Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 32: Are you in such a bad way?


Are you curious about this

Ji Xingchen and Ranfeng once had a similar conversation.

In high school, the girls in the class basically liked to read novels about socialist brotherhood. In addition to stuffing their mobile phones with all kinds of strange txt, they also brought many physical books to class. Hidden under the textbook to secretly appreciate.

There was a time when a girl in the front row borrowed Ji Xingchen's homework to copy, and when she returned the book, she didn't know how to do it, and even put a special picture from the book she just bought into Ji Xingchen's workbook.

After she put the exercise book on Ji Xingchen's desk, she went to physical education class.

After class, Ji Xingchen, who was unaware, bit a popsicle and followed Ranfeng back to his seat.

However, the exercise book that the female classmate also came, I don't know who was hit and flew to Ranfeng's side.

Ranfeng, who sat down first, wanted to hand the exercise book to Ji Xingchen.

As a result, the picture just slid out of it.

Ranfeng thought it was Ji Xingchen's thing, so he bent down and picked it up.

When he just saw what was drawn on the picture, Ji Xingchen, who turned his head, also saw it.

Then his constipated voice sounded in Ranfeng's ear.

"Brother Feng... how can you have such a picture?"

The exercise book was put upside down, and Ji Xingchen didn't see the name, so he thought the picture was dyed maple.

Seeing the little yellow picture in Ranfeng's hand, he was shocked and inconceivable.

His Feng brother Mingyou is the school grass, the dream lover of all the girls in the school, a real straight man, as straight as a steel pipe!

So, Brother Feng, the straight man of steel, how could he collect such strange things

Compared with Ji Xingchen's restlessness, Ranfeng is much calmer.

He took his eyes back from the card, and put the back of it on the table with a blank expression.

He raised his head and saw that Ji Xingchen's blushing face was a little cute, so he thought to tease him, "What kind of picture?"

Ranfeng asked knowingly.

Ji Xingchen looked complicated.

He glanced at the things on the table and said in a low voice, "Just... I just accidentally swiped it, the two boys seem to be kissing... "

Ji Xingchen couldn't say what happened next.

That picture is not just kissing, the protagonist is doing indescribable things...

Ji Xingchen likes dyeing maples, but it's the kind that he simply likes. So far, even dreaming about each other has only stopped at kissing.

So, where has he seen this kind of exciting picture of a man and a man at the restricted level

The result is that just now, he not only saw it, but also saw it from the person he likes!

This made Ji Xingchen, who was already curvy, start to doubt.

Brother Feng, can he... accept that boys like boys

So... does he have a chance

"Well, I picked it up on the ground."

Ranfeng responded lightly, glanced at Ji Xingchen, and put the card back in the drawer of the female classmate in front.

oh well...

The little hope that had just ignited in Ji Xingchen's heart was shattered just like that.

After realizing that it was a misunderstanding, Ji Xingchen lowered his head and did not speak, and was silent for several minutes.

When the class bell rang, he remembered the picture on that picture again.

But this time, he mentioned it to Ranfeng purely from the perspective of academic inquiry.

He leaned over to Ranfeng's table and looked at Ranfeng's face, his eyes full of curiosity, "Brother Feng, are the two boys doing this?"

Ranfeng was stunned for two seconds when he heard the words, and then suddenly smiled again.

"Why, are you curious about this?"

Ji Xingchen felt guilty for a while at the end of his eyes provoked by Shang Ranfeng. He was afraid of revealing his feelings for Brother Feng, so he hurriedly denied it, "No... just curious."

Ranfeng smiled, "I can't answer you this question."

At the moment when the bell was quiet, his breath lightly swept Ji Xingchen's ears.

"Unless... I tried it myself."

Ji Xingchen really couldn't answer the boss's question, so he simply reissued the contract again.

Ranfeng, who said that he wanted to help Ji Xingchen show the contract to the legal counsel, after receiving the contract, he directly called Lin Boyuan, the boss of Maomao TV.

After understanding Ranfeng's purpose, Lin Boyuan smiled.

"I'm giving this A-level anchor's contract for your own sake. Otherwise, he hasn't been able to make it into the air for such a short time, and he can only get a B-level contract if he dies."

