Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 43: love object


After the leader of the list made his confession, several more big fans of Song Peifeng sent gifts one after another.

The audience in the live broadcast room made a series of question marks when they saw their group of fans with names related to Song Peifeng coming out like this.

[Fucking is still bringing Song Gou's name to give a gift to express his confession. Is it like this?]

Fans and passers-by just questioned this, and a minute later they saw that the names of these people on Ji Xingchen's gift list were all changed in seconds: Guard the best star in the world 36, the brightest star in the night sky 52 , Stars & Moonlight, Going back is the death of An Song dog, I don't want to mention the dark history.

[I was too excited just now and forgot to change my name, now it's ok qwq]

For the fans of Song Peifeng, the first few names were fine, but the last two changed their faces in one second and began to dissing Song Gou. Passers-by watching this bizarre scene were frightened.

[Song Daofan, oh no, sisters, do you want to be so exaggerated!]

[Is this Yan Dog? I didn't believe it before, but now I see it]

[Sure enough to be handsome is to influence the world... ]

[Although everyone loves handsome guys, please confirm whether you really want to become fans, and please change your previous arrogance and domineering in the future, don't recruit stars, we don't like to tear up that set]

[Ok qwq we are obedient]

[I used to be blind and lack brains, but this time I can't, just lick my face silently every day.]

Song Peifeng, these humble rich fans, actually had a separate fan group before.

Just a few minutes ago, when they were going to diss Ji Xingchen, they were still discussing how to diss in this group.

Song Peifeng is also in this group.

He didn't speak, but kept peeking at the screen.

Seeing that this group of simple-minded fans were going to charge for him, he opened his own account on Mao Mao TV and sneaked into Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room.

So he came late, just in time to catch up with his fans' large-scale removal of fans, turning fans, and turning his face to diss him in seconds.

Since he was hired as an actor, he has not only been punished by the guild and the platform, but also lost his popularity, and his popularity has plummeted overnight.

Now he only keeps a few fans who never give up on him because of their looks to give him gifts to support him.

He was fortunate before that even though the number of fans in this group was small, all of them were rich and stupid. They didn't care about his skills and character at all. They only came for his face. What did he say? What people believe in.

Song Peifeng, who originally thought that he had already controlled this group of people, never thought that this group of true loves he thought would turn his head and found that Xingxing was more handsome than him, and immediately abandoned him ruthlessly...

Song Peifeng, who witnessed everything, saw that the last cash cow was about to disappear, and he didn't dare to pretend to be arrogant and hang them. He immediately went to knock on these young ladies and took the initiative to send them photos. They are licked back.

In the past, these young ladies begged him to send photos, but he found it troublesome and only sent gifts.

It was rare for Song Peifeng to take the initiative once, but as a result, the group of people didn't care about him at all. What's more, they even took the live broadcast of the stars directly in the WeChat group established for him, and frantically blowing rainbow farts.

Song Peifeng was angry and angry, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only send a message directly in the WeChat group.

Mr. Song: Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at the private chat

As soon as his message was sent, it was immediately swiped, and no one cared.

Song Peifeng didn't give up and sent it again.

This time, someone finally saw his words and the photos he took the initiative to send privately.

Five stars: Aren't you good at licking your boss? I used to pretend to be a cool and noble person. I gave a hundred thousand gifts before I sent a beggar to give one.

Omnipotent Little Star: We have already lost our fans, and I don’t care about photos, so don’t post them again

The little star of 365 days: After all, it was wrongly paid in the past, and now the two are cleared

After the little sisters finished speaking, the group owner of the small group kicked Song Peifeng out of the fan group that the fans had specially established for him.

Ji Xingchen didn't know about the tragedy that happened on Song Peifeng's side.

After the broadcast, the gifts and barrages in his live broadcast room have been swiped until his anchor barrage assistant has opened.

In desperation, he could only turn on the blocking settings in the barrage assistant to filter out the barrage of fans below the second level.

In the past, he was stuck like this, and it was fine for him to block it to level 2, but it didn't work at all today, but he had no choice but to block the messages of fans below level 5, and blocked all ordinary gifts. better.

