Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 26: Don't bully him


Ji Xingchen kept his promise and walked in the middle, coquettishly won the last victory of the first week.

As soon as the game ends, the system closes the competition channel and begins to settle the points of all streamers.

At the same time, a voting page automatically popped up in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room.

System: Which of the following positions do you think Mao Mao TV Star's performance this week deserves? Please cast your vote before 12:00 noon tomorrow!

There are five options on the voting page, namely best top lane, best jungler, best mid lane, best bottom lane and best support.

This time, in order to arouse the audience's emotions and make the audience feel more involved, the Glory Points Tournament also learned the kpl professional league and organized a weekly selection of mvp anchors for each position.

To get the best five anchors every week, in addition to the bonus points, you can also get a bonus of 20,000 yuan.

However, this selection is a bit different from the KPL professional league. The selection of each best position is not generated by the superposition of the total number of mvp obtained by the anchor, but by the votes of the viewers watching the live broadcast.

The calculation of the number of votes is simple and rude. The free gift of each live broadcast platform is counted as one vote, and the paid gift is converted into one yuan per vote.

Ji Xingchen's performance in the middle of the week was so dazzling that his opponent even wanted to see his face when he was banned, so when these five options popped up, the audience in the live broadcast room directly voted for their free gifts and paid gifts for the best. In the middle, I want to send him to the position of mvp in the middle.

However, there are always some outliers in the audience. Seeing Ji Xingchen's Baili keeping his promise so well today, he wanted to do something and give him the best bot lane.

So when Ji Xingchen switched back to the live broadcast room, he saw that the audience in the barrage was discussing how to get him the best bot lane.

"Do things and do things, brothers! Don't vote for this, don't vote for this, you guys are so fake..."

Ji Xingchen has won four consecutive victories again today. He is in a good mood, and his tone of voice is lighter than usual.

[Hahaha Xingxing has switched back to the live broadcast room. Brothers work harder to rush for me, and give us a platoon of Baili Xingxing!]

[Xingxing, how can a boy say that he is empty~~]

Ji Xingchen knew that the audience in the live broadcast room casted this position as a joke, but as the anchor, he was afraid that other anchors and audiences would mistakenly think that he had won, so he continued to stop them.

"Don't, don't, don't be like this, brothers, let's vote well, do what we can and don't vote randomly, the best or the best doesn't matter."

Under Ji Xingchen's obstruction, the audience who thought it was fun to follow the trend and voted finally stopped.

But today's Ji Xingchen's compliance with Baili was too unexpected. The audience was still immersed in excitement after blowing the rainbow fart, and they all asked in the barrage, wondering why he was so rude today.

[Xingxing, why did you think of playing Baili today? The second skill is too accurate.]

[To be honest, the anchorman took out Baili from the crotch of your crotch today and walked in the middle of the contract, quite a bit of Cheng Yu’s arrogance back then]

Ji Xingchen immediately replied to the barrage: "To be honest, you have a bright eye, brother, my Baili promise is taught by Mr. Cheng Yu himself."

Originally, Baili kept his promise and walked in the middle of the game, and there were very few people who played such tricks. Ji Xingchen suddenly took out such a hand today, and many people automatically thought of Cheng Yu, who used to be so arrogant in the KPL arena.

Originally, everyone was just an association, but Xingxing himself confirmed it himself.

[? ? ? ? No wonder I say so familiar!]

[Hahahaha, Xingxingzi, you and Mr. Cheng Yu are indeed good sisters. If you have good things, you should share them together]

[@Cheng Yu teacher came out and was beaten, and brought us all the stars bad (not)

Seeing that everyone was speaking Cheng Yu in the barrage, Ji Xingchen suddenly thought of something.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to take a day off, and I can't live stream it. Let's watch it the day after tomorrow."

The anchor asks for leave and does not broadcast. For fans who have lost their spiritual food, it is like a thunderstorm from the sky, and some people immediately jumped out to object.

[No, I only became a fan of you today, but you are going to be a pigeon tomorrow, crying and crying]

[Anchor you are just getting popular, why did you learn from other anchors and start pigeons]

This barrage complained about Ji Xingchen, suggesting that the barrage that floated when he was on fire was a bit yin and yang.

Ji Xingchen didn't get angry with him after seeing it, but explained to him with a good temper, "Because Mumu is coming back, I will play with him for a day tomorrow."

