretly decided in her heart that if she made it public in the future, she must abuse it back, humming.

The cafeteria is similar to that of ordinary schools. When we arrived, there was already a long queue, with Wen Wen and Qing Ling at the back, watching the handsome soldiers pass by with delicious meals.

It completely aroused the gluttons in their stomachs, well, the key point is to see all kinds of handsome and upright soldiers, this feeling is even better than when they were studying!

At some point, Rourou found that there was another person coming from behind.

Looking back, it turned out to be Lian Qing.

Lian Qing's hair was wet, it had obviously been washed, and he had also changed into a new set, very fresh and clean.

The two lined up in front and back, and in the breeze, Wen Rou could still smell the faint fragrance of body wash emanating from his body.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Lian Qing nodded with a smile: "Well, it's time for washing clothes."

Qing Ling poked her head out curiously, and looked at Lian Qing with sparkling eyes: "Sister Rou, who is he?"

Even though they were both on the set of "Seeking Power", the two of them didn't have any scenes to fight against each other, let alone the scenes were different, so after the filming of this film, neither of them had seen each other.

This kind of situation is also common in the crew. After all, many actors do not have many roles, and the shooting scenes are all disrupted, and the scenes are often changed.

Qing Ling and Lian Qing belong to the category of roles that have no intersection at all, so this is the first meeting between the two.

Wen Rou immediately introduced the two to each other.

Gentleman Lian Qing stretched out his hand: "Hello, my name is Lian Qing."

Qingling clasped back: "Hello, Zheng Qingling."

Then the two tacitly withdrew their hands, which was considered acquaintance.

It happened that it was their turn to line up, and Qing Ling found a vacant seat when she was ready, and smiled softly at Lian Qing: "Together?"

Lian Qing nodded gently: "Okay, come here right away."

Then the tenderness passed first.

Qing Ling looked at Lian Qing who bent over politely to say something to the aunt in the cafeteria, and pushed Wen Rou gossipingly: "Sister Rou, Lian Qing has a really good personality, you seem to have a good relationship."

There is no shortage of good-looking people in the entertainment industry, Qing Ling thinks that Lian Qing's looks are just average, but her temper and personality are really good.

It can be said that it is not easy to be praised by Qingling.

Gentle: "It's okay, but what do you want to say?"

Qing Ling mischievously blinked: "No, I just want to know if my brother-in-law will be jealous if he knows that Sister Rou has such a handsome guy who is good in every aspect by his side."

gentle:"… "

She rolled her eyes secretly: "You guys have been very naughty recently, what are you thinking about, we are the relationship that colleagues admire, so you, who is surrounded by handsome men and handsome soldiers, isn't that in your family also frightened? All right, eat now."

Qing Ling wanted to say that this was different, but when she saw Lian Qing coming over with the food, she immediately shut her mouth.