Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 29: Xi Shi


After sleeping at home alone for an afternoon, Ji Xingchen woke up at eight o'clock in the evening.

He shook his head gently and found that the dizziness was almost gone.

Sure enough, what the nurse said was right, he only rested quietly for an afternoon, and his body felt much more comfortable.

Ji Xingchen got up from the bed, and as soon as he stood up, his stomach growled and sang an empty city plan.

He slept for almost a whole day, except for a little hot water when he took medicine in the morning, he did not enter the pellets all day.

Ji Xingchen didn't want to move too lazy, so he soaked himself a pack of instant noodles and planned to perfunctory his stomach.

After soaking the instant noodles, Ji Xingchen went to toss the seasoning bag and found that it was still raining lightly outside.

Looking at the window sill wet by the rain, Ji Xingchen remembered the umbrella that Lan Xin lent him in the morning, and he hadn't returned it yet.

Not caring about his hunger, Ji Xingchen immediately picked up the dried flower umbrella at the door and put it away. Turning around and carrying the fruits he bought when he came home in the morning, he sent the umbrella and fruits to Lan Xin's family.

Ji Xingchen walked to the door, and as soon as he opened the door, he directly bumped into Lan Xin and her mother.

"Eh, brother?" She smiled towards Ji Xingchen with a bowl of white rice in her hand.

The smiling mother standing behind her was the same as her, holding two plates in both hands, one meat, one vegetable and two dishes.

"I saw you before that you seemed to be living alone. Today, I heard from Xin Xin that you were sick, so I prepared some food to bring you here. Young man... Are you going to go out?"

Lan Xin's mother is also an honest person who is not good at words. Her expression is not so pleasant, but in fact, she has been worried that Ji Xingchen, who is sick, will not be taken care of. As soon as dinner was ready, she immediately distributed some to him. .

The kindness of the mother and daughter was like a beam of warm light, and at that moment, the light deeply shone into Ji Xingchen's heart.

He smiled at the two of them, "No, I'm about to return the umbrella to Xin Xin."

Seeing this, Lan Xin's mother warmly invited Ji Xingchen to her house, "Ah, that's right, have you eaten? We are about to eat. If you don't dislike it, come with us."

Ji Xingchen shook his hand and wanted to refuse, but Lan Xin's empty hand grabbed his sleeve, "Let's go, brother, you're welcome, let's eat together, we're all neighbors, so we need to visit more. "

Unable to resist the family's warm invitation, Ji Xingchen finally went to Lan Xin's house for a dinner.

Since the death of his parents, Ji Xingchen has been alone, and he can't remember how long he hasn't had such a lively dinner.

While eating, looking at Lan Xin with an innocent smile in her eyes, Ji Xingchen envied her having such a happy family.

It's okay even if life is a bit miserable, as long as mom and dad are still there...

After eating, Ji Xingchen got up to help her aunt clean up the dishes, but was stopped by her.

"You are a rare visitor, there is no reason for you to help wash the dishes, go to the living room to eat some fruit and watch TV, don't use it to help..."

Ji Xingchen, who was sent to the living room, was too embarrassed to say leave immediately after eating a meal, so he went to the corner of the living room and sat down to watch TV.

"Ah, why is there such a strange subject in mathematics? I vomited, and my brain cells will be killed by it..."

After eating, Lan Xin, a quasi-high school senior who started desperately rushing homework, pulled up her twin ponytails and let out a tragic wailing.

"Xin Xin, there are guests, what's the name of such a loud voice?"

Lan Xin's father, who was watching TV with Ji Xingchen, reprimanded her in a low voice.

"Oh..." Lan Xin let go of her hair and quietly smiled mischievously at Ji Xingchen. "I'm sorry, brother, but I'm really in so much pain that I can't hold back..."


Ji Xingchen got up with a smile and walked to her side.

Seeing Lan Xin in such pain, he glanced down at the topic she was working on.

After thinking about it in his head for about three minutes, Ji Xingchen opened his mouth...

"Your thinking on this question is wrong, you can solve it in a different way."

Ji Xingchen pointed at the topic with his slender fingers and patiently explained the topic to Lan Xin.

Different from others, he did not tell her the answer directly, but guided her little by little on how to get clues to solve the problem and how to solve the problem through different ways of thinking.

Ten minutes later, Lan Xin finally answered the final question of the test paper!

Looking proudly at the answers on her exam paper, Lan Xin's eyes were full of admiration for Ji Xingchen.

Before her rainbow fart came out, Ji Xingchen pointed to another question in front of her.

"This question, please check again."


When Lan Xin heard the words, he fell back and recalculated on the scratch paper.

