Boss Level Face-slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 583: [1 more] The strong counterattack of the weak chicken (12)


Changsheng's strong physical strength directly smashed the front window of the car, and the three unsuspecting people in the car subconsciously blocked the attack with one hand, and fired fireballs, ice arrows, and lightning in a salvo. But they didn't expect Xu Zifan to cut the tires from under the car, and the car instantly became unbalanced and slid out. Their car just hit that tree!

The three people in the car were busy jumping out of the car before the collision, and Changsheng took the opportunity to stretch his tail and roll the tied boy to his side.

The three of them looked ugly when they saw the scrapped car. The boy driving the car let out a low curse, raised his hand and shot several lightning bolts at Xu Zifan.

Changsheng jumped into the air and flicked his tail, directly carrying the few lightning bolts and falling back to Xu Zifan intact.

The three people in the rage now noticed Changsheng, and the boy frowned: "Beast Rider? When did the Beast Rider become so powerful?"

A girl whose white dress had just been soiled pushed him angrily, "What nonsense? Kill them!"

This girl seemed to have the right to speak, Xu Zifan slapped Changsheng, and Changsheng leaped like lightning to the girl in white and wrapped her neck tightly, bringing the person back to Xu Zifan in an instant.

Xu Zifan drove the Tang Dao to the girl's neck and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The girl's eyes widened in disbelief, "You dare to touch me!!" As she spoke, she was about to use her supernatural powers.

Xu Zifan moved the knife mercilessly, and the girl's neck did not make a deep wound in an instant, the blood flowed continuously, and she screamed in pain and dared not move again.

"Let go of me! I am the daughter of the head of Tianxuanzong!"

Xu Zifan immediately understood that the daughter of the head of Tianxuanzong was one of Yan Xiao's harems, and Tianxuanzong would also be used by Yan Xiao in the future. It seems that this happened at this time. He looked at their faces one by one, and all three of them were people who were infected with innocent lives, and they were all arrogant and domineering because of their cultivation. Tianxuanzong is not without good people, but these three are obviously not.

He grabbed the girl's neck and asked, "I don't know Tianxuanzong, all I know is that you almost killed us just now."

The boy said nervously: "Let her go, I just want to play a joke with you and test your strength, I don't want to really hurt you."

Xu Zicheng said in a cold voice, "Then your temptation is really vicious. If it hadn't been blocked by Changsheng just now, my brother would have been killed by your lightning strike!"

A young man behind the boy stepped forward and said as calmly as possible: "This is a misunderstanding. Now you have also hurt the lady and destroyed our car. We are the ones who suffer. If you feel dissatisfied, we can compensate you, but first If you let the young lady go, if she's injured, she can't explain to the sect master, and when the sect master gets angry, you won't be able to ask for it."

At this time, the boy who was tied and gagged struggled desperately, and kept saying "uuuuu" anxiously. Xu Zicheng stepped forward to untie him, and as soon as he regained his freedom, he immediately shouted, "I can't let them go, they are ruthless, they will definitely kill you, my companions were killed by them!"

When the young man saw that Xu Zifan was attracted by the young man, he immediately sent out several ice arrows at Xu Zifan. The girl who was caught by Xu Zifan also had flames in both hands and wanted to burn him.

Xu Zifan twisted the girl's neck with a slight movement of his wrist, Changsheng jumped up and circled, and bounced all the ice arrows back.

The young man and the boy hurriedly dodged, and their eyes widened in shock when they saw the girl's death, "Miss! You killed the lady!"

The two attacked with all their strength. Han Siyu kept changing soil cones, obstacles, subsidences, etc. under their feet. Xu Peng tried to extract the water and blood from their bodies. It was very difficult, but it worked. The youth and the boy felt Getting weaker and weaker, thirsty.

Changsheng rushed up to fight with them. Xu Zifan and Xu Zicheng each held a Tang saber and confronted them.

The teenager stopped Han Sitong and said anxiously, "Sister, please help me tear off the talisman on my back, hurry up."

"Future?" Han Sitong immediately looked around on his back, saw something looming somewhere, tentatively grabbed it, and actually tore off a talisman.

The young man threw out the thorns and vines with both hands and rushed towards the two, and said with hatred, "I will perish with you!"

The thorn vines entangled the two, one of them froze the thorn vine, and the other burned the thorn vine. The boy's face was pale, but he still insisted on tightening the thorn vine.

Xu Zifan stabbed the young man's heart with a knife, and said to the young man, "There is no need to die together, I will help you."

As Xu Zifan said that, he let Changsheng entangle the remaining boy. When the boy saw this, he threw out the thorn vines again, rolled on the spot to avoid the fireball released by the boy, and stabbed several thorn vines into the boy's head!

The three of Tianxuanzong died, and everyone sat on the ground so tired that they couldn't stop panting. Han Siyu and Xu Peng were even more exhausted. Their pale faces were covered in sweat, leaning against each other to absorb the crystal core.

The teenager sat on the ground blankly, Han Sitong squatted in front of him and asked, "Who are these people? What is the Tianxuanzong? How did you get caught by them?"