After hearing this reason, the barrage that was still complaining suddenly changed direction—

[Ah, Mumu, I can! ! Anchor, do you still know Mumu? Can you ask for a live broadcast on a mobile phone, you don’t need to play games, just let me see the two of you]

[The new fans upstairs are thinking about farting, Xingxingzi usually doesn't even show his face once, how could it be possible to broadcast the whole thing to you]

Jiang Mu is on the plane at ten o'clock in the morning.

At half past nine, Ji Xingchen arrived at the airport and waited for Jiang Mu early.

However, Ji Xingchen waited in the pick-up room for more than an hour, but Jiang Mu still did not show up.

Ji Xingchen didn't see Jiang Mu's figure, so he took out his mobile phone to check the time.

As a result, he found that the administrator No. 1 had just sent him a few messages.

Admin No. 1: Star, congratulations on winning the first place in the Glory Points Tournament this week!

Administrator No. 1: As a reward for the first place, Mao Mao TV will be on the top of the game time homepage tomorrow to promote you for a day

Administrator No. 1: In addition, your contract will expire in more than three months. Now you can consider the issue of contract renewal in advance. The big cat TV family will always welcome you. can be discussed in detail

In the message sent by administrator No. 1, the first two are just foreshadowing, and the last one is the key point.

The original platform of the first Glory Points Tournament and the official king of the game were done with the attitude of testing the water.

Unexpectedly, the audience responded very well to this game, and it exploded in the circle in the first week.

As a popular player in the first week, Ji Xingchen has not only attracted more attention from the audience, but also been favored by various platforms and guilds.

Since a few days ago, he has received olive branches from many platforms and guilds one after another. Everyone is talking to him about contract issues and wants to dig him to sign a contract.

Ji Xingchen's current contract is still with Maomao TV. The anchor Xingxing is a person on his own platform, and Maomao TV is naturally unwilling to let him go, so the administrator No. 1 came to check on him.

The contract water in the live broadcast circle has always been very deep, and every anchor must be cautious and cautious when facing the issue of signing a contract.

Ji Xingchen is not the kind of person with no brains and no culture, so he naturally understands these truths.

But he didn't want to talk to anyone about the contract for the time being when he didn't find a professional to help him refer.

So he opened WeChat and told the administrator that he wanted to talk to them after the game was over.

"elder brother!"

Just as Ji Xingchen clicked send to the administrator, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

He looked up and found that the person standing in front of him was Jiang Mu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

When Jiang Mu met his gaze, two cute little dimples appeared on his face immediately.

Jiang Mu stretched out his hand to compare the top of Ji Xingchen's head with his own forehead, and frowned, "Brother, have you not eaten well, why am I taller than you?"

"I'm twenty-three, of course I won't grow any longer... It doesn't look like you are still young." Ji Xingchen looked at Jiang Mu from beginning to end, and said, "Is the food at your base very good... I think you are gaining weight. !"

Jiang Mu is not actually fat now, just a normal and a bit thin body.

But Naihe used to be too thin, and thin looks unhealthy.

Now that there is some flesh on his face, he is more youthful and handsome.

When Jiang Mu heard Ji Xingchen's words, he suddenly laughed as if thinking of something, and then stepped back to reveal the person standing behind him.

"Well, it's actually thanks to Brother Yu who often opens a small stove for me."

Ji Xingchen just lowered his head and was replying to administrator No. 1, but did not notice that there were still people behind Jiang Mu.

After hearing what he said just now, he wanted to ask Jiang Mu Chengyu why he opened a small stove for him.

As a result, now I suddenly see Cheng Yu himself standing behind Jiang Mu...

Cheng Yu is a KPL player, and Ji Xingchen has seen him play, so he naturally recognizes his appearance.

However, the person in front of him still looks the same, but the real person is much more beautiful than in the camera.

"Brother Yu??"

Ji Xingchen was surprised and happy.

Cheng Yu nodded at him, spread his hands with a smile, and made an extremely exaggerated gesture, "Brother Xingxing, are you surprised or not?"

After he finished speaking, he enthusiastically gave Ji Xingchen a hug and patted his back lightly.

Ji Xingchen also hugged him back and said with a smile, "It's exciting."

Originally, the two have been friends online for a long time, and now they are very happy to see each other in real life.

"Brother Yu, why didn't you tell me when you were coming?"

"This..." Cheng Yu smiled and glanced at Jiang Mu next to him, "I suddenly wanted to follow Mumu to see the panda."

"Watching pandas?" Ji Xingchen wondered, "Didn't you come to Quantum Light to play so many games before?"

