Both the Kills and You Are Mine

Chapter 93


The audience was a little disappointed not to see Luo Xia fit together, but everyone knew in their hearts that if Luo Xia was really given to TS, then there would be no need to play with this double fork.

"Tell me, what ADC will Wan use in this round?" Commentator B asked.

"It's hard to say, a lot of ADs are out there... Huh? Didn't TS take the ADC first?"

I saw that the wood directly locked an excavator.

Commentator A was ashamed, "Now that many ADs are outside, we should grab the heroes with strong versions first, such as Mouse or Xiaopao, otherwise it will be very difficult for Shuangcha to ban people against AD for the second time... "

Sure enough, the next two ban positions of Shuangcha were all given to the AD position, and they seemed to be able to listen to the opinions, and directly banned the mouse and the small cannon.

"Kill everything..." Little Roubao said, "Xiaolu get me a czar, I want to let the whole world know that my czar is better than Shark!"

Mu Wanwan smiled: "Now you roar in front of the stage, and the whole world will know."

"It makes sense." Brother Hu smiled, "Xiao Wan, what do you want to play?"

Mu Wanwan glanced at her teammates, and then at the opposing lineup: Prince, Shen, Xia, and Clockwork... Most of them are heroes in the middle and late stages.

When it was time for her to choose, she slowly scrolled the mouse and clicked on Wei En's profile picture.

Lin Jiu in the audience was almost driven crazy by the audience's screams.

Pei Lu didn't raise his head, and said directly: "We can't take Wei En with this one."

The opposite bot lane team is Xia and Fanzima, and Wei En is easily overwhelmed in the early stage and cannot take care of herself.

"I know," Mu Wanwan was still turning the hero bar, "I'm just trying to..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she clicked on Timo's profile picture again.

"Hahaha isn't it... Isn't Wan God too skinny??" The commentator B was overjoyed.

"What's wrong with Teemo? Blindness is so terrible..." Commentator A is serious, holding back a smile, "Just pay attention to the position of the next prince in the later stage, so as not to be flying or trapped."

Brother Yang didn't change his face: "If you shake your hand at this time and lock it, then you will be skinned and boned when you step down."

Little Roubao snorted: "Then Xiaolu can only die for love."

The backstage staff stared wide-eyed, as if they knew something terrible.

"Don't, don't, I'm skinny... After playing games for so many years, my hands are shaking? It doesn't exist."

As Mu Wanwan said, she directly chose the hero she wanted to take from the beginning, and locked it.

Commentary A: "Big Mouth! In fact, Big Mouth can be used, but there is no displacement, and there is no benefit for laning in the bottom lane, but compared with the later stage, the output point has been strengthened a lot. The current lineup of TS is not a special standard protection. The lineup is a test of Wanshen's positioning!"

So far, the lineup of both sides has been determined.

Shuangcha's lineup is Xia, Fanzima, Shen, Prince and Clockwork.

TS is Big Mouth, Law, Gnar, Excavator and Tsar.

After reading the article in the game, Mu Wanwan said: "Meat buns."

"What are you doing?"

"I hope your big move can be more accurate." Mu Wanwan said, "I will give you my life in the later stage..."

The Tsar's ultimate move has a knockback effect. When fighting in a group, it can push the opponent back. It can be used to push back first, or it can be used to protect the backhand.

Little Roubao waved his hand immediately: "Don't, I don't dare to kill you, don't pretend to have a good relationship with us, I still want Xiaolu to come to the middle road to help me more!"

Brother Hu sneered and said, "Excellent."

The little meat bun said: "You, who have been on the road for ten thousand years to make up for peace, are just a nursing home, what right do you have to laugh at me?"

Entering the game interface, the bickering between the two ended like this.

Commentator A asked: "Hey, have you noticed that Wanshen likes to use skins in games recently?"

Commentator B nodded: "I found it. This Big Mouth skin is a dog, very cute. I like to use it when I usually play. Basically, every Big Mouth player has one, right?"

"Hey." The commentator A seemed to shake his head helplessly, "Even Wan has been involved in these mundane things..."

Mu Wanwan didn't know that she was being teased again, she manipulated Dazui to the edge of the river, and met Xia and Fanma who were opposite at the corner.

She turned left, dodged Fan Mom's Q skill, and walked in front of them again... and danced.

This skin is especially taunting when it dances, wagging its tail at first.

Commentary A: "No, this god...hahaha!"