But it was only better. A few minutes later, the barrage assistant collapsed again. Not only did the barrage assistant collapse, but he also started to get stuck.

When he suddenly turned on the camera, he had thought that the audience would be excited.

But he never thought that everyone would be excited for so long, and the reaction was so great!

Looking at the crazy screen full of ah ah ah, the anchor is so handsome, Ji Xingchen feels that if everyone continues to brush like this, it will affect his follow-up live broadcast.

It wasn't black fans who swiped the screen. He couldn't open all the bans, so he turned off the camera.

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?]

[Why can't you see anything all of a sudden? ?]

[Maomao TV is stuck again?]

[I don’t get stuck in the morning and I don’t get stuck in the evening, but at this time I get stuck, cat and cat tv eat jujube pills! !]

Just when everyone defaulted to the cat TV system problem, Ji Xingchen's voice rang again.

"It's not the problem of Mao Mao TV, it's my side that turned off the camera..."

[? ? ? ? ? ?]

[Why turn it off! !]

[Mama Xingzi does not allow you to turn off the camera!]

"My barrage assistant broke down, and the live broadcast also started to freeze..."

Originally, Ji Xingchen thought that the situation would be better when he turned off the camera, but he was obviously wrong. When he turned off the camera, the number of barrages did not drop, but became even more frenzied. They were all calling him to quickly turn on the camera again. .

Ji Xingchen: …

System: Administrator No. 1 set this live room to only allow one speech in one minute, now you can start speaking

This notice suddenly popped out in the live broadcast room, and then the number of barrages in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room really decreased a lot.

Ji Xingchen is finally free!

"Thank you Admin No. 1..."

In Maomao TV, those who can open the permission to speak once a minute are either big anchors with a lot of fans, or various major competitions with a large audience.

Ji Xingchen didn't have permission to open it, so the administrator who had been peeking at the screen opened it for him on the 1st.

After thanking him for his generous help, Ji Xingchen suddenly reacted, "But... why are you in my live broadcast room?"

Administrator No. 1 was originally kind, but he did not expect to be exposed by an inadvertent operation.

[Admin No. 1]: Just passing by

[Admin No. 1]: I'm going to the next live broadcast room

"Then... you walk slowly?"

[Administrator No. 1]: Good

[Administrator No. 1]: It's not stuck now, quickly turn on the camera again~

? ? ?

Ji Xingchen always felt that the words of Administrator No. 1 looked strange.

Just after talking to Administrator No. 1, Ji Xingchen found that he still had a few system emails that he had not read.

He quickly opened the small red envelope of the system, and he saw the following:

System: Your live room certification has been activated, click here to start displaying

System: Congratulations on your success in starting the camera~ You have been qualified to participate in the following list and pk competition, hurry up and participate~

Ji Xingchen clicked on the link in the first letter.

The next second, a new certification appeared in the lower left corner of his live broadcast room.

1st place & best mid lane winner in the 1st Glory Points Tournament

As soon as this certification came out, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw it immediately.

[Wow, what is this? So tall and so powerful!]

[This is the anchor certification! I didn't expect Xingxingzi to be certified by Maomao TV so quickly. It's really a row!]

[Sisters, show me the Xingxingzi on the public screen]

Fans are a group that is easy to satisfy, and any small improvement in Ji Xingchen can make them happy.

But happy to be happy, the camera still has to be turned on.

Although the live broadcast room is set to speak only once a minute, there are too many people coming tonight. In addition to the original fans, there are many new fans, and after the popularity hit the homepage, I heard that there is a very handsome anchor. Passers-by who rushed over from other live broadcast rooms or forums.

The audience base is here, and the barrage is still a lot.

"Everyone, Qiuqiu, don't use so many bullet screens and gifts, especially gifts. I can't live broadcast if the combo special effects will be stuck."

Other anchors don't dare to open more cameras, it can be for various reasons.

But only Ji Xingchen didn't dare to open it because he was too handsome to be smashed by fans and the boss's gifts.

