Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 45: Okay don't say it


WeChat. 1 minute ago

love object [star]

Brother Feng, I'm here!

This is the original message displayed on Ranfeng's mobile phone.

But Lin Haoqian was still young and didn't know the first word. In addition, he was running in a hurry again, and he had never changed his habit of repeating words, so when he opened his mouth, he automatically said the word "love" twice.

Children are innocent and know nothing.

But when the love object and the love object are spoken, it seems that there is only one word difference, but the meaning is different by 800!

One is a youth campus drama.

Another is love action drama

Lin Haogan screamed, Ranfeng's parents and his sister and husband were stunned for a moment, then embarrassed.

Lin Haoqian hadn't learned to look at the faces of adults, let alone the awkward atmosphere in the room at the scene.

I just thought of a friend who was looking for my uncle, so I raised the phone above my head, threw my whole body on Ranfeng's lap, and relayed what I saw to him as soon as possible.

"Uncle, he said he's here!"

When he fell on Ranfeng, he couldn't help but say this again.

He said he had arrived.

There is absolutely no problem with this sentence.

Before saying it, Lin Haoqian also added a subject - your love object.

Your love interest texts that he's here.

Where have you been? What do you want to do? Open or…

The six people at the scene, except for Lin Haoqian, are all adults. This sentence combined with the previous context makes it difficult to make people think about it.

For a time, the atmosphere at home was suffocating to death.

"This is… "

Lin Haoqian said two sentences in a row, but he didn't know it, and he was ready to continue.

Seeing this, Ran Zhao immediately stretched out his hand to cover his son's mouth and pulled him into his arms, for fear that he would say something more explosive in front of so many people.

Lin Hao squeezed the phone dryly and struggled very puzzledly. He waved his right hand towards Ranfeng in the air, indicating that his uncle's phone was still here.

Ranfeng was stunned for a while when he heard the sentence of loving the object of love.

Immediately thinking of who the other party was, his expression returned to normal.

Amid the embarrassed expressions of the whole family and the deliberately dodging eyes, Ranfeng looked calm, as if the owner of the death scene was someone else, calmly took the phone from his nephew.

After getting the phone, he rubbed a handful of Lin Hao's dry soft black hair and said, "Thank you."


After Ranfeng unlocked her phone, she sat down on the sofa in the living room and started typing.

Feng: Did you get off the plane

Love object [Xingxing]: Well, just got off, taking a taxi

The words "love object" on WeChat jumped out again, and Ranfeng couldn't help but think of what Lin Haoqian called Ji Xingchen just now.

If the target is Ji Xingchen... He seems to be looking forward to it.

Thinking of the beautiful misunderstanding just now, Ranfeng couldn't help laughing, and the end of her eyes rose.

Wind: Did you hit it

After a few minutes, Ji Xingchen replied: I called, but the driver said it was a little far, and it would take more than two hours to arrive.

This one was immediately followed by another.

Love object [star]: a little sleepy

Ranfeng remembered that Ji Xingchen was at the airport at seven in the morning, and he didn't know what time he got up in the morning.

Feng: Did you sleep well on the plane

Love Object [Xingxing]: I'm a little afraid of heights, so I don't dare to sleep

Wind: Are you afraid of heights

Love object [Xingxing]: Yes, I have been afraid since I was a child

Ji Xingchen has been afraid of heights since he was a child, but he has never told anyone, including Ranfeng.

Adolescents always like to be brave, and Ji Xingchen was the same, always felt that he was not strong enough to say it.

It was not until later when his mother wanted to treat her illness that he had to take her to fly abroad. After several years of traveling back and forth between China and abroad, he gradually overcame many psychological fears about flying.

However, there is still no complete overcoming. He still feels uneasy on the plane and dare not sleep.

No matter how long the plane rides, he can't sleep.

Love object [Xingxing]: When I was a child, I didn't dare to fly

Love Object [Xingxing]: I'm much better now, but I just can't sleep

Hearing Ji Xingchen mentioning his fear of heights, Ranfeng knew for the first time that Ji Xingchen, who was not afraid of the sky, was also afraid of things.

Knowing that Ji Xingchen was afraid of heights, Ranfeng's mind suddenly remembered a previous incident.

Once the boys of their basketball team made an appointment to have a barbecue, and the location was set on the plain, a relatively steep mountain there. The mountain in the plain is actually not particularly high, but what is terrifying is that there is nothing on the other side, just a straight cliff.

At that time, Ji Xingchen stopped in place with a look of horror as soon as he walked to the foot of the mountain, "Isn't this plain the one that is known geographically?"

Because he was a transfer student and not a local, everyone thought that his reaction was the same as all foreigners, and they felt cheated by this name.

After everyone finished laughing, they explained it to him, but Ji Xingchen was still reluctant to move forward.

He dawdled for a long time at the foot of the mountain, going to the toilet and drinking water, but in the end he only walked halfway with a pale face.

