Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 102


Back in the lounge, Mu Wanwan collapsed on the sofa.

She was a little nervous, and her feet were soft when she walked down. If it weren't for the cheers of the audience supporting her just now, she might have to walk on the wall.

The right hand was held up by the person next to him.

Pei Lu took a tissue and wiped the sweat off her palms.

Mu Wanwan chuckled lightly: "Is it because my ability to withstand stress is too poor..."

"No, you played well these few times."

Xiaoroubao wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel: "What should I do, I am so nervous that my stomach hurts."

"Excellence..." Brother Hu said, gulping down half a bottle of water.

"Stop drinking," Mu Mu said, "What should I do in a hurry."

Brother Hu half-jokingly said: "Pause."

Before GGX played against HSS, they played a big late game. At the 58th minute, GGX called for a timeout because of GGX's top laner. The fans on both sides are still pining for this.

It’s rare that Brother Yang didn’t enlighten them like before. The BO5 game itself is a test of the players’ ability to withstand pressure. Even the Korean team YSP, which is currently recognized as the strongest in the country and has rich experience in competitions, will also be nervous when playing in the finals.

At this time, any words are useless, and they can only overcome it by themselves.

Ten minutes later, the staff came to inform them to enter.

Returning to the seat, Mu Wanwan licked her lips and took a few deep breaths back and forth. When exhaling, her cheeks were slightly opened, which was just captured by the camera.

Commentator B said: "It seems Wanshen is very nervous now."

Commentator A nodded: "So, this is the first time for TS's new players to enter the finals. It's normal to be nervous. Everyone has very serious expressions on their faces."

"It doesn't matter." Commentator B smiled, "This kind of thing is familiar the second time..."

The audience in the audience immediately booed.

The audience cheered loudly, because the game hadn't started yet and there was no background music, so even with headphones on, Mu Wanwan could still vaguely hear some sounds.

"I don't know what the two commentators are doing again. I can hear the voices of the audience here." Brother Hu said.

Xiaoroubao wiped off his sweat: "What else can I do, it's probably too late."

Mu Wanwan didn't respond, and was adjusting her runes.

A minute later, the game entered the BP session, and the audience immediately fell silent, watching the big screen in the middle with bated breath.

In the fifth round, the blue team was MA, and the opponent's first hero directly banned Wei En.

"MA's target is very obvious, it is to suppress TS's bottom lane." Commentator A said, "From the first game to now, Wan God Vayne has never come out, it is really rare for me to see a ban for five games Vayne's game..."

"It's not rare, it's just that I haven't seen it at all, okay? The hero Wei En has his great advantages in the late stage, but also has his shortcomings. Once a mistake is fatal, it is even more uncomfortable in the early stage. I can't move." commentary After B finished speaking, he paused, "But the strange thing is that MA played against TS in the regular season before, and there was no ban on Wei En at that time, why did they ban five games in a row today?"

Commentator A: "I have a guess. During the regular season, MA wanted to try and see if he could hold Wan's Vayne. After all, TS is good at playing in the late game. Once Vayne is crippled, everything will be gone... But it’s different now, this time it’s the finals, so be a little more careful, don’t try it out, just stick to the BAN position.”

Commentator B nodded in agreement: "That makes sense, but I still think it's too wasteful to give Wei En a BAN position every round."

"This game is in the late stage." Brother Yang pushed his glasses and made his decision.

The personal abilities of the MA players are not weak, especially in the middle. TS may not be able to fight them in the early stage.

Unexpectedly, the first hero of MA took Dazui directly.

"Big mouth...they also want to fight us in the late game?" Brother Hu was startled.

Soon, the first three heroes of MA were released: Da Zui, Shen and Qing Gang Ying, which are indeed a bit of a mid-to-late lineup.

"It's better in the late game." Xiaoroubao bluffed, "I may not be as good as Shark in laning, but in the late game, who is my grandpa Roubao afraid of?"

In the end, the lineups of the two sides were settled.

The MA lineup is Dazui, Shen, Qinggangying, Spider and Syndra.