Cheng Yu sighed and nodded, "But I have played so many times, but the boss never took me to see Panda, can you believe it?"

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it." Ji Xingchen had an expression of disbelief.

Cheng Yu didn't answer, just smiled inexplicably and winked at him.

Ji Xingchen: ? ? ?

After seeing Ji Xingchen, Cheng Yu looked around, "By the way, where are we going now?"

Jiang Mu asked him back, "Don't you want to see pandas?"

Cheng Yu nodded hastily, "Oh, yes, let's go and see the pandas now."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked in front alone.

Jiang Mu helped him unpack the suitcase and followed closely behind him.

Ji Xingchen looked at the two people in front of him, only feeling the question marks in his head.

Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu came back late, and when the three of them went to see the pandas together, the cutest panda cubs had already been taken back.

Cheng Yu, who missed the panda cub, was a little disappointed, and while shouting to come earlier next time, he greeted other cute pandas.

Cheng Yu has a very outgoing and lively personality, and he talks a lot along the way.

After watching the panda, the three hungry people finally returned to the city and found a local famous Chuanchuan restaurant to sit down. Ji Xingchen's face.

"Xingxing, you look so good-looking, why don't you turn on the camera? Before Jiang Mu praised me in front of me every day that you were very handsome, so I didn't believe it."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his index finger and poked Jiang Mu next to him lightly, "Hey, didn't you praise Xing Xing brother in my ear every day about how good-looking Brother Xing Xing was? Why didn't you say it today?"

Jiang Mu's face was calm, and he deliberately pretended that he didn't understand.

"Don't talk nonsense, I've seen this old face of Brother Xingxing for many years, and I've been used to how to say those things..."

Cheng Yu: ? ? ? ? ?

Ji Xingchen: …

Looking at Jiang Mu, who is now quite different from the past, Ji Xingchen smiled and shook his head, "Jiang Mu, you have changed! You are no longer my cute and innocent brother."

While the three of them were talking, the bottom of the pot was boiled again, and all the skewers in the pot were cooked.

Ji Xingchen immediately picked up the essence of the skewers—coriander beef, spicy beef, and various beef skewers to help Cheng Yu peel them onto a plate. After taking care of Cheng Yu, he began to help Jiang Mu get vegetables.

"I forgot to ask you before, how did you and Brother Yu know each other?"

Jiang Mu skillfully took the skewers from Ji Xingchen's hand, bowed his head and gave him the cauliflower that Cheng Yu likes to eat before answering Ji Xingchen, "Brother Yu and our boss are good brothers, and the boss asked him to be our second team before. The special coach. Isn’t Brother Yu very experienced on the field and taught me a lot of things, so you and our second team can play directly without fear.”

After speaking, Jiang Mu added: "Brother Yu is still a trumpet maniac. He practiced a lot of trumpets before, and each of them asked me to accompany him to score, and then we became so inexplicably familiar..."

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen finally understood why Jiang Mu recognized Cheng Yu who played the trumpet that night.

It turns out that all the trumpets in Cheng Yu have Jiang Mu added...

After solving the unsolved mysteries before, Ji Xingchen, who also has many trumpets, suddenly felt that something was not right.

Teacher Cheng Yu is a kpl socialite. I know so many good friends, practice trumpet to improve my score, and find a few professional players to bring it with me, isn't it a matter of sprinkle water

Let Jiang Mu take all the trumpets alone? ?

Ji Xingchen raised his head, his gaze couldn't help switching back and forth between Jiang Mu and Cheng Yu's faces.

However, at this time, the two of them were burying their heads and eating, and they didn't notice his eyes at all.

After the three of them finished eating, they went for a walk in the city together.

After being busy for so long, Ji Xingchen, who was rarely leisurely walking on the street, finally felt a bit of a long-lost comfort.

It's like I haven't felt so relaxed in years...

Ji Xingchen looked up at the blue sky, then at the intersection in front of him, and suddenly swept across the maple-dyed poster and human-shaped sign at the front of a luxury store.

Before the sign was set up, several girls stood there holding their mobile phones, taking pictures with the sign of Ranfeng.

Ji Xingchen stood there, watching his heart move slightly.

A few minutes later, after all the girls had left, they also stood beside Ranfeng Lipai and stretched out his hand to hold "his" left hand.

Ji Xingchen handed the phone to Jiang Mu, "Take a picture for me."

