Boss Level Face-slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 590: [2 more] The strong counterattack of the weak chicken (19)


It is common to exchange things in the apocalypse, and the mercenary commune at the base can also exchange for supplies and medicines. But everything is terribly expensive, and some have expired. How can Xu Zifan's fresh prey be good? Besides, those medicines are not as effective as those prepared by Xu Zifan. In the end times, time is life, and Xu Zifan's business started all of a sudden.

Tianxuanzong was busy looking for the head daughter and had no time to take care of Xu Zifan's affairs. Because of the relationship between Zhao Meiyun and Yuan Jun, the Zhao family always had a heart for Xu Zifan and the others, so let's wait and see. Who knows that this wait and see can not be controlled.

Xu Zifan's medicine was so good that fruit trees and vegetables were planted in the backyard of their villa. Although the price is high, the ones produced every day can be sold out, and the crystal cores enter the villa in batches. Eye-catching.

Half a month after they did business, there were successive power users who wanted to sneak into their villa to steal and rob. Some fell into the trap of the wall, some were firmly bound by mutant plants, and some were trapped in an invisible maze and couldn't get out. .

There is also a mercenary group, because of the large number of people, more than 20 people bought medicines and refused to pay. While Xu Zifan and the others went out to search for supplies, they insisted that Han Sitong give them a 50% discount. They have a third-level ability user, seven or eight second-level ability users, and a dozen first-level ability users, which is very scary. At that time, other customers beside him persuaded Han Sitong to endure it.

Han Sitong just smiled softly, drew his guns with both hands and quickly retreated into the room, knocking down ten people with a few shots. The third-level ability user became angry and attacked Han Sitong with a fireball, but was shocked to find that the fireball hit the villa door and went out, and then a signal smoke appeared above the villa. The man bit off a leg!

There is no law in the base, and no one is upholding justice for the dead and injured in the fight. The ability user is already at a loss, so naturally it can only be ignored.

After this incident, no one dared to make trouble in this villa, let alone attack them. All customers have become their wallets. They practice their abilities while making medicines and collecting materials, and then absorb training when they transfer to the crystal core. Because of their superior cultivation techniques, their cultivation speed is much faster than others, and they can also cultivate through the spiritual energy in the heaven and earth. Coupled with the steady stream of crystal nuclei, a few people reached the fifth level in less than two months.

No one bothered them anymore. After negotiating with Xu Zicheng, Xu Zifan and Xu Zicheng bought the villa and a large piece of land around the villa. Let Han Siyu build an earthen shed on the left and right of the villa, allowing anyone to set up a stall and sell things in it. In the earthen shed, no hands, no forced buying, no forced selling, and no robbery are allowed. This is the discipline to protect the stall owner. Some stall owners even take their children to eat the food directly in the earthen shed, because no one dares to grab it here, and it is not certain to go out.

The hut is particularly safe, and it has gradually become the base's business center. The original market is no longer crowded. This is equivalent to Xu Zifan and the others controlling the economy of the base, and their strong rise is a tripartite confrontation with the Tianxuanzong and the Zhao family. Even because several of them have upgraded their various abilities to level five, they have faintly overwhelmed Tianxuanzong and the Zhao family, and many ability users are willing to rely on them.

As originally planned, Xu Zifan hired these powers as a private army, and let them kill zombies to collect crystal cores, search for supplies, and exchange for generous rewards.

The Zhao family felt uneasy, Zhao Meiyun’s cousin Zhao Zhe brought her to the villa as a guest, chatted for a while, and was testing Xu Zifan inside and out, implying that if Xu Zifan joined forces with the Zhao family, the benefits would be shared in the future.

Xu Zifan smiled humbly and said: "We don't have to stay here. If we are uncomfortable, we can go to other bases, or build a base ourselves. Even if we get along well with many people here, they are also used to buying My medicines and supplies, if we leave, I wonder if they are willing to go with us?"

Zhao Zhe's heart froze, Xu Zifan's medicine is indeed irreplaceable, and the fresh prey hunted by Shaohua and Changsheng and the fresh fruits and vegetables they grow are also the only one. If they leave here and build another base, there will definitely be many people willing to Follow along!

At that time, what is the use of a base that is not strong enough? Even if the Zhao family is dominant, there is only one dead end.

The end of the world is to a large extent respected by the strong. The strongest of the Zhao family is only the peak of the fourth level, and it is still one step away from the fifth level. But Xu Zifan and the others were all level 5, and they couldn't afford it, so the Zhao family could only compromise, and acquiesced to the marriage of Zhao Meiyun and Yuan Jun.

Xu Zifan and the others were too noisy, and Tianxuanzong, who had been unable to find the head daughter, turned his attention to them. When examining their origins, they finally found Yang An and Tan Fei.

At the beginning, several people in the head daughter caught Yang An and wanted to go back to the headquarters. They disappeared without a trace, but Yang An followed Xu Zifan back to the base, safe and sound, and his abilities were improved. You don't need to guess what happened. No wonder Yang An always wears hooded glasses and rarely shows up. It turns out that he is afraid that they will investigate.

