Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 136


"YSP's lineup is to play against us in the late game." Pei Ludao, "Don't let them delay."

Xiao Roubao opened the battle information subconsciously, and glanced at Secret's profile picture: "This is too obvious, the ice birds have all been taken out..."

The hero Bingniao has a fight with Wei En, and it is a trap for passers-by. Because the molding is slow, not many people use it.

But the audience is no stranger to this hero. There was once a player from the European team who defended his highland to the death with the hero of Bingniao when he had a 20,000 economic difference with his opponent.

Mu Wanwan manipulated Lucian to go down: "Baozi, don't be killed alone."

The tone of the words is serious.

If it was someone else who was in the lane, Xiao Roubao must retaliate.

When he got here, he could only say in a low voice: "Okay, I will try my best."

What is the status of Secret in his heart? Although Shark is scary, at least he can play a few games with the opponent every season, and he can have a little understanding of the gap between him and the opponent.

But Secret... he only played one match against the opponent.

Yes, he has played professionally until now, and he has never played against Secret in an official arena. All his knowledge of the opponent is in the video, or the messy business match a long time ago.

So Secret is an unknown horror to him.

In the first ten minutes, everyone played fairly well, knowing the opponent's support speed, Mu Mu didn't even think about invading the wild area, but helped Xiaoroubao catch a few times.

"...don't come, the other side probably has eyes on both sides." Looking at the ice bird on the other side that retreats quickly every time, Xiao Roubao said helplessly.

"Hmm." Mu Mu glanced at the pawn line, the top pawn line was in the middle, but the opponent was a Titan, so it was difficult to catch the explosion.

He looked down the road again.

The combination of Lucian and Toad is not considered weak. In addition, Lucian has a displacement, and their AD is a line-pressing player, and the line is not very optimistic and difficult to catch.

He instantly became a jungler with nowhere to go.

"Tiger head, act a bit, I'll go up and catch it, get ready to be big."

Brother Hu hummed: "Come."

Zhumei walked up the road, and she was only halfway there when she heard Xiao Roubao saying "Fuck me, fuck me" in her voice.

"The prince is in the middle. I went down after I caught it. I guess I went to hunt river crabs." Xiao Roubao, who was caught a wave, walked to the second tower and returned to the city, "I'm going back."

Wood asked: "Where is the ice bird?"

"Only two blocks of blood, if you're not online, you should be going home."

Only then did Wood feel relieved to go up.

Netizens once commented on the "LPL Three Actors", and Brother Hu ranked first.

How good is Brother Hu’s acting skills? It’s just that he aligned well in the lane, and suddenly he missed a skill, and then made a mistake in his position. He accidentally took a few skills and then slipped away without looking back. If it wasn’t for the audience to see Mu Mu was rushing up the road, almost thinking that he had really made a mistake in his operation.

This operation is referred to as "the dishes are too real"...

By the way, Mu Wanwan is at the bottom of this list of actors.

After all, in the LPL, there are very few cases where she and Pei Lu can't match up in line, almost none, so when the opponent sees her in line and suddenly retreats, and their own jungler didn't come to Gank, they can basically guess Here comes the wood...

Sure enough, Tai Tan immediately chased after him, threw the hook directly, and pulled himself over.

Qing Gangying didn't even think about it, and directly activated the big move, locking Tai Tan in the big move.

Zhumei showed her head at this time, Tai Tan immediately understood, but he was not in a hurry to run back, after all, Qinggangying's ultimate move couldn't escape, and flash was useless.

Brother Hu hurriedly said: "He seems to have given up, wood, give me the head!!"


In the case that the pig girl still has a big move, the Titan basically has no way out.

When Mu Mu ran, Qing Gangying's ult had just ended, and the two top laners had only half a tube of blood left after the shopping.

Just one second before Zhumei Q went up to open up, Titan suddenly flashed backwards!

"Don't let him..." run away.

Brother Hu stopped before he finished speaking.

Because Tai Tan suddenly turned around and threw a big move to Brother Hu, and knocked away the pig girl who was in front of Brother Hu on the way-Titan just flashed, just thinking about how big he was, and he didn't want to run away!

Immediately afterwards, they heard another flash.

Before they could react, they saw a round ice cube flying straight towards them—an ice bird with three blood blocks suddenly appeared beside the tower!

The ice cube is the Q of the ice bird, and the person who is hit will be stunned, and this one directly stuns the two of them.

Followed by a set of R and E, coupled with the Titan's skills, the damage is still very good, especially Brother Hu, who was fighting with the Titan at the beginning, has already lost blood at the moment.

