Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 47: Couples, you know


A week before the game, Jiang Mu's sa team defeated the rookie rt team and directly won the last ticket of this World Champions Cup.

A week later, the sa team will compete with another bbk team that has won the final seat.

On the night when the seats of the two kpl teams that entered the finals were confirmed, the official announced the guests of the finals one after another.

Ji Xingchen and the other two anchors who won the top three are of course in the official list.

In addition to the three of them, many singers, men's and women's groups, bands, etc. who went to the scene to assist in the performance also announced the list one by one, and the retired Cheng Yu was also listed, because the audience in the kpl finals most wanted to see In this vote of professional players, Cheng Yu won the first place in the number of votes, and his popularity was crushed.

Each of these official lists has attracted a lot of attention from fans.

But this attention was soon overwhelmed by the last news officially revealed by the King of Glory kpl professional tournament.

Because the King of Glory, which has never asked for a spokesperson, will officially announce a spokesperson this year!

As soon as the news came out, not only the players, but even the fans of the entertainment industry were shocked.

After all, almost everyone feels that the national status of the mobile game of King Glory does not need any spokesperson at all.

Those stars who don't have enough coffee positions do not acquiesce in the popularity of other people's games.

So when they heard that they would officially announce a spokesperson in the World Championship finals, everyone was wondering, what a great star to be the first spokesperson of this national mobile game

The official seems to know that everyone will have such a reaction. After revealing the news, they directly sold it and said nothing, and only released the silhouettes of four promotion ambassadors for everyone to guess.

Fans in the entertainment industry have eaten this melon, and guessed all the famous celebrities in the circle without any clue. They went to check the flight and the itinerary, but they still didn't. It can lock people down, so everyone temporarily abandons the relatively simple promotion ambassador.

The fans have no clue here. In fact, Mo Yuzhe, one of the promotion ambassadors, is the same as them.

When he looked at the final position map of the official announcement poster sent by the team, he found that the other three stars were directly typed out so that everyone could see if there was anything wrong with the position of the platoon, but only the one standing in position C The spokesperson gave a black blurred silhouette and nothing else.

Mo Yuzhe stared at the picture for a long time, but he didn't even see his gender!

This confidential work has been done very well!

After watching it for a while, Mo Yuzhe didn't see why, so Mo Yuzhe gave up.

Anyway, his goal has always been to promote the ambassador, and it is enough for him to be able to take a position in such a fierce competition.

After all, this is the promotion ambassador of his favorite King's Glory!

He and the contract did not keep this secret, and the pictures of the other three promotion ambassadors were obtained here, which means that the official did not intend to keep it secret.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for fans to slap his silhouette, and then some friends sent him messages to congratulate him, and secretly asked him who won the endorsement.

After Mo Yuzhe replied something unknown, he sent this poster image to his good buddy Er Ranfeng to share his joy with him.

Brother Cuttlefish: Brother, I'm going to play against a professional player! [show off]

Cuttlefish brother: dream come true kpl

Brother Cuttlefish: Brother Feng, am I very inspirational

When Ranfeng received the news, he just confirmed the schedule for the day of the game with his agent.

Seeing him so happy, I sent him a congratulations.

Ranfeng knew that Mo Yuzhe was fighting for this promotion ambassador before.

He didn't say it on the surface, but he knew the madness of the other party's love of the king's glory, and secretly helped him.

Brother Cuttlefish: Let me tell you something more inspiring

Brother Cuttlefish: I'm on the King's Ten Stars

Brother Cuttlefish: When the host asks me about my rank, I must say it out loud!

Seeing Mo Yuzhe so shy, Ranfeng couldn't help laughing, and immediately poured a basin of cold water on him.

Feng: Are you not afraid of people overturning when the stars are so high

Cuttlefish brother: ? ?

Feng: Your team just released a draft not long ago, and set up a game god for you.

Cuttlefish brother: fuck

Mo Yuzhe remembered this person in his heart before. According to the recent double row with Xingxing, Liying was too smooth, so he suddenly forgot about it.

