Boss, Please Don’t Be a Manic

Chapter 34: Yuanxi


"What's the matter?" Yuan Che asked the free question while reading the document.

"Boss, Fourth Young Master has been sneaking out of school to go clubbing every night recently." The bodyguard's return came from the other end of the phone.

"Is there any suspicious figure around him?"

"I haven't found it yet. But the fourth young master's school will be closed for three days after tomorrow. Should we take him back to his original house, or make other arrangements?"

Yuan Che thought for a while, his eldest brother and father are not at home these days, no one can take care of him. As for Yuan Jing, it was basically out of consideration.

He said, "Bring him to me after school tomorrow."

"Okay, boss."

In the evening of the next day, Fang Ru greeted Yuan Che home as usual, and found Yuan Xi who was still following him with an unhappy expression.

"Fang Ru, Yuan Xi will stay here for three days, please take care of me." Yuan Che explained.

"Well, I see." Fang Ru smiled at Yuan Xi, "I'll take you to the guest room first."

Yuan Xi curled his lips, glanced at the living room inadvertently, and immediately showed a puzzled and surprised expression. He had been to Yuan Che's residence several times before, and his impression of it was only two words: "empty" and "cold". But what you see before your eyes is very different from the past. The wind chimes outside the window are melodious, and the warm-colored curtains swing gently, bringing fragrance to the room. All kinds of small decorations are warm and lovely, and there are cartoon pillows on the sofa that do not match Yuan Che's style at all. The gloomy air and coldness faded away, and a warm and fulfilling one was added.

Yuan Xi followed Fang Ru into the guest room, looked around, wrinkled his nose in disgust.

He threw the backpack on the bed casually, and said, "You can go out, and call me after dinner."

Fang Ru smiled and left.

Walking into the kitchen, Yuan Che came over and hugged him and said softly, "That kid is spoiled, you don't have to be polite to him."

"Well, I know." Fang Ru didn't care about Yuan Xi's capriciousness and pampering, and he had some experience in dealing with problematic teenagers.

During the meal, Yuan Xi didn't dare to be presumptuous by Yuan Che's side, and kept silent with an unswerving expression. Fang Ru secretly paid attention to his taste, and silently remembered it in his heart.

With Yuan Xi present, Yuan Che became majestic again, with a stern and meticulous expression, his image was simply a model of nobility. Fang Ru knew clearly, and did not ignore his picky eaters because of his seriousness.

The atmosphere in the room between the three was a bit delicate, and they all seemed to be very reserved.

The meal was uneventful.

After the meal, Yuan Che said coldly, "Yuan Xi, you are not allowed to go out at night."

Yuan Xi snorted, and walked into his room without looking back. He has long been accustomed to Yuan Che's actions, and is not surprised.

Turning on the computer, he entered the game and started flashing copies as if venting.

After playing for an unknown amount of time, Yuan Xi felt a little sleepy, stretched himself, and planned to take a bath and sleep.

At this time, there was a strange noise outside the door. He got up and walked to the door, put his ear close to the door and listened intently.

"... It's getting late, go to bed."

"Come in."

"It's inconvenient sleep by yourself..."

"What's inconvenient, just ignore him."

The conversation seemed to fade away, followed by the scuffling of clothes and some sort of pent-up panting.

Yuan Xi's heart moved, he quietly opened the door, felt the wall and walked to the corner, looked around, only in time to see Fang Ru being pulled into the master bedroom by a pair of strong arms, and the door was slammed shut by the doctor.

Surprise flashed in Yuan Che's eyes. They sleep together

He tiptoed to the door of the room and put his ear close to it.

There were intermittent arguing sounds inside, but after a while, the arguing sounds disappeared and turned into fine moans and low gasps.

"etc… "

"Can't wait, baby, relax."


"That's it… "

"Well... ah..."

Rapid impact sounds began to sound, one after another.

Yuan Xi's face was flushed, and the image of Yuan Che and Fang Ru's naked sex appeared in his mind, one was strong and powerful, the other was charming and flexible, passionate and deep...

Shaking his head violently, Yuan Xi ran back to his room as if fleeing, clutching his beating heart, his brain was in a mess.

Although he is cynical, he is not as experienced as his third sister. He occasionally watches pornography and cuddles with women, but he always sticks to the last step. And he has a normal sexual orientation and only responds to women. The last time I took ecstasy, the memory of being molested by a man has also been blurred, leaving no psychological shadow.

But listening to the corner this time gave him a different feeling. He never thought that his second brother, who was unattainable in his heart, would actually like a man. If his father found out, would he still be able to control him as confidently as he is now

A smug smile appeared on Yuan Xi's face, he clenched his fists and said, "This time I finally caught you!"

When he got up the next day, Yuan Xi took a special look at Fang Ru, and found that his lips were plump, his eyes were full of spring, and there was a bit of charm in his elegance, and some ambiguous hickey marks were faintly exposed under his collar. When he came back from his morning run, his face was still rosy with health, his eyes were clear and full of vitality.

Yuan Che didn't show any greasy intimacy to Fang Ru, just ordinary conversation, ordinary behavior, and ordinary eyes, but they fit surprisingly well.

Looking at these two people, the sarcasm in Yuan Xi's eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by doubt and wavering.

After breakfast, Yuan Che and Fang Ru hugged and bid farewell.

Fang Ru quietly tugged on his sleeve, Yuan Che remained silent for a while with a cold face, then suddenly grabbed Yuan Xi's arm and gave him a steely hug.

Yuan Xi was so frightened that his hair stood on end, and all his bones seemed to be making fragile creaking sounds.

Fang Ru tried his best not to laugh, and said calmly, "Be careful on the road."

