Boss Level Face-slapping Specialist [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 77: Master Chief Educated Youth 8


Several people were talking when President Liu came over, looked at them and said with a smile, "So lively? What are you talking about?"

Yang Yongqing and the two captains stood up straight, and one of the captains said first: "Mr. Liu, early! Our brigade has finished the harvest, and this year has achieved a bumper harvest. I'm here to bring you good news! This does not meet Captain Yang and Captain Feng and Captain Yang's son-in-law are also here, just chatting a little."

Captain Feng was unwilling to be left behind and said with a smile: "President Liu, our team has also had a good harvest. This year, we have overfulfilled our tasks and the results are very impressive. I have to report to you." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Yang Yongqing and said with a smile, "Yang Captain, how is your team's harvest? It must be a bumper harvest, right?"

Yang Yongqing guessed that they were exaggerating the truth a little, to please President Liu, but the harvest was all that was harvested in the village, wouldn't it make the villagers starve? He hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth, "President Liu, our team's harvest is similar to last year's."

When President Liu heard this, he frowned, waved his hand and said, "Come in and tell me, this is your son-in-law? What are you holding in your hand? Why did you come here with a big bag? Let others see what you think?"

Yang Yongqing hurriedly said: "President Liu, this is a way my son-in-law thinks about cooking, and I want to see if there is a way out."

A few people followed into the office, and Captain Feng said with a smile: "Captain Yang, I'd better take it back when I look at it, don't delay President Liu's office time. We are discussing the development of the commune, not thinking about snacks, you stay. I'll go to the state-run hotel and ask, maybe the master is interested?"

Another captain also smiled and said, "The master of the state-run restaurant has a high vision, but he doesn't sell snacks. It's good for a young man to have an idea, but he takes it for granted. Take it back to your daughter-in-law to eat."

President Liu lost interest when he heard that it was snacks. It was worthless. He glanced at Xu Zifan and smiled gently: "You are an educated youth who came down this year, right? It's good to be motivated. Don't be discouraged if you fail this time. Keep working hard in the future.”

Xu Zifan answered in a timely manner: "Thank you President Liu for your encouragement. I'm not thinking about it blindly, but based on the capital I grew up in and what I've seen and heard along the way. Isn't this the fact that our brigade's harvest hasn't grown much? My dad is here for this. I can’t sleep at home every day because of my worries. I feel that I’m holding back the commune, and I feel very guilty. As a son-in-law, I can’t watch my dad feel uncomfortable, so I want to help me with an idea. Otherwise, our brigade will have a mediocre harvest every year. Even if we report it, our face will be dull, then we will become sinners!”

Yang Yongqing looked directly at him from the side, so worried that he couldn't sleep? Guilt? When did it happen? Why doesn't he know

President Liu listened comfortably, "It's good that you know my difficulties. I'm also for the whole commune, but what I want is food, snacks and snacks are not enough. You still have to find a way to mobilize the masses. There’s not much work to do, and it’s okay for Maodong to eat less at home, and the food is handed over to other brigades.”

Yang Yongqing was anxious when he heard it. He was about to say something when he saw Xu Zifan winking at him, so he was silent for a while, but his heart was tumbling fiercely.

Xu Zifan smiled and put the things he brought on the coffee table next to him, and said with a smile, "President Liu, as an educated youth, I jumped in the queue to our commune to study hard and serve the country. It's been a few months and it's not fruitful. I'm deeply impressed. I'm ashamed, I originally wanted to write a review, but I thought it was not as affordable as the real thing, so I figured out this way. President Liu, please listen to me, I'm confident, as long as you give your order, I will definitely make it Our brigade's properties are nationally known."

President Liu was already impatient, but now he was interested in hearing him say "nationally famous", and asked curiously: "Oh? What is so powerful that the whole country can know it? Tell me about it."

The other two captains already knew what he was holding, so they stepped aside and gave Yang Yongqing a gloating look. There is competition among their various captains. If they do well, they may be promoted to officials in the commune. Seeing that Yang Yongqing has made these useless, they are naturally happy.

Xu Zifan opened the items one by one. The smell of canned fish was the heaviest. Everyone smelled it and went to the coffee table to look carefully. Xu Zifan introduced them to them one by one, and talked about the convenience and benefits of various things, mainly emphasizing that these things are low-cost and can be used rationally. Once they are done, they will be the only one in the country, and let them taste it.

Canned fish and canned wild fruits are really special and taste very good, as well as dried sand fruits, which are chewy. Xu Zifan soaked them all with hawthorn water. When there is no tea, drinking hawthorn water is better than plain water and cheaper than sugar water, which is good.

