Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 101


The owner of the e-sports Xiaodaojia marketing account is currently sitting in front of the computer happily. The volume of the live broadcast on the computer is too loud. He turned the volume to the lowest level and lowered his head to check his Weibo traffic and comments.

Just a few minutes after the photo was posted, the number of comments exceeded 500 in an instant. The traffic is simply not too good.

After replying to his friend's message, he switched back to Weibo and refreshed the comments, only to find that the comments suddenly decreased a lot.

Before, the style of the comment area was "ahhh", "I don't believe it and wait for the response", "I guessed it earlier but I'm still surprised", now it's—

[Oh, I have read it.]

[Calm after excitement again and again.]

[When did you get together? No wonder the two cooperate so well.]

its not right. Xiaodangjia tried his best to refresh, but the comments continued to decrease with the attitude of Waterloo.

[I was shocked when I saw it in the live broadcast.]

He froze for a moment, raised his head subconsciously, and immediately turned up the volume.

On the screen, the host had just finished interviewing Xiaoroubao, and the microphone moved to Mu Wanwan.

The host has already interviewed many team members, and he is quite familiar with everyone, and his tone is more friendly and casual: "God, are you nervous?"


"I see." The host smiled, "You even put on some eye makeup today?"

"It's melted a little."

Mu Wanwan twitched the corners of her mouth—this makeup was done by Yang Goth, and the makeup artist kept saying that it was "everyday light makeup that straight men can never see".

The host nodded: "After all, it's a big occasion."

Mu Wanwan also nodded: "After all, I have to go on stage to receive the trophy."

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room became lively again.

[Invincible self-confidence 666! ! TS will win, ah, pick me up and run away!]

[Do you still dare to hug? God Lu sent you flying with a big move...]

[I know that female players will be in a mess if they enter the LPL, playing a game and falling in love? ? Can't imagine what it's like to be at the base.]

[LPL players can't fall in love? The rules you set? As long as the game is played well, the rest is out of the question.]

[Wan likes to brag every time, this time the two sides are seven to three, MA seven, TS three.]

The host continued to ask: "By the way, we heard just now, you and God Lu?"

Anyway, the audience has already heard it, so don't ask for nothing.

Pei Lu was called out by Brother Yang to draw lots for the red and blue sides, and he is not in the waiting room now. The photographer searched around but couldn't find anyone, so he had to give up, and the camera returned to Mu Wanwan.

Mu Wanwan's smile remained unchanged: "This is a pre-match interview, so I will only answer about the game."

"Okay, I understand. Let's save the rest until the end of the game!" The host explained this topic clearly.

Ten minutes after the interview, the photographers left the lounge, Brother Yang closed the door, and the lounge returned to calm.

"Putting everything aside first, don't worry about anything." Brother Yang emphasized, "Play today's game well and win the championship. The trophy cabinet in our base has not been updated for a long time."

Brother Hu nodded: "When I win the championship, I'll go home and confess to the girl I like."

Little Roubao propped his chin: "If I win the championship, my mother will definitely cook a lot of delicious food for me. I have to ask for leave to go back for two days. Come over after eating..."

Mu Mu didn't say a word, but he had already browsed Taobao in his hand, and put a lot of massage equipment into the shopping cart.

Mu Wanwan: "..." All the flags made her flustered.

She looked down, and there were many text messages on the phone, from Mumu, from Lin Jiu, and even from her old tutor... telling her to remember to go to class on time tomorrow after winning the championship.

Pei Lu has already made coffee for her and put it aside: "Are you nervous?"

"Nervous." She put away her phone, "I don't know if my legs will be weak when I go on stage."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, sit the whole time."

Mu Wanwan looked along, and inadvertently found that Pei Lu's right hand was resting on the armrest of the sofa, rubbing his index finger and thumb slightly, without stopping.

Only then did she realize that although the person next to him seemed the calmest, he was still comforting her... In fact, it was also his first time playing in the finals.

Ten minutes later, the staff came to inform the admission.

Mu Wanwan got up, took a few deep breaths back and forth, then took out two candies from her pocket and shared one with Pei Lu.

Pei Lu took the candy, peeled it off, put it into her mouth, and then took another one and ate it himself.

"Come... let's form a formation." Brother Hu walked to the middle and stretched out his hand.

"Good soil, you." Little Roubao laughed at him, and put his hand on the back of Brother Hu's.

Several people followed closely, Yang Ge was stacked on top, his expression was quite emotional, and he couldn't help sniffing: "TS—"

"come on!!"

"come on!!!"

Walking out of the backstage, the audience began to scream and cheer, and the screams from both sides were hard to distinguish for a while.

Because it was the finals, even the arena was changed to a venue with a larger capacity. The screams sounded particularly bluffing.