After the audience laughed hahaha for a while, they finally calmed down obediently, restraining their enthusiasm, for fear of pushing the anchor to the back.

Ten minutes later, Ji Xingchen finally turned the camera back on.

As soon as he showed his face here, he immediately received a pk invitation.

The anchor [Li Tao] is starting a team pk challenge with [Warm Water Bottle]. [Li Tao] invites you to join his team, do you agree

Ji Xingchen has participated in the PK between the anchors several times before.

But that kind of pk is very simple, as long as it is randomly matched by the system to pk with other anchors for one minute, it is not much fun.

When he looked at the system email just now, he thought that the pk with the camera turned on was similar to that one, and it was just the PK with the camera turned on when he never turned on the camera.

As a result... the two anchors are pk, and they can invite other anchors to form a team together? ?

Ji Xingchen, who had never encountered such bells and whistles, tried to form a team.

Then in his live broadcast room, the live broadcast pictures of the four anchors all appeared on one screen together.

His live broadcast room was divided into two sides, on the left is a warm water bottle still wearing a green hair and a sailor suit, and on the right is himself.

On the water bottle side, there is a small window in the upper left corner. The anchor on the screen is one of the four anchors who ranked at the bottom when they participated in the Glory Points competition together. The WeChat group name is the fake breast of the handsome guy.

His name is Fierce Hair Fierce.

Also corresponding to this small window, Ji Xingchen also has two.

The first in line was Li Tao, who pulled him, and the other was the anchor of the wig called Beauty in the group. The name in the live broadcast room was called Brother Wig.

"No, you move so fast?"

As soon as Ji Xingchen joined PK, he heard the sound of a warm water bottle.

"I just said that the stars will come to our team to raise the upper limit of our team's appearance, but you are the first to get there. Do you want to show your face!!"

Li Tao pretended to touch her long blond hair, put two fingers on the tip of her nose, pretending to be shy, "Short oil~~~ I can't help it, who made everyone single for 24 years, and the hand speed is so fast and beautiful. The best way~”

Wig brother: "Brother, men can't say they are fast."

Li Tao, "I'm a girl tonight, can't you see, my beautiful long hair and beautiful little skirt~"

Warm water bottle: "Fuck, why are you talking in such a tone that Xingxing is too frightened to speak, Xingxing, go back to the team and come to me."

Li Tao, "Damn, it's forbidden to poach people!"

Ji Xingchen had never participated in the lively live broadcast of so many people, and was indeed a little confused at the beginning.

But fortunately, he belongs to the kind of person who can quickly integrate even if he is placed in an unfamiliar place. As soon as a few people finished saying these words, he got used to it.

After greeting everyone, he understood in a few sentences what this team meant.

To put it simply, in order to make the live broadcast content between the anchors more interesting and terrifying, Maomao TV has engaged in such a team pk mode. During the pk, the system will randomly appear various interesting and strange tasks, and the two hostile teams are separated from each other. There will be a big task that needs to be completed by the whole team. In addition to this big task, each team member will also draw a small task of their own to complete.

The winners and losers of the two teams are contested by audience votes, and the number of votes for each group is superimposed by the number of gifts received by the team leader and team members.

This kind of pk program works very well, and it is generally done by acquaintances. Therefore, it is not as tense as the system pk, which makes both sides like enemies, but also makes the audience happy, and can also increase the gift income of the anchor. It is one of the anchors who have turned on the camera and often like to play.

Looking at La Ji Xingchen's hopeless side, the warm water bottle went to the Yanzhi District to round the room and pulled a female anchor.

The female anchor is called Coco, and the first sentence after being pulled in is, "Xingxing! Qiuqiu, please replace this high-definition camera, and I will send you a set!"

Coco is famous for being outspoken among female anchors and dares to say anything. She had heard the ladies raving that there was an anchor in the game area who should come to their beauty area, so she opened the trumpet to the season long before Li Tao and the others came. In the live broadcast room of Xingchen, I squatted with everyone, ah, so handsome and so handsome, blowing rainbow farts.

