Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 16


If this sentence is replaced by other wild king brothers, Ji Xingchen will not have any burden in his heart, and even add a sentence, "Brother, can I QAQ".

But today the object was changed to Boss Wanfeng. After he finished speaking, he was inexplicably a little embarrassed.

After all, Boss Wanfeng has always been typing and never using voice in the live broadcast room, WeChat or in the game.

After Ji Xingchen finished asking, the audience in the live broadcast room were all playing Yoooooo~~~ Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen and their ears were pointed up, wanting to see how boss Wanfeng would answer Ji Xingchen.

However, a few seconds passed, and the boss did not reply.

The hero selection time is over soon, and everyone will enter the in-game game together.

With the familiar female voice of "Welcome to the Glory of Kings", Ji Xingchen suddenly heard the voice of a strange man.



This voice does not belong to Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu, nor does it belong to the other two teammates.

"Feng, Brother Feng??"

Ji Xingchen looked at the microphone position in the upper left corner almost immediately, and sure enough, he saw the boss Wanfeng who opened the microphone!

"it's me."

The man's voice sounded again.

The voice of the other party is relatively low, and the earphones are a little dull, like a cello that has been dusty for a long time, slowly pulling the strings in the deep still water.

Ji Xingchen opened his mouth, but before he had time to say what he wanted to say, Cheng Yu took the lead.

"Fuck you, brother, are you talking?"

Cheng Yu's tone was as excited as a screaming chicken.

"Yeah." The man replied in a low voice.

Cheng Yu: "Wow, your voice is so good, hurry up and say a few more words!!"

Ranfeng: "..."

Seeing that the boss was silent and even turned off the microphone in the upper left corner, Cheng Yu immediately closed his mouth with interest, "Forget it, I'll shut up, Xingxing, you come and you come!!"

"Boss, your voice is really nice..." Ji Xingchen, who was suddenly named, didn't know what to say for a while, so he followed the rainbow fart of Cheng Yu just now.

"Why don't you usually open wheat?"

That's what he wanted to ask.

"I have a cold these two days."

The man paused, "My throat hurts."

"Have you caught a cold? Then stop talking or type, I just... just kidding" Ji Xingchen felt a burst of guilt in his heart when he learned that the boss had a cold.

I would have known not to talk about opening the wheat! !

"Brother Feng, remember to drink more water and rest."

"it is good."

After a short word, the other party turned off the voice, and the game instantly became quiet.

And in the live broadcast room at this moment-

[Is this the legendary overbearing president Su Laiyin! ! Boom my ears are pregnant! ! !]

[It's so sooo! ! ! So sour! ! I can make the voice of Boss Wanfeng! !]

[The boss admits it, you are the overbearing president himself! ! !]

[Barrage audience want to hear the sound? Boss: No! As soon as Xingxingzi said that he wanted to hear it, the boss said that he had to turn on the microphone even if he had a cold and sore throat! Ah ah Ah Wei is dead, the boss wants to spoil the stars, what kind of fairy love is this?]

[Knocked, knocked, knocked! Xingfengxueyue is true I said tired! ! ! !]

After Ji Xingchen finished the line, he looked at Bai Qi, the boss of Wanfeng in the game, and was a little lost.

He still recalled the other's voice in his head, and his ears were slightly itchy as if they had been scratched by a feather.

The voice of Boss Wanfeng should have been unfamiliar to him...

But just now, he somehow felt a little familiar.

In memory... The tone of Ranfeng's speech seems to be the same.

Every sentence is short and cool, but the voice is damn charming.

Boss Wanfeng's voice was two or three points like him, but his voice was much lower, with a bit of the charm of a mature man.

After Ranfeng turned off her voice, she couldn't help but coughed twice.

Just now, he deliberately changed his tone and lowered his voice a lot when he opened the microphone, and now his throat is very uncomfortable.

With such a disguised voice, Ji Xingchen shouldn't have noticed anything unusual, right

He glanced at his phone and found that Ji Xingchen in the game was still playing normally, and there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

Since Ranfeng turned off the voice, everyone in the game stopped talking for a while, and walked to their own lines on their own routes.

But the silence was soon broken.

On the chat interface in the lower left corner, two in-office messages jumped in unison.

[All] [Xiahou Dun]: Let me introduce, Wu Zetian, my wife

[All] [Wu Zetian]: Let me introduce, Xiahou Dun, my husband

[All][Old Cleaner]:? ? ? ? ?

[All] [Old Cleaner]: I was spit out by this strong pretense, thank you!

The other party ignored the old cleaner at all, and continued to send messages to show his affection on his own.

[All][Xiahou Dun]: Don't bully my little princess Meier

[All][Xiahou Dun]: Otherwise, you will not get along with me

The next sentence just hit the old cleaner's chest with a crit.

[All] [Old Cleaner]: Will you die if you don't show affection

[All] [Wu Zetian]: I have Brother Dun, do you have it? ?

[All][Old Cleaner]: No, but I will blow your head

[All] [Wu Zetian]: @xiahoudun, my brother protects me

[All][Old Cleaner]:…

[All] [Old Cleaner]: Forget it, I should go to the spring and hang up.

After finishing speaking, this Xiongtai pressed back to the city and was ready to hang up.

After reading this conversation, Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

[Ying Zheng]: Don't hang up, brother, let me meet him! !

The old cleaners stopped coming back to town.


[All] [Ying Zheng]: @白奇, my brother protects me

Ji Xingchen typed out Bai Qi's name easily.