"En." Yuan Che strode away without looking at the petrified Yuan Xi again.

"Yuanxi?" Fang Ru whispered with a smile.

Yuan Xi came back to his senses, and said in horror: "He hugged me just now!"

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" Fang Ru pretended to be puzzled.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Xi shouted, "He never hugged me! He never took the initiative to hug anyone! What's going on? How could he suddenly hug me?"

Someone seems to be getting a little incoherent.

"Hugging is just a general courtesy, don't you need to be too surprised?"

"Not surprised, not surprised at all." Yuan Xi rubbed his arm, murmured with a blank expression, "I think I should go to the hospital for an injection to prevent some kind of rabies infection."

"..." Can you exaggerate a little more

Yuan Xi spread out on the sofa, holding the remote control and switching channels one after another, glanced at Fang Ru from time to time, hesitant to speak several times.

"Yuanxi, if you're okay, how about going to the same place with me?" Fang Ru suggested while arranging his backpack.

"Where are you going?"

"A good place." Fang Ru smiled at him.

Yuan Xi nodded noncommittally, since he was idle anyway, he just passed the time, and it happened that he could observe the character of the man that the second brother liked.

Fang Ru brought Yuan Xi to the orphanage, and they were greeted by warm smiles from the children.

"Is this the good place you said?" Yuan Xi looked at the innocent and ignorant little faces around him with a distorted expression.

Fang Ru ignored his cold face, pulled him into the classroom, clapped his hands to let the children line up, and then began to distribute gifts.

Yuan Xi sat obliquely on a small bench, watching all this indifferently.

After a while, Fang Ru suddenly handed him a box of puzzles and said, "Your task today is to play puzzles with these children."

Four or five children gathered around Yuan Xi, looking at him curiously with big black eyes.

"Tch, I'm not interested in children's things." Yuan Xi dismissed this, thinking about how to escape the bodyguards and sneak out later.

"If you play well with them, I can help you and Yuan Che apply for half a day of free time."

Yuan Xi was rather moved, but did not express his opinion directly.

Fang Ru carefully observed his expression, and shook the puzzle box in front of his eyes: "How is it?"

Yuan Xi glanced at it and took it casually.

Fang Ru smiled, and said to a few children, "How about letting this handsome brother play with you today?"

"Okay!" The children replied obediently.

After Fang Ru exhorted a few more words, he turned and left.

Yuan Xi scattered the jigsaw puzzles into a box, raised his chin, and instructed: "Now, you can start, let's put it together."

Several children sat in a circle around the puzzle box, looked at each other, and then carefully picked up the pieces and began to put them together in a mess.

Fang Ru chose a medium-difficulty jigsaw puzzle, thinking that with Yuan Xi's help, he could pass the time and not be unable to complete it because it was too difficult. But Yuan Xi didn't plan to pay attention to these children at all, and sat on the sidelines, yawning boredly.

Two or three minutes later, a few children looked at Yuan Xi aggrievedly with sad faces while holding the single piece that they couldn't get their hands on.

Yuan Xi was terrified by them, and his whole body shivered. The child's innocent eyes are simply the most irresistible lethal weapon in the world.

After enduring it for a while, Yuan Xi compromised.

He said angrily: "Why are you so stupid, you can't even solve a puzzle."

The children blinked and looked at him together.

"Rang Rang, I'll put it together for you to see." Yuan Xi unceremoniously pushed aside a child beside him, took the middle position, cut off the scattered pieces on the cardboard, and started the puzzle again.


When Fang Ru came back from the other side, he immediately heard cheers from the classroom.

Following the prestige, I saw many children gathered around Yuan Xi, their faces full of admiration.

He approached slowly, and saw that the originally scattered jigsaw puzzle had been put together.

"It's done so quickly?" Fang Ru asked in surprise.

"Teacher Fang, big brother is so good, he put together the picture in no time." A child exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's like magic!" The other children also echoed.

Yuan Xi pretended to be calm, but the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Fang Ru looked at the time, and it was only six or seven minutes before he left. It was really unbelievable to complete this puzzle in such a short time.

His heart moved slightly, and he smiled at the children: "Big Brother is so powerful, do you want to see him perform even better?"

"Think!" The children shouted in unison.

Yuan Xi's face darkened, and he was about to object, but Fang Ru quickly pulled out a box of Rubik's cubes, distributed one to each of them, and said with a smile, "Let's compete with brother to see who can solve the Rubik's cube first."

The children happily picked up their own Rubik's Cubes and stared at Yuan Xi intently.

The corners of Yuan Xi's mouth twitched as he was watched, and reluctantly started to turn the Rubik's Cube, and the children followed him.

Fang Ru looked at Yuan Xi's phantom-like hand speed and silently counted the time.

9 seconds, it took him only 9 seconds to restore the Rubik's Cube, and Fang Ru's shock couldn't be overstated. The Rubik's Cube is a seemingly simple and ingenious intellectual toy with many solutions. The fastest person in the world to restore the Rubik's Cube is Mats Valk from the Netherlands, who only takes 5.55 seconds. Yuan Xi's speed has reached a world-class level.

The children around were also dumbfounded. One of the children suddenly handed over the Rubik's Cube in his hand and looked at Yuan Xi expectantly.

Yuan Xi took it without saying a word, his fingers fluttered, and another Rubik's Cube was recovered, 8 seconds.

One child set an example, and other children handed him their Rubik's Cube one after another.

Yuanxi never refused anyone who came, and quickly restored the Rubik's Cube like kneading dough. Different Rubik's Cubes, different solutions, Yuan Xi easily solved them.

Fang Ru was sure that this boy might have a very high IQ just like Yuan Che!