Mu Wanwan suppressed her heartbeat, feeling that the candy in her mouth smelled like an electric shock...

Apart from the taste of electric shock, she couldn't think of any sugar that would make her mouth tingle.

While connecting the device, I heard the voice of commentary A: "Today's Wanshen is very beautiful!"

Commentator B followed immediately: "God Lu is also very handsome... Hahahaha!"

At this moment, Mu Wanwan didn't even have the thought of complaining, so she put on her earphones and said, "How will we play in the first game?"

"No hurry." Pei Lu smiled, "Don't be nervous."

In the earphones, Pei Lu's voice was much closer than before, and Mu Wanwan could hear it with peace of mind.

Ten minutes later, the first game finally kicked off and entered the BP link—

MA was the blue team in the first round. They overturned the previous style of play against TS and banned Mu Wanwan's Wei En in the first BAN position.

On the side of TS, everyone was very tense.

MA doesn't want to play against them in the late game, so they don't give them a chance to choose. They are eating their late game heroes, and they are targeting ADC positions that can deal all kinds of real damage in the late game.

MA has banned Wayne, Big Mouth and Mouse one after another. Because of the disadvantage of the purple side, TS can only waste a BAN position on the version king Kalista. In the end, Park Jae-joon also took a small cannon.

There are not many ADCs left for Mu Wanwan.

"What else can you play?" Little Roubao asked, "Otherwise you can take Lucian or Verus..."

"Lu Xi'an." Pei Lu glanced at the lineup on the opposite side, "If you take Verus, they will take control. It's very difficult if you don't move. We won't play late in this round."

The first two positions of TS chose Spider and Crocodile respectively, both of which are relatively strong heroes in the early and mid-term.

As soon as the words were finished, there was a click—Lu Xian was chosen on the opposite side.

"Fuck me?" Brother Hu was taken aback, "What do you mean by locking Lucian, mid laner Lucian??"

"This Shark, really can play everything..." Xiaoroubao frowned. He was in the counter position in this game, and he was not in a hurry to choose a hero, so he asked, "What can you get, Wanwan? It can only be Verus." ?”

Brother Yang nodded: "Yes, it's better to miss the ultimate move, and hit back when controlled."

"Verus?" Pei Lu asked, "Or do you want to play something else?"

Mu Wanwan looked at the opponent's lineup again, Thresh, Xiaopao, Lucian, she hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "I won't take Verus."

Little Roubao: "Then what are you taking? Hurry up, there are still fifteen seconds left."



"Take EZ," Mu Wanwan finished, and went straight to the talent page, and began to match Ezreal's talent. She bit the hard candy in her mouth, "Let me teach Shark how to play EZ."

Everyone laughed, and Xiaoroubao narrowed his eyes into slits, nodded: "OKOK, very good."

Then directly locked Ezreal.

"Then continue to play wild assistant double tour?" Mu Mu asked.

Ezreal has displacement skills and long-range output, so playing alone for a period of time is not a problem at all.

Pei Lu hummed: "Yes."

Little Roubao frowned: "But this trick was used last time, Shark must have taken precautions."

Pei Ludao: "It doesn't matter, if he doesn't dare to take soldiers, it can be regarded as a successful gank."

"He's so skinny... You don't have Thresh, what kind of hero can mess with him?"

Pei Lu smiled, and slid straight down, locking the yellow hero with empty eyes.

"Robot??" Commentator A saw it, and was instantly happy, "Yes, it does have the same effect as Thresh, and it's even more refreshing than Thresh to hook people..."

Commentary B: "But the hero is still not as good as Thresh. In fact, there is no Thresh. Lu can use Bard or Toad. Robots are a bit weak in this version."

"Hey, hey, that's wrong." Commentator A laughed, "I'm going to tell you something, but I think it makes sense. There are no really weak heroes in League of Legends. The key depends on how well you play—except Timo."

Commentator B burst out laughing: "Attack the hero of the game during the commentary, and report it."

In the end, Xiaoroubao chose the plane, the ten heroes were selected, the reading was over, and the first BO5 round of the spring finals officially began.

Mu Wanwan went straight to the line and had a face-to-face meeting with Park Jae-jun who was on the opposite side. After the two sides confirmed that they hadn't switched lines, they began to make up troops harmoniously—what the hell.

"Why does this assistant keep coming up to touch me?" Mu Wanwan turned around after eating a small soldier, avoiding Thresh's hook, and couldn't help complaining.

Pei Lu smiled angrily: "Speak well."

As soon as she reached the sixth level, Mu Wanwan started her solo journey. The opposite Thresh disappeared into the river. Seeing Pei Lu and Mu Mu squatting in the grass in the middle lane, she subconsciously said: "They are assisting in the middle lane..."

As soon as the words fell, a crisp flashing sound was suddenly heard!

