Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 2


After thinking about it softly, she decided to put this opportunity aside for the time being.

She had to keep asking:

"So, am I just this one task? How will I get paid after the task is completed? Will you break the contract then? What should I do if I break the contract? Also, the task can have a time limit and specific requirements Is it?"

233 Answer: "Miss Wen, please rest assured, Miss Wen is only on this task. Miss Wen is returning the soul from a dead body, so Miss Wen will not be able to return to her original body. Therefore, Miss Wen's life is the reward for completing the task. Once Miss Wen If the task cannot be completed, the system will immediately take back Miss Wen’s life, and then the task time is limited. With the specific completion rate of Miss Wen, a certain amount of life time will be gained. If the task has not been completed by the time limit, the task will fail. Finally, The system is fair, open and fair, and there will never be breach of contract.”

A light screen appeared in Rourou's mind, and two large pink characters of "mission" appeared in the upper right corner. Click to enter, and the page was immediately displayed.

Now the page only reveals one task, which is a free gift for newcomers after binding.

Gently clicked to receive, the system immediately heard a voice: "The reward for the newcomer has been claimed, congratulations on getting 30 days of life."

Gentle and slightly stunned, she realized that tasks are represented by a circle button.

After completing a task, three stars will appear above the head of the circle to identify the completion rate.

Gentle looked at it, and found that if the completion rate is only one star, then ten days of life will be rewarded; .

Since she is only bound to the system, the gift pack for newcomers is the first mission to clear the level with three stars and a chance to draw the gift pack.

After the task is cleared, a new task will appear on the page immediately.

Wenrou did some research and found that it was similar to some customs clearance game settings.

But it does look simple and clear.

Rou Rou looked at the latest task, which was to clean up the current scandal of the original body. She only has 30 days to live, so she must be successful within 30 days.

After figuring this out, Wen Rou has a bottom line in her heart.

At this moment, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, the sky is getting darker, the lights in the room are brightly lit, and the warm conversation of the family can be heard vaguely, so one can imagine what it is like inside the house.

Song Rourou is usually the one who is ignored at home. Now that she is punished to kneel outside, the people inside may have forgotten her.

Wen Rou's whole body was completely numb from the cold, and she didn't even have the strength to get up.

But soon, the closed door was opened, and then a woman dressed as a nanny helped her up with red eyes, "Second Miss, it's okay, the old man has forgiven you, hurry up, I've prepared hot water , go to the bubble bath... "

Wen Rou was so cold that she couldn't speak, her nerves were numb and she couldn't think. After soaking in hot water for a long time, she felt all her senses returned.

But it wasn't enough, it was still so cold that he couldn't stop shivering.

The nanny called Mama Zhang kept heating the water, her wrinkled face was full of distress.

"Second Miss, are you hungry? I'll go and heat up a meal. Call me if you need something."

Rou Rou nodded weakly, only now did she realize that the body was scarred and had some old wounds.

The new injury is estimated to be caused by the current cheap daddy, but the other old injuries are obviously different.

Gentle feeling: "Tsk tsk tsk, having fun so much at such a young age, really..."

233 thought it was lamenting Song Wenrou's lack of shame, but her next sentence was: "It's really exciting, no one else has tried this before."

233: "... Song Wenrou's fate, Miss Wen also wants to follow suit?"

"..." Rourou thought about the end of the original body, and shook her head decisively.

Cherish life and stay away from beauty.

I added several pots of hot water in a row, the temperature was extremely high, and it was inexplicably gentle, like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water...

When the body temperature is almost warmed up, I feel much better.

When Mama Zhang brought the food, she immediately wolfed it down, and Mama Zhang wept and asked for warmth and turned on the heater.

Speaking of it, Zhang Ma can be said to be the only person who treats her sincerely in Song Wenrou's entire life. Unfortunately, after Song Wenrou's death, Zhang Mama was also dismissed by the Song family.

Now that Wen Rou has replaced Song Wenrou, she will repay Mama Zhang in the future, but now she has too much to do.

For now, she will take care of her body to gain more health points, so as not to die before she leaves the teacher, and lose her wife and lose her troops.

After Wen Rou had eaten her fill, she was still sluggish, wrapped in several quilts, she was still cold and shivering, which made her muscles sore.