Jiang Mu didn't know that Ranfeng and Ji Xingchen were classmates in the past, but he knew that Ji Xingchen liked to listen to his songs, so he always thought he was a fan.

Seeing that he was so fanatical about Ranfeng, Jiang Mu said speechlessly, "I really don't understand the psychology of your fans. Do the dummies have to take a photo together?"

Cheng Yu smiled, "You don't understand this, it's called Aiwu Jiwu!"

After the group photo of Ji Xingchen and Ranfeng's card, Cheng Yu also took out his mobile phone.

"Let's take a picture of the three of us too? It's rare to see each other once to keep a memory."

Then the three of them stood together in front of the dyed maple poster and took pictures together.

So that night, Cheng Yu updated a Weibo and sent a photo.

Cheng Yu: Ah, ah, I'm so excited, today I finally met my good brother @Maomao tv Xingxing!


The photo was a group photo of the three of them in the afternoon. In order to protect privacy, Cheng Yu made a mosaic on Ji Xingchen's face.

Cheng Yu is one of the top kpl professional players, and he has a large number of Weibo fans and a lot of attention.

As soon as he posted on Weibo, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

[Ah, Mr. Cheng Yu, did you go to see Xingxing with Mumu today? Really unexpected? ? ?]

[You two sisters, oh no, the two brothers finally met Xi Da Pu Ben]

In the beginning, everyone was happy about the three-person face-to-face, but under the Weibo like Cheng Yu, there was always the existence of Internet trolls.

Seeing Cheng Yu, this group of people didn't show the face. Fans were holding the anchor who had been beaten with mosaics. These old yin and yang players started to work hard.

[Cheng Yu and Mumu have both shown their faces, but this star does not dare to show it, how ugly is it?]

[I understand this kind of technical anchor who does not open the camera, believe me, it is absolutely ugly]

[Yes yes, I said why Xingxing has not turned on the camera, is it too ugly to scare the fans away]

Cheng Yu was originally very happy to share his happy daily life with fans, but who knows that this happy Weibo has attracted Internet trolls to criticize Ji Xingchen's beauty.

As a loyal Yangou, he immediately couldn't help but open the wheat with passion, and he was bound to rectify the name of Ji Xingchen.

He picked out a message that Ji Xingchen would definitely be ugly if he didn't show his face and replied to him.

Cheng Yu replied to the network's first Kaimai master: Xingxing is the most handsome of all the live-action anchors I've seen so far. It's not for your sake to play mosaics for him, I'm afraid you will feel inferior when you see it. [Pick your nose]

Cheng Yu's connotation of online trolls immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

So the direction of his Weibo message was completely misdirected, and everyone was begging him to post a photo of Ji Xingchen's face.

[Ah, ah, Teacher Cheng Yu, please tell me how handsome the stars are!]

Cheng Yu replied to Idioms Daquan: Did you see who was on the poster behind us? Xingxing is as handsome as him [laughing] I really did not exaggerate

[Dye maple? ? ? ? ? ?]

[Fuck, this must be a peerless handsome comparison... ]

Cheng Yu took Ranfeng as a reference, but he still didn't put up the photos. The curious fans were eager to find out.

When Ranfeng received a call from Mo Yuzhe, he had just returned to the hotel after attending a party in city a.

"Brother Feng, it's rare to come to our village to participate in activities. Do you have time to gather with your brothers tonight? I'll introduce you to a little goblin who is hot."

"Not interested in."

Ranfeng hung up Mo Yuzhe's phone and walked into the bathroom to take off his shirt.

A few seconds later, Mo Yuzhe's phone called again.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, brother, I just want to have a meal with you, there are no other activities of color."

Ranfeng obviously didn't believe his nonsense, "Speak the point."

"Oh, it's like this. As soon as I got home these days, my queen mother wanted to introduce me to someone. Brother, I couldn't take it anymore, so I fled and took root in the hotel. I happened to live in one with you. I thought that since we live like this Recently, why don't we have dinner together tonight and then you take me to play games."

Mo Yuzhe, the old dog of sub-slaves, has laid the groundwork for so much, and the focus is on the last sentence.

Since the last time Ranfeng helped him get five stars, he has never played games with him again.

"Didn't you say you're practicing your own number? I've never seen you play..."

Ranfeng obviously didn't want to answer his other questions, and simply said "the time and place, I'll take a shower first" and hung up.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ranfeng and Mo Yuzhe had a meal, and listened to him complaining for an hour about how his old mother forced him, this innocent young man, to go on a blind date with various beauties...