Mu Mu gritted his teeth: "You go first."

Brother Hu turned around and wanted to run, but the ice bird was another wall of ice, which firmly blocked his way, and was consumed to death.

Seeing that his teammate had fallen, Mu Mu looked at the distance to his defense tower, and guessed in his heart that he would not be able to escape.

He decisively chose to replace the opponent's ice bird.

The pig girl also has damage, and the blood volume of the ice bird itself is not much, so it is not difficult to force a replacement.

The ice bird can't run away without the flash, and the pig girl struggled a few times and successfully completed the kill, but there was no kill message above her head—

"Bun! Why does he still have eggs!?" Mu Mu, who has always been in good control, couldn't help crying out at this time.

The egg is the passive of the ice bird. After the hero dies, he will not die immediately, but become an egg full of blood, standing still and without any output. If he is not killed again during the period, he will be resurrected after a few seconds.

Of course, this passive also has CD time.

But at this time, the egg was just sitting under the tower full of blood, silently waiting for the resurrection time—the pig girl had no way to fight against the tower and kill it.

Baozi was particularly aggrieved: "You didn't even ask! Besides, didn't we passively catch it in the last wave? I guess the CD was just finished, and the timing was right? This is so bad, how dare you go to Gank with two blood blocks..."

Not only Baozi, but even Pei Lu didn't expect this wave. He also saw that Mu Mu had captured Secret's passive before, so he didn't stop Mu Mu from going to Gank.

"It's okay." Pei Lu said, "Steady."

In the bottom lane, Mu Wanwan took Lucian, and the laning was relatively strong, but the opponent was a Thresh, and it was not easy to kill with a big move.

And it seems that the road on the opposite side was agreed in advance, just not to fight with them, as long as Thresh didn't hook anyone, he immediately retreated, and then put a lantern under Da Zui's body.

Neither Lucian nor Toad had a hard control, and Dazui stood too far away from Toad, and couldn't swallow it, so he could only look angrily at Dazui, who was on the opposite side, lit the lantern and retreated.

In this way, although he didn't take advantage of it, Lucian's last knife suppressed Dazui by nearly 20 knives.

After another wave of operations like this, Mu Wanwan was so angry that when she went back to the city to look at the equipment, she was still muttering: "I knew we would grab the Thresh."

"Qing Gang Ying, the top laner on the opposite side, is very strong, and it's hard to fight if you grab it." Pei Lu said, "It's okay, I will flash and swallow the next wave, and give me some wood."

The last wave of Gank failures put a lot of pressure on Mu Mu: "... know."

Lucian, a hero, has a lot of damage with a set of skills. This time, as soon as the wood arrived, Pei Lu immediately flashed up and swallowed the big mouth.

Thresh wandered behind him, thinking about where the lantern should be given, at this moment, the wood shifted up with a Q, and went straight to Thresh!

"Okay!" commentator A excitedly said, "TS's style of play this time is very clear-do you like to put up lanterns? Are you still waiting? OK, I'll kill you first!"

Although Mu Wanwan didn't communicate with Mu Mu beforehand, she immediately understood the other party's position when she saw the other party's position, and immediately followed up. Before Pei Lu spit out his big mouth, all the damage hit Thresh's body!

Thresh was caught off guard, and the flash disappeared. At the moment when he was about to safely run back to the tower, Zhumei finished her ult CD, and directly activated the ult to control her. Thresh's head fell firmly into Lucian's pocket.

Only then did they turn around and look for Da Zui leisurely.

Dazui is much weaker than Thresh, and Mu Wanwan took his head in two or three strokes. When the three of them were about to retreat, a flag suddenly stuck beside Mu Wanwan—the prince on the opposite side came from behind the wall next to the tower. EQ jumped out! With a big move, they trapped the three of them!

"It's okay." Pei Lu gave the prince a slowdown, "Just one person..."

Before he finished speaking, a teleportation fell on the soldier.

The Titan on the opposite side actually teleported down.

"Hurry up!" Brother Hu shouted, "I've already used teleportation!"

"It's over," Little Roubao said, "Bingniao is missing!"

Seeing the big round ice cube flying out from behind, Mu Wanwan, who was still trapped in the prince's big move, said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"He went back to the middle lane to make up troops after finishing the top lane! I watched him go back to the city! Who knew he went directly to the bottom lane..." Xiao Roubao immediately manipulated Snake Girl to go down.

Unfortunately, this long journey is absolutely too late.