The TS lineup is the policewoman, Thresh, stray, praying mantis and clockwork.

"What." The game entered the reading page, and Brother Hu teased, "Seeing that Shark is not pushing Syndra this time?"

The last time he played against MA, Shark also took a handful of Syndra, which crushed the little meat-packed snake girl so much that she couldn't take care of herself.

"I'm stuck." It's rare for Little Roubao to not have a hippie smile on his face, "I'm fucking with him, he just loves me, let's see who's called who's father in the later stage!"

Mu Wanwan: "Does Shark know about your unilateral appointment to the father-son bureau?"

"I don't know, I hope the big brothers in the backstage don't cut this paragraph into Mike Crazy for the sake of seeing how pitiful I am."

Pei Lu's tone was the same as usual: "I won't roam around this time, so be careful."

This sentence brought everyone back to the battle situation, Mu Wanwan didn't say any more, went straight to the line, and once again looked at Park Jaejun at both ends.

All the way to the sixth level, because the female policeman has a long arm in the bottom lane, not only the replenishment is very good, but occasionally I can touch my big mouth a few times while the replenishment, the development is quite comfortable.

The little meat buns are not so cool.

Same as last time in the Snake Girl game, the spider came to the middle lane to gank at the third level, Xiaoroubao escaped by hiding deep, and used the ball to make up troops in a safe way, eat if you can eat, and don’t Dare to do it.

Seeing that Syndra on the opposite side had risen to level six, Little Roubao turned around and left: "Sindra is now level 6, and I feel that the spider is near me now, and it may rush out to bite me at any time."

"Under the tower, go back after eating this wave of soldiers." After eating the stone man, Mu Mu directly presses B to return to the city. "My blood volume is very low, so I will help you catch a wave when I come out."

At level 8, the middle and field teams of the two sides finally met in the middle lane and fought a small team battle. In the early stage, Syndra's igniting took advantage of the damage and directly killed the mantis in seconds. The clockwork had no choice but to retreat.

"Mine." Mu Mu frowned, "I thought he would push you."

Little Roubao hummed: "Me too, it's fine, I'll keep watch by myself, just be careful not to let me get entangled."

Just after finishing the middle lane, a small team fight broke out in the bottom lane. At the moment when Pei Lu flashed the hook, Mu Wanwan threw a shelf a short distance in front of Dazui, and successfully controlled the second round and hit Dazui. body.

Shen Xiang, who hadn't reached the line yet, didn't want to directly throw a big move on Dazui, and at the same time, the opponent's top lane Qinggangying directly threw a teleportation—

"Going down the road," Pei Lu glanced at the equipment on both sides, and immediately said, "Retreat first."

"Don't, don't withdraw!" Brother Hu said, "I'll pass it on too!"

"Don't come down, their junglers are also in the second half of the jungle, you just need to gain experience on the road..."

Before Pei Lu could finish his sentence, he saw that the wanderer had been teleported down.

The location of the teleportation is on the soldiers, there is no way, they can only wait where they are - otherwise the wandering will be ridiculed by Shen as soon as they land.

Sure enough, as soon as the wandering came down, the spider came out of the wild area, and immediately flashed to try to throw the policewoman into prison!

Mu Wanwan didn't even think about it, she hid back with a displacement skill, and escaped the confinement beautifully, Xiao Roubao reacted, and immediately went down: "Syndra has gone down! Run quickly!!"

It's a pity that Wandering can't run away anymore. A 2v2 small team battle has evolved into a 4v5 big team battle. Mantis is still helping Brother Hu to deal with the pawn line on the road, and he will definitely not be able to keep up. After Syndra came down, she dragged the ball and looked for the policewoman in the crowd. Mu Wanwan knew his tricks well and hid very deep. Finally, five people from MA took the head of the homeless man and ate the first one. water dragon.

"Mine." Brother Hu bought the equipment irritably, "I thought you guys were going to fight."

"No, it's my problem," Pei Lu helped Mu Wanwan eat the pawns on the bottom lane, "I should have told you the position of the jungler on the opposite side earlier."