"Hello, Brother Feng, the family never cares about you."

Mo Yuzhe drank the red wine in his glass and looked at Ranfeng enviously.

The corners of Ranfeng's mouth were slightly raised, and she just said lightly, "I made it clear to my parents very early."

At the age of eighteen, he came out of the closet directly with his family, saying that he could only hold such a person in his heart in his life.

So he will either never get married, or he will only be with Ji Xingchen all his life.

How did Mo Yuzhe know these stories, and after complaining about how miserable he was, he suddenly took out his mobile phone.

"Brother Feng, come to play games, I gave all the stars you gave me before..."

Ranfeng wanted to agree, but took out his mobile phone to check the time, but found that it was already eight o'clock.

Ji Xingchen had sent him a WeChat message before, saying that after meeting with Jiang Mu today, there will be a live broadcast for a while around 8:00.

"Don't play, I still have something to do."

After saying that, he got up and wanted to leave.

Mo Yuzhe also stood up anxiously, "Hey, don't go, don't go, Brother Feng, are you afraid that I will not be able to take you with me? It's easy, I can find an anchor to play with us, do you know that recently There is an anchor who is very hot and showy as a mage, I will ask him to take me with me later, how about our third row?"

Mo Yuzhe, an internet addicted teenager, has always been a veteran fan of Glory of Kings, but his skills and talents have not been featured in this game.

But he has a heart that will never die, so he has always asked Ranfeng to take him.

However, although he is a vegetable, he is still very self-aware. He knows that letting Ranfeng take him is a drag, so he plans to find another powerful anchor to tow the plane together.

Seeing that Mo Yuzhe was so humble, Ranfeng stopped, "I will take you tomorrow, I have something to do tonight."

Mo Yuzhe was overjoyed when he heard it, confirmed the time with Ranfeng, and then followed him back to the hotel.

The two of them went back to their rooms and took out their mobile phones.

After logging in to his cat cat tv account, Ranfeng directly clicked on the only follow on this account.

When he entered Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room, Ji Xingchen had just started broadcasting.

Fans watched Weibo from Cheng Yu today and were curious about Ji Xingchen's appearance.

[Star! ! We all know about you and Teacher Cheng Yu, Mian Ji! ! Hurry up and turn on the camera, let me have a feast for the eyes, okay?]

[Mr. Cheng Yu said that you are handsome at frying chicken, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, turn on the camera]

[Xingxingzi, let's discuss it, just turn it on, and the camera can be turned on for a while, just turn it on for five seconds!]

[Wuuuu so why don't you open Xingxing...]

"But I think that if I don't turn on the camera, I will look more mysterious." Ji Xingchen laughed and joked with the fans, and brought this topic to the past.

Fans were still reluctant to turn on the cameras when they looked at the stars, so they changed their strategy.

[If you don't turn on the camera, then let's celebrate that you won the first point this time. How about a women's clothing benefit?]

[Women's clothing benefits I can! ! ! !]

[Wall Crack Support! It just so happens that Xingxingzi, your attention has exceeded 100,000, and it is time for a wave of fan benefits~]

"Women's clothing benefits???"

Ji Xingchen was not frightened by the flashing of the camera, but was frightened by the suggestion.

Although it seems that many anchors will give fans this benefit, but…

When I think of myself wearing a small foreign dress with long blond hair...

The picture is too ghostly for him to think about.

"No, no, brothers, please spare me, I'm afraid of women's clothes!"

Hearing Ji Xingchen begging for mercy, the corners of Ranfeng's mouth couldn't help but get a little smile.

So he clicked on the input box at the bottom of the screen and immediately typed a few words.

[House Management] [Night Wind Picks the Stars]: Don't bully him

[Boss Wanfeng! !]

[Wow, the boss, don't bully him for being a domineering president! ! I can immediately make up the 100,000-word Begonia novel!]

[Woooooo, but the stars don't open the camera and don't wear women's clothes, really don't give us any benefits qwq]

Looking at the barrage of grievances from fans, Ranfeng clicked on the gift bar and immediately sent ten magical meteor showers in the live broadcast room.

In an instant, the lottery barrage in the live broadcast room was opened, and everyone could get ten lottery chances.

A few seconds later, among the many lottery barrages that floated by quickly, a golden barrage of local tyrants slowly slid from the top of the live broadcast room—

[House Management] [Night Wind Picks the Stars]: Sealing fee