Looking at her different answers, she realized that she had made a mistake in the question because of her carelessness.

"Wow, my brother is so amazing, you can see that I did something wrong at a glance? And the last question, our teacher said that no more than three people in our class can solve it. How can you solve it so quickly!! Or mental arithmetic???"

Ji Xingchen smiled, "I just thought of the idea, you solved the problem."

Lan Xin quickly shook his head.

After all, everyone knows that problem-solving ideas are the most powerful. Who can't calculate as long as you have been to elementary school!

Lan Xin looked at Ji Xingchen again, and felt more and more that this brother was powerful.

After all, she used to think that her brother was just good-looking, but who knew that he was not only good-looking, but also a particularly powerful scholar!

"Brother, you are so strong. Which university did you graduate from? Let me worship!"

When Ji Xingchen heard this, the smile on his face suddenly faded a bit.

He turned his head slightly, and after covering up this unnaturalness, he said lightly, "I never went to college."


Hearing these words, Lan Xin suddenly became dumbfounded.

Such a powerful person, brother, can even solve problems without writing...

Judging from the academic tyrants she has seen so far, this kind of top academic tyrant who was all-powerful in high school at first glance.

As a result... Didn't even go to college? ?

After realizing that she had said something wrong, Lan Xin quickly covered her mouth, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brother... I don't know, I just... "

It just feels so incredible...

Lan Xin quickly apologized, but she found that no matter how she explained it, she couldn't save this embarrassing situation.

Ji Xingchen smiled at her, signaling her to feel at ease.

"It's okay, I... something happened to my family before, I couldn't pay the tuition, and I didn't have time, so I didn't succeed."

Lan Xin originally guessed that there must be something hidden behind his brother not going to college, but who would have thought that it was because of economic reasons

Originally, she wanted to say that she had no money for student loans...

But in the end she still didn't speak.

With such an excellent brother, of course he knows these policies better than her.

But since he didn't do it at the time, she believed that her brother must have encountered very, very difficult things before giving up the opportunity to go to college.

Lan Xin felt heartbroken when she thought that such a good person as her brother could not go to college, and that she might have had some very difficult encounters in the past.

"Brother, you... come and teach me how to do homework when you have time..."

Lan Xin looked at Ji Xingchen and silently added in her heart, our family can take care of your meals!

After Ji Xingchen helped Lan Xin with her homework, she sat down for two minutes before returning home.

In order to sleep absolutely peacefully, he turned off his mobile phone before.

Now when it opens, hundreds of messages from fans and friends pop up.

The content that everyone sent to him is actually similar, all of them are to let him take care of his health and get well soon.

Ji Xingchen replied one by one, but found that Meng Whale TV's excitement even sent him a message at noon.

Xing Cai has an impression of this person.

They were teammates when they were matched up in the points match before, and he also won the best bot lane in the first week.

At that time, after the call, he felt that this person was okay, and when the other party asked him to WeChat, he gave it directly.

Of course, it is not only this anchor who wants Ji Xingchen's WeChat, he has also added a lot of other anchors.

But this time he was sick, and the anchors who added him on WeChat took the initiative to care about him, but there was only such a person.

Even those anchors who begged him to fly, no one asked him about his physical condition today, just asked him if he could form a team together.

Ji Xingchen was grateful for Yu Xingcai's concern, but he didn't care whether other anchors cared to greet him.

He also understands that this is a game, and it is normal for the anchor to value personal interests.

According to the words of the viewers who analyzed the situation, in fact, all the anchors are opponents. He was not in a good state and did not participate in today's game. For many people, especially for the top anchors, it is a good thing.

After all, if he didn't fight today, he was left behind steadily.

Ji Xingchen just watched the game points summed up by Hupu Straight Men. He didn't play for a day today, and his ranking dropped from the second place to the twelfth place.

And Song Peifeng, who was originally the first place, played exceptionally well today and won a complete victory. The points changed from the previous 377 to 439, and he still maintained the first position.

In just one day, he and Song Peifeng were more than 60 points apart.

If he still wants to take the first place, it will be even more difficult.

Ji Xingchen returned to the WeChat page and looked at Xingcai's [Brother Xingxing, I heard that you are sick, are you feeling better? ], and immediately replied to the other party [Thank you for your concern, it has been much better]

After he replied, he found that the WeChat page showed that the other party was typing.

When Ji Xingchen saw that the other party still had something to say, he waited quietly.

A few seconds later Xing Cai's message came over.