Although he doesn't know the competition system yet, but if he goes to KPL to play the game, if he is alone and no one will fly, what kind of level will not be exposed immediately!

Mo Yuzhe panicked briefly for two seconds, then calmed down immediately.

Brother Cuttlefish: It's okay, I play other games well

wind: which game

Cuttlefish brother: qq dazzling dance!


After speaking, Mo Yuzhe suddenly remembered that the stars would also go, so he felt completely at ease.

Brother Cuttlefish: I know a very good anchor. He will come to the exhibition game that day, so I will choose an assistant to form a team with him.

Brother Cuttlefish: Am I very witty [squint smile]

Looking at Mo Yuzhe's wishful thinking, how could Ranfeng let Ji Xingchen suffer.

Feng: The anchor white belt you

Brother Cuttlefish: Of course not! I got him a present

Brother Cuttlefish: By the way, you reminded me, I will give him some gifts later, it will be more convenient to get on the bus

Brother Cuttlefish: Why don't I change his room to be next to me too! After the fight, he will come to my room and take me to the double row

Ranfeng, who had a smile in his eyes when he was chatting with Mo Yuzhe, suddenly turned cold after seeing the last sentence.

He wants Ji Xingchen to go to his room at night

"Sister Lina." Ranfeng looked up at the agent who was checking the schedule on the sofa.

Lina stopped the movement in her hand, "What's the matter?"

"Change my friend's room."

Then Ranfeng told Ji Xingchen's information to the agent.

Lina: "???"

Xiaofeng actually opened her mouth to help someone change rooms?

Lina was shocked, but didn't ask much, "This is not a big problem, I'll just negotiate. But where is your friend's room going??"

"I'm next door."

lina: "Next door??"

The matter that Ranfeng explained was a piece of cake for Lina, and she quickly changed Ji Xingchen's room.

So when Mo Yuzhe remembered and went to change rooms for Ji Xingchen, he was informed by the staff that the anchor was already in the same grade as him and could no longer be changed.

Mo Yuzhe: ? ? ?

Kpl is so generous wow?

Four days before the competition, the organizer sent a confirmation message to the participants after confirming all the information.

Ji Xingchen was pulled into a guest group, and then received a message from the group owner @Everyone.

Group owner: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen [cute] The person in charge of flight information and hotel information will send it to you separately later. Please confirm receipt and reply in the group~ In addition, there will be a red carpet show when you enter the finals on the day of the finals. There will be fans on both sides, and there will be live videographers throughout the whole process, so as a warm reminder, the dress and the red carpet are better~ [cute] [cute] Because time is tight and each guest has a different figure, I don't know what style you like. clothes, no uniforms are provided.

Group owner: On the day of the finals, everyone needs to get up early for makeup and rehearsal. The time is very tight, and the air tickets are bought for everyone the day before.

After the group owner sent the notification, Ji Xingchen was privately chatted by the person in charge, and sent him the ticket information and room number.

When Ji Xingchen received it, everyone else also received it.

After that, the group became lively.

The finals of the King of Glory are arranged with various contents. In addition to the anchors like Ji Xingchen who can play the game, there are also some offline campus or city competition winners who will also be interviewed on stage.

Therefore, basically all the people in this group where Ji Xingchen is participating are participating for the first time.

It was the first time for everyone to participate in such a big event, so naturally they were very curious about everything. Soon, people in the group began to ask each other about their flight information, hotel room numbers, where their hometowns were, and so on.

Everyone, you said one sentence to me, and quickly gave the correct information.

Because I was going to a place where I didn't know myself, I was 17 years old and wanted to find a reliable brother to form a team with.

Of all the people in the group, he only knew Ji Xingchen the most, so he came over and asked him the room number.

17 years old: Brother, which room are you in? I will come to you then, so we can have dinner together

Xingxing: I don't seem to be a hotel with you

Looking at the messages sent by everyone in the group, Ji Xingchen found that he was not the same as everyone.

