Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 66


Xiao Roubao said he would do it, and only dared to go up and touch the opponent twice when he was holding the blue BUFF in his hand. As a result, he saw a spider entering the field of vision from the wild area as soon as he stepped forward.

The spider's development is average, but Syndra's equipment has already pulled him a lot of gaps. He weighed it in his heart and felt that two-on-two should not be able to fight, so he could only retreat cowardly.

"Wood, I'm a little wronged," Little Roubao said, "so give me F6."

Wood went straight to the road: "Got it, you eat."

Mu Wanwan took out the big sword: "I'm hurt."

"Well, you can play a wave, but leave when you see someone." Pei Lu manipulated Bron to go to the triangle grass to insert the ward, but before he put the ward, he saw the spider who had just walked down the road, "Forget it , No, the spider is down."

After finishing speaking, he narrowed his eyes and saw that the middle road was empty. His eyelids twitched and he immediately noticed something.

"Wanwan," he said as he walked back, "come here."

"Okay." Mu Wanwan finished filling in the last pawn in front of her eyes, and walked towards He Daobron, "What's wrong..."

As soon as the words fell, she saw the ball girl appearing in the field of vision, and Pei Lu immediately shouted: "Du Da!"

Mu Wanwan did not hesitate to click on the big move—it can provide movement speed bonuses to nearby allies, and Braum's cumbersome footsteps instantly become faster. Almost at the same moment, the ball girl flashed the ball again with confidence and tried to stun Braum! And because of the speed bonus, Bron escaped the dizziness at the limit distance!

"Here we go again!! Confidence flashes!!!" Commentator A excitedly said, "But this time there seems to be something wrong, the ball didn't reach Bron! Now Syndra's equipment can be said to be very good at this time. Luxurious! Plus there are his teammates next to him, if Bron is fainted, he will return to the city for free!"

Commentary B: "Shark had a small oolong just after showing a wave! Haha, but it's okay, this kind of operation itself is dangerous! But I found another thing, that is, just now Wan Shen was doing well Supplies, suddenly turned around and went to the river, we can also see that there is no flash in Bron's hand, do you think this is... "

"Impossible?" Caster A laughed, "We can see that Shark actually returned to the city in front of Xiaoroubao before, so TS has no reason to guess that he took a turn on the top lane and grabbed the bottom lane... I guess Is it Lu Shen who wants to fight the opponent? So he called Wan Shen over?"

Commentator B: "I don't think so. The spiders are here. They don't have the ideal two-on-three... who knows, Lu Shen is actually a very stable player. In the previous interview with Xiaoroubao, he also said that the team commander is usually Lu. I can also hear from the quotations during the game before that God Lu is very sensitive to the enemy's Gank!"

In the middle of the match, MA broke the first tower of TS's middle lane, and the support became flexible, and finally began to "take care" of other lanes. Syndra didn't come much, but Spider always wandered in the bottom lane.

Pei Lu: "I can't fight, hold on tight, and wait for the team fight."

"Tiger Head, Syndra is going up, be more cowardly!" Little Roubao hurriedly told his teammates.

Rambo backed away immediately, and Brother Hu roared: "What the hell is the use of telling me! You came up!"

"It's coming, it's coming," the snake girl moved up, "but I can't beat them twice."

"I know, I can't let me go back to the city with full blood! Come up and guard, if they overtake me, we will change."

Mu Mu glanced at the map, and manipulated Wei to catch up: "Hold on, wait for me."

In the end, Wei arrived, and the three of them managed to defend the tower. Eighteen minutes later, TS struggled to break down the next tower, and was finally able to try to fight the first wave of team battles.

"You hide behind me," Pei Lu said, "Little Roubao doesn't do as much damage as you now, they only kill you."

Mu Wanwan: "Okay."

"Sindra's equipment is so brutal, I can only look for their EZ, that thing can run very fast..." Brother Hu walked ahead, looking at the opposite station.

"Syndra can't fight in a second," Mu Mu said in a deep voice, "I'll go up and drive him, you follow."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bull head on the opposite side began to press forward. Obviously, MA was also planning to fight a team battle. Mu Wanwan found a good position and was ready to make a big move at any time.