Xingcai: Great! Remember to take medicine on time and rest

Xingcai: The weather has changed a lot recently, so you should also cover the quilt when you sleep

Xingcai: Also! Brother, are you participating in the points match tomorrow? If you participate, can you let me cut in a team to form a team with you

Xingcai: I have no teammates today, I became a lone wolf and was beaten up by others

Xing Cai: grievance.jpg

This self-proclaimed self-proclaimed lone wolf sells miserably, and is actually ranked seventh, and is one of the golden thighs that many people want to form a team.

After all, he was the man who won the best bot lane last week, so there's nothing to say about his skills.

Xingcai is actually a little temperamental. Even though he is young, he can see through everyone.

He doesn't like the utilitarian streamers who come to him with a purpose to form a team.

From the moment he knew that he could form a team to play games, Ji Xingchen was the only ideal teammate for him.

No way, who let Ji Xingchen's earth-shattering kick kick directly into his heart.

So from that day onwards, his love for Ji Xingchen was nothing but the little fanboy's extreme worship of idols.

Xingcai: Brother Xingxing, can you qaq I really like you

Xing Cai: the ball is qaq

Who can bear to refuse such a lovely boy~

So Ji Xingchen agreed.

The next morning, Ji Xingchen still did not start broadcasting.

When the time came to half past eleven, he slowly turned on the computer and projected his phone onto the screen.

Because the first week was so good, many people were quietly watching his every move.

As a result, they learned that he was ill yesterday and did not play, and these people immediately compiled several versions of him.

As soon as he started broadcasting today, in addition to fans, trolls also immediately followed after smelling it.

Internet troll: [Trash anchor, didn't play for two hours yesterday, is the family dead?]

An anchor fan: [Before Na Qiao didn't form a team with this team or that team, and the result deserved retribution.]

Black fans: [I tried to keep my points by not fighting yesterday, but I didn't expect to be overtaken so much, so I will continue to counsel today!]

Song Peifeng fans: [I heard that you didn't agree with Song Peifeng first? But now he has surpassed you by 60 to 70 points, don't worry, you can't catch up even if you die.]

Wonderful fan: [The idiot anchor has finally started broadcasting]

Although Ji Xingchen was not very popular in the past, most of the fans are lovely young ladies, and the barrage in the live broadcast room has always been relatively gentle.

But now he is playing games, and the platform has given him a lot of homepage recommendations, so with more exposure than before, it has also attracted a lot of trolls.

These trolls don't care what your situation is, they just don't make sense and don't have logic, they just want to ruin the anchor's mentality.

The anchor is also an ordinary person. Indeed, most people will feel uncomfortable after seeing these barrages.

But Ji Xingchen didn't care at all.

Seeing these people spraying him, he even laughed and chatted with them.

"Yes, brothers, I'm starting the broadcast, isn't it a surprise?"

Saying that, he logged into the game and even played a Sichuan Mahjong game.

"Play mahjong first, be happy and happy, and then continue to play at twelve o'clock."

[My day, the anchor's mentality is really good, the ranking is like this, and I am in the mood to play mahjong]

[There is still a hammer in the game now, why didn't you play yesterday, do you think you still have a chance to make the top three?]

Ji Xingchen hit a 60,000, looked at his dark seven pairs, and said with a smile, "Is the top three difficult?"

What he said was a bit arrogant, and the trolls thought he was angry and talking big to them.

After that, the group ridiculed Ji Xingchen again, and some people even went to post bars and forums to post to him.

[The first three are not difficult for you and him, but come in! Talking big is useless!]

"Touch yourself!!"

With Ji Xingchen's happy voice, he found a box of three, and immediately won thousands of Doudou from others.

"I can get this one by myself??? It seems that I'm lucky today, and I shouldn't be too bad in the game later."

After playing a game of mahjong with three old hand speed players, the time is approaching twelve o'clock.

Ji Xingchen immediately logged into the competition account and waited for the last minute countdown.

Seeing that Ji Xingchen seemed to be completely fine, the fans in the live broadcast room were heartbroken to him.

He's about to play a game soon, but he hasn't formed a team with anyone yet... Is this going to be lonely for a week in solo queue

[Is Xingxing still in solo queue today? Have you teamed up with anyone?]

[Yeah, everyone is playing in teams now. Although the stars are very strong, I always feel that a single row is a big loss.]

"It's not solo queue today." Ji Xingchen laughed, "I have teammates, don't worry."

[what? ? ?]

[teammate? ? When did you find a teammate? !]

[Ah, ah, star, tell me, who are you going to play with?]

In the face of the fans' high curiosity, Ji Xingchen sold out, "Everyone will know later."

So the fans stared at the screen tightly, wanting to wait for the opening of the competition channel to see who the teammates Ji Xingchen invited.

However, after the countdown ended, Ji Xingchen did not take the initiative to invite anyone.