But Xingxing is handsome, but the camera is too strained, which is completely dragging down his appearance.

Like everyone else, she wished that Xingxing could quickly change to a high-definition camera, so that these Yangou could have a feast for the eyes.

Now that her tuba was pulled in for a pk, she immediately confided her heart.

As soon as Wu Ke opened his mouth, Li Tao immediately complained, "If you want someone on WeChat, just say it."

Keke was stunned, "Huh??? Can you still decipher this meaning??"

[Li Tao's spit is simply amazing]

[Bei Ke was clearly speaking for the majority of Yangou, but was misunderstood by Li Tao, a straight e-sports man hahahaha]

[Fuck, these anchors made me laugh to death]

After Coco finished speaking, the initiator Li Tao clicked to start pk, and then the teams on both sides jumped out and started a team task.

Li Tao: "Brothers, don't stop!!"

When Li Tao spoke, the warm water bottle also opened, "Who has washed our hands here?"

Fierce Maoxiao: "Why did I wash it?"

Wen Kaishui took over, "You don't know how evil this team mission is. Last time, the fucking Li Tao was a cheap hand, and the whole team had to be women's clothes... It made the faces of the three of us green. ."

Ji Xingchen smiled, "I thought this task was easy for you?"

Li Tao: "It was actually a bit difficult to accept at the time. After all, we three 24k steel straight men, wearing women's clothes was too much..."

Warm water bottle: "But this women's clothing, don't say it... Once you accept this setting, it's quite addicting~"

[No wonder you and the warm water bottle are dressed as women again today]

[It turns out that the source of evil is here!]

[Hahaha really went up]

[Li Tao Xiaohong draws her hands quickly, let Xingxingzi also come with a women's dress!]

Li Tao: "The task of taking women's clothes again? I think it's ok."

Ji Xingchen, who was joking with Li Tao and Wen Kaishui just now, was suddenly scared and waved his hand quickly, "No, no, let's do other tasks."

In the end, after the whole team discussed, the task of Li Tao's team was drawn by Ji Xingchen, while the water bottle team's task was not drawn.

Ji Xingchen clicked the button that appeared on his screen, and then the lottery machine started spinning quickly.

Ji Xingchen opened his eyes wide to see what options were written on it, but he could only barely see a few words occasionally, and the complete words could not be spelled out.

Cocoa pulled out before them.

Coco: "Wow, confession task!"

After the cocoa finished, Ji Xingchen's lottery machine also slowly fixed.

Ji Xingchen, "We are also a confession task."

[The tasks are the same? ?]

[impossible! ! The same mission will not appear in this mode]

Wig brother: "There is a bug??"

Ji Xingchen looked at the mission description and found that there was a line of small words behind it.

Confession task: Confess to a friend who is not an anchor, you can choose face-to-face, continuous microphone, phone call, video, etc.

"Is the object of the confession different?"

After Ji Xingchen's reminder, the others finally saw the content behind.

Coco: "We're going to confess to the anchors in the Yan Zhi area, how about you?"

Ji Xingchen: "We are confessing to non-anchor friends..."

Coco: "Not an anchor? Is that a friend you know in real life?"

Warm water bottle: "Fuck, hahahahaha, Xingxing, what social death mission did you get?"

Ji Xingchen smiled, "Not necessarily, water friends can too."

After listening to the warm water bottle, he couldn't laugh, "Damn it, how do you feel that your task is much easier than ours!"

After the team task is drawn, everyone starts drawing their own personal task.

The lottery machine turned for another ten seconds, and when the task jumped out, Ji Xingchen was silent...

There are various personal tasks, and everyone is more excited when they are drawn.

After the other five anchors said their tasks, seeing that Ji Xingchen had not spoken, they took the initiative to ask him, "Xingxing, what is yours?"

Ji Xingchen's expression was obviously embarrassed, and then he reluctantly said, "... Sing."

Li Tao: "Singing? It's easy to sing, why don't I smoke this! Why make me imitate a girl and act like a spoiled child?"

