Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 36: Blue and white stars


When Mo Yuzhe asked Ranfeng for a ticket, Ji Xingchen just received a message from the courier brother.

The information showed that his courier was placed at the reception desk at the gate of the community.

Ji Xingchen hadn't bought anything online recently, but now that he suddenly received a courier, he guessed that the tickets sent to him by Brother Feng had arrived.

After eating, he immediately put down his chopsticks and ran downstairs in three or two steps to pick up the courier.

He can eat the meal later, but he must pick up the courier with the tickets as soon as possible.

Because the community he rented is an old-fashioned community, the collection and collection of express delivery is very lax, and many users in the community often lose their express delivery for no reason.

Losing an ordinary courier would give him a heartache at most, but if this courier is lost, where will he find two more tickets for Brother Feng

Since he personally realized how difficult it is to grab tickets, Ji Xingchen has treasured those two tickets even more.

He took the two treasures home carefully, and when he unpacked the tape, he was afraid that he would accidentally tear the tickets with too much force.

However, Ji Xingchen thought too much. The two tickets that Boss Wanfeng gave him were also protected by a delicate hard-shell envelope.

Ji Xingchen picked it up and saw that "Dyeing Maple & Chasing Waves National Concert Magic Capital Station" was written in a very beautiful printed font in the middle of the front of the envelope.

Then he turned the envelope over and found a small blue and white star on the seal.

Little Xingxing stuck the envelope firmly, and only when he opened it could he take out the ticket.

Ji Xingchen did not go to get the ticket immediately, but stared at the blue and white laughing star for a while.

He knew that this color was a personal support color that belonged to Ranfeng.

He has been lurking in the fan group for many years, and he has heard these ifeng sisters say it.

When the support color was formulated, fans almost all thought that the official color of maple dyeing would be maple red.

Because there is a maple character in the name of Ranfeng, Maple Leaf Red matches his name very well, which represents a double meaning and is very meaningful.

But in the end, the official support color was blue and white like little stars in the night sky.

The agent Lina and the official supporters explained to fans that this is Ranfeng's favorite color and his lucky color, so they respected Ranfeng's meaning and settled on it.

Compared to the idol's favorite lucky color, what is the double meaning? Therefore, the ifengs supported it with unanimous votes, and all the supporters in the future will choose this color.

Ji Xingchen has not experienced the time when fans voted for the color of support, but he thinks it is not surprising that Brother Feng would choose this color.

Because he remembered that since high school, he said that he liked this color the most.

When we were about to graduate, many girls in the class bought that kind of graduation album and gave it to everyone.

There is a column above where you need to fill in the person's favorite color.

Ranfeng and Ji Xingchen were sent a lot of graduation commemorative classmate records, but neither of them filled in one.

Ranfeng was simply too bored to write, while Ji Xingchen was unable to write because he received too much.

Everyone knows that Ranfeng has such a cool personality, and no one dares to urge him.

But Ji Xingchen is different. He is more lively and approachable than Ranfeng. Seeing that he hadn't written his classmate record for so many days, someone came to urge him directly.

So in a self-study night before the college entrance examination, Ji Xingchen, who had finished his homework, was urged by the female classmates in the front row again. Taking advantage of the ten minutes left before get out of class ended, he took out the dozens of classmates' records in the drawer and prepared to solve them together.

Although he is a transfer student, his classmates are very friendly and take care of him in everything.

In just one year, he got along very well with everyone, so he was happy to write about the classmates.

"Brother Feng, don't sleep, let's write together."

When Ji Xingchen solved the first one, he called out to Ranfeng who finished his homework before him but slept.

When he spoke, he habitually looked over to Ranfeng, but his eyes met Ranfeng without any precaution.

For the brief second when the four eyes met, Ji Xingchen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He was afraid that if he looked at it like this, he would expose himself, so he planned to look away.

As a result, Ranfeng was one step ahead of him.

He quickly lowered his head, then closed his eyes again.

"You... what are you looking at me for?"