The LPL playoffs are broadcast live globally, and this wave of operations is likely to be ridiculed by people, especially fans of Shuangcha.

But if you think about it carefully, Shuangcha doesn’t have many true fans left now, the ones left are basically Hary’s personal fans, and Hary fans don’t want to see Wan in the first place, so it seems that this wave of dancing is not a loss

The venue was bustling with excitement, Lin Jiu couldn't help but said: "She really...does she think she doesn't have enough sunspots?"

Xu Hao twitched the corner of his mouth: "Just play well, fans don't care."

There are also precedents of taunting the opponent during the game. When MA played eight to four in the global competition last time, the opposing South Korean team blocked them in the spring and showed off their team icons.

After the game, a bunch of fans felt distressed, some black people mocked them ashamed, and there were also some players in the team who had exploded mentality.

Shark is the calmest one.

In a game, it is normal to lose. If you are willing to bet and admit defeat, no matter how much the opponent likes to taunt, in the final analysis, it is all inferior to others.

But most of the teams would only mock at the very end of the game, like Mu Wanwan who danced and recited lines at the beginning... there were really not many.

After all, it would be embarrassing to lose.

"Xiaolu God..." Mu Wanwan withdrew her dancing posture and ran towards Pei Lu, "I've already thrown out the taunt, I can't lose this one!"

The arc of Pei Lu's mouth rose slightly: "Okay."

I don't know if it's the flag of the "On the Road Nursing Home" set up by Xiaoroubao in the early stage. After ten minutes of the game, Brother Hu's voice always comes from the earphones.

"Hold the grass! Hold the grass! It's coming again..." Brother Hu quickly stepped back, "This prince came twice in one minute, he's not human! Fuck!"

"Wood, I don't flash anymore, save my life... Hurry up..."

"Paralysis is coming again. Neuropathy??"

Little Roubao gloated: "Let you retire! Let you retire!"

Three minutes later, the prince appeared in the middle.

Mu Mu was still eating the toads on the road, without looking back: "You save yourself, I can't make it through."

"It's okay," Little Roubao said calmly, "I'm a tsar, still afraid of Gank?"

half a minute later—

"First Blood!"

The prince and clockwork killed the desert emperor.

Mu Wanwan made up for it, and took the time to ask, "It's not enough for you to suck Brother Hu to death, how about forcing yourself?"

After coming out of the house, Pei Lu had just arrived at the tower, Pei Lu didn't even think about it: "Get ready."


"Watch out for her feathers."

As soon as the words fell, Luo jumped forward directly, and was about to bump into Xia, Xia was not stingy with her skills, and she simply handed in her big move—

Xia's big move is to fly into the air by herself, becoming unselectable, and can avoid various skills, so Luo didn't succeed in bumping her up.

Seeing that he didn't bump into anyone, Pei Lu turned around and wanted to retreat, and came back after the skill CD was ready, but he didn't expect that the opponent's fan mother threw a spirit chain on him when he came up, and she wanted to fight back!

"Fan Mom actually chained you?" Mu Wanwan almost wanted to laugh, she just came out of the house, and her equipment has been updated for a round, and now the damage is definitely enough.

Pei Lu said concisely: "Kill Xia first."

Mu Wanwan turns around and throws it under Xia to slow down, finds the output point with the furthest range, turns on W and opens her mouth to flatten A at Xia Kuang!

Luo is not too fleshy, Pei Lu walked back, avoiding Mu Wanwan's position again and again, even using the escape skills to jump to the side of his teammates, so as not to suck the opponent's firepower to her.

Hary frowned when he saw the blood volume on his body decrease, "ADC! ADC! BELLO!"

Fan Mama turned around, found the position of Big Mouth, and threw a high-damage deceleration skill straight away!

As a result, Dazui simply dodged to the side, his skills were blocked by the soldiers, and he continued to vomit for a while. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xia turned around and wanted to run. How could Mu Wanwan let him go, and chased him all the way to the grass near the opponent's tower, beautiful took this head!

Commentator A excitedly said: "I don't know if you found out... Wan's Dazui is actually walking A! The hero Dazui's attack speed is very fast when he uses W to spit people. In fact, most people would not choose to go A during W, because it is more Attack speed is not profitable...but we can see it! Wan's attack speed is not affected at all!! Her hand speed is very fast!!!”

Commentator B said: "Yes! This is extreme walking A! It can be said to be a model for Dazui's operation!!"