Ji Xingchen was puzzled after hearing this.

Easy to sing? ? ? ?

After the task is drawn, everyone starts from the warm water bottle team and completes it individually.

Their group was relatively lucky, and the tasks they drew were quite simple, and they completed them smoothly.

But the tasks on Ji Xingchen's side can be described as disaster-level.

The wig brother's imitation of cv is not bad, he has learned a little, and the imitation is quite vivid.

It's Li Tao's coquettish coquettishness, which is really unbearable.

In order to make himself look more cute, he took out a pair of cat ears from somewhere and put them on his head, and then put a bow on his wrist.

After finishing the outfit, he curled his wrists, choked his throat like a cat, and turned his head to be cute, "Brothers~ Mmm, now~~ your kitty sleeps with you~ Meow, meow, Meow meow~~"

[Fuck, I got goosebumps in the middle of the night]

[Is this a fucking life-threatening nightmare? It's definitely a nightmare at night]

"Okay, okay, I've passed the test." Li Tao didn't stop for a moment after finishing the action, and directly threw the cat's ears and bow together with the big golden waves on his head to the ground.

"It's too difficult for me!!" After crying, Li Tao said to Ji Xingchen, "Xingxing is up to you, sing and sing."

Ji Xingchen hesitated for a moment...

"Are you sure you want to listen? I haven't remembered any of those songs I've heard since I was a child. I can only sing one of all the songs, or I only learn it when I go out to eat every day." Ji Xingchen asked half-truth. "I'll give you a chance now. It's too late to regret it. Or I'll ask someone to sing for me. He sings very nicely."

Li Tao: "Ask someone? Who is it?"

"Dye maple!"

It's not ridiculous, "Are you going to play the first song about dyeing maple to fool the past, no no no."

After Coco refused, the others also started to boo, "Hurry up and sing, are you not tone-deaf or what? Brother, I can handle it!"

"It's not the tone-deaf, it's my song... Forget it, I'll find an accompaniment first~"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Ji Xingchen agreed.

A minute later, a very familiar prelude sounded.

Then, he opened his voice.

"I can't fly~ The world of flowers~ It turns out that I am a ~ drunken butterfly~~"

? ? ? ?

In the camera, Ji Xingchen has the face comparable to a traffic star, concentrated, affectionate and serious. If he didn't turn on his voice, everyone would think he was singing a love song...

[Enough is enough, baby, don't sing on your own! ! I already have a picture in my mind]

[Son, is this a song you should like at your age? ? ? ?]

[Xingxingzi, you are no longer my baby, you are my mother]

[Can't help but start shaking jio]

Ji Xingchen ignored the question marks on the screen and hahahaha, and continued to fly in intoxication. He even turned on a voice changer and sang another paragraph in a female voice.

When he finished singing, Fierce Mao immediately turned on the microphone.

Fierce Mao Fierce: "Really only this one?"

Ji Xingchen nodded, "Sure!"

Fierce Maoxiao: "What does learning this song have to do with eating?"

Ji Xingchen smiled: "Because... where I eat, there is a square next to it."

[The drunken butterfly, the eternal god in the square dance music!]

[Hahahaha I said how Xingxing tasted like my mother at a young age, it turned out to be brainwashed by the square dance aunt]

Seeing that the house is all hahaha, Ji Xingchen asked again using the voice changer, "Brothers, isn't my singing very sweet~"

The voice of the voice changer is delicate.

[Li Tao, you act like a spoiled child and act lonely, look at how natural the stars are]

[Sweet, Xingxingzi, you are going to kill me sweetly]

[This drunken bastard is so damn charming]

"Okay, okay, we've finished our personal tasks, let's hurry up and finish the team task." It was the warm water bottle who spoke, "Is our team confessing to the anchor of the Yanzhi District?"

After he finished speaking, he clicked on the face value section of Maomao TV.

As a result, he hadn't started looking for the anchor, and he appeared in the live broadcast room with the highest popularity and ranked first in this section, and it showed the cat cat TV star!

