Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 8


Only then did she realize that a three-dimensional image of a smartphone appeared under the left corner, which was very realistic, but now there was a red exclamation mark on it.

It says whether to extract or not.

233 immediately said: "Quickly see what it is?"

Gentle raised her hand to click to extract, and then the page went black, and then a very ordinary box suddenly appeared. Before she was confused, she heard the system screaming.

"Wow! Ms. Wen, you are so lucky to get the prophecy function! Prophecy!"

The rigid system suddenly screamed, Wen Rou was taken aback.

"What does the prophecy mean? What is the use of this reward?"

233 said happily: "Prophecy is the ability to predict the future! It can predict the future for three days.

The host that has been drawn for this reward has never been drawn by anyone except you. I didn't expect you to be so lucky. "

Seeing tenderness and doubts, 233 immediately said: "Didn't you save a photo of the suspect? With this function, as long as you put the frontal photo into this box, you can know the scope of the suspect's activities in the next three days. Just try it." gone."

A photo of the suspect? When did she save it.

According to the system's instructions, she gently clicked on the camera, and she saw the suspect's photo. When did she click to save it

Seeing the photo, she subconsciously clicked on it, and then saw a frame flash in her mind, and the suspect's photo actually appeared in the frame.

Immediately afterwards, a line of words and a date appeared under the photo on the screen.

Name: Zhang Tingwei.

Sex: Male

Age: 37.

Occupation: Security guard.

Dates: January 20-January 21-January 22.

Exactly three days.

She dug out the original scarf, and the personal information was exactly the same!

Today is January 20, which also happens to correspond to the first date.

Ruan felt strange, clicked on today's date, and soon, the page changed, and then a line of text appeared on it: Zhang Tingwei bought a ticket and left City A by car.

Scroll down, and there is an animation.

Rourou's heart moved, and when she clicked on it, she saw a picture of a middle-aged man wrapped tightly in a mask getting on a long-distance bus in the moving picture.

Obviously this is Zhang Tingwei.

Rourou continued to click on the time on the 21st, which contained the note of Zhang Tingwei's arrival at the destination and the animation of getting off the car.

The animation time is only 10 seconds, which is very short.

Rourou secretly pinched herself, and the system was still talking lively in her ear, which made her truly feel that it was all true.

Although the rebirth had happened, she still didn't believe it, so she tried the photo of her manager, Sister Yang.

Soon, the screen changed again.

Name: Yang Xin.

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Occupation: Broker.

Gently click into the date.

No. 20: Write a whitewashing copy, contact the official account and make a relationship.

The moving picture shows Yang Xin sitting in front of the computer and busy answering the phone.

No. 21: Hot search for shopping. The moving picture is a picture of her depositing money at the bank.

No. 22: Buy hot searches and talk about work. In the animation, Yang Xin is holding some scripts.

Obviously, Tenderness succeeded in whitewashing, and received the script because of a blessing in disguise.

Wenrou knows what the manager does, so she really got the predictive function?

She still felt a little unreal, so she found a photo of herself to try, but there was no response at all, Rourou immediately understood, it seemed that she was not good enough.

After thinking about it, she found Peng Qing's photo to try again.

It will show up soon.

Click on today's date and write: It's a good mood to chat with the goddess.

The moving picture shows Peng Qing staring at the screen and smiling until his eyes are narrowed.

Who is Peng Qing's goddess? Who else but tenderness

Coincidentally, they just chatted.

So the ability to predict can no longer be true!

233 said, "Since we know the murderer's whereabouts, will Ms. Wen prepare to call the police to help catch the bad guys?"

Wen Rou hesitated: "I don't know."

After all, when it comes to the case, she has no evidence, and the police will not believe her. It is impossible for her to tell the truth, right

How can this be casually told to others.

The most important thing is that although the moving picture shows the scope of the murderer's activities, it does not directly tell the location and destination, so how can she report the murderer to the police

233 Thinking about it, this is indeed the truth.

The matter was gentle and quickly let go.

However, after discovering the function of predicting, she became very interested. In fact, she was still a little confused about whether it was real or not, and she was going to find another experiment to confirm it.

So next she found a few people she knew to do the experiment.

Of course, Song Yu'er was naturally included.

Seeing her furious GIF, Rourou felt that her mood was so good that she even had a cold.