She secretly thought about when she would go to the hot bath again.

233 suddenly said: "Miss Wen, in view of your ability to complete the task better in the future, the system will give away the memory of the original owner for free!"

Before Wenrou could react, a lot of memories were directly stuffed into her mind.

I don't want the tenderness that hasn't been said yet: "..."

Most of Song Rourou's memories are from the dark side. Wenrou's head hurts from swelling, and her mind is suddenly a little dull.

While she was sorting out her memories, the door of the bedroom was pushed open from the outside with a "creak" sound, followed by a woman in her twenties who was wearing elegant clothes and exquisite makeup, wearing high heels Domineering walked in.

Seeing the tenderness that was wrapped so that only one head was still trembling, the visitor suddenly shouted hypocritically: "Oh, hello to our clean and clean second lady, what's wrong, why is it so cold, Mama Zhang is really Yes, they don’t turn on the heating, are they planning to freeze our second lady to death? Even if our second lady is now a street mouse and everyone shouts and beats, we can’t be abused like this at home!"

As soon as the woman entered the door and raised her hand, she turned off the heater that was turned on to the maximum, and pretended to call Zhang's mother to ask why she didn't turn on the heater.

"I'm sorry Miss, I forgot to turn it on, I'll turn it on now, I'll turn it on..." Zhang Ma tremblingly went to turn on the heater, and as soon as she walked over, she was slapped by a woman named Miss.

"I think you deliberately turned off the heating to freeze the second lady to death. I see that you have stayed in the Song family for so many years. Today, this lady will show mercy and let you go, and I will fine you and confiscate this month's wages!"

"Wait!" Wenrou was in a rage.

This woman is Song Yu'er, Song Wenrou's half-sister, who lives up to her name, she is very beautiful, with an inherent arrogance, she is the treasure enshrined in the family.

The treatment with Song Wenrou is a world of difference.

This time, Song Wenrou was punished to kneel on the snow because she slept with the boyfriend of the eldest sister's best friend, and was accidentally caught and found in bed.

Oh no, it was successful before sleeping, the fact should be that Song Rourou was designed.

She has already read Song Wenrou's memories. Although Song Wenrou's character is indeed not good, and she is indeed a womanizer, but she has a very high vision, and her appearance is better than the other. Most people don't like it at all.

Song Yuer's best friend is not really a best friend, but a small follower of hers. This little follower's family is not rich, and the boyfriend he is dating is also ordinary-looking, so it is not worthy of Song Wenrou's special treatment.

On the contrary, it was Song Yuer's current boyfriend, who made Song Wenrou feel uneasy, but at that time she obviously received the message that Song Yuer's boyfriend asked her to go to the hotel.

Song Wenrou, who has no brains and no lower limit, went to the appointment in a hurry, but found out that the naked person under the quilt was not the person she liked. She was still a very face-saving person, so she was naturally very angry when she was tricked.

In addition, she has a very high vision, no matter how promiscuous she is, she can't just mess around with men she doesn't like.

She was about to leave, but the man on the bed pressed her on the bed.

How could Song Rourou give in so easily, she struggled and finally managed to escape, she didn't know when she left, she had already been tricked into taking a photo.

Immediately afterwards, all the so-called pornographic photos and WeChat screenshots of seducing men were released to the public, and she became a slut mistress who everyone shouted and scolded.

Now Song Rourou knew that no matter how dull she was, she had been tricked.

It's a pity that no matter how she explained, no one believed her, and the job she finally got was turned down, and she was severely taught by her father when she returned home, and she might even be kicked out of the house.

The gentleness who just received the memory also merged with Song Wenrou's anger. Before her anger subsided, the first servant came and beat her. How can Wenrou bear it any longer.

"Elder sister came here as soon as she came, why didn't she even wear eyes? What is the truth about the situation, is it possible that everyone has no brains to believe it like you?"

Wen Wen's voice was completely hoarse, and her words were no longer as pleasant as before, but what she said made Song Yu'er's eyes widen, as if she didn't expect that someone who had always been polite, respectful and fearful to her would dare to talk to her like this, she immediately turned pale. A change: "Song Rourou, what do you mean? Eldest sister taught this servant all because of you! You actually talk to me in this tone, you've grown up!"