Boss Level Face-slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 584: [2 more] The strong counterattack of the weak chicken (13)


Xu Zicheng drove for a while, looked at the rearview mirror and squinted, "They always keep such a long distance from us. It's not like they want to go back to the base, but they want to follow us."

Changsheng looked at Xu Zifan, and not far ahead was where they were going to discover the opportunity. Xu Zifan looked back, "Brother, stop first, I'll go down and ask."

"Let's go together." Xu Zicheng put the car in the middle of the road and got out of the car first with a gun.

Xu Zifan and the others followed, lined up in a line that looked quite shocking.

The five people stopped the car in front of them, and the man who bought the medicine came down and said with a smile, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Xu Zifan asked, "What are you doing with us?"

"No, by the way." The man saw Xu Zifan and the others with no expression on their faces, neither talking nor moving. He looked at them with a gun, and put away his smile, and said, "Some of us are injured, I think you are very strong. Strong, I hope to be on the same road and return to the base safely."

Xu Zifan asked Changsheng to come to the front, and said coldly, "You have survived for so long in the last days, I believe you should know that it is very impolite to follow others without permission, and it is very likely that you will be shot. I can't help but suspect that you are fighting. The idea of medicinal herbs and food."

The man waved his hand hastily, "No, no, no, really not."

"Then don't follow us, we won't go to the base, we won't go by the way. Please." Xu Zifan raised his chin, and longevity knocked down a tree with his tail!

The sound of the big tree crashing to the ground made one's heart skip a beat. The five people looked at each other, and after discussing a few words, they drove around them and walked to the front.

Xu Zifan and the others waited until the car disappeared before driving off. The place they are going is indeed not the road to the base. After turning the corner at the fork, they saw a valley.

Xu Zifan said: "Let's go to the valley and have a look. Maybe there are suitable mutant plants to collect some seeds, so that Yang An can try to fight with mutant plants. Let's find out if there are any wild fruits, we will try to store as many as possible. Fresh food."

"Okay, if you don't tell me, I haven't found a valley here. There are so many vines blocking it. It is estimated that no one has entered. There should be a lot of things to pick. Let's go." Han Siyu pulled Han Sitong down in a good mood. The car, pierced the zombies in front of him with a soil cone.

There are quite a few zombies here. They put the car into the space, and Yang An removed the vines at the entrance of the valley to reveal the entrance, allowing everyone to enter the valley smoothly. After that, he carefully spawned a lot of vines, which densely covered the mouth of the valley.

Not long after they entered, the five people who had left earlier chased after them. They drove forward for a while through the valley and still couldn't find them, so they had to give up and go back the same way.

[Shaohua: Host, those five people left, looking to go to the C city base. 】

[Changsheng: Master, what are they going to do? Do you really want to rob our medicine and food? 】

[Xu Zifan: I don’t know, maybe it is, or maybe I just want to make friends. We have important things to do, and what they do has nothing to do with us, don't care. However, I don't like their behavior, and their personalities won't be the type I like. 】

[Changsheng: Yes, what do you want to do in a big way, what are you sneaking with us? Master, there is Lingquan Pool in front, and in the cave next to the pool is the exercise you asked me to perform. 】

Han Sitong, who was walking at the front, discovered Lingquan Pool first, and said happily: "Come and see, the water is so clean! This valley is so beautiful, and it has not been polluted by the dirty things outside."

Xu Zicheng knew that Changsheng had deliberately brought them here for a special reason. He looked around, pointed to the cave, and said, "Let's go to the cave and take a look. If it's clean, take a rest."

Xu Zicheng took the lead and walked into the cave. After adjusting to the darkness, he saw a stone platform in the center of the cave. On the stone platform were five scrolls, each emitting five colors of light. The light is faint, but especially beautiful in the darkness of the cave, instantly grabbing everyone's attention.

Han Siyu exclaimed: "God, what is this?"

Han Sitong grabbed her and said, "Be careful, don't go there first." She looked around cautiously, "Could this be related to cultivation? It's so miraculous, it's impossible to put it there for someone to take."

Yang An stared at the green scroll and said, "That scroll is particularly attractive to me. I guess it must be related to my ability."

Xu Zifan urged: "Everyone be careful, cooperate well, let's go and see."

Several people walked forward to the third step, and the land suddenly sank, leaving only a row of plum blossom piles. They immediately jumped on the piles and stood up, stabilized their emotions, jumped forward regularly from the first person, and moved forward together. Han Siyu focused on casting the ability and said, "I'll try to pave a way."

At this time, a large piece of bats suddenly flew out and came straight towards them. Han Siyu was shocked and shook, and Han Sitong hurriedly leaned over to support her. Xu Zicheng swung his sword to protect them, and Changsheng jumped from Xu Zifan's shoulder into the air, sent all the bats flying, and landed firmly on the plum blossom pile.

Several people broke out in cold sweat, stared at the surroundings, did not even dare to relax, and moved forward cautiously. Yang An wrapped dense vines between the plum blossom piles, and Han Siyu gathered thick soil on it, basically connecting the plum blossom piles that were far away, making it easier to walk.