As predicted.

The next day, Yang Xin threw the evidence directly on the Internet and bought a hot search and marketing account.

Soon the Yanzhaomen incident was pushed to the top of the hot topic.

The next step is to send a lawyer's letter to clarify and other statements.

Yang Xin called Rourou: "I have already posted the content on your mobile phone, you can just copy and send it."

Rourou held the phone, looked at the trending search list, and obediently followed Yang Xin's request to send out a scarf.

Rourou chose a few fake pornographic photos, and then took out a few fitness photos taken on weekdays, circled the different places and put them on the scarf.

@Wow, my figure is not so plump/full//picture//picture//picture.

— from xxxx mobile phone

Because I spent a lot of money to buy the hot search list, so soon, the hot search gentle clarification photo topped the list.

The second position is the hot search for sending a lawyer's letter to the bib big V marketing account that spread the rumors at the beginning.

fifth is the name of tenderness

Originally, this matter was disturbed by Song Yuer's buying of the navy and the enthusiasm of the affected male stars, and the enthusiasm continued for a long time.

Now that the stone hammer came out, it was again at the peak of the evening, and the heat exploded instantly.

Even the news of popular celebrities wrestling on the red carpet was suppressed below.

Red Crystal Girl: "I knew there was a reversal, look, look, it really is synthetic! I don't know who this little star has offended, these days he has been hacked into Xiang, it's so pitiful."

A man like the wind: "The poster is a professional photographer. After identification, the so-called pornographic photos are indeed composites. The explanation of the composite photos is very good! I want to learn a teacher!"

The cloud is light and the wind is light: "Hehe, I knew that the girl was wronged, and I didn't know who was so vicious that even a little girl would not be spared. Look, I knew that the girl was wronged!"

A noodle: "Oh, this little celebrity is pretty good-looking and has a good figure, but she is so pitiful. She was hacked into Xiangxiang these days, and the girl didn't dare to say a word. Now that the truth is revealed, she dares to say a word." In a word, you will become fans of girls and fans of girls."

This kind of post has tens of thousands of likes in an instant.

Of course, there are also netizens who are begging for a hammer, waiting to be slapped in the face.

People who eat melons from all walks of life gather together to discuss and eat melons to watch the excitement.

The degree of popularity directly caused the scarf to be paralyzed for several hours.

You can't even climb up behind Gentle.

How could Song Yu'er tolerate the continuation of the speech, and soon let go of the black material that her gentle mother was a mistress.

This one did have an effect, and many netizens did not buy the account of gentle whitewashing.

"Bah, Xiaosan's whole family is dead! Xiaosan's daughter still wants to clean up? Get out of here!"

"No wonder he hooks up with men everywhere. It turns out it's hereditary. She looks so ugly. It's really a lot of enemies!"

These remarks are not rare.

There are people who speak bad words, those who curse her and those who seek the so-called truth abound.

Seeing these remarks, Gentle was a little speechless.

But for Song Yuer's move, Ruan has long been on guard.

She passed the content to Sister Yang, and after confirming that it was correct, she struck while the iron was hot and threw the evidence on it.

When Song Wenrou's mother met Song Changqing, she didn't know that Song Changqing already had a girlfriend. She didn't know the truth until she had Song Wenrou.

So Song Wenrou's mother was the third child.

But after knowing that she had been mistressed, Song Wenwen's mother took the baby in her belly and left for another country, completely cutting off contact with Song Changqing.

Later, Song Wenrou's mother died of dystocia, so Song Wenrou was taken back by the Song family not long after she was born.

These gentlenesses didn't know, but the system told her.

Rourou knew very well that Song Yu'er would definitely use this matter as an excuse, so she had already made preparations.

After the evidence was thrown up, there were still people who were not upright in their three views and ranting and cursing, and Gentle was too lazy to respond, because the proportion of people with upright three views was higher.

So in the end, this tug-of-war was won by Tenderness, because of these rumors, her popularity increased, and it was a blessing in disguise.

Looking at the scarf, which is rapidly increasing in popularity, and looking at a recent statement, many netizens apologized underneath, and the gentle mood is still good.

Although she still has a lot of black fans, she can't stop shouting and scolding.

But the momentum has clearly turned for the better.