Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy

Chapter 35: One is sad and the other is distraught


Mo Yichen ate quickly. It seemed that such a table could not accommodate him. He ate the meal so simply without saying a word.

Chen Qian looked embarrassed. She felt that her status here was not as high as that of the aunt who cooked here. After all, this was her home. She looked at Mo Yichen from time to time, wondering why Brother Yichen was like this. Reject yourself so simply.

Thinking of this, Chen Qian's eyes were spinning, but she still held it back. She had always been a young lady who refused to admit defeat and would not accept defeat in other people's homes. That would be a great disservice to her father.

"I've finished eating. Please take your time. I'll go upstairs to stay with you for a while and take a nap. If you have nothing to do, don't call me. I have a very important meeting to hold in the afternoon." Then Mo Yichen didn't even look up. Chen Qian went upstairs at a glance.

At this time, when Mo Yichen went upstairs, Chen Qian couldn't sit still and couldn't help but shed tears.

Li Yunhong saw that there was no other solution, so she decided to go up to Mo Yichen and talk about it. What should we do

"Chen Qian, don't cry. Auntie will ask Yichen to come down and apologize to you. Okay, don't cry."

"It's okay, aunt, Brother Yichen. He can't accept me yet, so I will slowly let him accept me. I will work hard to become the best and be worthy of Brother Yichen." Chen Qian exerted her strength Li Yunhong felt distressed when she squeezed her tears.

"Auntie, go now!" Li Yunhong angrily came to the room where Xiangyan was sleeping and pulled Mo Yichen up, almost waking up Xiangyan.

"Hurry up and get down here. If you wake up my grandson, I'll let you look good."

"What are you doing? Mom, I'm sleeping!"

"Who are you trying to fool? I'm your mother, don't you know? You haven't liked taking naps since you were a child. Get up. I don't care whether you like Chen Qian or not. Anyway, she is sad now. Please comfort me as soon as possible. Come on!" Then, Mo Yichen had no choice but to go downstairs.

Chen Qian heard some movement above and pretended to cry quietly again. When she saw Mo Yichen coming down, she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Hurry up, they're waiting!" Li Yunhong pulled Mo Yichen down.

"I know, okay! Can you please stop pulling on my clothespin? This is the new model I just bought." Mo Yichen hated his mother forcibly making him do things he didn't like, so he was very disgusted. Only then did he move out on his own when he became independent.

"Chen Qian! I called Yichen over. Let's have a nice chat." Li Yunhong asked the servants on the side to go away and went upstairs to read the news.

There were only two of them left in the living room, and the atmosphere was very strange. This must be the first time in so many years that the two of them have been alone together like this.

Chen Qian still looked pitiful.

"You..." Mo Yichen originally wanted to ask her, do you need tissues? It seems that there is no need for it now, because Mo Yichen hates it when the other party beats him before he has finished speaking.

"Okay! Stop talking, I'm fine." Chen Qian made Mo Yichen a little bit unable to sit still. In fact, Chen Qian really wanted Mo Yichen to say a word, even a reluctant apology would be enough, but She decided to go against the trend.

"I just wanted to say that now that my mother is gone, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful. You did it. You are very good. You have successfully won my mother's pity." Mo Yichen doesn't need to use a curse word when training people. You're ashamed of yourself, that's what smart people do.

"How annoying do I make you? Yichen." Chen Qian felt that because of him, she had done many things that she did not dare to try.

"Okay! You're still acting coy. Don't I understand you yet?"

"Yichen, but I really like you. You should know this. Everything I do is for you." Chen Qian hugged Mo Yichen's waist from behind, which made Mo Yichen I felt a little dizzy because the perfume on her body was so strong.

"Okay, Chen Qian, I just think of you as my sister. I have never thought of you as my wife. I don't want us to become brothers and sisters in the future." Mo Yichen couldn't explain to this woman Chen Qian clear.

"But when we were very young, you said you would marry me, didn't you?" Chen Qian's tears flowed down.

"That was just a joke we made when we were kids. I hope you don't take it seriously." Mo Yichen pushed Chen Qian away and wanted to leave here directly.

"But what if I take it seriously?" Chen Qian hoped that she could retain Mo Yichen.

"I'm sorry if I have misunderstood you. I hope you don't mind. I will try my best to make it up to you, but you want me to marry someone I don't like as my wife. I can't do that." Then. Mo Yichen went out.

Chen Qian was left alone huddled aside, watching her beloved leave. Li Yunhong wanted to come out and say something fair to Chen Qian, but she held it back, because after all, she should not let her son be forced to do it. Things he didn't like had consequences before, and he didn't dare to take the risk again this time.

I returned to the company and continued working. I thought that maybe I could talk to Gu Yan, because I felt that only by seeing her would I be able to calm down and feel at ease in times of crisis, but in the end I held back.

"Wu Gang, prepare the information for me and prepare the agenda for the afternoon. I will work overtime. You can go back then."

"Mr. Mo, have you been stimulated by something?"

"Aren't you asking knowingly? I was very happy when I came back that time. Why did I ask you to do this?" Mo Yichen wanted to kick him away.

"Okay! I'll just tell you, I'll get ready." Wu Gang left helplessly.

"Also, Liang Shaohui asked you to visit him when you have time. He said that you still owe him! He asked you to settle the bill early." There is nothing wrong with this.

"Really! You're so petty."

After Chen Qian came back from Mo Mansion, she locked herself in her room and didn't open the door until night. When she came back, she saw her daughter with a disgrace on her face, so she expected that she had been wronged again, but she Mayu urged himself here and didn't care much. This was already a habit.

"Daughter, I'm only going to wear it once! Oh, what's wrong with you?" Mother Chen looked worried.

"Oops! Mom's friend called. I'm almost late. Mom won't tell you anymore. I'm leaving first. I'll talk to you later. This Mo Yichen is simply too disrespectful to our Chen family. If you look at it, I don't believe it, so I'll go back and argue with him." Mother Chen patted Chen Qian on the shoulder and hurried downstairs.

"Daughter! Mom is gone and will be back in the evening."

Chen Qian didn't answer, she just stared at the ceiling blankly, thinking about what Mo Yichen repeated to her today.

Chen's mother then turned around and left while wearing one of Chen Qian's coats.