The three opponents surrounded the bottom lane, and all the skills on TS's side were used to kill the opponent's bottom lane duo.

In this wave of small team battles, YSP played a wave of two for three.

In fact, it's okay to exchange two for three, but the most terrifying thing is that the heads of the three of them were all given to Secret.

In addition to the small team battle just before they hit the road, in front of them was a 4/0/0 ice bird.

If this data were changed to Xiaoroubao, he would be able to fight with his eyes closed, let alone Secret, a veteran in the field.

Thirty minutes later, the first team battle broke out. Although TS played hard, they still played four for three, which didn't look too bad.

But in this team battle, two heads were picked up by Da Zui on the opposite side.

At the beginning of this commentary, they comforted "no loss" and "it's okay", but when it came to the next team battle, they couldn't comfort them anymore.

The upper and middle lanes of TS were a bit bombed. After Secret took four heads, Xiaoroubao started to live again. Not to mention Brother Hu, the first wave of Gank was a blood loss, and the number of troops was higher than that of the opponent. Eat two waves less.

Although the bottom lane can be said to be the dominant lane, it is only ahead of the opponent by dozens of last hits. Once the big mouth develops in the middle and late stages, the economy is already close to Mu Wanwan.

It is a joke to let Lucian compare with Dazui in the later stage.

In the second big team battle, Mu Wanwan had no flashes. Just as she dodged the prince's big move, she heard two flashes—Thresh and Tai Tan both flashed up to seduce her! !

"Fuck!" Mu Wanwan was taken aback, before she finished speaking, Pei Lu flashed up and swallowed her immediately.

"Don't panic."

Pei Lu took her and ran back with difficulty.

"Toad!! Luckily there is a toad! This YSP is determined to kill Wanshen!!!" Commentator A was so excited that he drooled, "But we got a □□ in this round! Don't try to touch my AD! !"

Commentator B quickly handed him a piece of paper: "The ice bird is controlled by Qinggangying—no way! Although the ice bird is controlled, the output can't keep up!! Snake girl, what about the snake girl..."

Little Roubao was about to die of anger.

This Thresh first put a deceleration wall beside him, and then flashed to go to Lucian, which directly caused him to be unable to go up at all! There is no way to cut the big mouth on the opposite side!

At this point, the control of Pig Girl's ultimate move ends.

With a flash, the ice bird arrived beside Toad and Lucian, officially starting his cold hell.

Mu Wanwan didn't get the dizziness of Bingniao, but one R and E was enough to kill her, not to mention the big mouth that vomited wildly behind her.

In this team battle, although TS is very well allocated, the opponent's equipment is crushed, and the front row cannot lose the opponent's back row in seconds, and they cannot keep their C position.

After a series of weak team battles, in 46 minutes, TS base was pushed and lost the first game.

The intermission time was only about ten minutes. When they came on stage again, the expressions of TS members were the same as when they left the stage, they were still heavy.

"Now... TS urgently needs to adjust its mentality. We just lost the first game. It's okay!" Although he knew that the players couldn't hear his encouragement at this time, commentator A couldn't help but say something.

In the second game, TS took the protective big meat in the first two positions, preparing to play the late game they are very good at.

But YSP directly took VN in the third position, and BAN dropped the big mouth in the fourth BAN position.

In the end, Mu Wanwan could only take one policewoman.

The hero Secret took in this round is even more unusual-the mid laner EZ.

In fifteen minutes, EZ took the red BUFF and grabbed two consecutive waves on the road. Cooperating with his own top laner, he directly pressed Brother Hu on the tower and rubbed hard.

And because Xiaoroubao is a clockwork, he is more inclined to replenish soldiers and team battles than support, so he can't support himself on the road at all. Every time he arrives, the gank is over, and he can only see Brother Hu's poor wreckage.

In this round, before 20 minutes had passed, TS was cornered by the opponent in the middle.

The advantage of the policewoman's arm length is a joke in front of EZ - you output from behind, EZ hits your face directly, the level is two levels higher than yours, how do you fight? how do you want to live

Pei Lu was playing Lulu in this game, and it was already difficult to keep AD alone, let alone other things. His W can't even increase the attack speed of the female policeman, but is used to silence any rushing hero on the other side.

This game was easily won by YSP in 28 minutes.

The score came to 2-0.

With a sullen face, Mu Wanwan turned and walked backstage.

The two gold-medal commentators of LPL were speechless. They were silent for nearly half a minute. Under the urging of the director, commentator A slowly spoke.

"... So far, the score between the two sides has come to 2-0... The YSP team took the lead to get the match point."