Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 6


The first BAN person is TS's top laner Brother Hu.

Without hesitation, he banned Xu Hao's best czar.

There was booing from the audience.

Mu Wanwan didn't think there was anything to shush about. If TS really released Xu Hao's Czar, then they should be restless.

This is the League of Legends professional game, with fixed players, you can know the team you are about to face before the game, and give you enough time to study and ponder.

Therefore, in the game, a hero played by a certain player can hardly get out of the BAN position.

No matter how powerful you are personally, or how powerful a certain hero is, it is useless.

Personally powerful, aim at it.

The hero is powerful, BAN will kill you.

Therefore, the hero pool is not deep, and it is impossible to play professional games at all.

In a blink of an eye, the two censer monsters, Lulu and Fengnv, were banned, and now they are the last ban of TS.

The girl next to her clasped her hands together, praying, and muttered: "Don't ban Haoshen Galio..."

Mu Wanwan: "Don't worry, I won't be banned."

The girl glanced at her: "Are you a new fan? Do you know how strong Haoshen Galio's support is? You will definitely be banned."

Mu Wanwan shut up.

The girl was praying by herself, and when she comforted her, she was dissed.

Girls these days are so hard to coax!

Turning his face, he saw that TS directly banned the small cannon.

The girl next to her was overjoyed: "Hahaha, this TS is stupid~ He actually banned the AD position."

Mu Wanwan also laughed.

Soon, the bottom lane combination was selected, and Pei Lu chose Thresh, a hero who is not too popular in the current game. After all, if this hero does not play the Blazing Censer, the team will lose the powerful bonus of the Censer.

AD Chen He played Vayne.

On the opposite side, Nami and Dazui were chosen.

The blind monk locked by MA's jungler.

The jungler on the other side seemed to be very distressed. After hesitating for nearly a minute, he chose Pan Sen.

The little girl next to her clapped her hands happily again: "And let us get the blind man, be careful! Pan Sen, a hero, can't get close at all in the later stage."

Mu Wanwan smiled noncommittally.

The game started in a regular manner, neither side changed lanes, and the two sides supported each other to help the jungler fight the second wild monster, and went online together.

Vayne is not very strong in the laning phase, so choosing a more oppressive Thresh is a good response.

Of course, she felt that Pei Lu's use of Thresh was not just to deal with Wei En's weakness during the laning phase.

At the third level, Pei Lu hit the opponent's Big Mouth with a hook, and a small team battle broke out.

Everyone had nothing to lose, they all lost a little blood, and they recovered after drinking a bottle of blood medicine.

The two sides are about to level six. At this moment, the blind man on the opposite side was already approaching down the road.

TS didn't seem to notice at all that Wei En was still pressing forward.

In order to seduce MA's bot lane, he also made a false appearance of retreating at the right time. Nami even deliberately went up and took two flat A, and then ran away in a hurry.

Yes, powerful actor.

I saw the blind monk quickly warded on the other side of the wall and jumped down. A Q accurately hit Wei En, and the opposite bot lane duo also reacted quickly and were about to follow up.

Before the people around had time to cheer, a huge circle suddenly appeared under Wei En's feet—Pan Sen's ultimate move, which can jump to any place within the range.

MA obviously expected this kind of situation. Immediately after the blind monk jumped up, he wanted to kill Wei En first. Unexpectedly, he was pulled over by Thresh's hook as soon as he hit the Q's second-stage damage, and used an E to kill him. He pushes away.

Vayne ran back with a Q and successfully avoided the damage from Big Mouth. Pan Sen was about to land, and the blind monk jumped onto his teammate without haste, and then threw another Q—Vayne was more crippled, At worst, three-on-three.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a vortex on the ground-TS's mid laner girl had arrived at the bottom lane at some point! The ball girl's blood bar is only half, but obviously she still has a set of skills in her hands, which can do a lot of damage.

However, Galio on the opposite side thought that the ball girl had already returned to the city, and thought that the blind man should be able to catch someone. In order not to fall behind, he did not choose to support, but returned to the city.

The situation reversed in an instant, MA saw that the situation was wrong, and prepared to sell one to protect the other, but Nami's Q failed to stun the ball girl, but was directly dropped by the ball girl in seconds.

Dazui didn't even look back, and just dropped a flash.

Pei Lu, who had been accumulating Q all the time, followed a flash at this moment, threw the hook without hesitation, and hit Big Mouth with precision, Pan Sen followed and took the head.

A wave of 0 for 3, the ball girl gained a head, this wave of Gank is not a loss, and TS can also take a fire dragon by the way.

Dream start.

Although she had foreseen the situation long ago, Mu Wanwan couldn't help but yelled: "Beautiful!"

As soon as the words came out, the people around looked over—

Even scarier than the attention just now.

Mu Wanwan: "... Dazui's skin is so beautiful! I want to buy one when I go back!"

Lin Jiu: "..."

Her best friend is a bit stupid, but she has a strong desire to survive...

After changing 0 to 3 this time, the rhythm of MA was chaotic, and the blind monk was one and a half levels behind Pan Sen.

And Pan Sen seemed to stay in the bottom lane only, jumping whenever there was a big problem. After suffering two losses, MA's bottom lane simply switched to the top lane.

The MA side quickly pushed the bottom road and rushed to the top road.

At this time, Galio made a movement. Judging from his position, he seemed to want to go on the road to catch a wave.

TS's map signal is frantically bright, obviously guessing Galio's movements.

The camera came to Pei Lu, he didn't know what he heard, and suddenly smiled.

Maybe it's because she saw a real person backstage, and now even with such a small video shot, she can get the contagious power of this smile.

The girl next to her came to her little friend: "Do you think Pei Lu is also pretty handsome?"

"Handsome is handsome...but not as cool and domineering as Haoshen."

The girl immediately came down from the wall and agreed: "You are right."

Cool and domineering?

what the hell.

She glanced at Xu Hao, who had dyed his hair in a very individual gray of grandma's gray, and his hair covered most of his eyebrows.

With this hairstyle, can you see the computer screen? The team's coach doesn't care

The game was over in twenty-five minutes.

The overwhelming victory of TS made the fans present quite dumbfounded, but MA obviously didn't take it seriously, and Xu Hao even smiled when he returned to the backstage.

When Pei Lu got up, he subconsciously looked up at the auditorium.

In an instant, she met Mu Wanwan's eyes.

Pei Lu only took a quick glance, and immediately stepped off the stage to discuss the countermeasures for the next round.

Mu Wanwan didn't even have time to smile.

She shrugged - in the eyes of the other party, she was just a fan, and it was normal if she didn't respond.

She glanced at the time and said, "I'm going back."

Lin Jiu was taken aback: "This is the first match."

"It's half past two, and I promised the audience that the live broadcast will be at four o'clock."

"It takes less than ten minutes for you to get home from here, what's the hurry?"

"It will take time for me to put on makeup."

"How long do you use every time you put on your makeup?"

Mu Wanwan thought for a while: "Maybe half an hour."

"... No wonder it's like changing faces every time, it's really hard work for you," Lin Jiu said, "I think your idol has a good chance of winning this time, really don't look anymore?"

The regular season of the spring split is a BO3 competition system, and the winner of two out of three games wins.

"Look, go home and watch."

Lin Jiu got up disgusted: "I really convinced you, let's go."

"You didn't watch it either?"

"I don't like to read these things, so I just accompany you to take a look."

Mu Wanwan was touched and said, "I won't pay for tonight's takeaway if it's less than two hundred."

Before going out, she glanced at Brother Yang, the manager of the TS team who came out to discuss things with a certain staff member.

Seeing that she didn't follow, Lin Jiu wondered, "What's wrong?"

Mu Wanwan shook her head and quickly left the venue.

The second match was about to start, when Pei Lu entered the arena, he reflexively looked at the seat where Mu Wanwan was sitting before.

There is no one left.

Going to the bathroom again

In the second game, TS lost the game in thirty-five minutes because of being beaten in the middle. Pei Lu looked at the position again before leaving the field—it was still empty.

He returned to the training room, frowning slightly.

Little Roubao patted him on the shoulder embarrassingly: "Xiaolu, I'm sorry, I was blown away."

Pei Lu said, "It's all right."

They have formulated many plans to deal with MA. They tried to let the wood grab the road madly. Unexpectedly, the opponent's jungler immediately squatted in the middle. All kinds of three people jumped the tower, and it was not entirely the fault of Xiaorou who was caught and killed several times. Bag.

This plan is not feasible, just change it next time.

In the third tiebreaker, after Pei Lu took the stage, he looked across the screen at the auditorium.

That position is still empty.

He sighed leisurely.

Brother Hu: "What's wrong with you, you've been sighing."

Pei Lu was silent for a while, then disappointedly said: "The fans are really distracted this year."



When Pei Lu said this, Mu Wanwan was sitting in front of the computer putting on makeup.

She put on false eyelashes, applied mascara several times, and started a live broadcast.

Because the broadcast was very punctual, many viewers came.

[The anchor is also watching the game? MA is about to overturn! What happened to TS, became stronger? ? ]

[It's just the regular season, MA doesn't care at all, it can make it to the playoffs just for fun. ]

[It was solved in twenty-five minutes, how dare the upstairs brag? ]

Mu Wanwan curled her fingers and plucked the broken hair on both sides of her forehead: "Don't quarrel, let's watch the game well."

[Don't you play games? ]

Mu Wanwan: "Hit it, right away."

Just as she was opening the game client, the third match had already started.

She glanced at the lineup, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

[Which team does Wanan think will win? ? ]

This is the second time she heard this question today.

But since it was a live broadcast, she was smart enough not to answer this time.

She quickly opened the game, and when she was still in the group, she saw the comments scrolling at the top of the screen.

[TS won the trough! ! ! ]

[Is MA confused? What the hell can't even beat TS? ]

[Lu is really strong, if the MA dares to let go of the girl, she must be prepared to lose. ]

[The fans close their eyes and blow? ]

Mu Wanwan replied from the bottom of her heart, she is indeed strong.

The importance of a good support is only known by ADCs.

As soon as the game was over, I received a WeChat message from an administrator of Doomao.

Because it is not convenient to chat during the live broadcast, and she does not have several computers or assistants like other anchors, so the administrator always uses WeChat to contact her when she starts the broadcast.

Xiaoyu: "Wanan, do you have Weibo? Let's promote it, it's convenient to attract fans, and you can also advertise yourself."

Wan: "Yes."

Xiaoyu: "Send me your name, and we will help you get a V certification."

Mu Wanwan's Weibo is her game ID, and there are only three fans—the name is too ugly, and even the zombie fans of Sina are unwilling to follow her.

But there was a boss lying in the private message column of her weibo.

The name of the boss's Weibo is Manager Yang Ge.

The message that the other party sent before remained on the chat box: "The melancholy prince of Dianyi? I want to ask if you are interested in playing professionally?"

Mu Wanwan didn't reply.

The author has something to say:

Slightly modified, I will explain it to everyone.

MA: The current No. 1 team in China.

TS: The mid-range team, failed to enter the global finals last year, the team with Xiaolu.

HSS: Xiaobai [dish]