Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 26


Liu Zhixing over there already wanted to cut off the phone and didn't want to explain.

But he thought about it, and answered: "Xingyue Entertainment is a branch of Huarui Group. I don't know Mr. Ning. I'm an actor that Xingyue Entertainment is currently promoting. Song Ming may just feel that he should give Ning Always face."

After all, Legend of the Concubine Ming's Harem was invested by Xingyue Entertainment, but apart from a few important supporting roles being artists from Xingyue Entertainment, the heroine was invested by Morningstar Entertainment.

According to the convention, the protagonist must be from Xingyue Entertainment, but Liu Zhixing didn't know what happened, the protagonist was not an actor from Xingyue Entertainment.

Liu Zhixing's last play is currently being played, which suddenly made him popular, but this play has already been signed, and he can't break the contract to take other important plays that will make him rise to the next level.

But he was dissatisfied with Feihong's lack of roles, so he asked the company to help him get more roles.

Director Song Ming was very resistant to adding scenes to him before, but it didn't take long before he was willing to add scenes to him.

When Liu Zhixing just came back, he also felt very strange, so he called his agent specially.

It was only then that the agent told him that it was because Song Ming was looking at the face of President Ning of Huarui Group, not because of the pressure from the top management of Xingyue Entertainment.

This sentence made Liu Zhixing ponder for a long time. When he was taking a shower, he suddenly thought of the word Ning. Yesterday, Director Song Ming called out to this handsome man in a black suit.

Thinking of director Song Ming's attitude, he immediately understood the ins and outs.

Liu Zhixing didn't know if Director Song Ming had any discussions with Mr. Ning afterwards, but his manager reassured him, so Liu Zhixing stopped thinking about it.

After getting the answer, Gentle hung up the phone.

She quietly thought about this character who appeared in her ears twice, the president of Huarui Group

Gentle became interested in this person.

Gentle turned on the computer, and searched for the name of the president of Huarui Group in the browser.

Soon the page jumped out of Baidu Encyclopedia.

Click in and take a look, and you will know how rich and powerful Huarui Group is.

But what surprised her was the introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia.

The founder of Huarui Group is Ning Xiu, and next to him is an old man with gray hair and a resolute and energetic face.

The current president of Huarui Group is called Ning Yuan, who is also the son of Ning Xiu, the founder of Huarui Group. The middle-aged man in the photo next to him is handsome and looks very similar to his father.

The vice president of Huarui Group is called Ning Qing, who is only 30 years old now.

Wen Rou looked around, but she didn't see the photo of Ning Qing.

She searched for the name on purpose, and there was no other photo except for a blurry photo of his back, and his related searches were almost blank, very mysterious.

Gentle recalled the memory of the day when she had a high fever, her voice was very young, and she was sure that the Ning Boss she was talking about was Ning Qing, the vice president of Huarui Group.

Apart from knowing his name and some of his vigorous deeds in the mall, there are almost no other clues.

Since she couldn't find it, Rourou didn't continue to look for it.

This person can be said to have helped her twice, no matter what, he is a benefactor.

Gentle keep this kindness in my heart.

Well, as for Liu Zhixing's blessing, of course I kept it in my heart.

For the next filming, Ruan will deliberately find Liu Zhixing to play opposite roles.

In order to thank the other party, she specially asked Li Yi to help cook the soup for several days in a row to express her gratitude.

Wen Rou is so upbeat, Liu Zhixing gradually got used to being awkward.

Because after the filming was changed, Wen Rou and Liu Zhixing no longer needed to cooperate with the protagonists, but it was rare to start filming together.

If it is to arrange the filming with the roles of the previous leading actors, Ruan Rou will at least stay in the crew for at least two months.

But after the scenes were revised, their scenes were all started shooting together, and the filming was completed at the slowest time, which only took one month.

But with more and more cooperation with Liu Zhixing, the two have become more and more tacit understanding.

As they got to the back, the two had a tacit understanding that was NG, and soon the gentle scene was completed half a month ahead of schedule.

After wrapping up, Rourou went back to the hotel to pack her luggage, while Liu Zhixing was resentful because she still had to make up a lot of scenes.

Seeing this, Li Yi's brows twitched.

Seeing Wen Ruan's indifference, Liu Zhixing was a little unhappy: "I still have more than ten days to finish filming, why did you finish filming so early?"

Rourou glanced at him: "Who told you to confront the director in front of you? If you are obedient, you will leave earlier than me."

Well, after the script was changed, many of the previous scenes of Liu Zhixing needed to be reshot.

"You're still talking!" Liu Zhixing was even more unhappy: "If I didn't cry, make trouble and hang myself, the director would add scenes to us? Do you think you want to be so ruthless! Humph!"

Wen Rou was expressionless: "Oh, it seems that the soup I brought during this time has been fed to dogs?"

If it weren't for her being a person who repays every kindness, she wouldn't bring soup to anyone, not to mention, how much time did she spend helping him with the scene

Let's see, who is turning his face and denying people now

"Hmph, isn't it just a little soup, and it's not a good thing. The director's role in the scene can't be done with just a little soup!" Liu Zhixing hummed.

Rourou rolled her eyes silently: "Okay, young master, I will never forget your kindness, so now, can you move your butt?"

Liu Zhixing looked down, only to find that there was a book under his buttocks, and he slowly moved to the other side: "Just remember it, don't forget to report it."

After finishing speaking, he took an orange with satisfaction, peeled it again and again and walked out. After going out, the smile on his face gradually enlarged.

Well, today's oranges are so sweet!

Li Yi closed the door, helped tidy up, and gossiped: "Sister Rou, are you and Liu Zhixing dating?"

Liu Zhixing's smile was too springy/heart-swaying/rippling, this kind of sour smell of dating, she couldn't even ignore it.

"Huh?" Rourou raised her eyebrows in surprise: "No, why do you ask that?"

Li Yi organized his words: "Sister Rou, you have been very kind to Liu Zhixing during this time..."

It's also a soup (by Li Yibao) and it's a confrontation, and it's often bickering, so I don't want to be misunderstood.

Wen Rou frowned: "He helped me a lot with this role this time, and I have to pay back these favors."

Gentleness is a person who must repay kindness, not to mention human affection.

In fact, she didn't want to get too close to Liu Zhi. After all, the relationship was quite awkward. She only wanted to help him add dramas and successfully complete the mission. Favor.

Then she must pay it back, there is nothing else she can do.

It is from Song Wenrou's memory that Liu Zhixing likes to drink soup. She asked Li Yibao to bring him a copy by the way.

It's more normal to play against each other. It's normal for both of them to help each other.

As for bickering, hehe, most of it was Liu Zhixing talking, and she rarely responded.

How come such a normal interpersonal relationship has changed in the eyes of the assistant