The wave of inadvertent glances just now made Ji Xingchen feel an electric shock.

As he spoke, he calmed down his surging mood.

The pen in my hand stopped unconsciously, leaving a dot in its place.

Ji Xingchen looked down at the dot, and his thoughts couldn't help but float.

Was Brother Feng looking at him just now

What is he doing

Is it because he woke up

"Sorry, Brother Feng, I thought you weren't asleep."

Ji Xingchen, who thought of this possibility, quickly apologized.

"It's alright, fill in what."

Ranfeng sat up straight, and his tone was still lazy, but it was actually a bit unnatural.

It's a pity that this unnaturalness was well concealed by him, and Ji Xingchen was also absent-minded, so he didn't notice it at all.

"This, this, Zhang Xiao's classmate record." Ji Xingchen tapped the classmate record on the table with a pen.

After Ranfeng glanced at it, he lowered his head and looked in the drawer.

After a while, he finally found the same paragraph, and it was completed in less than a minute.

He threw the written record of classmates on Ji Xingchen's table, "Give it to her later."

Ji Xingchen didn't intend to peek at the information filled by Ran Feng, but the other party's classmates record was placed in front of him and placed on his hand. He only glanced down and finished the content.

"Why didn't you fill in so many..."

Ji Xingchen really read it at a glance, because Ranfeng basically only wrote his name and contact information on it, and he didn't write any other hobbies and favorite stars.

The female student Zhang Xiao who was sitting in front of Ji Xingchen heard the movement and turned around quickly.

"Brother Feng, looking at the friendship between us three years ago, we should fill in two more."

Ranfeng raised his eyes, "Which two? You choose."

Zhang Xiao was shocked and talked to Ranfeng about the conditions, "No way, Brother Feng, if I said two, I really only need to fill in two? Can you fill in all of them?"

Ranfeng leaned back indifferently, "One."

After speaking, he wrote 18 in the age.

Seeing that Brother Feng has such a personality, Zhang Xiao immediately apologized and stopped talking about any conditions, "No, no, no, Brother Feng, two are just two, can you write another one?"

Ji Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhang Xiao being so humble.

"Xingxing, I have a question about you that I want to ask you."

Zhang Xiao's tablemate Bai Xue also turned around at this time.

She looked into Ji Xingchen's eyes and asked softly, "What color are the stars we can see?"

"The color of stars is related to their surface temperature. There are many colors..." Ji Xingchen explained patiently to Bai Xue, and after he found that he had said a little too much, he paused and said, "But the colors we can see with the naked eye. , generally blue-white, yellow-white, and white."

Bai Xue nodded and immediately asked, "Then which one do you like?"

Ji Xingchen was puzzled, "Why do you ask that?"

Bai Xue's face turned slightly red at last Ji Xingchen's gaze, and she continued to speak boldly, "Because you are a star! After graduation, we all don't know if we can meet again. If you see that kind of thing in the sky next time. The stars of your favorite color, I can remember you sitting at the table behind me."

Bai Xue seems to be explaining to Ji Xingchen, but she is actually confessing to Ji Xingchen.

After hearing this, Ranfeng who didn't speak next to him raised his eyes and looked at Bai Xue, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and a little impatience flashed in his eyes.

"Impressive classmates! Do you have to remember me? My brother, remember today's words after graduation, and don't forget about wealth and honor!" He can get it, other graceful and graceful schools are completely useless to him.

He didn't notice people's thoughts at all. After he finished speaking, he laughed heartlessly. He used a blue gel pen to draw a small star on Zhang Xiao's classmate record and said, "Blue and white. , I think the starry sky of this color is most like me."

The girl's mind is the most sensitive. Seeing Ji Xingchen like this, Bai Xue, who knows that she has no drama, does not continue to ask questions, silently burying her secret love in the bottom of her heart.

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he turned to look at Brother Feng, "What about you, Brother Feng? What color star do you like the most?"

