Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 53: Get out of the car, baby


Ranfeng, who had just opened the door to be seated, froze in the air.

He had already stepped into the car door with one foot and was about to sit down, but was disrupted by Ji Xingchen's words, keeping his bent posture and staying motionless.

Ranfeng's eyes sank, and staring at Ji Xingchen from the air seemed to confirm the meaning of what he just said.

"Xingxing, what did you just say to me?"

"Just... I want to sleep with you tonight."

When Ji Xingchen repeated these words innocently, he raised his eyes and met the hot eyes of Ranfeng.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Ji Xingchen felt a little guilty, so he looked away and avoided it automatically.

He wasn't really as innocent as he appeared to be.

Although he asked Brother Feng for help, it was because he couldn't find a room to sleep.

But he obviously has his own selfishness in it...

He wants to stay with Brother Feng for a while.

This kind of mentality is like a child who likes the taste of mango but is allergic to mango.

Since I was a child, I could only eat mango-flavored snacks as a meal replacement for this fruit. Finally, one day I accidentally ate the pulp of my beloved mango, but I felt itchy because of allergies.

Afraid, but want to eat.

His mood is so contradictory. After five years of separation, he was afraid to meet Brother Feng, but he was reluctant to part with him.

Ji Xingchen recalled the look in the eyes of Brother Feng looking at him just now, and the other party's eyes showed his unfamiliar emotions.

He didn't know if the other party saw through his little thought...

Getting the same answer again, Ranfeng did not respond for the time being.

He got back into his seat, but didn't put on his seatbelt or rush to start the car.

After waiting for about twenty seconds, he turned sideways, put one hand on the back of Ji Xingchen's chair, leaned forward, and leaned beside him.

Ranfeng raised her eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Sleep with me? Are you sure?"

Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were very dangerous.

Because of the sudden increase in the distance, Ji Xingchen's heartbeat started to speed up again involuntarily.

He didn't have time to control his madly beating heart, but was completely awakened by Ranfeng's words.

Ji Xingchen, who finally realized that his words were a bit ambiguous, also instantly understood what was going on with the strangeness in Brother Feng's eyes just now.

i want to sleep with you...

This is really a bit harsh...

Shouldn't Brother Feng feel that he wants to be gay as soon as he meets him

After a long absence, he and Brother Feng have not yet reminisced about their past feelings, so he suddenly said such misleading words. In order to maintain a good image in front of Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen hurriedly explained, "I didn't express it clearly. A friend of mine, the 17-year-old who just called, had no place for his parents to stay, so I let them stay in my room. I thought I could rebook, but after checking every hotel, there was no room. "

Ji Xingchen looked up at Ranfeng, "So can I stay with you for one night? Just make a floor."

Ranfeng didn't answer, just squinted at Ji Xingchen for a while.

Seeing that Brother Feng didn't agree, Ji Xingchen began to wonder if he was too familiar and abrupt.

At present, he is the only one who is still immersed in the memories of the past and can't get out, but in fact, everything has changed.

Not to mention whether Brother Feng would mind living with him, just as Brother Feng is now a big star, there are some fans who are squatting and paparazzi candid photos wherever he goes, and there are accompanying assistants to take care of his daily life.

If I stayed with him for one night, it seemed that it would indeed bring a lot of trouble.

Ji Xingchen quickly apologized, "This doesn't seem right, I'll find a way to solve it myself, sorry I didn't think it through."

Ranfeng stopped his apology.

"There is nothing wrong, my room is very empty."

"I didn't get back to you just now because..." Ranfeng paused, his Adam's apple moved up and down slightly, and his voice was so deep that his voice became hoarse, "Xingxing, do you know that some things can't be said casually?"

Some things can't be said casually...

He will take it seriously when he says it, and he will also consider how to implement it to satisfy the people in front of him.

Ji Xingchen nodded blankly, as if he didn't understand.

"What do you want to eat?"

It would be very dangerous to discuss the issue of whether to sleep or not. Ranfeng buckled his seat belt, started the car, and changed the subject.

Ji Xingchen came back to his senses and shook his head, "I thought this was my line, why did you steal it from me? I said I wanted to invite you to dinner."

Although it's a bit humiliating to mention it, he did tell Wanfengzhaixing that he was treating him this time before.

What I said before, I can't go back because the object has become Brother Feng.

Ji Xingchen said this, but Ranfeng didn't shirk this time, "Okay, I happen to know that there is a private restaurant nearby that tastes good, so let's eat there."

"it is good."

After saying that, Ji Xingchen retracted his gaze and looked out the window.

As a result, when the car quickly drove out of the parking lot, Ranfeng handed the phone to Ji Xingchen with one hand, "Help me navigate."