Immediately after, Cheng Yu, who was very playful, also followed Ji Xingchen.

[All] [Luban No. 7]: @白奇, my brother protects me

[Old cleaner]: ... I might as well hang up

[Hahahaha Xingzi Xiahou Dun is someone’s husband, why are you boss Aite, yah]

[Teacher Cheng Yu, please withdraw! ! People show affection, what are you doing to join in the fun! !]

Ji Xingchen and Cheng Yu actually responded to the sentence that my brother protected me, but they misunderstood the other side.

[All] [Wu Zetian]: Bai Qi doesn't even have a skin, how can a poor man have two wives?

[All][Xiahou Dun]: How come the good things like two wives can’t be my turn

[All] [Wu Zetian]: The key is to look at the technology

[All][Xiahou Dun]:? ? ? You mean I'm not skilled

[All] [Wu Zetian]: I mean, their relationship is really messed up

After being forced by the opposite Wu Zetian to diss, Ji Xingchen used his left hand to pull down the overall picture and found that Wu Zetian's skin was the Oracle of Nyx, and Xiahou Dun's was the Infinite Hurricane.

These two skins are the more expensive skins in Glory of Kings and cannot be purchased directly. You have to buy points to draw Glory Crystals before you can redeem them.

Generally speaking, a Glory Crystal should be smashed into a small one or two thousand, and Wu Zetian, the hero, originally needed to draw Glory Crystal to obtain it. So she added up all her outfits, and she couldn't get out of three thousand.

[Oh, Xiahou Dun now has more than 500,000 people in the live broadcast room who know that your skills are not good]

[Have a great skin? ? This Wu Zetian is afraid that he doesn't know how rich boss Wanfeng is]

[The money that the boss of Wanfeng gave to the stars is enough to buy all the heroes and skins of the glory of the king]

[Be rigorous, enough to buy several]

In the barrage, the audience was embarrassed by Wanfeng and Ji Xingchen, but Ranfeng suddenly typed in the game.

[All][Bai Qi]: Luban can’t

[All][Luban No.7]:? ? ? ? ? ?

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Teacher Cheng Yu was cruelly rejected by Wanfeng boss]

[Luban is not a star, but the stars travel! !]

[Boss, are you married to Xingxing? I'll go to the kind that the Civil Affairs Bureau moved over to you now]

Cheng Yu, who was brutally rejected by the boss, hid under the tower himself, but he didn't expect that when he looked up, he found that he was surrounded by the opponent's junglers and shooters.

"Ahhh, Big Brother Bai Qi, help!!"

Bai Qi pushed down the tower on the road before, and was on his way to change lanes with his Lu Ban.

Cheng Yu saw Bai Qi who was coming not far away, found the savior in an instant, and screamed for help.

But the next second... He watched as Bai Qi abandoned him and hurried to the middle...

Because Ji Xingchen is now surrounded by Wu Zetian, Xiahou Dun and his assistants.

[Bai Qi]: Hide under the tower and stay for a while

[Bai Qi]: Come back when the middle road is over

Cheng Yu, who realized that he was ruthlessly abandoned by Bai Qi, burst into tears, "Boss, you guys come back after playing mahjong in the middle, I'm cold!!!!"

[Hahahahahahahaha Cheng Yu teacher is so desperate]

[There are only stars in the boss's eyes hahahahahaha]

Bai Qi came to support from the top, and immediately jumped into the crowd to open up, and the three people on the opposite side who were directly mocking couldn't move.

After his side's jungler Han Xin compensated for the damage, Ji Xingchen immediately activated the second skill to add shield and damage. After he took two steps back to find the position, he fired a large number of fifty-five arrows and shot all the heroes on the opposite side. body.

Xiahou Dun, who was standing in front of him to resist the damage, was beaten the worst and died.

Wu Zetian activated his second skill to push Bai Qi away, and hurriedly flashed into the tower to escape. Wearing the beautiful Nyx oracle skin, she was beaten in a dreadful state at the moment.

Ji Xingchen didn't want to let her go, so he kept chasing Ping A.

Han Xin followed suit at first, but seeing that Wu Zetian had already entered the tower and couldn't fight, and that he was also bleeding, he stopped.

But... Bai Qi didn't.

[The boss is fighting the tower to take people for the stars? ? ? ?]

[True love is correct]

Sure enough, as said in the barrage, Bai Qi rushed directly into the tower and helped Ji Xingchen take all the damage from the defense tower, giving him the opportunity to cross the tower and kill Wu Zetian.

When Bai Qi was killed by the defensive tower, the in-office voice of Bai Qi and Ying Zheng was triggered—

"I will be your invincible sword."

After the speech ended, Wu Zetian was also killed by Ying Zhengping.

Lying on the ground, she typed the dialogue angrily and outputted.

[All] [Wu Zetian]: Are you willing to fight the tower for one life? Do you hate me so much

[All][Wu Zetian]: The poor man has never seen V8, right? ? You guys are haters of the rich, I know, envy me and my husband for being rich, *****!

Ji Xingchen guessed that players like Wu Zetian usually hurt their brains by being blown away by the rich women. When they saw that she was dead, they even scolded Boss Wanfeng, so they responded calmly.

[All] [Ying Zheng]: Compared with my husband, your husband's skills are indeed far worse

[All] [Ying Zheng]; Bai Qi's husband is great! ! !

[All][Bai Qi]:…

[All] [Xiahou Dun]: Why do you say that my skills are poor (grievances)

[All][Wu Zetian]: ************