Ranfeng, who was holding the phone in one hand, was lazy, but her tone was extraordinarily insistent, "He is worth s."

"You want to get him an s contract? But Xiaofeng, do you know that there are only nine people on our platform at the moment, all of them are big streamers with nearly 10 million popularity. This streamer has a good momentum now, but it's only broadcast. It's been a few months, and now I want to sign s, the gap between him and others is not a little bit, and you are not afraid to kill him."

"You dare to open a host who has only been running for a few months? Brother Yuan, you accidentally said something."

Hearing the low laughter from Ranfeng's side, Lin Boyuan also laughed.

"Hey, I'm still good at catching logical loopholes!" Knowing that he accidentally missed something, Lin Boyuan admitted generously, "Indeed, he is very good."

The reason why he gave Ji Xingchen an A-level contract was not only because Ranfeng deliberately took care of him, but because the entire platform was optimistic about his future development.

In this Glory Points Tournament alone, among all the anchors of Maomao TV, he was the only one who seized the opportunity and directly increased the daily activity of the live broadcast room by more than ten times in a short period of time.

Not only that, his real audience and running income also squeezed into the top 20 on the entire platform, and he can also stabilize his popularity when he is not playing games.

The momentum has been so strong in just a few months. If they continue to push, it will only be a matter of time before they become super big anchors.

After receiving the excellent affirmation of Ji Xingchen from the old fox Lin Boyuan, Ranfeng gave up and directly stated his true intentions.

"S-class is not necessary, the current contract is very good."

Ranfeng understands that S cannot be opened. If Ji Xingchen is suddenly changed to S-class, he will become suspicious.

"The current contract is very good, so you still call me?"

Ranfeng smiled lightly, "The treatment can be improved a little bit."

He gave Lin Boyuan a number and added, "The duration of the live broadcast should also be shortened."

The contract between the anchor and the platform will stipulate the total length of the live broadcast for a month.

Generally speaking, according to the size of the anchor's coffee space and the contract signed, on average every day, the anchor basically has to live broadcast for 4-10 hours.

Therefore, if the anchors are usually delayed and the total time is not enough, the anchors often make up the time for live broadcasts through the night in the days at the end of the month.

Lin Boyuan raised his eyebrows and said in a capitalist tone, "Huh? This treatment is still eight hours long."

"It's too long." Ranfeng slowly exhaled the smoke ring, and said casually, "It has seriously affected my life."

In the week that Ji Xingchen just disappeared, Ranfeng learned to smoke.

After I learned it, I couldn't quit it for a few years.

He usually doesn't smoke, but every time he thinks about how powerful Ji Xingchen is, he will come.

The excuse that Ranfeng told Lin Boyuan was to influence himself.

But in fact, he was worried about Ji Xingchen's physical condition.

Being an anchor live broadcasts for so long every day, occupational diseases are inevitable.

Two days ago, because of Ji Xingchen's illness that was too long and tired from live broadcast, Ranfeng still kept in mind.

He told Ji Xingchen not to broadcast live that day, and the other party thought he was joking.

Since he can't persuade him, he can only use this method to let him rest more every day.

"Life? What life? Nightlife?" Lin Boyuan smiled meaningfully, "Xiao Feng has really grown up."

When Ranfeng came to him for the first time, he vaguely guessed the relationship between the two through his very important friend.

Ranfeng, such a proud person, took the initiative to call him several times, all because of various trivial matters of a small anchor.

If he wasn't in a relationship, would he need to bother himself


Ranfeng's words stopped Lin Boyuan's desire and desire to explore further.

He leaned back on the sofa, "I just don't have that much time to watch live broadcasts every day."

Lin Boyuan didn't believe it, "I've shown you such an important contract, and you're just unilaterally holding a mobile phone to keep the relationship between the live broadcast room?"

Ranfeng smiled easily, "Why can't you stay in the live broadcast room?"

"Yes. But it's a bit unreasonable that you haven't chased anyone down for so long." Lin Boyuan suddenly became energetic when he saw Ranfeng so shriveled for the first time, and deliberately teased him, "No way, big star, your market is like this now. Worse?"