Ji Xingchen didn't think much, and took the phone from Ranfeng's hand.

"I thought you knew the way."

Brother Feng's words just now gave him the illusion that the other party was very familiar with this place.

Ranfeng turned the steering wheel, "I'm not a local, how can I be so powerful."

Ji Xingchen rolled his eyes and joked with Ranfeng, "I thought you big stars often come to these big cities, so they will be very familiar."

Ranfeng also laughed softly, raised his eyes and quickly looked at the next Ji Xingchen, "I only know Ming You well."

Mingyou is Ranfeng's hometown and the city where Ji Xingchen once transferred to another school.

Ji Xingchen glanced at him, "It's a coincidence, I'm quite familiar with it."

After speaking, he lowered his head to help Ranfeng navigate, but found that his phone was locked.

"Brother Feng, your fingerprints." After Ji Xingchen glanced at the person driving, he immediately changed his mouth, "Forget it, use your password. What's your password?"

"050919." Ranfeng's tone was light and nothing special.

But when Ji Xingchen heard the number, the finger that was typing on the phone keyboard stopped.

He felt the code was very familiar.

Ji Xingchen tilted his head to look at Ranfeng, "Why does your password resemble my birthday?"

If two numbers are divided by two numbers, except the front 05, the combination of the last four numbers is his birthday date in the lunar calendar.

Since he was a child, he had always had the lunar birthday, so he was particularly sensitive to 0919.

Ranfeng didn't look at him, and stared straight ahead, "Oh? Is that so coincidental... This is my rabbit's birthday."

"Rabbit?" Ji Xingchen was surprised, "Rabbit also has a birthday?"

After he finished speaking, he remembered one more thing, "Brother Feng, you still have time to raise rabbits, is that kind of pet rabbit?"

What responded to him was Ranfeng's ambiguous smile.

"But now this password can be changed."

Ji Xingchen couldn't understand what Brother Feng was saying, but he didn't want to ask too much about passwords when it came to privacy.

After re-entering the six numbers on the keyboard password, the phone screen jumped immediately.

When Ji Xingchen unlocked the password of Ranfeng's mobile phone, his heart also jumped violently.

A mobile phone is a very private thing, and generally speaking, it is not easy to show it to others.

Now Brother Feng gave him the phone. Although he had no intention to spy on Brother Feng's privacy, he was instinctively curious.

Ji Xingchen's eyes quickly swept across the mobile phone desktop, looking for the navigation map.

Almost as soon as his eyes crossed, he found the app.

The reason is very simple, Feng Ge's mobile phone desktop is extremely clean, in addition to a few basic software, there is also a WeChat, Alipay and navigation.

Of course, there is also a cat TV and a King of Glory client on the split screen on the first page.

Thinking of his messy mobile phone desktop, Ji Xingchen admired Feng Ge for keeping his mobile phone so clean.

"Brother Feng, location."

After finding the navigation and opening, Ji Xingchen asked the other party where to navigate.

Ranfeng immediately gave him a name.

It's the evening rush hour, and driving is actually quite congested.

Fortunately, the location of the hotel is not too far, and it takes less than an hour to arrive.

Ji Xingchen helped Ranfeng look at the car and the navigation all the way, and felt that the time was quite fast.

Ranfeng parked the car, and Ji Xingchen unbuckled his seat belt and prepared to get off.

"Xingxing, you wait."

Ji Xingchen's movement to open the door stopped.

He looked at Ranfeng and found that the other party stretched out his long arms and brought two bags over.

Ranfeng threw him one of the bags, which contained a casual jacket, a hat, an unopened black mask, and a pair of sunglasses.

"Change it."

Ji Xingchen glanced at what he was representing and said with a smile, "Brother Feng, do you have such complete equipment with you?"

Ranfeng nodded, "It can sometimes be troublesome to be recognized."

Ji Xingchen actually understands Brother Feng's habit.

After all, as a public figure, if you want to travel without being disturbed, you have to pretend to be on the line.

Ji Xingchen picked up his coat and was about to put it on his body when something suddenly occurred to his mind, "You can just dress up? Why should I?"

He is not a big star like Brother Feng, and he is not so popular as an anchor that he can be recognized at any time on the street.

So why does he have to disguise himself!

Ranfeng took out the hat and put it on Ji Xingchen's head, lowering the brim to cover his beautiful eyes.

"Come with you, it's useless for me to disguise."

Ji Xingchen was puzzled, "Why?"

Ranfeng squeezed his face gently, "Do you know how attractive your face is?"

In fact, Ranfeng didn't exert much effort, and just touched Ji Xingchen's face with the tip of his finger.

But at this time, Ji Xingchen felt that the place where he was pinched by Brother Feng was hot, and his heart seemed to be teased.