Ranfeng didn't speak, he lowered his head and pulled the unfinished classmate record just now, and wrote three words in his favorite color - blue and white.

After writing, he threw the classmate record in front of Ji Xingchen again, and pointed his slender index finger to the three words he just wrote.

"Love this star."

In the evening, after Lan Xin was out of school, Ji Xingchen gave her the ticket.

Lan Xin, who thought she had missed the concert, suddenly received the ticket, and jumped happily in place of surprise and joy.

"Wow, Brother Xingxing, how did you get the ticket??"

She held the ticket in her arms and kissed it, then quickly opened it.

She thought she had got the grandstand ticket, but after seeing what was displayed on the ticket, she quickly covered her mouth to hold back her scream, and looked at Ji Xingchen with great admiration.

"Brother Xingxing, isn't it!!! It's still a VIP ticket in the infield!!!"

Ji Xingchen hadn't opened the ticket and watched it before, and since he hadn't been to anyone's concert, he didn't know what the infield ticket meant.

But when he heard Lan Xin say the three letters of vip, he knew that this ticket was definitely not ordinary, even if he was a layman.

"Area in the infield!" Lan Xin opened the envelope and pointed to the scene picture above to circle the position for Ji Xingchen, "Just now, a sister in the group posted that she grabbed the first row of the stands, and I envy me. Now I don't have to be envious, because our position is hundreds of times better than hers, right next to the stage!! Ahhh, Brother Xingxing, you are so good, how did you get this ticket? You really want such a precious ticket. Send me?!!!"

Ji Xingchen looked at the location of Zone A marked next to the stage, and followed Lan Xin with a little excitement in his heart.

The location is so close, can he see Brother Feng more closely

"This was given by a friend of mine. Originally, this ticket belonged to his sister, but I couldn't go there temporarily, so I gave it all to me. I have one ticket for each person."

Lan Xin looked at Ji Xingchen in disbelief, and couldn't believe it at all, "There is such a good thing??? Then your friend is too good, I saw before that there is no VIP ticket with this position, and there are people online. It's the best VIP area if you shout tens of thousands, and your friend will be too willing if it sells for tens of thousands."

"How many thousands?"

"Yes, tens of thousands!"

Hearing this astronomical figure, Ji Xingchen suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he had only transferred more than 3,000 yuan to Boss Wanfeng...

Isn't this money too much to waste

Ji Xingchen couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he remembered what he did.

He didn't do it on purpose either. At that time, the two fares were calculated according to the highest ticket price of 1688. How could he know that it would be so expensive to change hands.

Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen felt more and more that he owed Boss Wanfeng and his sister too much.

After giving the ticket to Lan Xin, Ji Xingchen hurried back home, looking at the fluffy ticket in his hand, but felt heavy in his hand.

After thinking about it, he still felt embarrassed, so he took out his mobile phone and took the initiative to send a message to Boss Wanfeng.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, can I treat you to a meal

Ranfeng, who had just finished filming a set of fashion blockbusters, was choosing pictures with the editor-in-chief when the phone suddenly vibrated.

Under normal circumstances, when Ranfeng is working, the mobile phone is turned off.

But there is an exception.

He added the mobile phone of Ji Xingchen's WeChat, and it was on for him 24 hours a day.

As soon as the phone vibrated, he knew that Ji Xingchen was looking for him for something, so he got up and nodded apologetically to the editor-in-chief and the other staff, "Sorry, I have something urgent, so I'll call back first."

The editor-in-chief smiled, "It's alright, you can take it, I just happen to be thirsty and want to drink some water."

Ranfeng did not immediately reply to WeChat, but took out his mobile phone after walking to the separate lounge.

Seeing that Ji Xingchen took the initiative to send him an invitation, Ranfeng couldn't help laughing.

Feng: Why do you suddenly remember to invite me to dinner

Ji Xingchen, who had been waiting in front of the phone for news, replied to him immediately.

Xingxing: We have known each other for so long, I want to see you

Take the initiative to meet strangers? ?

