Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 18


Obviously, the other party also recognized gentleness.

Seeing her, Liu Zhixing's face changed, and then he thought of something, the temper that had just been suppressed broke out again, his brows were as cold as winter: "Why are you here?" After a pause, he directly rushed away: "I don't care what you are Those who have chased here, now, immediately, get out of here immediately! Let me see you again, don’t blame me for calling the security guard!”

233: "Tsk tsk, what a ruthless man!"

Gentle: "Shut up!"

Looking at the grumpy Liu Zhixing, there is nothing to say in his gentle heart.

Speaking of which, before Liu Zhixing made his debut, he was followed by Song Rourou.

At that time Liu Zhixing was still studying and had a good temper. He was a gentle, sunny and a bit arrogant little milk dog.

Song Rourou, who was running around every day, met Liu Zhixing for some reason, took a fancy to the other person's appearance, and started flirting irresponsibly.

The little milk dog couldn't stand Song Wenrou's stalking, and when he saw Song Wenrou, he seemed to see a ghost and avoided her everywhere.

But the more the little milk dog is like this, the more unwilling Song Wenrou is.

It took almost all kinds of relationships to subdue the little milk dog.

Speaking of this, Rourou really wanted to beat Song Wenrou up.

After chasing the little milk dog, Song Rourou lost interest, turned around and saw a better-looking man, and immediately abandoned the little milk dog.

Gentleness despises such behaviors of deceiving other people's feelings.

Especially when she needs to clean up the mess!

After sorting out the ins and outs, Wen Rou knew what was going on with 233's malicious tone.

Seeing the tenderness and not being moved, the little milk dog, ah bah, Liu Zhixing once again remembered the bad behavior of the woman in front of him, and the aura around his body instantly dropped a few degrees, word by word: "I told you to get out, didn't you hear that?" !!"

After tidying up his mood, he sat gently and swaggered on the makeup chair, unmoved by Liu Zhixing's furious attitude: "This is a public place, who do you think you are, why should I listen to you?"

Liu Zhixing stared at her in disbelief, "This is the production team of Concubine Ming's Harem Legend, you sneaked in, aren't you afraid of being kicked out and losing face?"

Rourou thought to herself, it would be much better than being kicked out to lose face, and not being scolded by the director in public.

What's more, she is also an actress in the cast of The Legend of the Concubine Ming's Harem, and no one has the right to kick her out except the director.

I thought so in my heart, but Ruan Rou didn't forget the task, and changed the subject: "I heard you want to add a play?"

"None of your business!" Liu Zhixing snapped back.

"Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot that you are an 18th-tier internet celebrity. Why, I just became a little celebrity once and got a taste of it, and now you want to have an affair with me again?"

Liu Zhixing sneered: "I tell you, don't even think about it, if you dare to get involved with me, I promise, you will never even think about entering the entertainment circle in the future!"

Rourou glanced at him lightly, and smiled: "You really will add drama to yourself, don't worry, I'm not interested in you at all, I came to the crew because I'm also an actor in this crew, oh, I'm too embarrassed to tell you You, my role is Ming Xiaoxiao."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Zhixing's dazed look with tenderness and satisfaction, and turned around and left regardless of his reaction.

233 picks at the nostrils formed by the data, "Eh? Miss Wen left just like that?"

Gentle: "If you don't leave, stay and scold Liu Zhixing?"

"Didn't you complete the mission yet?" 233 continued: "Miss Wen, don't blame the system for not reminding you. If you don't clear the mission, it won't trigger the next mission, and there won't be any rewards. If you don't complete it, then you have two deadlines Months later, the task is directly considered a failure."

Gentle stopped, and licked her mouth: "Who said I gave up this mission?"

Didn't Liu Zhixing want to add drama? Although his teammates don't want to see her, but she doesn't mind.

But now the tricky thing is, Liu Zhixing knows that she plays Ming Xiaoxiao, with Liu Zhixing's temper, maybe half of them will give up the role of Feihong.

What's more, even if he continues to play this role, as long as the director doesn't let go, even if Liu Zhixing has suddenly become a first-line star, it will be difficult to change the scene.

But Ruan is not worried that Liu Zhixing will give up this role.

If he really gave up, it would not be in line with his temper.

Although Song Ming's director is difficult to handle, but for now, Rourou still has some confidence in his heart.

The most troublesome thing right now is that Liu Zhixing's acting skills are so poor that it makes people collapse...

Forget it, forget it.

After the report was over, the filming of Ming Xiaoxiao's first scene started that afternoon.

Ming Xiaoxiao and the emperor belonged to Qingmei Zuma, and the heroine was still fostered in the countryside at this time.

The first scene was the audition scene, where Ming Xiaoxiao took the initiative to invite Yingying to the battlefield because of the turbulent undercurrent between Ming Xiaoxiao and the old emperor and all the civil and military officials.

Because the scenes have to match the heroine Concubine Ming, so the filming of the scene started after the heroine's role was finished.

Most of the actors in this play are veterans. As the protagonist of this play, there is a lot of pressure to be gentle, but she has put a lot of effort into it in this play.

Except for a few times of NG at the beginning, she gradually found her status and passed it smoothly.

When she was acting, Liu Zhixing, who had no role to return to the hotel, stood among the staff and watched.

When he saw Gentle NG being called over by the director, he felt secretly refreshed, thinking that he would finally let her taste the aggrieved feeling of being scolded.

But when she saw that she quickly found the status and passed, Liu Zhixing gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, wow, even passing such a bad acting, it's the ugly director who is blind!

At this time, Liu Zhixing had long forgotten the time when he was dismissed by the ugly director for his poor acting skills.

During the filming of Gentle, another incident happened on the Internet.

In the busy police station, Lin Ling quickly sorted out all the documents and handed them to her boss.

"Captain, this is the second case today. Compared with the first deceased, the deceased was burned in a large area by the fire. However, according to the forensic examination, the deceased died of mechanical asphyxiation."

Mechanical suffocation death, to be precise, the deceased died of drowning.

So the murderer wants to destroy the corpse

The first victim also died by drowning.

These two cases both happened in City A. The first case happened five days ago, and the second case happened only five days after the first case.

Lin Ling continued: "The first deceased was named Lu Qiang, aged 26, a jobless vagrant, according to investigations, his source of income was almost all stealing, and he was a habitual thief.

The second deceased was Song Fei, aged 31, and was the deputy sales manager of the sales department of the International Huarui Group Branch.

Except for the same sex, the two have no intersection at all. "

Li Qingyi took the information. The two had no communication before their death, and their hometowns were also in different places.

But both of them died of drowning. The only difference is that when Lu Qiang's body was found, the body was soaked in a stinky river until it swelled several times. The time of death was 2:05:20 in the morning.

After forensic identification, Lu Qiang had alcohol in his body.

On the surface, it seemed that Lu Qiang had drunk too much and fell into the river and was drowned. However, through years of law enforcement experience, Li Qingyi keenly realized that the connection between the two cases must be inextricably linked.