"My market has been very bad." Ranfeng looked down at the time on his watch, "Brother Yuan, I want to go out, so it's no problem to shorten the live broadcast time of Xingxing to four hours."

"Four hours? Xiaofeng, why are you always thinking about plotting against your brother?"

"No way."

After hanging up Ranfeng's phone, Lin Boyuan laughed to himself.

Ranfeng said that he didn't want the s contract, but directly cut the anchor's live broadcast time by half!

A-level contracts are only broadcast for four hours a day? What is the difference between this and s contract!

Ranfeng, this kid really has to let the little anchor take up everything cheap.

Lin Boyuan complained, but Ranfeng was not only a family friend of his family, but also had a life-saving kindness to his brother.

Now that he opened his mouth to trouble himself, although Lin Boyuan said that he was calculating, he immediately called and arranged the matter in person.

In the case of Ji Lintian before, Lin Boyuan knew that Ji Xingchen was such a person, and now Ranfeng's phone call again aroused his curiosity.

Because this contract was the first time that the website made an exception to adjust the contract for an A-level anchor, the subordinate cautiously sent Lin Boyuan the file confirmation of Ji Xingchen to prevent mistakes.

Lin Boyuan opened the other party's information on the computer. He couldn't hold back his curiosity and looked at the photo column, and looked at the other party's ID photo carefully.

As we all know, the ID photo is one of the most beautiful photos.

However, in the two-inch ID photo with blue background in the upper right corner of the file, the anchor has red lips and white teeth and clear eyes. Although he wears simple clothes, his whole person has a fresh temperament.

Lin Boyuan couldn't help laughing.

No wonder Ranfeng is so attentive, this person is really good-looking, and one can't forget that at a glance.

Just after Lin Boyuan confirmed Ji Xingchen's information and contract with his subordinates, his phone suddenly rang.

The caller was his brother Lin Bocheng.

"Brother, can you give me your phone, I want to use my account to watch the live broadcast..."

As soon as Lin Boyuan answered the phone, his brother's aggrieved coquettish voice came.

He got up and walked to the window, and said softly, "Can you move your hands?"

Lin Bocheng attended a netizen's birthday party the day before yesterday. As a result, his stupid netizen had a car accident while driving at night. As a result, Lin Bocheng, who was in the car with him, now has severe fractures in his hands and feet.

Knowing that, Lin Boyuan confiscated his mobile phone in anger, prevented him from contacting those unreliable netizens, and fined him not to surf the Internet for three days, and asked the aunts who escorted him not to use his mobile phone.

Lin Bocheng, who called his brother on the phone with his auntie, shook his head, "No! But I can ask my auntie to help me put my phone on the bed just like I'm calling you now."

"It's not good for the eyes, and it also affects the rest." Lin Boyuan patiently persuaded.

"But I'll be depressed if I can't surf the Internet! I still want to watch the stars' game today."

Hearing that his younger brother also mentioned the anchor's name, Lin Boyuan remembered that his younger brother had come to him because of this anchor last time.

So he was really curious, why did the younger brothers around him like this anchor so much

"Niu Niu, I want to ask you something. This anchor... is the star you mentioned. What do you like about him? He looks good?" Lin Boyuan asked tentatively.

"What is good looking? He never shows his face! I don't even know what he looks like!" After Lin Bocheng said that, he felt that his brother's words were strange, so he asked his brother, "Why are you asking this... I still need to like it. Reason?"

Lin Boyuan: "Huh? Can't ask?"

Lin Bocheng hesitated, "Yes, yes..."

"It's his live broadcast that can bring happiness to people." After Lin Bocheng said perfunctory, he remembered another thing, "Oh, by the way, last time I paid him 30,000 yuan..."

Lin Boyuan didn't care, "What?"

"But why is my account balance still 9999999 after swiping?"

"That's because I gave you a special account with unlimited amount."

Lin Bocheng was immediately overjoyed when he heard it, and he spoke again on a whim, "Then I can give Xingxing a gift of hundreds or tens of millions casually?"