They walked to the central stone platform, and Xu Zicheng used the tip of his knife to pick the scroll, but found that the scroll was covered by a layer of enchantment and could not be touched at all. Xu Zifan looked up and down at the stone platform and said, "Things that are cultivating must always be protected by some formation techniques. There should be something similar to formation eyes. Let's look for them."

They groped around the stone platform carefully. About ten minutes later, Han Sitong found a groove at the bottom of the stone platform. "It seems to be a keyhole or something, and it needs something of a specific shape to put it in."

"I'll come." Han Siyu said as she picked up a piece of soil and introduced it into the groove. While sensing the structure inside, she changed the shape of the clod. After the soil filled the groove, she kept adding the clod to compress it into stone. As hard as that, and then with a slight turn, the light on those scrolls disappeared!

Xu Zifan picked up a roll, "It's done! Let's see what these are."

Several people opened the scrolls and found that there was a sheepskin under the scrolls, which said that the scrolls contained the cultivation method of the five elements of heaven, and the pool of water outside was the spiritual liquid that could wash the marrow and cut the bones. Those who are destined can soak in the spiritual liquid and choose the corresponding exercises to practice. Even if they cannot practice, they can prolong their life and heal diseases and exorcise evil spirits.

Xu Peng scratched his head and said, "This seems to be cultivated by a cultivator, but I think this blue scroll is particularly attractive to me."

Han Siyu also looked at everyone suspiciously, "Me too, I feel very intimacy when I see this brown scroll, you guys say... Will it be possible for people with supernatural abilities to cultivate? Brown, blue, green... not just earth, water, Is it wood?"

Xu Zifan smiled and said, "That's easy to handle. Anyway, that spiritual liquid is good for us. We all soak in it to see if we can practice these exercises. Try it and you'll know."

"Okay, let's try."

Everyone was very happy to find something good, and carefully went out of the cave and soaked in the pool of spiritual fluid.

The spiritual fluid nourished their bodies, and each of them showed a relaxed and comfortable expression. The feeling of opening the pores all over the body, as if absorbing nutrients from the world, is simply too mysterious.

Xu Zicheng quickly felt a burning sensation, he frowned, "Do you feel anything unusual?"

"No." Xu Zifan and the others looked at each other and shook their heads, nothing unusual.

Xu Zicheng's skin suddenly changed, and from time to time it was covered with a metal sheet. He hurriedly turned around and tried to swim to the side, but when he raised his hand, a fire burst out.

Xu Zifan immediately opened the scroll in his hand, "Fire-type exercises, brother, do as I say."

Han Sitong hurriedly opened the scroll she was holding, "This one is from the gold class, Zicheng, listen to me."

Several people gathered around Xu Zicheng and looked at him nervously. Xu Zifan and Han Sitong recited the methods of Huo Linggen and Jin Linggen to absorb supernatural power. Xu Zicheng gradually calmed down in their voices. He closed his eyes and continued to absorb spiritual fluid into his body. He felt that he already had two abilities.

He opened his eyes, raised his hand and attached a layer of metal to it, flipped his palm over, and a small ball of fire appeared in his palm.

Han Sitong said happily: "You have fire-type and gold-type abilities?! That's great!"

Han Siyu, Xu Peng, and Yang An all smiled and congratulated him. Xu Zifan held his other hand and said, "Brother, this time I really found a treasure. You must cultivate with your heart."

"Yeah." Xu Zicheng nodded heavily, only he knew that this place was specially found by Changsheng to lead them here. Xu Zifan must have long known that there are treasures in this place, just to improve his strength, of course he will not disappoint his younger brother.

At present, only Xu Zifan and Han Sitong in their entire team have no abilities, but they can clearly feel that their physical fitness is getting stronger, and they are not bad compared to the legendary soldier king.

A few people soaked in the spiritual fluid for seven days. In the past seven days, they practiced the exercises in the scroll, and found that the ability can be improved without absorbing the crystal core. And they soaked in the spiritual liquid, like having countless high-level crystal nuclei, and the speed of cultivation was extremely fast.

Xu Zifan and Changsheng also soaked in the spiritual liquid pool, but they did not absorb the spiritual liquid, but watched the situation within a radius of two kilometers through the virtual screen, and Yan Xiao and the others were among them.

According to the plot described here, Yan Xiao insisted not to take the road closest to the C city base, and insisted on taking a detour. This made other teammates who had just experienced the death of their companions several times very dissatisfied, but they all endured and did not say anything, and admitted Yan Xiao. This boss.

Yan Xiao found the opportunity to cultivate the practice, and was unwilling to share the practice with others. He found an excuse to let them rest, and secretly entered the cave by himself. Who knew that there were several traps in the cave. Yan Xiao escaped the first one, but not the second one, which alarmed the others. They helped Yan Xiao get through the traps together, but they all questioned why he went alone. cave

When everyone discovered the "Cultivation Technique", their suspicions about Yan Xiao reached a peak. Xu Zifan said that Yan Xiao grabbed his teammates to block the gun, and Xu Zicheng said that Yan Xiao deliberately released zombies to harm him. In the minds of several people, Yan Xiao could no longer be trusted.

Yan Xiao managed to appease them and shared the "Cultivation Technique" with them, but he didn't expect that after studying for a few days and nights, he found that it was just a Buddhist scripture!