Because it was different from everyone else, he went to the Internet to check and found that the organizer arranged for him to be a five-star...

17: How could this be

17 years old: Do you want to ask the person in charge if he made a mistake

Xingxing: I asked, he said that this hotel could not stay, so he arranged for me to go out alone

17 years old: Then you are too miserable...

The 17-year-old is very sympathetic to Ji Xingchen's experience.

17 years old: Brother, which hotel are you in? I'll come to find you then

Ji Xingchen sent him his name and room number.

Two minutes later...

17 years old: Brother, I take back what I just said! ! Please make me so miserable! !

After chatting with the 17-year-old, Ji Xingchen went out.

The group owner just informed them that they are going to prepare their own dresses.

He usually wears simple casual clothes, and there is no formal dress at home. On such a formal occasion on the red carpet, he would definitely not be able to dress so casually.

Ji Xingchen usually doesn't pay much attention to dressing himself, plus he doesn't like suits at all.

Just when he changed out of a black suit, the boss of Wanfeng sent him a message.

Feng: Why is there no live broadcast today

Ji Xingchen took off his jacket and replied quickly.

star: i'm shopping for dresses

After typing this line, Ji Xingchen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that boss Wanfeng should belong to the type of successful person, his understanding and taste of suits must be much better than his own, so he asked him for help.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, are you free? Can you help me choose, I don't know much about suits, so I don't know which one to choose

wind: free

Wind: send a picture over

At first, Ji Xingchen didn't understand what this picture meant, so he took a bunch of pictures of suits and sent them to the other party.

After posting it, he realized that he didn't even try it on, so he just gave a picture and let others choose for him!

Just when he wanted to withdraw the picture, the other party gave him a suggestion,

Wind: the white suit in the second picture and the shirt in the fifth picture

Feng: You put it on and take a picture

Ji Xingchen immediately went to get the white suit and put it on.

Originally, he was a little hesitant, thinking that a white suit might not suit him.

As a result, as soon as he wore it, he directly slapped all the clothes recommended by the shopping guide in front of him.

The white suit is refreshing and the black shirt has texture. The two clothes can be said to be a perfect match. They don't look immature but are just right with a bit of maturity, which just echoes the temperament of Ji Xingchen, a boy-turned-man age group.

Ji Xingchen asked the shopping guide to take a picture for him.

After the photo was taken, the shopping guide lady smiled and handed him the phone.

"Send it to your girlfriend, she has a good eye~ This set is so suitable for you, and it is your girlfriend who knows you best~"

When Ji Xingchen saw that the boss was misunderstood as his girlfriend, he didn't know how to explain it, so he smiled and said it was his friend.

The shopping guide smiled and nodded, but that look seemed to say, "I understand, I understand."

Ji Xingchen didn't understand what the shopping guide knew, so he quickly lowered his head and chatted with boss Wanfeng.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, your eyes are really good, this set is very suitable

Feng: I have always had a good eye

Ranfeng's words clearly meant something.

He has always felt that his rivals are not as strong as him in everything, but the only thing he likes in Ji Xingchen is his unique vision, which can barely equal him.

Ji Xingchen couldn't get what Ranfeng's eyes meant, so he thought he was still talking about clothes.

Thinking of what the shopping guide had said just now, he told the other party about it.

Xingxing: Just now the shopping guide thought you were my girlfriend, saying that you know me better than me...

Ranfeng did not explain why he knew Ji Xingchen so well, and put his focus first.

Wind: Girlfriend

Afraid that the boss would mind, Ji Xingchen quickly explained.

Star: She was joking...

Who knows the boss will reply to him next.

Feng: Not your boyfriend

Star:? ? ? ?

Ranfeng, who ate Ji Xingchen tofu, was in a good mood, and reopened the picture Ji Xingchen sent him just now.

He clicked on the P-picture software, and after mosaicing Ji Xingchen's face, he sent the picture to his assistant.