Seeing Ji Xingchen's words, Ranfeng frowned, suddenly feeling unhappy and a little sour.

The self who is sour as a netizen.

Ji Xingchen clearly knew that he didn't ask him out on Weibo, but he asked Ye Fengxing Xingxing as a stranger...

Fortunately, Ji Xingchen then quickly sent a message over.

Xingxing: Although it seems very foreign to say this, you have always helped me a lot, and this time you helped me get such an expensive ticket. I don’t know how to thank you.

Xingxing: That's why I want to invite you to a meal. I don't know if you are free

After seeing the reason, dyed maple is fine again.

Feng: It's okay, no need to thank you

After posting, he smiled and wrote another paragraph.

Feng: But you can still eat

Originally, Ji Xingchen was still worried about whether the boss would find it troublesome and refused, but it turned out to be surprisingly smooth

Xingxing: So did you agree? Brother Feng, are you free these days? i come to you

Feng: Don't worry, let's have dinner together when you participate in the kpl exhibition competition

kpl exhibition match

Xingxing: Are you going to watch the game live that day

wind: hmm

After discovering that the boss was also going to the game, Ji Xingchen felt that it was a good time to invite the other party to dinner.

But when he saw the three words exhibition game, he was a little hesitant in his heart.

Xingxing: You can only participate in this exhibition competition if you reach the top three

Xingxing: Now that the finals are over, everyone is chasing after each other. I can't guarantee the stability, but if I don't make it, I will be a spectator that day.

The exhibition match was just an excuse that Ranfeng made casually. Seeing that Ji Xingchen was under so much pressure, he didn't mention it anymore.

Feng: I said it casually, you just do your best

After the chat was over, Ranfeng sat back to where he was and continued to choose films.

The editor-in-chief has already taken advantage of this time to look at all the photos he just took.

Seeing Ranfeng coming back, she pointed at a picture excitedly and said, "Xiaofeng, this one is very nice, I'm going to put a real animal in this position, what do you think of the little cat?"

The picture the editor-in-chief said was being displayed on the computer screen—

The sun was shining brightly, and the dyed maple in a black shirt was reclining on the grass.

He raised his left hand, and the light fell on his white fingertips, reflecting his handsome profile.

The focus of the camera was chasing him, but he didn't look at the camera, his eyes drooped down, all his eyes were directed to the kitten doll between his fingers, and after some leisurely teasing, the corner of his mouth smiled comfortably.

Ranfeng looked at the kitten toy, squinted his eyes, and whispered, "Rabbit."

Ji Xingchen feels that he has been patronized by the goddess of luck recently.

Because he had just received the tickets from Boss Wanfeng, he turned around and Boss Cuttlefish sent him two pictures of the tickets, saying that he wanted to send him.

After Mo Yuzhe was rejected by Ranfeng before, he didn't give up, thinking that the little anchor tried so hard to grab tickets but couldn't get in.

He felt that the little anchor was pitiful, so he had the cheek to ask Ranfeng's agent to get a ticket for him.

He happily took a picture and sent it to the other party, who knew that the little anchor actually had a ticket! !

Brother Cuttlefish: Xingxing, I am a VIP ticket, especially in the front, is yours from the stand? Don't want it, change this, it's absolutely awesome

Ji Xingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xingxing: Thank you boss, but boss Wanfeng also sent this. I heard this ticket is very expensive, you will repeat it if you give it to me

Brother Cuttlefish: Also VIP? ? Is it the same as this one

star: yes, same

Cuttlefish brother: [surprised].jpg

Mo Yuzhe touched his chin and couldn't help sighing.

This wind sister is a bit arrogant...

He had to toss to get the ticket. Just now he got it, but Sister Feng has already sent the ticket to the little anchor

Brother Cuttlefish: No, no, you take it, I won't look at it anyway, just leave two pieces of waste paper in my hand

Brother Cuttlefish: Give me the address and I will send it to you

Brother Cuttlefish: How to deal with it is up to you

Ji Xingchen was stunned.