"Tianxuanzong is a sect of self-cultivation, and I am a second-level wood-type supernatural power. They suddenly came to arrest me and killed both of my companions. I heard them in the car. How can the capable ones level up?" The boy suddenly covered his face and cried, "I killed my companion, how could they kill my companion if they weren't trying to catch me?"

Han Sitong patted him on the back and comforted: "It's not your fault, the wicked want to plunder and kill, and it's not something anyone can control. Don't take this kind of mistake on yourself, you have already avenged your comrade today. , try to put this thing down and live a good life."

When Han Sitong used to be the president of the student council, he did a lot of ideological work for people, so it was most suitable for her to help the teenagers.

After the boy calmed down, they learned from the boy's mouth that there were still cultivators in this world. In the peaceful and prosperous times, the spiritual energy of the world was lacking, the cultivators were hidden from the world, and the inheritance also had a faint meaning of decline, leaving only the four major families and one Tianxuanzong.

The four great aristocratic families are Zhao Qiansun and Li’s four surnames, and they are only passed down to their own descendants, while Tianxuanzong is a sect. It selects talented cultivators to train in the sect. It is the gathering place for almost all loose cultivators. .

The young man's name is Yang An, and he and the other members of Tianxuanzong are from the base of C City. The base has a family of cultivators, the Zhao family, and a branch of Tianxuanzong competes with the Zhao family. The Tianxuanzong branch is all cultivators, and has also recruited a lot of ability people. Although the Zhao family has few cultivators, they also recruited a lot of ability people. They are also very popular. They are supported by all ordinary people. There is a Zhao family army. , responsible for defending City C.

This time, Yang An and his companions took a task of finding something to get away from the base. I didn't expect that the task was a trap that Tianxuanzong deliberately released, just to take him back to Tianxuanzong headquarters for research.

Yang An was discouraged and said, "I can't live if I go back. When they see that I can definitely guess that something happened to their people, they will definitely ask me. Even if I don't go back, it can only be delayed for a while at most. You will find me sooner or later. Let's go, this matter is my own, don't tell anyone that you have seen me. "

Xu Zifan sat by the fire and flipped over the cooked meat on the branches of the tree, and said, "There is nothing that can't be solved. It can be delayed for as long as possible. During this time, increase the power level, find a new base or take refuge in Zhao. Home, there is always a way to live."

Xu Zicheng nodded and said, "We have a share in this matter today, we can't let you carry it alone and go together."

Yang An felt their kindness and felt a little helpless, "I-I'm afraid to drag you down..."

Xu Zifan waved his hand, "Not only will you not be a drag on us, but you can also help us a lot. I'm worried that I don't have a partner with wood-type abilities. Well, these are medicinal herbs and vegetables. We have all kinds of seeds. You can help me in the future. By giving birth to these, I no longer have to dig all over the mountains and fields."

Han Sitong smiled and said, "That's it, come on, the stew is ready, everyone has dinner. Come here, Changsheng, this pot is all yours, be careful it's hot."

Yang An moved and thanked them. Tears fell into the bowl while eating the meat. When he looked up at them, he smiled, and hope rekindled in his eyes.

The addition of Yang An really facilitated Xu Zifan's apocalyptic business path. He gave birth to many kinds of medicinal materials for Xu Zifan. , Mafei Powder, Xiaoyan Pills, Antipyretic Pills, Fenghan Granules, etc.

The formula written in the book is very clear, and everyone has never doubted Xu Zifan, only that he seems to be very talented in this area, so the medicines prepared are all very effective. It's a great thing to have medicine in the last days, and they have another thing that can save their lives.

Changsheng felt that the trap he had set up was touched by someone, and knowing that it was Yan Xiao's side that was unlucky, he also hurriedly led the crowd on a treasure hunt, pretending to lead the way.

Xu Zicheng once had an experience where he and Xu Zifan looked at each other and helped Changsheng cover it up, and drove the car in the direction that Changsheng wanted to go without a trace.

Treasure hunting snake is very magical. He must help his younger brother to cover it up so that no one else can find it.

When they approached the opportunity set up by Changsheng, they encountered a car head-on. The car stopped immediately when they saw them, and two people got off and waved at them, shouting, "Can you sell us a bottle of water and a bite to eat? Replace it with a crystal nucleus."

Yang An saw their clothes and said, "It's the mercenary group of the C city base. They should have come out to do the task."

Xu Zifan saw through the projection scanned by Shaohua that there were wounded in the other party's car bleeding, and hurriedly said, "Brother, stop and exchange with them."

Xu Zicheng parked the car not far from the other party, Xu Zifan walked over with a bottle of water and a compressed biscuit, saw the people in the car, and said, "Anyone of you is injured? I have medicine here, and the price is higher than food. Expensive, replace it with a crystal nucleus, do you want it?"

"Yes!" The other party agreed without hesitation. It's a bit far from the base, and it's too late to get back, so they drove here, trying to find a pharmacy to try their luck.

Xu Zifan gave them Zhixuesan to try out a little to prove the efficacy, and successfully sold Zhixuesan, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory pills, and earned a bag of crystal nuclei.

He returned to the car and smiled at everyone: "You don't have to take the risk of hitting the nucleus often in the future, let's go."

Their car left, and the five people in the other car discussed for a moment. They felt that this group of people was clean and had medicines. They seemed to be very powerful. They picked their heads and slowly followed them.