But President Liu still shook his head, "Now the whole country is trying to find ways to fill their stomachs, the demand for this kind of thing is too small, and it is basically impossible to sell it to other places. Moreover, manpower and material resources must be considered, these are all costs. Really If you want to do it, maybe not only will it not be famous all over the country, but it will become a big joke."

Xu Zifan said with a smile: "President Liu said that I didn't think about it. In the end, it was President Liu who had a lot of experience. He immediately saw the key to the problem. It is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to learn from President Liu today."

President Liu laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "The young man is very smart and has a very active mind. If you have the opportunity to come out with your father-in-law to see and learn more, there will still be many opportunities to serve the country in the future."

Xu Zifan nodded and said again: "President Liu, there are three factories in our county. I heard that it is very difficult for them to distribute welfare or food distribution to the workers every year. You see, I use oil and sugar for the canned food. Good things are made with good taste, and they are expensive enough. If the welfare is given to workers, it is quite decent, isn't it? If you can exchange something with the factory, the people in our village can also have a happy New Year, so that they can let them out Everyone is happy with food. I think my approach is the best of both worlds, what do you think?"

Before President Liu could understand, he continued: "There are also residents in the county who don't farm the land, they all get food, coal, oil, etc. based on their household registration. I heard that some people are reluctant to use it when they get it back. , it was all wasted in the end. The last time I came to the county, I saw an old lady crying and saying that the eggs at home were not willing to eat, they were all stinky. I think, if our brigade processes the food and exchanges with them, then we will The people in the village also gain something, and they can store the processed food for a while longer, reducing waste, what do you think?"

"President Liu, we have mobilized all the materials in the county and the brigade in this way, circulated them, and flowed useful things into the hands of those who need them, without wasting any materials. In this way, not only will the lives of the residents be improved, but our The total output value will also increase. If you do it well, you can teach it to other communes, and even communes in various parts of the country. You said, won't we be famous all over the country by then? Maybe the leaders will praise you! Even if the worst fails, the villagers of our brigade will only be busy working in vain, and it will be regarded as a punishment for not increasing the harvest, what do you think?"

President Liu was a little dizzy at what he said, but seeing Xu Zifan looking at him with such adoring and trusting eyes, waiting for him to point out, he raised his hands inexplicably, nodded and said, "Well, you're right. ."

Xu Zifan glanced at the two captains next to him, and said, "Actually, this is just a little idea of mine. I suddenly thought of another thing, which is my dad's prestige in the team. Or I am too young to be thoughtful. If this thing is not done well, everyone is busy working in vain, so they have to blame my father? It will be bad if it affects my father at that time, or, or... "

"What's the impact, I think what you said is very good!" Captain Feng interrupted him, his eyes brightened and said, "Your father's prestige is good, he can't handle such a trivial matter? President Liu, I think this young man has an idea. Yes, it is worth a try. If it does, our commune will have another thing that can be done in the future."

Another captain also laughed and said: "President Liu, young people's ideas are trendy, but it has to be said that there are merits. Isn't the state assigning them here to let us train them? I think Xu Zhiqing is very If you are motivated, should we support it? If Xu Zhiqing gets things done, then it will be a great honor for our commune to cultivate such an excellent educated youth. Besides, there is nothing to do in the team at the moment, everyone. If you are idle, you are idle, and if you try, it doesn't matter if you fail."

If they fail, it has nothing to do with them. Yang Yongqing estimates that he will lose the people's hearts, and maybe there will be troubles. When Yang Yongqing goes down, no matter who comes up, he will be a newcomer, and he will definitely not be able to compete with them. Besides, they also saw that Xu Zifan was a brainless man. If he refused this time, he might come up with a better idea next time, and he might really help Yang Yongqing to make a contribution. It's better to let them use this food and toss. .

The three major factories in Renjia County are so easy to change things? At that time, the toss and bounds, and the bamboo basket is empty, will only make the Dongfanghong brigade in Xihe Village a joke.

President Liu is not as narrow-minded as theirs. After all, he is also a president and handles a lot of things every day. He thought that what Xu Zifan said made sense. If the materials in the whole county were used, wouldn't it be equivalent to collective redistribution? This is also a response to the national call. And if all the things in the mountains and rivers are taken out to be produced on their side, it will indeed be more abundant than just producing grain!

What's more, just like the two captains thought, failure has nothing to do with him. The Dongfanghong brigade feels guilty because of the mediocre grain harvest, and volunteered to increase production. No matter what the increase is, success is his achievement, failure. It's just a team working in vain. It does not affect him, nor does it harm the interests of the commune. This is considered a white wolf with empty gloves, why not do it

After seeing the possibility of success, President Liu's heart was full of life. He was just trying to make some achievements to compare with the presidents of other communes. There is no other way now. It would be good to have Xu Zifan try this trick.

So President Liu thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "I have to think about this matter. You should report the situation of the teams' robberies first, and we will talk about this later."