Everyone: "Xingxing, why did you get assigned to the beauty zone?"

[Don't ask, it's because of drunken butterflies]

[Who asked Xing Xingzi to do what Yan Zhi anchor should do]

Ji Xingchen: ? ? ?

Is it really because he sings?

Warm water bottle: "It's just right, anyway, you are now the anchor of the Yanzhi District, brothers, I won't go to other people, wait, I'll confess to the stars right away!"

After he finished speaking, he took care of his green twintails, and then started a voice changer like Ji Xingchen.

Five seconds later—

"Brother Xingxing, people want to fall in love with you~~~"

At that moment, Ji Xingchen felt that his scalp was numb and goosebumps fell off...

[Hahaha, the confession of a good cow batch]

[A little more, a little more! !]

Seeing this, Ji Xingchen was so frightened that his hair straightened, he quickly waved his hand, "I refuse!! My brother doesn't want to talk to you!"

Warm water bottle, "Humph! Then who do you want to talk to?"

When Ranfeng entered Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room, he happened to hear Wen Kaishui's confession to Ji Xingchen.

System: [Night Wind Picks the Stars] Entered the live broadcast room~

[Ah, the boss is here! !]

[Hahahaha boss, did you see that Xingxingzi is going to be driven crazy by the warm water bottle]

Ji Xingchen, who was about to speak, glanced at the barrage assistant, and suddenly saw the familiar name of Boss Wanfeng appeared in the forefront, so he subconsciously greeted him.

"Brother Feng~"

So Ji Xingchen's words have nothing to do with the topic of confession, but are ingeniously connected with the warm water bottle.

Thermos: Who do you want to talk to

Ji Xingchen: Brother Feng!

Warm water bottle: "Wow talk to Brother Feng?"

Ji Xingchen: "..."

[The breakthrough that came out of the closet is amazing!]

[Xingxingzi suddenly boldly shows love]

[Locked, locked, Xingxingzi and the boss have already locked]

Boss Wanfeng and his own CP topic, Ji Xingchen, are actually immune to it for a long time. Seeing that everyone is eating, there is no explanation.

Ji Xingchen said vaguely, "Yes, yes, then did I complete the task?"

Not only did he not explain much, but he was witty and planned to just fool the tasks he had drawn.

But how does everyone agree!

[Call on the phone! !]

[The requirement is to make a phone call or face-to-face confession, Xingxingzi choose one]

[Confession, you just admit that you like the boss at most]

[Confession and confession, hurry up!]

Ji Xingchen: …

Ji Xingchen, who was unable to ride a tiger, quickly lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to send a message to Boss Wanfeng.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, I played a game here and took a confession task. I will call you later. Do you mind? If you don't mind, please help me fool

Just a few seconds after Ji Xingchen's message was sent, the other party replied that he was okay.

Then Ji Xingchen dialed boss Wanfeng's WeChat voice in front of millions of viewers.

The signal beeped twice, and it was easy to pick up.


[Fuck, this boss has a nice voice!]

[Ear is pregnant]

Because it was six anchors pking together, the audience at the other anchors had never heard what Boss Wanfeng's voice was like.

As soon as he made a sound, many people were shocked by Su's heart.

"Brother Feng, I..."

Li Tao interrupted him in a low voice, biting her fingers and starting to coax, "No, no, this name is not intimate enough!"


Ji Xingchen resisted the urge to roll his eyes, took out his usual bravery of flirting with the wild king, and spoke again, "Brother!"

"Brother! Do you need a love interest?"

Ranfeng smiled lowly and cooperated, "What do you think?"

Ji Xingchen saw that the boss cooperated very actively, and even acted with him, and instantly felt much more relaxed.

"I think you need it."


"I need a cute boy like me!"

"… Yes."

[Fuck, Xingxingzi is so cute]

[Xingxingzi madly teases the boss]

[Such a cute boyfriend, I have made an i]

Ji Xingchen spoke in one breath, and saw Li Tao and the others crossed their fingers.

