Boss, Please Don’t Be a Manic

Chapter 27: choice


Fang Ru didn't even pay attention to the piano, and ran out of Yuan Che's house in a hurry.

Instead of staying in a hotel, he rented a small apartment in Lincheng.

Lying on the bed, he only felt exhausted physically and mentally. The exhaustion of physical strength and the sequelae of mdma made him extremely uncomfortable.

After a while, Fang Ru sat up from the bed, opened the notebook, connected to the new wireless network, called up the document that recorded Yuan Che's treatment process, edited it, and sent it to the French tutor. At the end of the email, he also briefly described his relationship with Yuan Che and what happened recently, hoping that his mentor could give him some advice.

While waiting for the reply, Fang Ru put aside all distracting thoughts and focused all his attention on the food, stewing, frying and frying in different patterns every day, replenishing his vitality with healthy food. He is well aware of the damage to the body caused by drug abuse and excessive sexual indulgence. Headache, muscle soreness, loss of appetite, easy anxiety, drowsiness, and occasionally hallucinations, all kinds of side effects are unbearable.

In addition to using diet to regulate the body, Fang Ru also needs to adjust his mental state, which is also a compulsory course for psychotherapists—good at relieving negative emotions.

Living alone behind closed doors and lack of social interaction is prone to depression. Fang Ru invited the neighbor next door to his house the next day. He was handsome and kind, and soon won the favor of his neighbors. After several exchanges, Fang Ru gradually regained his spirit.

"I've never eaten so full!" A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy sat at the dining table, folded his hands, and sighed "piously".

"Qi Xiao, can you be more exaggerated?" Fang Ru looked at the clean dishes with a funny face.

"How am I exaggerating? Brother Fang, you are so skilled."

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back quickly."

"Of order, sir." Qi Xiao saluted strangely, "I'll be right back, thank you Brother Fang for your hospitality."

Sending Qi Xiao off, Fang Ru smiled and shook his head. This teenager is one of his current neighbors, and he has become familiar with him since eating here once two days ago. Qi Xiao has a bright personality, sunny and energetic, and is very likable.

After such a rowdy person left, the apartment suddenly seemed empty.

After Fang Ru took a shower, he checked his email as usual, but he still didn't receive the email from his tutor, so he had to turn off the lights and go to sleep. A room where one is alone always feels like something is missing. The surroundings were cold and silent, lifeless.

"Ugh!" Fang Ru covered his mouth suddenly, turned over and got up from the bed, rushed into the bathroom quickly, and retched while holding the sink.

He touched his forehead, a little hot. "Fever again..."

Leaning against the wall with eyes closed, quietly waiting for the dizziness to disappear.

After a while, he washed his face and returned to the room. After taking a few pills, my forehead is still throbbing.

The sequelae of mdma are unexpectedly stubborn... Fang Ru sighed slightly, curled up in the bed, and opened his eyes until dawn in the cold room.

Since Fang Ru left, Yuan Che's mood has become extremely unstable, but his behavior is different from usual, not directly venting his anger, but repressed and gloomy, his expression is like a ghost, which makes people feel chills.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Che asked coldly while holding the phone.

"Boss, Miss Jing and a group of people entered the hotel."

"Going to the hotel with a group of people at this late hour?" Yuan Che ordered, "Go and drag her out and take her home."


After hanging up the phone, Yuan Che continued to deal with business.

More than half an hour later, the phone rang again.

"Boss, it's not good, Miss Jing was photographed."

"What photo?" Yuan Che faintly heard the chaotic voices on the other end of the phone, "What happened?"

"It's a reporter. The reporter secretly took indecent photos of Ms. Jing and a group of men."

"Reporter? What did Yuan Jing do?"

"She... she..."

"Okay, is the reporter still there?"

"Yes, it is being controlled by us."

"Very well, confiscate his camera and ID, then take Yuan Jing back, and leave the rest to me."

"Yes, boss."

Yuan Che slammed down the receiver with all his strength, his expression was gloomy, his whole body was tense, and the veins in his fingers holding the pen were exposed.

After a while, he took a deep breath and picked up the phone again.

After the drug incident, Yuan Che secretly arranged bodyguards for important members of the Yuan family in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again. If it weren't for this trick, tomorrow's headlines would probably be about the promiscuity of the third lady of the Yuan family.

After Yuan Che settled the matter, new troubles appeared again.

Yuan Ze's wife, Yang Kexin, was revealed to have an affair with a certain director, and their intimate photos were published in entertainment magazines, occupying a large section of the page. As the eldest son of the Yuan family, Yuan Ze is recognized by the outside world as the next executive president. He has always had a good reputation, but now he has lost all face because of his wife.