On the other side, Hary was so angry that he had a headache: "Why, old assistant A? Are you an idiot? Mentally retarded?"

He is not very good at Chinese, but he is very good at cursing.

"Your barb didn't hit Lu," the assistant held back his breath, "otherwise it would definitely kill you."

Two-fork jungler: "It doesn't matter, you wait for the next lane slowly, they were caught and collapsed by us in the other two lanes."

When Mu Wanwan came home, she looked up: "Why were you pushed to the ground and beaten?"

"Why do you think you played so well in 2v2 just now?!" Brother Hu growled, "They all came to the road, okay... I was caught too many times in the early stage, and my level was one level behind, and the damage was basically the same. It’s not enough, it’s useless to have wood alone to get fat.”

All anti-gank heads are on excavators.

"It's okay, you hold on." Pei Lu said, "Wanwan, let's push down the tower this time."

Mu Wanwan asked, "Can you push?"

"Okay, they are junglers and live in the top lane, wood, go and reverse their bottom lane jungle monsters."

"Don't do it." Little Roubao said, "Their mid laners are quite fat."

"It's okay, you go eat." Pei Lu continued, "Their mid laners will die if they come here."

Mu Mu burrowed into the wild area on the opposite side. Sure enough, as Pei Lu said, the prince on the opposite side lived on the top road. Mu Mu Anan ate the wild monster with peace of mind, and turned around to go down the road, helping them push down a tower on the bottom road .

Normally, Pei Lu would herd and wander alone at night, but this time she was playing with a big mouth, and accidents would happen if she left it alone.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the map: "Mu Mu, don't go back to the city, just demolish the second tower."

Mu Mu stopped moving back to the city, and walked towards them: "What should I do if someone comes?"

"If there are three, kill them, and if there are more, run away."

Fortunately, Dazui's attack speed is fast, and Xia and Fan's mother on the opposite side dare not step forward when they see Mu Mu. The pawn line is gone, and Mu Mu directly presses against the tower and demolishes it. Take it away.

Mu Wanwan went back to the city to go shopping: "I found out that Shuangcha really likes to take needles..."

"Yeah," Brother Hu, whose record reached 0/3/5, let out a long sigh of relief, "There was a team's ADC who was targeted for no brains before, and was scolded miserably by fans. Later, the game was too bad, and finally The whole team went to LSPL."

Mu Wanwan snapped her tongue: "So serious?"

"Well, that match was much more serious than targeting you, mainly because he lost in the end... That person's mentality exploded."

Mu Wanwan said with emotion: "Thank you for letting me win that game."

She paused, "Don't worry about this game, I'm C."

Mu Wanwan likes to say such seemingly bragging words during the live broadcast, but every time she can really carry the whole game.

This one is no exception.

In 20 minutes, the first round of 5v5 team battles broke out. Because of the disadvantages of other lanes, TS chose to play backhand and protect.

In the middle of the river, the opposite prince moved up with an EQ combo, and searched for Da Zui in the crowd. After finding it, he found that even if he moved up, he could not threaten Da Zui at all.

"This big mouth... can't fight in a team battle?" The double-forked jungler was shocked, "In her position, she can go to the bottom lane to withdraw troops when she turns around..."

Da Zui stood behind F6 and hesitated, but was still seen by their eyes.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about much anymore, and directly framed Gnar and the excavator closest to him.

The skills of this team battle are flying, and it takes a lot of effort to explain: "The two-fork took the lead in starting the team! First, it framed TS's jungler and top laner, and the Tsar skill was thrown, and a set of damage was dealt. Shen gave the prince a set in time. Big move! Xayah hooked Gnar with a barb and used her big move to avoid the czar's pushback! The clockwork ball came into the field, and a set of skills took Gnar away!!"

"Where is Dazui?" Commentator B looked for it on the screen, "Is Dazui not there??"

As soon as the words fell, Dazui suddenly appeared behind Clockwork!

Clockwork is a crispy hero who relies on long-range skills to output, so he should be very careful in his position, cowardly throwing skills behind the team.

The double-crossed mid laner just put a shield on himself for the jungler, and suddenly there was an injury effect on the screen—

The big mouth on the opposite side actually came around behind him!

His skills still have a CD for the last three seconds, so he can only lean towards his teammates. Who knows that Dazui's tail is wagging extremely fast, plus the attack speed bonus of W——

Before the mainspring ran a few steps, the screen suddenly went dark!