Lin Boyuan smiled, "Yes, but the amount in your account will be adjusted by me to only 50,000 in a minute."

"Forget it, it's still five hundred."

Lin Bocheng almost cried after hearing this.

"No, brother! Why don't you be so stingy!"

Since he accidentally posted the wrong fan novel and had an in-depth discussion with the boss about the male dog's waist, Ji Xingchen has been pretending to be dead, and he didn't dare to say a word to the boss.

During this period, he actually took out his mobile phone countless times, but every time he saw the boss's words, "You are curious about this", Ji Xingchen hesitated again, and hurriedly closed the mobile phone and did not dare to say more.

Strange things like this... Was he really curious what would happen

During the interval of the live broadcast, Ji Xingchen took out his mobile phone for the thirty-seventh time, thinking about how he should start a new topic so that he could naturally turn over the previous embarrassing topic.

As a result, the boss of Wanfeng took the initiative to send him a message.

Feng: The lawyer has read it, the contract is no problem

Wind: can sign

With this extremely honest message from Boss Wanfeng, Ji Xingchen quickly replied with a thank you.

wind: at work

Feng: I'll tell you in detail later

Ji Xingchen glanced at the time and found that it was seven o'clock in the evening.

It stands to reason that everyone should get off work at this time, but the boss of Wanfeng is still working

Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that he has known the boss for so long, and the other party seems to have never told him what he does.

Unlike Fang Fang, his house manager, he told him all about his work, interests, idols, etc. within a day of getting to know him.

He even knew how many cubs the puppy in her family had given birth to!

When Ji Xingchen saw that the boss had something to do, he didn't bother him anymore.

After closing the phone, he opened the peak game, ready to continue to score points tonight.

Before, he had been playing games and using trumpets to practice heroes. It had been a long time since he played the peak game. This time, when he clicked in, his account was no longer in the top ten.

"At the end of the season, everyone is too fierce. I just lost so much without playing for a few days?"

[This is the case at the end of the season, everyone is particularly fierce in scoring points]

[Xingxingzi stabilize, don't make a wave of reverse points tonight]

[I heard that today there is a game of eight actors and two bosses going live. Bless Wuli Xingzi with a smooth score tonight, don't meet the actors]

The matter of Xiao Tiantian looking for an actor before cast a deep shadow on everyone. Every season when the stars are going to the top game, the audience must come to pray that they will not meet the actor.

However, the audience's mouths were as open as they had been. Ji Xingchen was successfully poisoned by their poisoned milk when he opened the first one, and he met the actor directly!

In the national service list of the glory of the king, there is a hero's national service list called the rich woman list, and this hero is Yao.

In the last ranking of the gods, Yao, the hero of the top ten players in the national server, had eight names on the list and was directly banned.

The reason for their ban is very simple, that is, to ask the actors to help them get the national clothes.

Ji Xingchen was very unlucky. When she met Princess Yaoyao, who was a rich woman, she directly arranged two actors to be on Ji Xingchen's side to help her score points.

Encountering this kind of situation, the result can be imagined. Ji Xingchen can't beat the opponent even if he keeps his promise even if he has a single hand.

At the final stage of defending the crystal, all four of their teammates died, and he was the only one left to defend the crystal.

1v5, of course, he can't keep it down.

But with the spirit of not giving up, he has been working hard.

The opponent was definitely going to win, so he kept going back to the city in front of the spring to mock him, and some even tried to kill him by crossing the tower.

In addition, there is another person who is even more strange, and that is Ji Xingchen's teammate.

Before the crystal exploded, Baili Xuance, who had sent three heads to his side at the beginning, saw that he was about to lose, so he didn't blame the two actors for deliberately giving out points, but instead scolded Ji Xingchen by typing.

Baili Xuance: Are you worthy of Baili in the middle

[The stars are not worthy of you?]

[Damn, in a minute I want to know all the information about this electric mouse, I'm going to add him as a friend and scold him to death]

It was enough to make people angry to meet an actor, but he was ridiculed by his teammates. Fans in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room saw that Baili Xuanxue had such a bad mouth, so they all waited for the game to end, wanting to see what his name was and report it. he.