He suddenly squatted motionless, saying that he had a sprained foot and couldn't walk.

The classmates came to look at his ankle and found that it was neither swollen nor red, but they were afraid that he might have other problems, so they said they would go back and send him down together.

As a result, he disagreed.

He said that it was rare for everyone to come out to play, and he didn't want everyone to leave him alone because he was delaying everyone.

Because it was about to reach the top of the mountain, a few classmates didn't want to give up, so a few boys decided to go up and reserve the barbecue first.

Ranfeng didn't leave at that time, but stayed alone and stayed with Ji Xingchen.

After waiting for him for more than ten minutes, he did not speak, and his face became more and more bloodless.

In the end, Ji Xingchen seemed to be really uncomfortable, so Ranfeng squatted in front of him to carry him.

Ji Xingchen didn't agree at the beginning, but his objection to Ranfeng was ineffective at all.

Ranfeng didn't get used to him, he directly took his hand and carried him steadily on his back and slowly walked down the mountain.

Adolescent boys are still a little heavy, no matter how strong Ranfeng is, he will still feel tired.

He remembered that when he was halfway through, he was almost exhausted, but Ji Xingchen still hugged his neck tightly and didn't let go.

He was so angry that he almost wanted to throw Ji Xingchen down.

As a result, Ji Xingchen suddenly opened his mouth and asked him, "Brother Feng, do you think I'm so useless? Actually, I've worked hard to overcome it."

Ji Xingchen's tone was quite normal, and he didn't pretend to be pitiful.

But Ranfeng heard that he was full of misery, so he dismissed the idea, endured and continued to carry him down.

When he went through this period back then, he didn't feel anything strange.

As a result, it took five years for him to learn the truth about his belated arrival. Ji Xingchen held his neck so tightly with both hands, it turned out that he was afraid of falling from heights!

Recalling that scene, Ranfeng smiled.

At that time, he didn't like Ji Xingchen, so the other party hugged him so tightly, but his heart was still calm.

But now, if Ji Xingchen really dared to do what he did before, hugging his neck and talking pitifully in his ear, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear and eat Ji Xingchen on the spot.

Pulling away from the memory, decided to punish the little villain who lied to him at the beginning, Ranfeng smiled and typed a line.

Feng: I was going to invite you to go to Huashan to watch the sunrise

When Ji Xingchen saw Huashan, there was a picture in his mind.

He was sitting in the taxi, but felt his legs were weak, and quickly begged boss Wanfeng for mercy.

Love object [Xingxing]: Forgive me brother Feng, my legs go numb when I see that mountain

Love object [star]: change to another activity

Love object [star]: [kitten wagging its tail].jpg

Looking at the cute picture on WeChat, seeing Ji Xingchen's clothes soften so quickly, Ranfeng stopped teasing him.

He remembered someone saying he was very sleepy.

Wind: stop talking

Feng: you go to sleep first

Feng: Wait, you have to take pictures

Being urged to sleep by Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen immediately felt that his eyelids were heavy, so he hurried back to the other party, and then turned off the phone.

Love object [star]: ok

When chatting with the person you like, the whole person will become soft involuntarily, and this change is often not noticed by yourself.

But the Ranfeng family felt his change.

They all know that Ranfeng doesn't like typing with people on WeChat.

He will never use WeChat voice to solve problems that can be solved with three sentences on the phone. And even if he had to reply to other people with WeChat, he basically couldn't see any emotion on his face and eyes.

But just now, when he lowered his head and lowered his eyes, he not only patiently typed and chatted with people on WeChat for a long time, but also had gentle eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his whole body seemed to be sprinkled with the soft light of the morning.

Judging from his attitude and what Lin Haoqian said just now, the family all concluded that he was in a relationship.

The object of love just now was so embarrassing, Ranfeng's brother-in-law took his son Lin Haogan to the garden to play.

At this time, only his parents and his sister were left in the house, three of his closest family members.

After finishing the WeChat chat with Ji Xingchen, Ranfeng went straight to the opposite side of them and sat on the sofa indifferently.

"Have something to say?"

Ranfeng didn't raise his eyes, and his posture was calm and generous.

The family had been watching him quietly for a long time. Although he was chatting with Ji Xingchen, he still noticed it.

After a period of digestion, the family is actually fine.

After all, Ranfeng is also an adult, these are normal.

Now that he mentioned it so naturally, the family members directly put out the issues they were most concerned about.

"When will you bring it back?"

Ranzhao was not polite to his younger brother, and stated his needs straight to the point.

Ranfeng refused without thinking, "I can't bring it temporarily."

"What? You've all talked so well, and you still don't want to bring it back for us to see?"

Lin Haogan's sentence that the object of love and love is really poisonous, and understanding is understandable, but in front of so many people saying it, Ran Zhao still blushed a little for his brother when he paused for a second.

"I haven't talked yet, where should I take it."