Is there still a forced ticket

Xingxing: Thank you boss [cover face]

Brother Cuttlefish: It's just a small effort.

Star: I don't even know how to thank you

Cuttlefish brother: Thank you? don't need [insidious]

Brother Cuttlefish: But if you really feel bad about it [smiling] How about taking me to the king while this season is not over yet

Brother Cuttlefish: [Rose] [Rose]

After Tiefen slave Mo Yuzhe succeeded in plugging the ticket, he finally turned back to the top.

Seeing that the reward conditions proposed by the cuttlefish boss were so simple, Ji Xingchen silently said "OK".

The wishes of the rich are so simple and easy to satisfy...

Ji Xingchen, who never thought that one day he would become a ticket nouveau riche, was troubled when he saw the two more tickets suddenly in his hand.

The ticket given by the owner of the cuttlefish, he can't do such a thing as selling it to others.

How could he possibly use it as a tool to make money when others have one's heart.

But if you don't use the ticket, it will be a waste if you smash it in his hands.

After thinking about it, Ji Xingchen decided to give Lan Xin the extra tickets.

He had heard before that she had a few good friends who also wanted to go to the concert but had no tickets. Now that she has two, it should be just right.

Once again, Lan Xin, who got two VIP tickets, looked at Ji Xingchen's eyes, and was no longer looking at humans.

She is looking at God!

"Brother Xingxing, I feel like I'm in a dream."

"Is this real?"

"What kind of gods are your friends!"

"Getting a VIP ticket is as easy as drinking water..."

After properly handling the tickets, Ji Xingchen put all his energy back into the Glory Points Tournament.

Now it is the most critical third stage of the game, and the game has directly entered the white-hot.

In the first two weeks of the game, the remaining 70 anchors were eliminated by another 30.

So far, only forty anchors remain in the finals.

Among the 40 anchors, among the participating anchors of Maomao TV, two anchors with good skills were not very lucky, and they were eliminated in the second round when they encountered Waterloo.

As a result, among the five remaining live anchors of Mao Mao TV, Ji Xingchen was the only one in the top 20.

The entire platform squeezed into the top 20 with one person and won the first place in the current points. Therefore, the cat cat TV star was dubbed by everyone as the only hope of the cat village in this competition!

Seeing this situation, the loyal viewers of the platform don't watch other naive anchors struggling, they put their treasure on Ji Xingchen alone, hang up his live broadcast room every day, give him gifts and let him Hit well.

Suddenly carrying all the expectations of the audience on the entire platform, Ji Xingchen's pressure is much greater than before.

In addition, the boss Wanfeng made an agreement with him to meet at the KPL finals...

Although the boss finally reassured him that he could not make the top three as long as he tried his best, Ji Xingchen still didn't want to live up to his expectations.

So during the offseason, he reduced his live broadcast time, and has been using the tuba to play rankings and practice heroes.

The competition system in the third stage is different from the previous one. This time, the anchors don’t have to play for another week, they will only play for three days.

Three days, a total of six hours, if you finish one more than 10 minutes earlier, it will be at most 30. However, there will be many unexpected situations in the game, and sometimes it is not impossible to hit the bladder for half an hour.

Therefore, in such a small number of rounds, if he wants to steadily enter the top three, he needs to adjust himself to the peak state in the past few days during the offseason. any mistakes.

The three days of the finals were scheduled on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the highest traffic.

Among them, Friday and Saturday still start the game at 12:00 noon, but the final day of the game is scheduled to be between 7:00 and 9:00 at the peak of the crowd.

On Friday morning, Ji Xingchen logged into his Weibo.

Because he is the hope of Maomao TV, as the only face of the platform, the platform staff sent him a copy, asking him to give a preview every day during the final few days, so as to promote a wave.

Ji Xingchen usually logs on to his Weibo account to sign in to Ranfeng Chaochao, and he basically doesn't log in when he has nothing to do.