The head scolded the head of the branch on the satellite phone, and the head of the branch was also angry. Who would have thought that Yang An had risen from the second level to the fourth level and then the fifth level in such a short period of time? Who else would suspect him

The head has a high level of cultivation. After knowing about Xu Zifan and the others, he decided to bring someone to avenge his daughter in person.

Zhao Meiyun's contract pigeons have been upgraded after several months of feeding the crystal nucleus. They are very humane and can call other pigeons to do things for them. So Zhao Meiyun let these pigeons fall naturally inside and outside the base, acting as spies and messengers.

Her pigeon heard the phone call of Tianxuanzong elder clearly, Zhao Meiyun knew the general information through the contract pigeon, and hurriedly told Xu Zifan and them.

Xu Zifan called everyone to a meeting, "I hid from Tianxuanzong before because we were not strong enough to avoid damage. Now that Tianxuanzong has discovered us, we must be prepared. Fortunately, our strength has become a lot stronger, right The head of Emperor Xuanzong also has the power to fight."

Xu Zicheng frowned and said: "The headquarters of Tianxuanzong is some distance away from here. They won't come so quickly. We might as well take down the Tianxuanzong branch first and take control of the base first."

Han Sitong nodded, "I agree. In fact, we set up rules in the business center, which conflicted with the original business model of this base, but everyone is gradually accepting the rules we made. I think... We should take this opportunity to truly become a base. Those in power, unanimously to the outside world, block Tianxuanzong directly outside."

"I agree too." Zhao Meiyun said firmly, "My uncle and the others are selfish, no matter whether ordinary people live or die, if they are allowed to take power, it will be messy, and it will become more and more messy. During this time, the business center was the calmest place in the base. I hope this kind of calm can expand to the entire base, so that people here can really settle down. And... I suspect that my uncle has a private research room, studying zombies, and wants to control zombies to make killing machines. I hope to stop it them."

Xu Zifan tapped his fingers on the table and finally decided: "We must get the base, Tianxuanzong is now preparing for the war, but they don't know that we have received the news. We will start tonight and beat him. I was caught off guard. I will take Changsheng to catch the elders, and you should target a few high-level ability users, and the rest will be easy to deal with."

Several people discussed for a while and made a careful plan. At 3:00 in the morning, their group quietly sneaked into Tianxuanzong. Tan Fei walked in the front and destroyed the formation of Tianxuanzong. Xu Zifan asked Shaohua to scan the situation of Tianxuanzong's branch, and deployed people to different directions to act quickly.

The elder was meditating and practicing. The moment Xu Zifan broke through the door, he opened his eyes, but he was fast, and Changsheng was faster. In the blink of an eye, he was firmly entangled by Changsheng, unable to move.

Xu Zifan squatted in front of him and looked at him for a moment, "You were on the phone and suggested that the head of Tianxuanzong should burn us alive? You are very good at coming up with ideas."

"Umuuu-" The elder was terrified and struggled.

Xu Zifan raised his hand to look at his palm, smiled and said, "I don't know if the wicked would dare to do evil again if they lost their cultivation."

He slapped the elder's belly with his palm, and the elder suddenly widened his eyes, his hair visibly whitened, and his skin wrinkled. His dantian was broken and his cultivation was ruined! The body that was not nourished by spiritual power immediately turned into what it should have been at his age, aged.

Xu Zifan nodded with satisfaction, and said to Changsheng, "Take it back and keep it in the basement of the backyard."

Changsheng rolled the elder away quickly, and Xu Zifan went to other places to help. Those of his companions now need strength and experience, and it is not difficult to raid some people whose cultivation base is lower than his own. In just twenty minutes, none of the entire Tianxuanzong branch escaped, and they were all caught.

Xu Zifan abolished the cultivation of a few cultivators and locked them in the basement, while the rest of the cultivators were tied with metal chains by Xu Zicheng and locked in the Tianxuanzong branch together.

The Zhao family came in a hurry when they heard the movement, and their side was over. The Zhao family knew that the situation was over, and seeing that Zhao Meiyun was doing well, they should not embarrass the Zhao family, so they bowed their heads very consciously and recognized Xu Zifan as the leader of the base.

Zhao Zhe stepped forward and asked, "Xu Shao, after dawn, do you want to inform some powerful abilities to hold a meeting together and introduce your new identity?"

Xu Zifan glanced at the sky and shook his head, "No need, there's no time."

Zhao Zhe said uneasy: "Is something big going to happen?"

"Yeah, the head of Tianxuanzong personally brought people to seek revenge for us, and I'm afraid it will arrive tomorrow."

Zhao Zhe's eyes widened, "Head of Tianxuanzong? How dare you offend him? You, you are asking for a dead end."

Xu Zifan looked down at him, "If the Zhao family is afraid of being implicated, they can leave overnight. If they stay, they will obey my orders in the future, and there must be no disagreement. Otherwise, today's Tianxuan Sect will be the end of the Zhao family."

Zhao Zhe was shocked and didn't dare to say more, and hurried back to Zhao's house to discuss with his family.

Xu Zifan stood on the city wall and looked into the distance, thinking about whether to set up a formation to avoid hurting innocent people. Xu Zicheng looked up at him on the ground with a relieved smile. The younger brother has become the overlord of a party, and there is nothing that makes him happier than this. Tianxuanzong wants to destroy this happiness, he will never allow it.