Her heart skipped a beat, she knew that Thresh had actually come to catch her by bypassing the triangular grass, and was about to turn around and use her displacement skills to slip away, when her hands on the keyboard stopped abruptly—

Thresh's hook was stretched straight behind her, and when it missed, it was the direction she was going to move to.

At the same time, Shark in the middle seemed to sense something, turned around and walked back. Sure enough, the robot and the spider came out of the grass at the same time. He hesitated, left and right, wondering when Pei Lu would throw the hook .

In the end, he made up his mind, and just as he took two steps to the side, the robot suddenly threw a flash!

If there is no movement within this distance, the robot will be hammered into the sky. Lucian decisively moves into the tower, and the robot's hook comes out at the same time, pulling the person back straight, and pounding hard into the sky! The spider didn't even think about it, and immediately lost control, and the three of them firmly took Lucian's head into their pockets.

Shark frowned and said concisely: "Mine."

His flash was forced out in the last wave, this time there is really no way out, as long as he is hooked by Pei Lu, he will die.

The audience was shocked by the two waves of the same operation with different results, and they kept swiping 666 on the screen.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Wanwan's EZ didn't develop well, but she wasn't too far behind. After eating the red buff, she started to join the group.

Her positioning is already good, plus this time she is playing EZ, but she suffers from the support of MA, not to mention the hook, even the flashing big move can't keep her, and if she walks too close, she will be pulled away by the robot. MA's double C can only watch her nest behind the robot and frantically lose skills to play remote output.

In the first wave of team battles, TS successfully played a wave of one-for-two, making a small profit, but the economic difference between the two sides was only less than a thousand gold.

On the way, Xiaoroubao and Mumu went to the road to make trouble, and successfully caught and killed the opponent's big bug. Although one of them was almost replaced, fortunately, they ran away. Lucian finally gained some confidence.

The head ratio came to 3-1, but the game had already progressed to 31 minutes.

"Don't procrastinate." Pei Lu said, "The big dragon is forcing a wave."

Everyone gathered at the big dragon, Mu Mu casually put a real eye, and everyone found that MA didn't have the vision of the big dragon!

Pei Lu made a quick decision: "Baozi, go eat their mid laners, we'll beat the dragon."

Mu Wanwan's eyes widened: "If they come..."

"Kill them when they come, and kill anyone who pulls them down."

The MA assistant found that only Xiaoroubao appeared in the middle, and wondered: "Will they go to fight the big dragon?"

Everyone was stunned, ready to rush there, and suddenly saw the crocodile appearing on the road, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the breath has not been relieved, Thresh has not rushed over to insert the eye, and with a roar, the big dragon was eaten by TS silently.

"TS actually dropped the dragon in seconds!!" Commentator A was very excited, "MA's vision actually disappeared a few seconds before they gathered at the dragon! What a coincidence, TS found that MA had no vision, very simply He made a quick decision and managed to eat this big dragon!!"

This big dragon is undoubtedly fatal in the middle and late stages. MA wanted to delay time, but TS didn't give it a chance, especially the long-range output of EZ, which played a high-damage Poke below the high ground!

"The skills of this EZ are too annoying..." MA jungler returned to the city irritably, scratching his hair, "It always feels like several EZs are shooting at me..."

In the end, MA did not succeed in dragging the big dragon BUFF to the end and was worn out by TS.

Thirty-five minutes, the robot's flashing deadly hook hooked the small cannon that had just landed from the sky, successfully knocked out the opponent's C position in seconds, and forced a wave of team battles, winning the first round of the game.

Everyone was very tense. When they left the stage, the two teams went back to the waiting room without a fight.

In the second game, Shark got a wandering hand. After level 6, he drove up and down the road crazily. With the jungler blind monk, he took care of TS's up and down lanes in the early stage. For three minutes, because the disadvantage in the early stage was too great, and the protection ability of the front row in the later stage was insufficient, they lost the game.

In the third game, Xiaoroubao got his Galio, Brother Hu took out the dog head he had treasured for many years, and played a big late game when the opponent forced BAN, Muwanwan, and three late-stage ADCs, 50 In nine minutes, he successfully captured MA's jungler in the opponent's wild area and won the victory with a five-on-four team battle.

In the fourth game, MA's mid-field linkage became more and more powerful, focusing on the top lane, going around the back and jumping over the tower. When Xiao Roubao rushed to support, he was blocked by Shark's big move, and TS pushed down the lane. After the first tower, rushing to support was useless, because the gap in the front row was too large, and the game had already been lost in 30 minutes.

So far, the score of the two sides has come to 2:2, and they have won the match point at the same time.

In this BO5, you come and go, you chase each other, the battle is stalemate, not to mention the commentary, even the voices of the audience are already hoarse.

But they still held up the light boards of their favorite team, screaming and shouting one after another, without stopping for a long time.