"That's great, I'll send myself to you later~ hang up first~"

Ji Xingchen ignored them this time, and after he finished speaking, he was ready to hang up the phone bluntly.

In the end, he didn't hang up.

Because boss Wanfeng spoke again.

Ranfeng: "So?"

Ji Xingchen didn't understand.

"So what..."

Is there any connection between the context

Ranfeng raised her eyebrows, "You don't want to be responsible after you're done?"

Ji Xingchen took a deep breath and finally understood.

Brother Feng is too good, too good! ! This tone! ! This little tail! !

Oh hey, fortunately, he is a boy and still has his heart. If it were someone else, who could stand it!

Ji Xingchen sighed in his heart.

In order to cooperate with him, Brother Feng is too willing to go out! !

Just when Ji Xingchen was guessing about Ranfeng's true intentions, CP fans had already fallen into madness.

[Too good, too good, boss, please continue to flirt with stars! !]

[You taste, you taste carefully, ask the boss for love secrets]

[Boss a exploded! ! !]

[Ah, the boss is very good, and Xingxing is not in charge soon! ! !]

At the moment when Ji Xingchen was distracted, a low and strong voice sounded in his ears again, "Don't you think something is missing?"

Ji Xingchen asked back, "What's missing?"

[Of course, there is less confession, and less love for you! ! ! !]

Under the guidance of the barrage, Ji Xingchen reacted.

"Oh, yes yes, I like you~"

[I! again! love! Love! !]

[The star wind and blood rain is sugary! Ye Qing is back!]

[I am the Civil Affairs Bureau, and I came here by smelling the sweetness. Now I declare that Boss Wanfeng and Xingxingzi have become legal husbands]

[Congratulations on the marriage, I wish you a long life and two hugs in three years]

[Two in three years? ? ?]

Damn, why do two men hold each other in three years? ?

Ji Xingchen fell into confusion as he watched the CP fans of the barrage fly up.

Although it is to confess to the boss, but he really has nothing wrong with the boss, and has no distractions in his heart, so he said it so smoothly.

Ji Xingchen thought so, and firmly believed that Boss Wanfeng was the same as him.

After all, their boys usually joke more than this one, and he doesn't understand why everyone always likes to eat candy from him and Boss Wanfeng.

Probably because Brother Feng's acting skills are superb and he looks very real

After finishing this session, Ji Xingchen immediately sent a message to the boss to express his thanks.

Xingxing: Brother Feng Niubi, your cooperation just now was too good

Xingxing: The actor said it was you

Soon the other party replied to him, but the content was beyond Ji Xingchen's expectations.

Feng: Love object, do you usually do this with others

At the beginning, Ji Xingchen didn't understand it, but after thinking about it carefully, he was almost laughed to death by Brother Feng, the love object who made fun of him.

Star: Of course not

Xingxing: Separate people, others can't

Dye Feng raised his eyebrows.

Others can't, only the evening wind picks the stars

Ranfeng read this sentence twice, not knowing whether to be angry or to laugh.

wind: how to say

Xingxing: I'm not familiar with them, I'm afraid of being accused of selling corrupt

Feng: I'm not afraid of me

Star: you are different

Wind: where is the difference

Xingxing: Because you are my brother Feng Hahahaha

Xingxing: I know you are straight and will not misunderstand


The straight man Ranfeng didn't ask any more questions, and directly changed the name of Ji Xingchen, the little fool's WeChat note.

He changed the original little star into a love object, and added a star emoji at the end.

After that, Ranfeng took a screenshot and sent a circle of friends to the trumpet.

Before going to bed that night, when Ji Xingchen was bored to browse the circle of friends, he happened to see this article.

Seeing that Brother Feng, who hasn't posted on Moments for ten thousand years, actually posted a new screenshot, he immediately gave him a like.

After the likes, he opened the big picture to see the content.

After reading it carefully several times, Ji Xingchen felt that the mosaiced WeChat avatar became more and more familiar...

love object [star]

? ? ? ? ?

Ji Xingchen glanced at the last star.

How does he feel... this is himself? ?