After speaking, Ranfeng met his sister's disbelieving look, and then corrected: "I'm still chasing."

Knowing that Ranfeng hadn't chased anyone yet, her mum, who had been silent, thought of another layer, and suddenly said, "I haven't caught up yet? Then why did you guys advance..."

This topic is really a bit hot, and Ranfeng can't talk anymore.

Of the three, his father was the most calm.

He looked at Ranfeng and said earnestly, "I know that the entertainment industry is relatively open, but no matter what the industry is like, you still have to be a little bit more restrained. Before you became sexually active, we had discussed whether you would care about you, but... you should still pay attention to your health. "

Ranfeng understood what his father meant.

Everyone thought he was dating Ji Xingchen...

All thanks to Lin Hao's slip of tongue, and now everyone in the family is mentally sensitive.

When Ranfeng saw that her parents thought that she was following those celebrities with chaotic private lives in the entertainment industry to learn to be the master of guns, she took the initiative to explain, "It's not what you think, there is no relationship between the two of us. So far, it's just me unilaterally liking him."

"It was Lin Haogan who misrecognized the words."

Hearing this, Ranfeng's parents finally felt relieved.

However, after hearing Ranfeng's explanation, Ranzhao frowned.

She remembered the time when his brother came out after the college entrance examination.

Even though her parents are so supportive and understanding of her brother now, when her brother first came out of the closet, their relationship was actually very tense.

She remembered that at that time, when his brother was begging his parents to help him find a boy named Ji Xingchen all over the world, he accidentally came out of the closet.

When such a thing suddenly happened at home, the unacceptable parents, like the parents of many ordinary families, did not understand the sexual orientation of the younger brother at first.

They also did the same thing as other parents. Not only did they not help him find someone, they also confiscated all his communication tools, cut off all his sources of funds, and locked him in a villa on the top of the mountain for three months. , and asked a psychiatrist to see him.

Ran Zhao felt terrifying just thinking about it.

She felt that that time was probably the darkest and bleakest time in his brother's glorious life.

In the face of such great pressure and blow, she originally thought that his brother would give up.

After all, he was still young, so what was the relationship between the students? As time passed, he slowly forgot...

But she didn't expect that when her younger brother, who had lost a whole circle, was released.

He really didn't look for that person again, but he still didn't give up.

His eyes were firmer than ever that day, and the first thing he said was that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

He wants to stand on a stage that is most easily seen by ordinary people.

In this way, he can't find anyone. Maybe one day that person sees it and will come to him on his own initiative.

She remembered Ranfeng's expression too clearly at that time, so after so many years, she still remembered the boy's name.

Originally, she thought that his brother would remember such deep feelings for a long time.

But... Now this is someone else in love

Sure enough, no amount of unforgettable love can resist the passage of time...

Ran Zhao felt a little confused, and also felt that his brother was not such a person.

So after her parents left, she asked Ranfeng directly.

"You new acquaintance?"

Ranfeng shook his head and said lightly, "There has always been only one."

Ran Zhao was stunned for a few seconds before he understood the meaning, and suddenly he was happy for his brother again.

"Did you find him?"

What Ranzhao got was an affirmative answer.


She grabbed Ranfeng, "Tell me about how you found it."

Ranfeng didn't say, "The process is a bit tortuous, I'll tell you later."

Ran Zhao's eyes flashed with joy, and he restrained his gossip and nodded, "Okay."

After talking quietly, the two went to the living room to prepare for dinner.

Ranfeng stood at the table and opened the birthday cake to Lin Haogan, so that he could come in and make a wish to cut the cake.

As soon as he opened the cake box, Lin Haoqian ran in after his father as if he smelled it.

"Wow, cut the cake!!"

Seeing that Ranfeng had taken the cake apart for him, Lin Haoqian excitedly climbed onto the table.

As soon as he sat down, he turned his head to look at the kind uncle who helped him unpack the cake.

"Uncle, I just thought about it. I just mispronounced your WeChat friend's name. That word is not love."

Ranfeng's hands were stagnant.

After being taught by his father not to look at other people's mobile phones casually, and not to recite the names of other people's WeChat friends, Lin Haogan felt that he had indeed recited the names of his uncles and friends, so he took the initiative to help him clarify—

"Yes...heart~love object."

When pronouncing it, Lin Haoqian didn't know the word love, so when he said his heart, he thought for a while, and then he was incoherent.

And he was still young and liked to drag his voice when he spoke.

So he dragged his heart like this, and the pronunciation of this word was dragged alive into...

Sex ~ love object.

In the room, the air froze again in an instant.

Everyone turned their attention to Ranfeng, wondering what strange name he had given to the person he liked...

When Ranfeng heard the words, he bent down with a complicated expression and approached his little nephew. He put the cream dipped on his index finger to Lin Haogan's mouth, directly covering his mouth that kept talking.

"Okay, stop talking."