But he didn't invite anyone, but five messages that invited him to form a team popped up in the game.

Ji Xingchen directly closed the invitation boxes of four of the anchors, and clicked the agreement directly on the one about Meng Jing Xing Cai.


Fans in the live broadcast room were instantly excited when they saw Xingcai's name.

[It turned out to be Xing Cai! ! ! ! He is strong!]

[Yes, yes, join forces, I will buy this Xingxing Invincible!]

[I thought they would be opponents, but I didn't expect them to become teammates?]

[Ah, the mid laner and the shooter, I really want to know what routine they secretly practiced!]

Yesterday, the team played for one day, and the audience found that the anchors in the team actually practiced some tricks in private to cooperate.

Seeing Ji Xingchen and Xingcai joining forces today, they also tacitly agreed that they had also discussed the routine in advance.

However, when Ji Xingchen entered the Xingcai team room, he said to everyone, "Is it a routine? I didn't play a game after that, can you believe it?"

Live room: [I can't believe it, I can't believe it]

Ji Xingchen's team was turned on, so he just said this, and Xing Cai heard it.

So he immediately smiled and explained to the audience in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room through the team of Mai.

"Brother Xingxing only agreed to form a team with me last night. Where do we have time to do routines? We are almost the same as the routines used by others!" After speaking, he said to Ji Xingchen, "So Brother Xingxing should discuss how to play first. Ah, do you want Angela to be a jungler? Then I'll use Jiang Ziya to assist and go to the opposite side with you."

Ji Xingchen blew a whistle: "It's okay, brother, help my favorite fisherman, Jiang Taigong! But... I actually want to try Cai Wenji as a jungler."

Hearing this, Xingcai burst into laughter, "Cai Wenji is playing wild? Hahahaha bullshit! Brother, you are really bullshit! Even Cai Wenji is playing wild... But... Brother, you choose to play me, right? What should I do, my mother... At first I thought I was on an aircraft carrier, but I ended up on a pirate ship?"

Ji Xingchen: "Dream is always there. What if it's a ghost? It's not impossible for Cai Wenji to play in the wild. And it's too late for you to get off the boat now. I've already chained you with me."

[Hahahaha Tiesuo serial laughs to death me]

[Is this really the first time that these two have teamed up? Too funny]

[I suspect that you two are on each other's pirate ship, and will act each other in a while hahahaha]

Ranfeng, who just entered the live broadcast room, just happened to hear Ji Xingchen's last sentence.

[House Management] [Night Wind Picks the Stars]: Locked

Ji Xingchen forgot to turn off the barrage today, and when he looked up, he just saw the boss.

After seeing the boss's words, he immediately changed his words: "No, no, no, I just found the key to unlock it."

Xingcai: "It's not locked again????"

[Hahahahaha the boss came to Xingxingzi for a second]

[Xingcai: ignorant tool person]

[Wuli Xingzi only locks with the boss]

After joking appropriately to adjust the atmosphere, Xing Cai started.

The two queued for less than twenty seconds, and the system jumped out the names of the ten streamers who were matched together this time.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the opposite side.

He just set the flag and said that he was not bad luck, but the first one hit the best middle lane last week, Song Peifeng who is currently the first in points.

Ji Xingchen only played less than 40 games last week, plus teammates and opponents were randomly matched by the system.

He had bumped into some anchors three or four times, but only Song Peifeng had not bumped into one.

Who would have guessed that he was so lucky today, that the person he hadn't been able to meet in the previous week was only playing the first game today, and the system played a big game with him, and directly put the person on the opposite side of him.

Ji Xingchen slapped his face with the flag, but after this lineup suddenly appeared in front of everyone, the audience was excited.

As the contenders for the first, second and best mid lane last week, everyone had long expected that Song Peifeng and Ji Xingchen would collide.

Both of their mid-lane mages played very well, but they each had their own merits.

Song Peifeng's style of play is conservative, and he is better at playing in the middle of the tool, which is very helpful to the team. He and his teammates complement each other and play very steadily.

On the other hand, Ji Xingchen is different. He likes to play mages who are both showy and carry.

Two anchors with different styles finally bumped into each other today, thinking about that scene is full of sparks.

Song Peifeng currently ranks first in points, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Except for him, Ji Xingchen has played against this person, so as soon as he entered the bp interface, his teammates on the first and second floors banned Song Peifeng's excellent skills, Mo Xie and Shen Mengxi, to show respect.

The other party is obviously a polite person. Seeing that Song Peifeng was targeted, he directly returned the courtesy, even banning Ji Xingchen's three mages plus a hundred miles to keep the promise.

