Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 16


Now e-sports are in full swing, League of Legends is the most popular game nowadays, LPL professional players have undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's eyes.

So the day after the game, Mu Wanwan found out about what happened in the backstage of yesterday's regular season on the hot search on Weibo.

[E-sports Kojiro V: According to the retelling of the support staff at the game site yesterday, HSS jungler Fu Zhou was in a bad mood because of the loss of the game. When he came back, he had an argument with TS team AD Chen He, and the two scuffled into a ball. So both TS and HSS were on the bench in yesterday's game. It's really a pity for TS, obviously the momentum is very good, the strength of the substitute AD is obviously not keeping up with the pace of the big teams, it's a pity that they lost the game, but it doesn't matter, it's just a regular season, I hope the two teams can continue to work hard .]

"Come on, what a fart."

At the TS base, Xiaoroubao saw this Weibo, and finally couldn't help but swear.

"Okay, you've been talking all night." Brother Yang wrote and drew there with a pen and paper.

Brother Hu asked, "What do you remember?"

"The account details that TS should give to Chen He this year."

Except for Pei Lu, everyone else was startled.

Little Roubao couldn't believe it: "Really dismissed?"

"Otherwise, do you think I was playing house before, so just talk about it?"

If you want to say that among the current professional players in the LPL, Chen He is the one who causes the most troubles. Lack of training, being late, leaving early, fucking fans, fighting... he committed almost all the crimes he could.

Brother Yang has always been strict in his conduct and affairs. When everyone first joined the team, he told Chen He that if he was so annoying, he would be kicked out of TS.

At that time, everyone thought Brother Yang was just joking, and passed it off with a smile. I didn't expect that Chen He would really be kicked at this moment.

Little Roubao struggled: "But brother Yang, if you kicked someone, what should we do in the spring competition?"

"Yesterday, Chen He wasn't here, so why didn't you shoot down as usual?"

"Xiaohui's technique is not proficient enough," Brother Hu said, "If he didn't, he lost yesterday."

Xiaoroubao interrupted him: "Aren't you talking nonsense, Xiaohui is the top laner, you let him play AD, how can he play well?"

Yes, their team has no AD substitutes, only substitute mid laners and top laners.

There is also a reason for the delay in coming on stage yesterday - they had to struggle with which substitute to put on the bench.

Sitting beside him, Pei Lu asked aloud, "Have you already decided?"

"Well," Brother Yang sighed, "You guys are too naive. Chen He had a fight in the LPL backstage yesterday. How could the higher-ups let him go? The suspension notice is probably coming down soon, and even if I don't let him go Kicked out, he still can't play."

Mu Mu, who had been silent all this time, said, "Then what about our spring competition this time?"

Everyone was silent for a few seconds.

"It's just a spring game, nothing more."

Pei Lu stood up, twitching the corners of his mouth, "We still have summer games in the second half of the year."

Brother Hu: "But our team doesn't even have AD, where can we find one?"

Little Roubao patted him on the head: "This world is so big, is there still a shortage of ADCs with career dreams? I have been in the national server king rank all the year round, and now I can tell you a few powerful ADCs who have not joined the club with my eyes closed." .”

After hearing this, Brother Yang was very interested. He swept away the previous haze and smiled: "Oh? Who is there? Now you can read it with your eyes closed and listen."

Xiao Roubao closed his eyes, and said as soon as he said it: "Prince Melancholy..."

Brother Yang: "Stop."

Little Roubao opened his eyes with a dazed expression: "Huh?"

"I think Melancholic Prince is good." Brother Yang finally put the person he had studied for more than a month in front of the team members, "Have you ever played games with her?"

"I played two rounds, one round the day before yesterday, and another round where she was my teammate. To be honest, she was really strong." Prince Melancholy is a girl."

"I know."

"You know??" Brother Hu was startled, "Then you still..."

"Why can't girls play professionally?"

Xiaoroubao and Brother Hu looked at each other for a while, but they didn't say anything.

In the end, Mu Mu said the problem: "The base is all men."

"Yes, yes," Xiao Roubao nodded, "How inconvenient."

Pei Rou sincerely said: "Meat Bao... You should also get rid of Xia Tian's habit of walking around the base with bare upper body, did you forget the eyes of those female fans who came to Gank base before?"

"...I just said, why did you double row with that melancholy prince!" Xiao Roubao clapped his hands and solved the case, "Did you guys want to fire Chen He a long time ago?"

Brother Yang didn't retort: "I let Xiaolu go. How about it, Xiaolu, have you changed your mind after playing with her for the past few days?"

Pei Lu nodded.

In the qualifying match with Miaomiaoquan, he had seen it.

"She can be strong and cowardly, can be waved and retreated. If she is willing to obey orders, it is indeed a good choice."

Little Roubao: "Why did you let Xiaolu try her, why didn't you let me?"

Brother Yang smiled: "They are a duo in the bottom lane, what are you going to get involved with?"

"Yes," Xiao Roubao also laughed, "From now on, Team TS will no longer have four players in the middle and wild to play tactics."


When the news of Chen He's suspension came out, Mu Wanwan had just woken up, and the weather was too cold, so she didn't want to go out again, so she simply made a box of instant noodles, and put on her makeup while boiling water and instant noodles.