Feng: Help me find a similar one, black

Assistant: Is it a couple model

Assistant: I understand~

Ji Xingchen did not go home immediately after buying the dress, but went to several luxury counters.

He was going to buy a welcome gift for Boss Wanfeng.

The boss has helped him so much, and this time he can finally face the base. If he goes to meet people empty-handed, it's really a bit unreasonable.

Although Ji Xingchen has never seen what the boss looks like, he usually sees that the boss is so rich and often works, so he guesses that he should be the kind of elite who often wears shirts and suits.

So he fixed his eyes on the tie.

Compared to buying a suit for himself, Ji Xingchen took a lot more seriously when choosing a tie for his boss.

For each tie, he will simulate in his mind what the boss will look like when wearing it, and whether it will match the picture in the clothes.

Finally, I finally got a solid color tie of a certain brand of dark blue.

The reason why Ji Xingchen chose it is that the age and temperament of the boss should be more in line with this kind of calm style.

When choosing, Ji Xingchen was very happy.

But it was a real pain in the ass to pay.

Looking at the tie that was much more expensive than his suit, Ji Xingchen's heart thumped.

Although he had long thought that it would be very expensive, he did not expect it to be so expensive.

He vaguely heard the lady at the counter just say that this is a limited edition, so the price is higher, right

Ji Xingchen quickly called out his payment code and settled the money.

Although he spent a lot of money, the boss helped him so much that he could buy as many ties as a gift in the live broadcast room, not to mention that they also helped him to get the priceless Feng Ge singing. There will be VIP tickets.

For the boss, he really can't thank him enough.

Not to mention this tie, he would definitely buy anything more expensive than this.

Ji Xingchen returned home after finally buying a gift for the boss.

He didn't care about the time when he was choosing before, but now when he got home, he saw that the hands of the clock had pointed to nine o'clock, and he realized that he had chosen gifts for the boss for five or six hours

It was too late to choose a gift today, and the organizer informed them that they needed to arrive a day earlier, so Ji Xingchen, who was going to leave in the morning the day after tomorrow, started to pack his things in a hurry, so he did another day of live broadcast.

In order to compensate everyone, at seven o'clock the next morning, Ji Xingchen started the live broadcast, and told the water friends in the live broadcast room that he could not start the broadcast for the two days that he participated in the exhibition competition.

[Although I'm reluctant to part with it, but it doesn't matter son, my mother can watch you in another live broadcast room when the time comes]

[Ah, Xing Xingzi is going to the KPL scene, so excited!]

[I have already bought the tickets for the scene, and I will see Xingxingzi up close by then~]

[Xingxingzi's only support club in the world has already prepared all the work, just waiting for the scene to support Xingxingzi!]

[The members of the support club come to report~]

[Ah, is there any support? ? Too arrogant! ! I didn't get a ticket, I envy the sisters upstairs]

[Woo woo woo I also want to support the super cute Xing Xingzi!]

When Ji Xingchen saw the barrage, he even got support for himself, and quickly waved, "Don't, don't, I'm not a star, I don't need support."

[No, we must give us the stars of prosperous beauty!]

[Place noodles +! ! !]

[Although it is definitely not comparable to the support of other star fans, but I believe that when they see Xingxingzi's beauty, they will definitely be impressed]

[Enough is enough, sisters, stop talking, I can't help but start to make up my mind]

Just when everyone started to imagine what the scene would be like, [My fish was stolen] suddenly sent Ji Xingchen several magical meteor showers.

Ji Xingchen reacted immediately and said to Mo Yuzhe, "Boss Cuttlefish? It's been a long time since I saw you, why did you... send so many gifts as soon as you came?"

[Is this style of the live broadcast room? Does the boss give a gift without saying a word?]

[Hahahaha yes, the bosses in our live broadcast room are really wild]

[My fish was stolen]: It's nothing... just ask you to take me with you in a few days

There were many people in the live broadcast room, and Mo Yuzhe didn't dare to say too carefully for fear of falling off his horse.

