Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 103: The Wen family is in crisis


hotel room

After several lingering moments, the young woman cuddled up against the man's chest. The woman's beautiful face was rosy and her eyes were blurred, making it obvious at a glance what had just happened to them.

The young woman slowly touched the man's chest and asked him in a coquettish voice: "Feng, when are you going to marry me?"

It has been two years. Although she knew that Wen Yunfeng had had many women in the past two years, he still came to stay with her every now and then. He never told her about breaking up. This made her know that he had her in his heart, and she and him They have been together for two years. Since he can't live without her and she is no longer young, that's why she dared to ask him to marry her tonight. Although she was the first to ask him to marry her, he shouldn't refuse her. After all, they The two Yemeni families are in perfect harmony.

"Marry you?" Wen Yunfeng's voice was very hoarse. Why would she make this request? Did he do anything to make her misunderstand

"Yes, it's been so long. Don't you want to marry me? Huh?" The young woman looked shy.

"Don't you know I have a wife?" He asked knowingly. He didn't like women trying to be smart.

"You can also get divorced, I don't mind." It's normal for people to get divorced and get married again nowadays.

"But, I mind." After saying that, Wen Yunfeng lifted the quilt, picked up the clothes beside the bed, and put them on.

"Feng, I..." The young woman saw that Wen Yunfeng wanted to leave, so she was anxious and wanted to speak to keep him.

"You have a good rest, I'm leaving." Wen Yunfeng picked up his coat and walked towards the door.

The woman was anxious for a moment and put her two tender white arms around Wen Yunfeng's waist.

"Feng, don't leave."

Wen Yunfeng's face looked very ugly. He pulled the woman's arm away with his hand and walked out of the room without hesitation.

Seeing the door closed, the young woman punched the bed angrily and let out a "hum", very unwillingly. She knew that the relationship between her and him was over.

After walking out of the hotel, Wen Yunfeng looked sarcastic. Sure enough, women are all bitches.

He walked to the parking lot, got into his car, opened the window halfway, picked up a cigarette, lit it, and started smoking.

marry? These two words are taboo for him. That position was once reserved for the woman he loved most, but then everything changed.

It's been two years, he's been married for two years. He has a wife, so what

Wen Yunfeng took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke.

In fact, he never thought about divorce. Even if Gu Yan, a bitch, betrayed him, when he was on the verge of bankruptcy, he thought she would be by his side. He thought that at least he still had her.

What he never expected was that Gu Yan, the woman he had cared for since childhood, would betray him. If someone hadn't told him, he wouldn't have even known that Gu Yan had hooked up with another man and even had a child. .

He grew up with her and has always been deeply in love with her. Although they were childhood sweethearts, Wen Yunfeng never crossed that boundary because the love between them was so beautiful and innocent. Before they got married, he was unwilling to tarnish such beauty. He also always thought that she would bring her best love to her. Good things for him on his wedding night. He didn't know, when did people change

He was angry, it turned out that women were so mean, and their childhood sweetheart relationship could not withstand the ravages of reality. Fortunately, his company was up and running again later, and Gu Yan, a shameless woman, saw that he was rich and ran back to pretend that nothing happened.

In the past two years, he had been entangled with many women as if he was taking revenge on her, and he even felt a sense of pleasure when he saw her sad.

The more she pretended to be pitiful in front of him, the more he wanted to destroy her, for two years, two whole years.

He knew that the wound in his heart would not solidify, and the existence of that woman Gu Yan was just adding salt to his wound over and over again.

She wants a divorce. It was like a dream, he wanted to torture her, he wanted her to beg him without dignity.

Thinking of this, Wen Yunfeng threw the cigarette butt angrily on the ground, drove away in Juechen.

A few days later, Wen's senior conference room

After receiving the notice from his subordinates, Wen Yunfeng hurried to the company to hold an emergency meeting.

"What's going on? Why did this happen?" Wen Yunfeng asked these senior cadres.

"President, I received a notice from Mo Group today, saying that there was a quality problem with the materials delivered this month. They refused to accept the goods, returned all the materials, and asked us for explanations and solutions." One of the senior cadres said The question was repeated again.

"How could there be a problem? Our suppliers have been carefully selected and there have been no problems with our cooperation." The purchasing manager had great doubts about this. He didn't understand why there was a problem

"Yes, we conduct regular random inspections of incoming goods from suppliers. The results of the random inspections also meet the standards and there are no problems." The manager of the quality inspection department was also very surprised. Their department was not idle and had nothing to do. They arrived all day I'm going to do a test tonight, okay

"Then what exactly is the problem?" The manager of the administrative department is even more confused as to why

"Is it possible that Mo Group is deliberately making things difficult?" the manager of the receiving department asked an inexplicable question.

"No way, how could such a big company do such a thing? And our cooperation with Mo Group has never had any problems?" The sales manager disagreed.

"It's a pity that all the materials in this batch of ours have been delivered to the supplier, otherwise we can still find out what the problem is with the crying materials." The manager of the dispatching department said regretfully.

"Did Mo Group say there was something wrong with the materials?" the manager of the quality inspection department asked.

"They said that all the delivered materials were oxidized and could no longer be used, and they asked us to provide a solution." The general manager finally spoke the first sentence in the meeting.

"How is this possible? How can so many materials be oxidized? Did the quality inspection department not check carefully?" The transportation manager wanted to throw the question to the quality inspection department.

"Who said our Quality Inspection Department didn't do a good inspection, and it's because the logistics department had transportation problems?" The manager of the Quality Inspection Department knew that they would target the Quality Inspection Department, and he was the first to express his dissatisfaction.

"Nonsense, what does our logistics department have to do with it? Who knows if there is a problem with the materials before loading." The manager of the transportation department did not expect that the manager of the quality inspection department would dare to say this. Their transportation is the last process. Who knew there were problems before? No problem. If you want to rely on their department, no way, huh.