So after he posted the copy written by the staff to Weibo, he found that there were a lot of private messages.

Ji Xingchen has obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he can't see the reminder in the private message. He must click off each one to be comfortable.

While there was still some time, he lit up one by one.

He recently gained a lot of fans because of his popularity for playing games, and most of the private messages are fans' confessions and cheers for him.

But in addition to fans, there are also some black fans who either curse him to die, father, die, or mother, or bless his ancestors, graves, explosions, and explosions.

These people are basically fans of Song Peifeng, and several of them are his well-known fans.

Originally, after Ji Xingchen and Song Peifeng collided with Song Peifeng in the first game in the second week, the two of them did not intersect.

But Song Peifeng was beaten so badly by Ji Xingchen that he lost his face, and neither he nor the brainless fans were convinced, so he secretly hated Ji Xingchen.

Usually, secretly or explicitly, they either see the rhythm in the live broadcast of the evil season Xingchen, or they are biting him with yin and yang.

However, Ji Xingchen never responded to Song Peifeng's unpopular little gesture, so the other party wanted to pinch it, but he never started it.

However, the flashpoint of this conflict was in the selection of the best mid laner after the second stage.

When Ji Xingchen went to grab the ticket, although he didn't play the last one, his net points had already returned to the first place, which was nine points more than Song Peifeng at that time.

Song Peifeng wanted to seize the opportunity to win it back, but he was unlucky. He matched three rookies and lost the game directly.

So his points were 19 points less than Ji Xingchen again.

Up to now, the top ten anchors have basically the same score, so Song Peifeng lost a few ten points, so that he who could have won the first place suddenly fell to the fourth position. .

After that, his fans wanted to continue to vote for him this week's best mid laner, so that he could get 20 points and rush to the first.

The top few rich women fans on the list readily threw hundreds of thousands of gifts to score points for Song Peifeng. With their blessings, and the fact that Song Peifeng's best mid laner in the first week went very smoothly, his fans felt that he would definitely get it again this week.

As a result, after the final mvp was announced, they found out that the stars of Cat TV actually surpassed them!

The cat cat tv star received a total of 4.87 million votes.

However, Song Peifeng only had 3.4 million votes, and was directly beaten by Ji Xingchen.

After losing the best middle lane, Ji Xingchen added 20 points. Song Peifeng was in a bad mood. He was so angry that he tweeted about Ji Xingchen overnight, saying that his votes were exaggerated, implying that he swiped votes.

Fans are the most misguided group.

Song Peifeng's fans underestimated Ji Xingchen's ability to attract fans and the banknote ability of his local tyrant fans.

After that, this group of people went to report Ji Xingchen for swiping votes, and went to the live broadcast room to swear.

It's just that when they went to the live broadcast room, they were either scolded by the grumpy old brother, or they were banned and kicked by the house management.

Seeing that they couldn't scold him in the live broadcast room, they switched to Weibo and started sending private messages to Ji Xingchen, scolding him every day, trying to mess with his mentality.

Ji Xingchen looked at the boring life attacks of Song Peifeng's fans, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

He has experienced a darker past than this before, and this little bit of trouble on the Internet can't affect his mentality at all.

Seeing that it was twelve o'clock in ten minutes, Ji Xingchen hurriedly scanned these private messages, and then he would log out of Weibo and switch accounts.

But just as he quickly swiped through the private message, a strange private message caught his attention.

That private letter was sent to him yesterday by a user named 93746517849.

The reason why Ji Xingchen was particularly aware of this was because this person had no avatar, and his name was very strange.

After all, the private messages he received earlier, even those black fans who had applied for a trumpet to scold him, had changed their avatars and changed various combinations of his name and harmonious words. name together.

But only this one did not change anything, and the content of the post was also very strange.

The content he sent, unlike other private messages, can be read after browsing the page.

He could only see the word "Ti".


Ji Xingchen stopped closing Weibo and clicked on the private message curiously.

Then he saw a strange sentence-