Before the game officially started, the two sides were already full of gunpowder.

Although Ji Xingchen has dropped to the twelfth place in the ranking, no one dares to release his unique hero.

After all, there are too many variables on the field, and the streamers all know that if they let him kill with Huo Wu Wan'er like the previous three days, everyone will play a hammer behind him. Even if he gets sick for two more days, he can catch up with the points!

When the opponent was banning the hero, because he gave all the bans to Ji Xingchen, he released the all-match assistant Master Lu Ban.

It just so happened that Ji Xingchen's teammates had an assistant who specialized in playing, and immediately grabbed Master Lu Ban over.

Master Luban's teammates: "I'm pulling people and thieves. Master, do you want to choose a Xi Shi to finish the game with me?"

Ji Xingchen's hand swiped across Xishi's page, but he didn't make a second choice.

Ji Xingchen: "Brother... I play less Xi Shi."

Master Lu Ban: "Forget it, don't play tricks anymore, you can choose one that plays smoothly, you can play it as well."

Every anchor wants to choose a more perfect lineup during the game.

But everyone's position will conflict, plus the depth of everyone's hero pool is different, so in many cases, it is impossible to choose the perfect lineup.

Ji Xingchen's teammates are pretty good. Seeing that he can't do anything, he won't go to the hard way.

However, just when everyone crossed out a Xi Shi from Ji Xingchen's hero pool in their hearts and thought that he was going to pull out a Zhuge Liang who had no surprises, he followed Master Lu Ban's request and locked a Xi Shi.

Ji Xingchen smiled: "It doesn't matter, I play less, but I can play."

Listening to Ji Xingchen's sloppy voice, the sprayers burst into rage again.

[Selected to engage in teammate mentality?]

[Can you respect the game? People who thought you were pretty in the past were okay, but why did they become so pretentious after they became popular, even if they didn't know Xi Shi, they dared to choose? Professional players are not as bold as you]

[Dare to choose if you haven’t played a few games? ? Do you really think you are invincible?]

Ji Xingchen didn't see what the trolls said. He was now communicating with Xingcai about which shooter to choose.

"Brother Xingxing Garlic Wolfdog, which one do you like?"

In the past, Xingcai basically chose heroes to play in solo queue. As a result, after teaming up with Ji Xingchen today, he switched to the little fanboy mode throughout the whole process. He even had to listen to Ji Xingchen's opinion on which hero to use.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the lineup opposite - Lian Po, Ma Chao, Liu Bang, Marco Polo, Wu Zetian.

The opposite is fleshy, controlled and explosive...

Ji Xingchen thought about it, "It's still Sun Shangxiang."

The last position on the fifth floor took the hero's enthusiasm and immediately chose Sun Shangxiang obediently, and the game officially started.

Ji Xingchen took the team-type mid laner Xishi this time. With this hero, it was destined that this would not be his solo show, but the focus should be on the shooter.

And Sun Shangxiang is a late-stage hero, so the strategy adopted by Ji Xingchen and his teammates at the beginning was to try to avoid team battles as much as possible, and to develop obscenely.

But whether it is Lian Po, Liu Bang or Wu Zetian, they are all heroes who are very strong in teamwork.

The more Ji Xingchen and the others have to avoid the battle, the more the opponent will come to fight and harass them.

Several of Ji Xingchen's teammates and anchors are technically good, but the tacit understanding between them is not enough.

Although everyone turned on the mic the whole time, they couldn't cooperate.

However, the situation of the opposite anchors is the opposite of Ji Xingchen's side. They are all friends with Song Peifeng, and they usually play games together. The tacit understanding is very high.

With the huge difference in understanding between the two sides, the situation on Ji Xingchen's side is not optimistic.

His Xi Shi pulled to the opposite c position several times, but other teammates couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

Sun Shangxiang, who was only happy, barely kept up with him and played a few times, but Sun Shangxiang didn't develop enough in the early stage, and the damage was not enough. In addition, Liu Bang always passed on Dabao at the critical moment. Song Peifeng, who played Wu Zetian, was just right. Big move to take control.

In the end, Ji Xingchen could only watch the people on the opposite side escape from his hands again and again.

He played so many games, the first time he played ten minutes without a single head.

Disadvantages are like a snowball, growing little by little.

After Lian Po strongly jumped into the crowd and drove them in two groups, the outer tower on Ji Xingchen's side was also pushed clean, and only the three lonely highland towers were still stubbornly supported.

Thirteen minutes later, all five people on the opposite side gathered under the tower in the middle road.

At this time, the jungler King Lanling on Ji Xingchen's side has already died, and the side road mad iron will be resurrected in 10 seconds...