Ji Xingchen didn't dare to speak, for fear that if he speaks now, he will reveal his true emotions.

He glanced at Ranfeng quietly, and felt that the explanation the other party gave him seemed quite reasonable.

But when he thought about it carefully, he always felt that Brother Feng seemed to be saying something different.

"Put it on."

Seeing Ji Xingchen's slowness, Ranfeng took the initiative to help him put the mask on his face.

Brother Feng put on a hat and a mask for himself. Ji Xingchen was afraid that Brother Feng would help him change his clothes if he didn't move, so he quickly took off his white suit.

After taking off his suit, he glanced at the shirt he was wearing inside, and then glanced at the one that Brother Feng was wearing on the opposite side.

"Brother Feng, why do I feel that our two clothes are a bit similar?"

Ranfeng asked him, "Aren't the shirts all of the same style?"

Ji Xingchen was persuaded, and it seemed to be true.

After the two changed their clothes, they got out of the car.

It's autumn now, and it's cold in the morning and evening. And the weather has been quite cold these few days, Ji Xingchen put on a coat and got out of the car, the wind blew on him immediately, but it was not cold at all.

He looked down at Brother Feng's clothes he was wearing.

Clothes should have just been washed, with a faint fragrance of laundry detergent.

Ji Xingchen felt that this smell was particularly good.

This private restaurant is a relatively high-end type locally. After Ji Xingchen came in with Ranfeng, he found that the decoration inside was very luxurious, all Chinese-style, and it was still the kind that needed to be reserved in advance.

Originally, when the waiter asked if he had an appointment, Ji Xingchen felt that there was no drama, but his brother Feng told the waiter directly.

It was only at this time that Ji Xingchen understood. No wonder Brother Feng didn't refuse him to invite him to dinner before. It turned out that he had already made a reservation.

After checking, the waiter took the two to the box upstairs.

When passing through the hall, Ji Xingchen noticed that even though they covered their faces so tightly, there were still many people looking at them inquiringly.

Such an offensive look made Ji Xingchen a little uncomfortable.


Ranfeng turned his head and saw Ji Xingchen fell behind, he turned and raised his hand, put his hand on his shoulder and led him along.

After finally arriving in the box, Ji Xingchen hurriedly changed the equipment on his body and whispered to Ranfeng, "Eating a meal is like cheating. It's really not easy to be a star."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Ranfeng habitually, and found that the other party's eyes were stained with a little smile at this time.

"Who am I cheating with?"

Ji Xingchen was questioned and did not dare to speak.

At this time, the waiter returned to the room and took two particularly exquisite classical menus for them to order.

When she saw Ranfeng's appearance clearly, she was slightly stunned. Fortunately, the usual training, and then back to normal.

"Brother Feng, please order it."

Ji Xingchen originally wanted to dye the maple, but the other party asked him to come with him.

Helplessly, Ji Xingchen opened the menu and turned it page by page.

On the menu, the names of those dishes are quite unique, but a closer look shows that some of the more homely dishes are actually made more refined.

Ji Xingchen looked at the prices of those dishes and didn't understand what was so expensive.

However, because he wanted to treat guests, he finally ordered a few dishes that Ranfeng liked.

At the same time that he ordered, Ranfeng also finished ordering.

When the waiter checked the names of the dishes, Ji Xingchen found that the dishes ordered by the other party were all his favorites.

"Brother Feng, do you still remember these dishes?"

Ranfeng looked at him, "You didn't forget that you were different."

Ji Xingchen nodded and said nothing, but smiled.

Both of them still remember what they liked to eat in high school, but they didn't forget each other.

The two were talking, and the waiter brought them some appetizers and fruit.

Ranfeng stared at the mangoes in the fruit bowl and said to the waiter, "Please remove the mangoes, thank you."

The waiter nodded, "Are you allergic?"

Ranfeng looked at Ji Xingchen opposite and said, "Yes."

Ji Xingchen didn't speak, and glanced at Mango eagerly.

It's not the dye maple who is allergic, it's actually himself.

He was the unlucky child who liked the taste of mangoes but couldn't eat mangoes.

He still remembered that for his classmate's birthday, he made a mango mousse cake with a layer of fresh mango in the middle. At that time, he ate a piece without noticing, and his face was like being crawled by a caterpillar, almost like a caterpillar. Without itching, he scratched his face.

After that day, everyone knew that he was allergic to mangoes.

So every time he passed the fruit shop, Ranfeng would deliberately ask him if he wanted to buy him some mangoes to eat.

But he teased himself so much in his mouth, but every time he encountered a mango, he opened it immediately, for fear that he would get a little bit of it on his skin and it would itch.