At this moment, the bull's head suddenly appeared, and went straight to Xivir! Sivir quickly dodged with a dodge, activated his ultimate move, and officially kicked off the prelude to this team battle! In the end, the bull's head only bumped into a Braum, and EZ stayed behind the bull's head, throwing a wave of damage to Braum.

Syndra didn't even look at Bron, the ball in her hand hadn't landed for a long time, at this moment, Wei flashed and directly locked the big move on Syndra!

"Brother Hao! They want to kill you!" On the MA side, the assistant screamed and backed away.

Shark glanced at Sivir's position, far away: "It's okay, they can't kill me."

Wei came up to lift Syndra heavily, but the bull's head and spider behind him were like a high wall blocking the front, and his teammates couldn't get through at all. As soon as he landed, he was stunned by the crocodile strung out from the side. He was beaten to death within seconds.

"Their damage is too high!" Mu Mu looked at the gray screen, a little irritated, "Syndra's ultimate move is still there, and I can't survive ten seconds."

Mu Wanwan originally wanted to go up to output, but judging from the current situation, let alone output, as long as she doesn't get caught in seconds, she will be fine. She gritted her teeth, and the damage hit the closest EZ to her. For so long in the bottom lane, no one broke out. No matter how well-developed she is, she only has a dozen more soldiers than EZ. The difference in equipment between the two is itself huge. It's not big, EZ didn't hesitate at all, after a big move came over, he hid behind the bull's head and fought with her.

The two battlefields that were originally divided changed suddenly after Wei's death!

TS lost the first-hand advantage, Syndra directly held the ball and looked for Sivir in the crowd.

The MA top laner didn't even think about it: "I'll go up and destroy her shield."

The crocodile went up and successfully consumed Sivir's shield. Shark calmly said, "Spider, throw a web."

The spider quickly flashed up and threw the web towards Mu Wanwan, but was blocked by Braum, Sivir dealt enough damage, and the spider lost most of its HP in an instant.

After confirming that the opponent's protection skills were lost, Syndra moved forward and pressed against Snake Girl's damage. The balls landed at Sivir's feet one by one. The range of movement was too small, and Mu Wanwan couldn't dodge at all. Finally, it was taken away by Syndra's big move.

"... No, I'll die if he adds one skill and one big move." Mu Wanwan bit her lip.

This team battle directly widened the economic gap between the two teams. In the following team battles, Sivir, who had not flashed, could not dodge at all. Either he did not deal any damage and fled the battlefield, or he dealt a set of damage and then quickly grayed out.

When Syndra took the first blood, Pei Lu knew that the balance of this game had already tilted towards MA, and now it seemed that the team battle was impossible to fight.

In the 29th minute, MA pushed down TS's base and won the first game of BO3.

Several people stepped off the stage, and Xiaoroubao was still upset: "This is mine."

Pei Ludao: "It's okay, Shark is a strong player in the lane, and his teamfights are not as good as yours."

Little Roubao smiled: "Don't praise me out of conscience."

"I'm not boasting, to be honest, just now he only cared about Miao Wanwan, and his position was very poor. If they hadn't blocked the front row well, we might not have lost," Pei Lu said, looking at the people next to him, "'re fine Bar."

Mu Wanwan was stunned for a moment before returning to her senses: "What?... By the way, I thought about it for a while, in fact, I can use Verus in that hand just now, but I just throw R when he comes up, otherwise I will use Verus in the next move ?”

Since Mu Wanwan joined TS, this is the first time they have been crushed by the opponent to win the game. According to the data, the damage output of TS in each position is not as good as that of MA.

But she quickly jumped over the failure of the previous game and began to plan for the next game.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Mu Wanwan asked, "Why? Can't it? In fact, Xiaopao is also good, but they will probably ban..."

"No, you take the policewoman or EZ, and I take Bard to walk with the wood." After losing a game, Pei Lu gradually showed a smile in his eyes, "You order, can you?"

Mu Wanwan didn't even think about it: "Okay."

Brother Yang is not at ease: "Really?"

It's not that he doesn't believe in Mu Wanwan, but that her style of play is radical, and MA is a veteran team, so it's absolutely impossible to lose to Shuangcha in suppressing that move.

Mu Wanwan agreed immediately, and in the second scene, the policewoman was banned, and she took out her EZ.