She opened the game client, but the live broadcast hasn't started yet.

TS.Luu online.

She took a bite of noodles, thought about it, and sent a message.

[Melancholy Prince: Are you okay?]

[TS. Luu: Huh?]

[Melancholy Prince: About the ban...]

After sending it out, Mu Wanwan felt a little regretful.

Will she appear too talkative

[TS.Luu: That, it’s okay.]

[Prince Melancholy: That's good.]

[TS.Luu: A row?]

[Prince Melancholy: Can you wait for me for five minutes...]

Her live broadcast time requirement for this month has not met the standard, so it cannot be wasted.

[TS. Luu: Good.]

She hurriedly cleaned up the instant noodles, picked out a piece of lipstick and put it on, and after making sure that the makeup was clean, she clicked the live broadcast button.

At nine o'clock in the morning, there were not many spectators.

She covered her lips with her hand, yawned slightly, and was about to switch back to the game interface when she heard a "thump" from the system, and a dialog box popped up.

"Administrator 03 has temporarily closed your live broadcast room. If you need help, please contact Super Management."

Mu Wanwan was dumbfounded.

She contacted the administrator, who was full of bureaucracy.

Administrator 03: "Hello, because we suspect that you are acting as an agent, and to ensure the reputation of the platform, we have chosen to temporarily block your live broadcast room."

Wanan: "As I said last time, I'm not a substitute."

Administrator 03: "But I have received a video of evidence."

Mu Wanwan thought it was ridiculous.

She obviously played the game with her own hands, how could she still come up with a "substitute playing evidence video"?

Opening the file sent by the other party, after reading it, she began to doubt the administrator's IQ.

Wanan: "It's lagging and lag. It's a network problem for those who watch the live broadcast. It has nothing to do with me. Can't you see normal lagging?"

The other party is probably dealing with other matters, and has not responded for a long time.

The game icon below lights up.

Mu Wanwan just thought of something, and quickly opened it—

[TS. Luu: Are you ready?]

...She actually made Pei Lu wait for more than twenty minutes like this.

[Melancholy Prince: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm dealing with some things here, and I may not have time to play for the time being.]

[TS. Luu: Good.]

[TS.Luu: Are you okay? It seems that your live broadcast room cannot be accessed.]

Sure enough, Pei Lu knew that she was an anchor.

Mu Wanwan felt that it was worse.

Fortunately, her last vest is still there.

[Prince Melancholy: It's okay, this platform said I was acting as a proxy, and blocked my live broadcast room :)]

[Prince Melancholy: The administrator brought out a stuck video, claiming that it was evidence that I played on behalf of him? ? I may be in a fake fighting cat, the largest live broadcast platform, and the reasonable management are all fake, and I don’t have any ordinary people’s ability to distinguish!]

[TS. Luu: Tell them well... The live broadcast platform will believe you.]

[Prince Melancholy: Well, you can wait in line first, you don't have to wait for me, it may take a long time.]

[TS. Luu: Good.]


Administrator 03 finally replied to her: "Well, we have two solutions here."

Mu Wanwan really didn't understand why they put on a high profile when they clearly wronged someone.

Wanan: "Oh, tell me, I'll think about it."

Administrator 03: "One, when you start the video in the future, put a camera at hand, so that the audience can see your movements."

Wanan: "What's the use of that? Those lagging ones can still be used as an argument, why don't you suggest that they use another network?"

Administrator 03: "…the second option."

The other party sent a network link.

When Mu Wanwan opened the website, she saw a big bold line—

Fighting Cats 2nd League of Legends offline anchor competition.

Without thinking about it, she closed the web page.

Wanan: "The contract we signed at the time clearly stated that I have no obligation to cater to any of your offline activities."

Administrator 03: "Of course we know this. We just choose a way to cleanse you."

Wanan: "?? I don't need to clean up."

The unpleasant conversation ended here.

Mu Wanwan was very angry.

In the end, she still chose option 1. Unexpectedly, this method only took less than a day, and her live broadcast room... was blocked again.

Administrator 03 told her righteously: "New video evidence has come out, and the publisher has posted it on the Internet and reposted it over a thousand times. We are also very difficult to deal with."

Mu Wanwan opened Weibo and took a look. The latest Weibo comments she received were all swearing.

After searching for a long time, she finally found the legendary Weibo that had been retweeted a thousand times.

The blogger not only posted a video, but also a series of long speeches.

[Anchor Miaomiao v: The anchor industry is getting more and more difficult now. QAQ sound cards are not as expensive as others, and singing is not as good as others; if you don’t spend money to find a substitute player, no one will watch LOL live broadcasts... I feel so sad. I'm doing my nails right now, and I'm going to participate in the LOL offline competition held by Doumao in a few days. Remember to watch the live broadcast, see you soon.]

This Weibo has more than a thousand forwarded comments, most of which are to comfort her, and the sunspots are still posting Aite Mu Wanwan's Weibo ID on this Weibo.

Seeing the latest repost, Mu Wanwan's left eyelid twitched slightly.

[Lin Jiu v: Bingqing Yujie Meow Meow Fist. [picture]]

Opening it up, it was the chat record where Miaomiaoquan told others that he wanted to snipe Mu Wanwan.