"Clockwork was cut to death by Big Mouth! Excavator and Luo knocked away Shuangcha's jungler and top laner at the same time, stopping their intention to kill Big Mouth. Gnar slapped Xia hard before he died, and now Xia's The blood volume is running out! The situation on the field has undergone a major reversal!!"

Commentator A was so excited that he spit all over the place: "Mom Fan immediately turned around to protect her ADC, now Dazui is one-on-two! Xia's damage is not as high as Dazui's, and she definitely can't kill the opponent, so she has to run! Fanzi mom Q Slow down... miss! Flash the spirit chain! No way—the spirit chain can't stop Wanshen at all! Stand still and spit and ask you to be afraid! No! Be afraid!!"

Following the voice of commentator A, two large characters appeared on the screen——

"Triple Kill!"

Commentary A: "Three kills! Go deep into the enemy's rear with a big mouth! Kill the clockwork without any skills in seconds and take down the heads of Xia and Fanmama in one hit and two!! This wave of operations, this wave of positioning, is definitely a wonderful clip for the next week! Number one!!"

Commentary B: "..." I let you finish all the words.

"Are you really... a man of high art who is so bold that you dare to go around the back??" The screen was grayed out for a long time, and Brother Hu, who was watching the whole battle, was dumbfounded.

Mu Wanwan said succinctly: "He Dao has real eyes, I know they can't see me."

After the duel just ended, Dazui's blood volume was only reduced by one-third due to blood-sucking equipment.

The prince was caught off guard, gritted his teeth, turned around with an EQ, and finally raised his mouth. Unexpectedly, Luo's reaction was extremely fast, and he directly hit a W to interrupt his follow-up damage again!

Big Mouth didn't hesitate at all, after landing a little distance away, he vomited again—

"quadra kill!"

In the internal voice, Brother Hu and Xiao Roubao shouted excitedly: "Five kills! Five kills! Five—"

Halfway through the shout, the voice stopped abruptly.

The words that Shen was killed appeared on the screen, and the profile picture in front of Shen was... Luo.

Dazui and Luo paused for a few seconds at the same time, as if they didn't react.

Pei Lu: "...Is it too late for me to kneel down now?"

At the end of the game, Wan's Big Mouth Carry won the first game beautifully.

This game ignited the enthusiasm of the players. In the second game, Shuangcha chose the lineup for the late game, and finally played an untargeted game. Unfortunately, compared to the late game, TS will not lose to anyone. Forty-eight minutes into the game, the head-to-head ratio on both sides was 2:4, but in fact TS was already ahead of Shuangcha 6,000 economy.

In the last wave of team battles, the opposing mid laner was the first to be cut to death by Wood's widow. They destroyed the opponent's base smoothly and won the second game.

In the third game, the TS first-level team made a mistake and gave the opponent a dream start of 3-0.

Fortunately, all the heroes in this round were mid-to-late stage heroes. Everyone just relied on support to overcome the ferocity of the early stage of the double forks, and won two big team battles with Pei Lu Thresh's invincible hook in the later stage. It was difficult to fight a wave of comebacks.

In the first game of the playoffs, TS won 3-0 and advanced to the semi-finals.

But when they bowed on stage, the TS players all had strange expressions.

Brother Hu and Xiaoroubao tried their best to hold back their laughter, Mu Wanwan was expressionless, Pei Lu kept glancing at the people around him, even Mu Mu smiled—

Commentator A sighed: "It seems that everyone is very happy to win this game."

Commentary B: "I think Wanshen is fine."

The commentator A was happy: "After all, I was robbed of five kills, and I wouldn't be happy if I were in it. I don't know if God of Lu will be scolded when he goes back? Hahaha..."


Pei Lu squatted beside Mu Wanwan pitifully.

Mu Wanwan waited for the interview with her chin propped up, trying not to talk to him.

The team stipulated that there would be bonuses for pentakills—bonuses are not the key, the key point is that this eight-in-four game will be broadcast live globally.

Pentakills in front of global audiences!

She can play till next season! !

So when the official camera was lifted into the break room, what the audience saw was this scene——

Lu Shen squatted next to Wan's legs, with his chin resting on her thighs. The man was tall and squatted there like a large dog.

He looked at her helplessly, and asked in a pitiful tone: "I'll grab you five kills, I'm not human... don't be angry, okay?"