Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 1001: People are as big as little devils


When he arrived at the door of the bedroom, Mo Yichen stopped. He put one hand on Xiangyan's back, stretched out his other hand, and knocked on the door.

There was a sound from inside the door.

"Come in… "

So, Mo Yichen pushed the door open and went in. Gu Yan was sitting by the bed, looking at him. When she saw Xiangyan was there, she looked at Xiangyan.

Xiangyan ran over at this moment and came to Gu Yan, shouting.

"Mother… "

Seeing this, Gu Yan reached out to hug the child.

Mo Yichen watched this scene, his heart moved, and he told her as he walked towards her.

"My mother, I have already told her, and she now knows that we have obtained the certificate. Gu Yan, my mother may not be used to it yet. You give her some time first. When she gets used to it, she will accept it. is you… "

Hearing this, Gu Yan turned around and looked.

Looking at him, she didn't know what to say and just remained silent.

After Mo Yichen arrived, he sat down next to her and said.

"In the final analysis, this matter is still my fault. I failed to adjust your relationship properly. So, Gu Yan, I hope you don't blame my mother. She is still a good person at heart, not as bad as she seems on the surface..."

Seeing this, Gu Yan was a little helpless.

She sighed softly, then leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder, answering in a muffled voice.

"Well, I understand, I didn't blame her..."

Although she had had many conflicts with Li Yunhong in the past, Gu Yan knew in her heart that it was basically impossible for her and Li Yunhong to be as close as mother and daughter.

But Li Yunhong is Mo Yichen's mother after all, and it is impossible for him to sever this relationship.

Therefore, she didn't want to accept Li Yunhong, so she could only accept it forcefully.

She only hoped that after the two of them put aside their conflicts, they could stop interacting with each other and see each other during the holidays. For just a few days, she could still accept it. As long as they no longer lived together, it didn't matter.

At this time, Mo Yichen also looked at Xiangyan.

Although her mother didn't like Gu Yan, she didn't dislike Xiangyan.

So, Mo Yichen said to Xiangyan.

"Xiangyan, go and coax grandma. Grandma is unhappy now. Go and coax her so that she won't be angry again..."

Seeing this, Xiangyan looked at his father blankly. He thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay, I'll go right away..."

With that said, Xiangyan ran towards the door. When Xiangyan came to the door, he twisted the door and went out, and carefully closed it again for the two of them.

Suddenly, after Xiangyan left, there were only two people left here.

Mo Yichen looked away, and he looked at Gu Yan. She also looked away at this moment, and then looked at him, just meeting his gaze.

The two looked at each other quietly. At that moment, the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Looking at her, Mo Yichen said after looking at each other for a long time.

"This is so happy, Gu Yan, I feel so happy..."

Seeing this, Gu Yan just smiled lightly and didn't say much. She just nuzzled his neck like a kitten.

Xiangyan came to Li Yunhong's bedroom door and knocked politely.

"Grandma, grandma..."

Li Yunhong was sitting angrily by the bed. When she heard her grandson's cry, Li Yunhong was startled and immediately stood up from the bed. She walked towards the wooden door.

Arriving at the door, just in time, Xiangyan opened the door. Li Yunhong's hand was stretched out in the air, still a little away from the doorknob.

After Xiangyan pushed the door open, he looked at Li Yunhong and shouted softly.


Seeing this, Li Yunhong felt a little soft-hearted and asked.

"How did you come?"

With that said, she reached out to touch Xiangyan's head, then walked in with Xiangyan and closed the door smoothly.

When Li Yunhong walked towards the bed with Xiangyan, she looked down at Xiangyan and asked.

"Why are you here? Huh? Little guy..."

Seeing this, Xiangyan looked up and looked at Li Yunhong to answer.

"Dad asked me to come. He asked me to persuade grandma, grandma, please don't be angry, okay? Why don't you like my mother? My mother is such a nice person. Grandma, why don't you like my mother?"

After saying that, he came to the bedside, where Xiangyan stood, and Xiangyan shook Li Yunhong's hand.

Looking at the good grandson in front of him, Li Yunhong felt helpless.

She had no problem with Xiangyan, but Gu Yan... she really couldn't accept that woman.

Li Yunhong sat down by the bed. She put her hands on Xiangyan's shoulders. She looked at Xiangyan and pursed her lower lip silently, pretending to be thinking seriously.

Then, she spoke.

"Hmm... Xiangyan, it's not that grandma doesn't like you. Mom, it's just that we had some conflicts in the past that can't be resolved now. Do you understand what grandma means?"

Opposite him, Xiangyan shook his head innocently.

Seeing that Xiangyan didn't understand, Li Yunhong sighed helplessly.

She moved her eyes to the side, thought for a moment, then looked at Xiangyan and said.

"I know you were called here by your father. Xiangyan, let's not talk about that, okay? Let's play something else. Xiangyan, why don't you tell me, what do you want to buy recently? Grandma will give it to you. purchase… "

However, Xiangyan, this kid, is really a little kid.

If it were any other child, he would have been taken there smoothly, but Xiangyan would not.

Xiangyan seemed to know the purpose of coming here, but Xiangyan refused and shook his head.

"No, grandma, dad asked me to convince you. Grandma, can you accept my mother? My mother is really nice. Since grandma can like me, why can't she like my mother? Grandma, you like me How are you, mom?"

As he said that, Xiangyan grabbed Li Yunhong's hand and started shaking it.

Li Yunhong was shaken helplessly by the loud words. She felt helpless in her heart. Apart from being tired, she felt nothing else.

Mo Yichen was smart enough to know that Xiangyan was her weakness, so he actually sent Xiangyan to persuade her.

However, when it came to asking her to accept Gu Yan, Li Yunhong thought about it. She felt that she really couldn't do it. She felt embarrassed every time she looked at her. The two of them had such a big conflict before.

However, she didn't agree, so Xiangyan kept shaking her hand and pleading.

"Grandma, grandma, can you promise me?"

Seeing this, Li Yunhong was quite speechless, and she couldn't help but criticize the child.

"Hey, I said you are a brat, why are you so unwilling to listen to advice? I can like you, and I can also like your father, but I just can't like you. Mom, stop trying to persuade me and go back..."

With that said, Li Yunhong withdrew her hand.

She reached out and pushed Xiangyan, trying to push Xiangyan out and let Xiangyan walk towards the door by himself.

After Xiangyan saw that it finally didn't work, he gave in and signaled.

"Okay, I won't talk about mom anymore. Grandma, can you play with me? I want grandma to play with me..."

No matter what, I can't put any more burden on my mother, this is what Xiangyan thinks.

Only if Li Yunhong likes her more, what she says in front of Li Yunhong will become more important.

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