"Father, I want to go abroad." Yuan Ze was annoyed by being chased by reporters for several days, and even more furious when he saw his wife when he returned home.

"Going abroad at this time? What about the project in your hand? This is not a small project, and it must be followed up by our own people."

"Leave it to Yuan Che." Yuan Ze said casually, "With his ability, there will be absolutely no problem."

Seeing Yuan Ze's depressed state, Yuan Feng sighed, "Okay, you can communicate with Yuan Che first."

"I see." Yuan Ze agreed, but he didn't meet Yuan Che directly, he just called and asked the secretary to pass the information to him, and then went abroad on his own.

Yuan Che took over the project halfway, unprepared, and could only follow up from the beginning. As the work progressed, his mood became more and more irritable and depressed, and the cold breath was enough to frostbite everyone within ten meters around him.

In just a few days, Yuan Che was under pressure from work, family, and Fang Ru. His excellent working ability and tireless energy almost make everyone forget that he is only a young man of twenty-six.

Returning home late at night, Yuan Che unconsciously relaxed his mind, fell on Fang Ru's bed, smelled his remaining breath, and closed his eyes wearily.

"Fang Ru..."

The room was empty and silent, losing the warm colors of the past. Without him, everything becomes so cold. But in just a few days, it seems like centuries have passed.

The real loneliness is not being alone all your life, but losing it after you have it, it will be an unbearable torment.

Yuan Che was lying on the big dark bed, although his eyes were closed, he was not sleepy. He was like an iron man outside, but now he was like an abandoned child, lonely and helpless.

His stomach growled suddenly, but he ignored it and remained motionless.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was no one around him.

"Fang Ru, I'm hungry." Yuan Che murmured.

"If you want noodles, add a piece of roast meat."

Yuan Che closed his eyes again, after a long time, his stomach ached from hunger, neither his face nor Fang Ru appeared.

Fang Ru was too cunning. He withdrew 10,000 cash from a nearby bank to avoid being traced to where the credit card was spent; he left his mobile phone at home to prevent it from being located by GPS; and he had no record of booking a hotel room; Vehicles that require ID cards, passports and other documents.

Normally, he looks gentle and harmless, but in fact he is very thoughtful. He is obviously fleeing in a hurry, but he is so thoughtful.

"Fang Ru, when I catch you, I will definitely lock you up..."

Half a month later, the email sent by Fang Ru finally got a reply.

His mentor carefully analyzed Yuan Che's symptoms in the email, and he mentioned: "In my opinion, Mr. Y's illness is not as optimistic as you expected. You helped him relieve the pressure and calm his emotions. But it did not solve his real psychological source, such as the accidental death of his mother. Are you sure that this incident has no effect on him? Is the family around him also the source of stress for him? Is his usual life a kind of Morbid catharsis?"

"...Mr. Y and you, from strangers to familiarity, eventually developed into an intimacy beyond friendship. His strong possessiveness towards you means that you have become an important factor that can affect his mental state. Significant."

"Don't ask me how to make a choice. Only you have the answer to this question. Don't let gender become an obstacle to your judgment of right and wrong. Is it wise to protect yourself or go forward? This decision is not only a test of your career, it will also change you. Asa, I don’t want you to regret in the future, so you must think carefully and don’t let the same tragedy become your nightmare again.”

Don't let the same tragedy become his nightmare again? Fang Ru knew that the teacher was talking about his parents. If he chooses to leave, then Yuan Che's manic symptoms may become more serious, and even lead to unpredictable consequences, repeating the mistakes of his parents

Fang Ru fell into deep thought, recalling every detail of his life with Yuan Che. His domineering, irritable, picky eaters, arbitrariness, occasional childishness, wildness when drunk... all seem to have left a deep imprint in his memory.

Can he really walk away without any worries? It seems... can't. But it was also a difficult decision to stay. What Yuan Che wanted, he might not be willing to give. The hateful thing is that even if he refuses, Yuan Che will not change his original intention. He has never concealed his desire. The only difference is whether to "strengthen" immediately, or to "strengthen" after a little delay, in short, the final result is the same. If Fang Ru chooses to stay, it means he chooses to accept him.

There was a soft whisper in his ear like a curse, which couldn't be lingered.

The memory of the body emerged again, the unscrupulous lingering, the dizzying warmth, the fiery breath, the crazy eyes, and the feeling of being entered were all very clear.

Fang Ru was hot all over, and his face was filled with frustration.

This time it was really a mistake that caused eternal hatred, Yuan Che was too corrosive, his breath melted into his bone marrow unconsciously. He has never been impulsive towards the same sex, but Yuan Che forcibly left his mark on him. As long as Yuan Che is willing, there is probably no one in this world that he cannot conquer, right

How should he choose