Knowing that the opponent was giving him a step down, Brother Hu didn't say anything more, and continued to seriously invest in the game.

The strength of the MA team is that even if they have an advantage, it is not easy to give any chance. Continue to be cautious in the lane, and it is difficult for the opponent to find a comeback point.

"The spider's equipment pulled me across the street." Mu Mu ate the crab carefully, afraid of being discovered by the opponent's spider.

As for which of the three TS lanes is more advantageous now, it is the bottom lane. Although the advantage early in the morning was wiped out by the previous wave of four-on-five, it still has the upper hand. After the drop, go back to the city and take out large pieces of equipment.

"Are we playing wave?" she asked.

"Can't fight." Pei Lu said bluntly, "Look at the equipment of Syndra and Spider, you can easily be seconded."

Xiaoroubao and Mumu sighed at the same time, and Brother Hu didn't speak for a long time.

Although the head-to-head ratio is still at 2-0, they know that MA has pulled them a lot financially.

"It's okay, it's normal if we can't beat them in the early stage." Pei Lu's tone remained the same. "Our team's advantage is in the late stage. We'll just hold on to the second tower. We'll find them in a team after 30 minutes."

Although MA always likes to play steadily, but when they have the upper hand, they will not sit still and let the opponent develop. Several times they tried to make trouble, but were intercepted by TS outside the tower.

On the other end, MA's jungler clicked annoyedly: "The heroes of TS are too quick to clear the troops, and they can't push in at all."

"This is their tactic." Shark said calmly, "The big dragon is forcing the group."

The audience from God's perspective saw MA walking towards the dragon, and they were all boiling instantly.

"MA wants to touch the dragon??" commentator A was surprised, "Is this too risky?! Although MA is an advantage, and now is also a strong period for several heroes, but in fact, the economic gap between the two sides is only 3000, which is not a big deal What a big gap! The location of the dragon pit is so small, it would be bad if you accidentally ate the clockwork's ultimate move."

Everyone in TS reacted immediately, and quickly approached the dragon when MA had just arrived at the dragon pit.

A wave of team battles broke out, and Qinggang Ying entered the field first to start the team. Mu Wanwan ran back without looking back, and successfully avoided Qinggang Ying's big move. Unfortunately, the mantis trapped in the big move could only be Life and death.

"It doesn't matter, they threw all their big moves on Wood." Pei Lu calmly said, "Kill Syndra first."

As soon as the words fell, Thresh flashed E to slow down to Syndra, and then slowly threw the hook in his hand. The clockwork ball was always on his head. Xiaoroubao didn't even want to use his big move, and cooperated with the female policeman to flatten A, successfully took Syndra's head!

At the same time, Thresh also died on the front line because he couldn't bear the damage from Big Mouth and Spider.

Pei Lu looked at the dim screen and immediately made a decision: "Retreat, don't fight."

Mu Wanwan hesitated for a moment: "My blood is still full, I think Qinggang Ying can be replaced..."

"If you want to replace him, you have to die yourself. It's not worthwhile. Withdraw."

His tone was calm, as if he had decided early on, "Just get rid of Syndra's murder book in this wave."

Because of this wave of team battles, Syndra's killing book has already stacked to the sixth floor. If Thresh didn't go up and replace him just now, there would be no need to fight the following team battles.

The game dragged on for forty-five minutes.

During the period, MA picked up three waves of team battles. Although each time the result seemed to be that MA was more profitable, in the end they could not get any substantive results. Ta didn't take the big dragon either.

Fifty-five minutes later, Park Jae-joon finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Tuan? I, a magic costume, have been for a long time."

The MA team members have long been pretending, want to push, but they are powerless, they can't group kill the opponent, every clockwork and wandering can slip away one, the policewoman has only died once from the beginning to the end —Syndra flashed up and forced to replace it. With such an efficient hero clearing troops, he couldn't push down the tower at all.

"It's not just your magical costume." Shark opened the equipment bar, his expression was not good—

Fifty-eight minutes, who is not a magician? !

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it anymore.