Everyone held back their anger and did not speak, until the crystal exploded with difficulty.

As a result, the moment the person's name was about to be displayed, the live broadcast room went black.

Not only was the screen black in the live broadcast room, but the surroundings of Ji Xingchen were also darkened.

power cut!

The sudden power outage disrupted all the rhythms of Ji Xingchen. He was afraid that the audience in the live broadcast room would wait too long, so he glanced at Eddie on the opposite side and quit the game.

He pushed open the door and went out, just in time to meet Lan Xin and his house also opened, ready to go out for a walk while the power goes out.

From what they said, Ji Xingchen learned that the entire community had been powered off.

Ji Xingchen returned home and saw that it was almost eight o'clock, and it was neither too early nor too late.

It's a little embarrassing at this point.

He calculated the time. If he went out to find an Internet cafe and broadcasted it, after he was done, it would be broadcast for at most an hour.

After seeing the broadcast for a long time, he directly gave up the plan of live broadcast.

Ji Xingchen entered his live broadcast room with his mobile phone and typed two lines on the public screen to explain the reason.

[Anchor] [Star]: Power outage

[Host] [Xingxing]: The live broadcast will not be broadcast today, and I will make it up later if I have time.

Leaving a group of spectators who were wailing no, Ji Xingchen closed the app of Maomao TV.

Now that the power is suddenly cut off, I don't know when I will be able to come. Ji Xingchen is lazy and doesn't want to go out, so he just took a cold shower, and then lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone.

He turned on his phone only to find that while he was taking a shower, the administrator No. 1 sent him another message, saying that the contract had changed, and asked him to review the new contract.

Ji Xingchen opened the contract suspiciously, but was taken aback by the contents inside.

After watching it, he really couldn't help but wonder, is Mao Mao TV the most philanthropic platform in the entire live broadcast platform

Give him such a high salary, and only let him live broadcast for four hours a day? ? ?

Xingxing: Hello, Super Manager, may I ask this contract... is it sent wrong

The uncertain Ji Xingchen asked the administrator again.

The other party replied to him in seconds and told him that he was right, that's what his contract was about.

The conditions given by Mao Mao TV were so good that Ji Xingchen couldn't help but wonder if the platform had dug a hole elsewhere.

After all, there were too many contract issues between the anchor and the platform before, and he had to be cautious.

However, when he finished reading the contract, he found that it was almost the same as his previous contract, except that the duration of the live broadcast was shortened and the salary increased...

Ji Xingchen opened WeChat, and was surprised, happy and puzzled to send WeChat to boss Wanfeng.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, Mao Mao TV signed a new contract with me. After reading it, I doubted my life...

Ji Xingchen sent this message, but the other party did not reply to him.

After waiting for more than half an hour to see that the other party had not replied yet, Ji Xingchen guessed that the boss should still be working overtime, so he turned off his mobile phone and prepared to go to bed early.

At about eleven o'clock, Ji Xingchen's phone vibrated twice.

Awoken by the vibration, he opened his eyes and found that the boss had sent him a message.

Feng: If you think there is a problem, send it over and I will check it out for you.

Feng: Are you asleep

The light of the mobile phone in the dark night was a bit dazzling, Ji Xingchen squinted his eyes and typed in a daze.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, did you just get off work

After Ji Xingchen finished typing, the other side showed that he was typing, obviously waiting for his reply.

Feng: Well, just finished

Wind: a little tired

Ji Xingchen typed slowly according to the input method, and wanted the boss to rest first and not worry about his contract.

But he didn't wake up, his typing speed was comparable to that of an old grandmother, and before the message was sent, the other party sent him another one.

Feng: Is it convenient to turn on the voice

Ji Xingchen was stunned for a while, and then he followed the boss's request to initiate a voice call.

After pressing the button, Ji Xingchen found a comfortable position and lay down on the pillow.

He listened to the phone beside his ear ringing for about ten seconds before the other party finally connected.

However, after the other party connected, the familiar voice did not sound.

Ji Xingchen felt strange and wondered if his signal was not good, so he looked at the phone.

Then he found that he didn't know how to get it, but he turned the voice call into a video!