[My fish was stolen]: Do you want to play games together

Ji Xingchen glanced at the game that was still being updated, "Today the new season has changed the version, and the game has not been maintained yet, so I can't play it now."

Generally, the King of Glory maintenance will not be updated until around nine o'clock.

[My fish was stolen]: Then let's play something else

"Okay... Boss, what game do you want to play, Sichuan Mahjong or QQ Landlord?"

[What are you playing, Xingxingzi, it is strongly recommended to play the orange light game here]

[Orange light game refused, it is strongly recommended that Xingxingzi play Shining Warmth]

[As you go, I strongly recommend Love and Producer, boys have to play with boys!]

[My fish was stolen]: Can't you have a good point to play other games

Ji Xingchen: "What do you want to play, Boss Cuttlefish?"

[My fish was stolen]: qq dazzling dance qq speed

Ji Xingchen: ? ? ?

"...I won't." Ji Xingchen said with a refusal all over his face, "I get motion sickness."

After these two options were rejected, the two discussed it again and decided to brave the Peace Elite.

Peace Elite, including its end-game PUBG Mobile, was a very popular game before.

But this game is popular all the time, but Ji Xingchen doesn't catch a cold, so he hardly plays it.

Mo Yuzhe's situation is similar to his.

So when millions of people in the live broadcast room watched Ji Xingchen and Boss Cuttlefish talk about playing Elite for Peace, but ended up performing online and downloading the client installation, they were all shocked.

[Isn't there anyone who hasn't played chicken in this year~~?]

Ji Xingchen: "Please remove the word "ba" after the word "chicken". This live broadcast room will not allow ghs."

[Xingxingzi, did you shoot accurately?]

Ji Xingchen: "What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do!"

Soon the two of them installed the client and entered the game directly.

Ji Xingchen began to create characters, and he chose female characters for himself.

Mo Yuzhe: "Why did you choose a girl..."

Ji Xingchen: "This way, I'm pretty good, the little brothers shouldn't spray me..."

Seeing that Ji Xingchen, who hadn't been flirting for a long time, chose a girl and wanted to pretend to be a girl in the game to tease his little brother, the fans were very excited.

However, as soon as the game entered the skydiving session, Ji Xingchen felt dizzy.

Since it was the first time to operate, Ji Xingchen was not familiar with which direction to jump in, and with dizziness, he jumped with Mo Yuzhe for 108,000 miles.

Mo Yuzhe: "Wow, why are you so far away from me?"

Ji Xingchen: "I'm afraid of heights..."

Mo Yuzhe; "... OK"

[Hahahahahaha, fucking fucking]

[I was afraid of heights when I saw someone playing mobile games for the first time]

Although Mo Yuzhe said that King Glory played dishes, the Peace Elite got started unexpectedly quickly.

Although he had never played it before, he had watched many live broadcasts of anchors, so he knew that he was so far away from Ji Xingchen that he had to find a car to pick him up.

Mo Yuzhe: "You find a room to hide first, and I'll find a car to pick you up."

Ji Xingchen obediently hid in the house next to him.

Soon Mo Yuzhe found the car, and he was very lucky and killed a person on the way.

"Come up, the circle is going to shrink, let's go."

Ji Xingchen jumped in place for a while before realizing how to get into the car, so he quickly climbed up.

It was also the first time for Mo Yuzhe to drive. He was very unskilled, and the car almost hit a tree crookedly.

[Boss Cuttlefish has a good hearse drifting skill]

[I always feel that I will be killed in the next second]

Just when everyone was making fun of Mo Yuzhe's driving skills, Ji Xingchen felt even more dizzy, so he hurriedly said, "Boss Cuttlefish, stop!"

Mo Yuzhe stopped the car, "What's wrong?"

Ji Xingchen: "I'm sorry... I really can't play."


"I am car sick… "

Mo Yuzhe suddenly remembered what Ji Xingchen said when he refused to play QQ Speed...

"You are so dizzy!"