[Why doesn't MA push towers every time after a team fight? ! What's the point of this team fight?]

[You are so smart, why are you still giving advice at home? MA can't push it at all, okay?]

[I didn't expect that the last round of the spring finals would be a bladder round... No, I have to go to the bathroom again, don't fight while I'm in the bathroom!]

[TS won't play anything other than the late game?]

[Why don't you come out and force me when my big TS is playing fast break?]

After 60 minutes, there was finally a change in the scorching battle situation——

From the spectator perspective, you can see MA's Big Mouth, Spider and TS's policewoman are about to meet in the wild!

The reason is that the policewoman just went to the middle to collect a wave of soldiers, and she is on the way to eat the red BUFF at this time.

Big Mouth and Spider were hiding in the grass of the red BUFF. Mu Wanwan just passed by F6, and the field of vision happened to go out.

The hearts of all the audience immediately hung in their throats! The scream almost burst out from the throat! !

Pei Lu manipulated Thresh into the bushes behind Dalong, inserted a real eye, and a green eye appeared immediately. The white strip above the green eye was very long, and it looked like it had just been inserted!

His eyelids twitched, and he immediately shouted: "Don't go red!!"

Mu Wanwan quickly reacted, but it was too late, she had already seen the spider emerging from the grass, and her flash was more than ten seconds away, and the displacement skill had already been used on the way, and it was still two weeks away. Second CD.

The first operation that was loaded into the TOP10 of this year's wonderful clips happened at this moment—

The spider flashed up immediately and threw the prison at the policewoman. At the same time, Thresh who had arrived flashed in front of the policewoman, and precisely helped her block the prison! And he pressed his big move one second before he was imprisoned, and the decelerated wall hit the spider steadily!

Mu Wanwan immediately put down two clips in the narrow aisle, and then stood behind the clips, and there was a burst of flat A. At this time, her damage was terribly high, and the spider was disabled in a few hits. The spider wanted to run, but was caught by The strays who came around behind took a set away.

Because it was their own wild area, the TS players came much faster than the MA. Before Qinggangying's teleportation came down, Dazui was already chased to death by Mu Wanwan on the way to retreat.

"Come back! Don't fight!" Shark, who failed to get to the scene, frowned, "Come back and watch the wave, don't all die!"

Qinggangying and Shen turned around and wanted to run, but Thresh, who had only a trace of blood and had fled the scene for about ten seconds, suddenly appeared from his side, threw the hook again, held Qinggangying firmly, and followed the Erlian Q went up and used the deceleration to force the two of them to stay in the wild area of TS!

Qing Gangying took Thresh's head with a single skill, but the two MA members were also unable to escape due to the deceleration on their bodies. This wave of MA's deliberate siege of the wild area was unexpectedly beaten by TS. !

The audience was dumbfounded!

No matter how good Shark's Syndra played, he was unable to recover, and the four opponents went straight to the base.

The moment the crystal of the MA base exploded, commentator A blushed with excitement: "The 66th minute! The four of TS pushed down the crystal of the MA base and won the last BO5 victory!! Let us congratulate TS here—congratulations They won the championship of this spring competition!!!”

"They were not favored before the game, had frequent accidents during the game, and finally returned to the Spring Split with a full body of abuse! Finally at this moment! They proved themselves!!"

The audience seemed to wake up from a dream, and the cheers, accompanied by the ribbons falling from above, broke into Mu Wanwan's senses—

Xiaoroubao fell back, his eyes widened: "... did we win?"

"Win!! Baozi!!!" Brother Hu jumped up, twisted his chair, and kept shaking his shoulders with both hands.

When Mu Wanwan took off the headphones, Pei Lu had already stood up.

"Come on," he said. "Let's shake hands."

His tone was the same as usual, but trembling was clearly evident in his words.

Hearing the deafening cheers, Mu Wanwan slowly reached out to him: "... Xiaolu God, help me."

Very useless to say the least.

Her legs were weak and she couldn't stand up on her own.

She still wanted to cry a little, and she had to find something to wipe her tears.