Commentary A: "Ezreal? This hero seems to have played a lot today. It's also the first time I've seen God Wan take EZ in a game. Did TS change tactics?"

Commentary B: "Bud! God Lu took Bud, and he wants to swim with wild assistants. It seems that he is going to target a wave of Sharks."

"Actually, I'm more worried about Wanshen. To be honest, she is a player who can play an advantage in the lane. If she is allowed to single-play for too long, the MA will not sit idly by, right?" commentator A said, "It is very likely that there will be It was like the double-crossed situation before."

Fifteen minutes later, commentator A realized that he was worrying too much.

"We can see that MA's team is striding towards Wanshen again—Wan turned around and walked away without hesitation!" Commentator B couldn't be happier, "Did Wanshen get scared by the double fork round? He didn't even struggle. Struggle and run away? Not like her! But we can also see her progress in the lane... "

As soon as he finished speaking, EZ suddenly turned back halfway and returned to the tower. Commentator B immediately became as quiet as a chicken, and did not dare to stand up FLAG again.

At the same time as the people rushed up, Bud's big move fell from the sky! The MA bot lane duo and jungler together with EZ were placed under TS's bot lane tower! !

Bud didn't know when he came near Xiaolong. Before he came, he opened a door on the wall. The meat bag and wood behind him passed through the wall, and he rushed to the bottom road in time, while Shark was taboo. De's Q skill did not dare to pass, and when Shark's clockwork rushed to the bottom lane, the MA bottom lane duo had already been killed by the small meatbag Victor!

This game lasted for forty-five minutes. TS relied on targeting the middle lane of MA, and won the victory with difficulty. The score came to 1:1. Xiaoroubao won his first MVP in this spring split!

In the deciding game of the third round, MA did not hesitate to ban Bard, and the tactics changed accordingly, unexpectedly targeting the top lane.

TS was unprepared. At 18 minutes, Brother Hu's record came to 0/3/1. Later, when fighting in a group, he was completely unable to withstand the enemy's damage. The protection was not enough, and the double C output could not be played at all. In the end, he was defeated The big dragon on the opposite side forced the group and took it away in one wave.

MA ended TS' winning streak with a 2-1 record.

Everyone in TS went back to the lounge to watch the interview with MA Assistant, then packed up their things and left the venue.

"Hey, I didn't play well today. I will be criticized quietly when I sum up after the game." Brother Hu said, thumping his waist.

"Damn, I finally won an MVP. I remember someone in the live broadcast room said that one day I would win the MVP and he would kill X in the live broadcast. I will urge him to go when I get back." Little Roubao yelled.

Mu Wanwan followed behind, listening to their chat, laughing from time to time.

When she stepped down, she originally thought that the atmosphere at the base would be very heavy today, but she didn't expect that everyone was very optimistic about it, even more noisy than winning the game before.

"Everyone is in a good mood." She couldn't help but smile and sigh with emotion to the people next to her.

Pei Lu hummed: "You too."

"Is my EZ strong today?" Mu Wanwan asked him.

Pei Lu smiled and nodded: "You are good at everything."

The team members were chatting enthusiastically, and Brother Yang's cell phone rang.

"Hello..." I don't know what the other party said, but Brother Yang's expression changed suddenly, "He did look for us, yes... no, I just settled the accounts between the team and him... what??!"

It was rare to see Brother Yang with such a serious expression, everyone stopped.

"He's lying, I can guarantee that our team never did such a thing... I'll go there right now!"

Brother Yang hung up the phone, turned around and went to the side to stop the car, but was grabbed by Brother Hu: "What's wrong, Brother Yang?"

"Damn it, Chen and that idiot," Brother Yang swears in a rare swear word, "Report us with real names to bribe other teams to fight fake matches, suspect that our winning streak is tricky, and let the authorities set up an investigation team... Is this person brain-dead??"

Everyone was stunned.

"No, what kind of operation is this? LOL can still play fake matches? Can Chen and He mess up like this??" Little Roubao was shocked.

"Hey, what kind of onion is he! It's just a broken jar, just trying to find trouble for us," Brother Yang said, "The officials ignored him and told me to deal with it now! Okay, I'll go there first..."


Pei Lu's smile just disappeared long ago, he stopped the car first, and said in a calm tone, "I'll go with you."