Thinking of those things in the past, and seeing that Brother Feng seems to still remember, Ji Xingchen felt that the relationship between the two was not as unfamiliar as he thought, and he had been thinking too much before.

Sure enough, he chatted with Ranfeng about the past while eating, and he found that the other party remembered everything, even some small details that he almost forgot, Brother Feng actually remembered clearly.

While chatting and recalling the past, the two of them ate a meal for more than an hour.

After eating, Ji Xingchen wanted to settle the bill, but found that Brother Feng had already paid the money.

"Alright, I'll invite you..."

Ranfeng replied to him, "Do you want to be so clear with me?"

One sentence made Ji Xingchen speechless.

After eating, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Ji Xingchen got back into Ranfeng's car and went back to the hotel with him.

Ji Xingchen didn't ask where the other party lived, he lowered his head and turned on the phone.

"Brother Feng, let me watch the game, my brother is in the final tonight."

Ji Xingchen didn't say anything later.

One of his reasons for coming today was to cheer for Jiang Mu.

As a result, as soon as he met Brother Feng, he forgot everything.

When he thinks about it again, the game has already reached the seventh peak matchup, and it has been duel for more than ten minutes...

After listening to Ji Xingchen's description, Ranfeng suddenly remembered a sentence someone said in an interview before, "Is that your forever precious brother?"

Ji Xingchen looked up at Ranfeng, and then nodded his chin at him.

"Oh." Ranfeng replied expressionlessly.

Ji Xingchen looked at Brother Feng's strange reaction, and thought about the conversation between the two just now.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it, right

Just when Ji Xingchen felt strange, the excited voice of the commentary came from the mobile phone.

"Mumu!! Mumu three kills! Three kills!"

"Sa has a chance, they want to demolish, they have a chance!!"

"Ah!! No, no, bbk can't hold it anymore!!"

"Let's congratulate sa in advance!!!!"

Before the host's voice fell, bbk's crystal was blown up, and Jiang Mu's sa team won their first championship three years after they entered kpl!

When sa really won the championship, Ji Xingchen was also very excited.

Although he missed many exciting moments before, Jiang Mu was able to win the championship in his first season in the professional league, and Ji Xingchen was very proud of him.

He minimized the live broadcast window, opened WeChat and sent a message of blessing to Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu is still on the stage now, and he can't answer the call to him.

After Ji Xingchen finished sending the message, he re-scaled the screen and found that Cheng Yu rushed onto the stage and hugged Jiang Mu tightly.

The camera swept across his face, and Ji Xingchen found that there were faint tears in the corners of his eyes.

Some people in the barrage also discovered this detail, and they all praised Mr. Chengyu as a teaching assistant, and they didn't expect that he really had such a deep relationship with the team and players.

After the game, it was the awards ceremony, and fmvp fell on Jiang Mu. In the exclusive interview, after thanking the team members, he also ordered Cheng Yu and Ji Xingchen alone.

"Your precious brother is also very precious to you."

Brother Feng suddenly said such a sentence, Ji Xingchen finally understood what was wrong this time.

Brother Feng's tone when he said the word "baby" sounded sour

"Stop looking at your phone, it's time to get out of the car, baby."

Just when Ji Xingchen looked up at Ranfeng and wanted to ask him what was wrong, he heard the other party say something to him.

Ji Xingchen was shocked when the baby named Ranfeng shouted, and the phone dropped directly under the seat.

Ji Xingchen hurriedly picked up the phone and followed Ranfeng to the elevator.

When his eyes swept the inside of the elevator, he realized that the decoration of this elevator is so fucking familiar...

Don't you know that, isn't this the hotel he stayed in

Ji Xingchen looked at Ranfeng suspiciously.

"Brother Feng, are you staying in a hotel with me?"

Is it such a coincidence

After the other party hummed, he didn't speak again.

The elevator went up quickly and stopped, then opened the door.

After Ji Xingchen came down, he glanced at this familiar floor...

Good guy, he and Brother Feng not only live in a hotel, but also live on the same floor.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in Ji Xingchen's head.

He and Brother Feng... Wouldn't it be a coincidence that Tebi lived next door

With this thought, Ji Xingchen suddenly woke up.

"Brother Feng, did you help me adjust my room?"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished saying this, he saw that the card used by Ranfeng to brush the elevator was linked to the room number of his room.

Although the elevator is direct, but when he walked into Brother Feng's room and saw the layout and layout of his own, Ji Xingchen understood no matter how stupid he was.

He said how the alliance is so generous, and there may be so many coincidences for him to meet.

It turned out that Brother Feng helped him arrange everything.

When Ji Xingchen asked, Ranfeng did not deny it, and answered directly and generously.


After that, he took off his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt...