Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 28


That weibo post was posted by the police in city a, but there were a few familiar words in it.

The microblog posted by the police was about two homicides that happened some time ago.

This micro-blog announced the arrest warrant for the suspect.

The suspect is Zhang Menghua, 32 years old.

The reason why Wenrou noticed it was because she saw the company written behind the suspect's occupation—the deputy manager of the sales department of Nanming City, Huarui Group Branch.

In addition to this, she also saw one of the deceased named Song Fei, who was also the deputy manager of the sales department of Huarui Group Jiangnan Branch.

The two are in the same company, except for the different branch addresses, the two have the same position.

Rourou thought that Mr. Ning, who had helped her twice, seemed to be the person in charge of the company.

Opening the comments, as expected, they were all about Huarui Group, how Huarui Group had a perverted murderer, etc., and so on.

Huarui Group is one of the top well-known enterprises in country Z, and it is also doing well abroad.

Such a company recruits excellent employees.

Rourou saw this Weibo, and immediately searched for the entry of Huarui Group.

The first entry found in the search was the news that Huarui Group's stock had fallen.

I clicked in and took a look, only to find that the stock had dropped a lot for several days in a row. Sure enough, if such a murderer happened in the company, the company's reputation would also be affected. Naturally, the stock would definitely fall.

It has been five days since the police posted this Weibo, and there is no follow-up Weibo, which means that the suspect has not been caught yet.

Wenrou thought about it, and the latest is to save the suspect's photo in the phone.

When she opened the prophecy page again, Rourou thought that she had neglected Goldfinger for so long, it was the most unforgivable.

Putting such a gold finger as a decoration, tenderness is the most painful thing.

Moreover, the man she most wanted to check was Ning Qing.

After all, she was very curious about this man, but without a photo of him showing his face, it would be a waste for her to have golden fingers.

Rourou framed the suspect's photo into the scan, and soon the suspect's information appeared.

Gentle directly clicked into the animation.

In the moving picture, a man in tattered clothes was lying on the ground, curled up and motionless, and he didn't know if he was dead or alive. The surroundings were pitch black, and nothing could be seen except the man.

This is the first time Ruanrou has seen such a situation, and she exited the animation, only then did she see the title marked on it - Zhang Menghua was imprisoned and his body was extremely weak.

locked? The gentle gaze is sure, was it caught by the police

Looking at the moving picture again, I saw that Zhang Menghua had no handcuffs on his hands.

Even during interrogation, as a suspect, it is rare that he will not be handcuffed.

Gentle intuition feels wrong,

She clicked on the second animation again, and the second animation marked - Zhang Menghua had reached his physical limit.

In the moving picture, he is still lying on the ground. The difference is that this time, in the moving picture, his hand is grasping in the air for a long time, and finally his hand finally falls on the ground, splashing a layer of dust.

The title of the third animation is the same as the second one, and the animation is exactly the same.

After a little analysis, Wenrou immediately knew that Zhang Menghua was already dead in the second animation.

So the content of the third animation is exactly the same as the second one.

And looking at the moving picture, it is obvious that the suspect was locked up, and it may be homicide.

However, if the suspect really killed Seinfeld and the gangster murderer, what role did the person holding the murderer play

What is the relationship with the murderer? Why did the person who detained the suspect kill the suspect? Could it be that the person who killed the suspect was the real murderer

Because once the suspect is caught, maybe the real murderer will be confessed.

Only in this way can it explain why the suspect was silenced.

Therefore, we must find the suspect before he dies tomorrow!

This gentle discovery made her unable to stop.

She stared at the moving picture for a long time, until her eyes hurt.

The scope of this moving picture clue is too small, the surroundings are pitch black, and nothing can be seen. She is not a policeman, and she seems to be useless except for predicting the golden finger.

Staring at the date gently and seriously, Jiang let out a sigh of relief and said, "Xiao Er, can you cut the moving picture into a picture and send it to the special report mailbox of the police station?"

If the police were to look at this moving picture or picture, they would definitely find many clues that she couldn't find.

At this time, it is about human life, and gentleness will not be brave.

233 shook his head with a serious face: "No, except for me and Miss Wen, no one else can see everything in this prophecy. Even if the picture is sent successfully, the other party can't see it..."

"Miss Wen, why don't you draw the animation, and I'll take the picture and send it to the police anonymously?"

Rourou stared at it silently: "I'm not a painter, it's okay for me to draw birds or something, but it's completely impossible for me to draw such difficult works!"

233: "Hey, you're so dirty..."

Gentle: "... I told you not to download things indiscriminately!!!"

233 silently covered its mouth, and after a while, it suggested: "Don't you humans have the kind of masters who paint for others, why don't you ask someone to help you draw?"

Wenrou's eyes lit up, and then she frowned again: "No, what should I do when the police follow the painter to find me, after all, I look so beautiful, it's hard for anyone not to remember my unforgettable appearance."

233: "..." Are you serious about boasting

"Actually, I'm not afraid of the police coming." Wen Rou said, "As long as I don't tell them, they can't do anything about it, but it's a very troublesome thing for them to come to the door."

What gentleness fears most is trouble.

But thinking about it again, although exposing yourself may cause trouble, but when she thinks that it is a human life, Wen Rou can't turn a blind eye.

At some point, the responsibility on the shoulders cannot be offloaded.

Rourou sighed silently, "Xiao Er, quickly find the location of the nearest painter around."

233 immediately started to monitor, and soon it was found.

Without further ado, set off immediately to find a great painter.

Rourou wrapped herself up airtight, making sure that even the painter couldn't see her face or recognize who she was, so she went out contentedly.

Looking at the occasionally confused host at home, 233 looked up at the real-time monitor and shook his head silently.

It's better to be natural, so that it is easier to attract attention, okay

But 233 felt that he had better shut up.

A painter deserves to be called a painter, Wen Rou felt that her description was pretty bad, but the painter still drew the type she wanted.

Wenrou repeated and repeatedly confirmed that there was no doubt, then hurried home and asked 233 to take photos and send them to the police anonymously.

When the mailbox notified that the sending was successful, Lin Ling immediately reported the anonymous letter he had just received to the captain in the police station.