Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 59


"You have no right to let me move out, and it is against the law for you to do so."

The few people in front of him were ferocious, but Ji Xingchen didn't show any fear.

"Little brother, you..."

The man at the front saw Ji Xingchen so confused, and he wanted to threaten him with a frown.

Just as he was about to speak, the landlord came.

When the man saw the landlord appear, he didn't bother to care about Ji Xingchen, the unwilling tenant, and went straight to the landlord.

The microphone in the live broadcast room was not turned off, so the audience in the live broadcast room could vaguely hear what happened on Ji Xingchen's side.

But although there was a sound, they couldn't hear it clearly because of the distance, and everyone couldn't help but start to worry about Ji Xingchen's safety.

[what's up? Why do I hear like I'm smashing something?]

[Wuwuwu what happened to Xingxingzi, I'm so worried! !]

[How did I hear that someone broke in?]

[Have you encountered a robber? Can you call the police? !]

[Can you contact Maomao TV and call the local police station!]

[Ah, what's the matter, I'm so anxious! Nothing will happen! !]

[Xingxing, are you okay? You say something, I'm so scared qwq]

The audience in the live broadcast room made all kinds of guesses, making the already tense atmosphere even more restless, and everyone began to worry about Ji Xingchen's personal safety.

The phone in Ranfeng's hand had already broadcast the third call, but Ji Xingchen still didn't answer his call.

There were still various noisy voices in the live broadcast room, including women's cries, and men's scolding, but Ji Xingchen's voice was not heard again.

The unknown makes fear even more fearful.

Having been unable to contact Ji Xingchen, Ranfeng's heart sank to the bottom.

The live broadcast room without Ji Xingchen suddenly became unfamiliar, absorbing all sight and hearing... Countless barrages poured in, countless voices came in, and there was no response, his palms sweated, and the only vague quarrel left him. fidgeting.

Looking at the phone that was dialed but never answered, the familiar feeling of powerlessness filled Ranfeng's body again.

This was also the case when Ji Xingchen disappeared from his world. No matter how many times he dialed, no one could connect.

This time...

Ranfeng didn't dare to think about it.

The last shred of reason left him calm.

He looked for the phone number in the address book and wanted to use his family connection, so he asked someone to go to the scene immediately.

There was another commotion in the live broadcast room.

Every second of waiting seemed to be extraordinarily long, and every sound in the live broadcast room was like a sharp blade slashing at the tip of Ranfeng's heart.

Finally, he found a suitable phone, and without hesitation, he immediately pressed the dial button.

But at this moment, another call he had been dialing was connected.

"Brother Feng..."

When Ji Xingchen's voice came clearly, Ranfeng returned to the shore and took a deep breath as if he had just experienced a drowning.

The heart beats uncontrollably because of fear, "You..."

When Ranfeng opened his mouth to speak, he found that his throat was so tight that he couldn't make a sound.

"How are you now, are you injured?"

Across the phone, Ji Xingchen also heard the abnormal voice of Ranfeng.

He thought that he forgot to turn on the microphone when he opened the door just now, and immediately guessed that Brother Feng was worried about him.

"It's fine, I'm fine."

When Ji Xingchen spoke, he glanced at the landlord who was entangled with the debt collectors, and closed the bedroom door directly to block their voices.

"The landlord's son owes a debt and secretly mortgaged the house. The company behind the loan should be a gangster, a society, and a society. Today, he came to collect the debt, smashed things, and smashed the landlord's door and table."

Ji Xingchen briefly explained what he knew to Ranfeng so that he could feel at ease.

Ranfeng didn't speak, and quietly listened to Ji Xingchen's voice.

It wasn't until he confirmed through his voice that he was really fine now, and he said, "It's fine, have you called the police? It's not safe there, so leave quickly."

Ji Xingchen shook his head, "I didn't report it. I didn't dare to answer the phone because they were holding things in their hands before, so I didn't dare to answer the phone. Now the landlord is here and begging me not to call the police, saying they want to solve it privately."

When Ji Xingchen mentioned this, he had a headache, and he didn't expect to encounter such a thing when renting a house properly.

"It's definitely impossible to live here. I'm going to find a house again. But it's not easy to find it temporarily. I have to live in a nearby hotel for a while."

"Don't live nearby, find a safer hotel, and I'll have someone pick you up."

"No, no, they're just bluffing and they look scary, but they're actually okay, don't worry if you don't dare to hit people. I don't have much luggage, just a computer and a few clothes, just pack them."

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, the response to him was silence.

Ranfeng didn't speak, but Ji Xingchen called him softly, "Brother Feng?"

The other party still did not answer.

Ji Xingchen took the phone farther away, thinking that the signal was not good, so he went to the window again.

After a few seconds, he heard a low sigh from the other side, "Okay, then you move out immediately and call me when you arrive at the hotel."

Ji Xingchen agreed.

When the other party hung up the phone, he instructed him, "Pay attention to safety."

After hanging up Ranfeng's phone, there was no one outside Ji Xingchen's door.

Ji Xingchen estimated that the landlord estimated that he had negotiated with the debt collector for another place.

He glanced at the messed up room, saw the computer screen that was still on, and hurriedly went to report the safety of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Now it's impossible to live stream like this.

Ji Xingchen turned off the computer, packed his clothes, called a moving company to help, and found a hotel to stay temporarily.

During the period, the landlord refunded him the rest of the rent and apologized to him.

Ji Xingchen confiscated the money and left a message to them on WeChat, saying that if he wanted to call the police, he could serve as a witness.

But the other party did not reply to him.

After finishing everything, Ji Xingchen felt a little tired, so he lay down on the hotel bed to rest.

He remembered that Brother Feng had said before that he wanted to call him when he arrived at the hotel, so he dialed the other party's phone again, but no one answered.

Unable to get through the phone, Ji Xingchen could only send a message to the other party, telling him that he had arrived at the hotel.

The other party still did not reply to him.

Ji Xingchen was a little sleepy, but he couldn't sleep.

While waiting for Ranfeng to reply to his news, he started to search for housing information on his mobile phone.

After watching for a few hours, Ji Xingchen finally locked up a few nice houses and was going to see them tomorrow.

After finishing everything, Ji Xingchen's stomach also growled.

It was too tiring to move today, so he ordered takeout for himself.

Just after the takeout was ordered, he found that Brother Feng just replied to his message.

Feng: Where do you live now

Wind: send me the location

Ji Xingchen, who had already typed the hotel name on the keyboard and was about to send it out, deleted the word.


Feng: I will ask my friend to pick you up tomorrow

Xingxing: Don't bother, I can handle it myself

wind: obedient

Wind: I'm not worried

Ji Xingchen admitted that he really couldn't resist Brother Feng's concern for him.

And he also knew that if he didn't send it, Brother Feng would definitely not give up.

So two seconds later, he obediently sent the location.

Half an hour later, Ji Xingchen's takeaway arrived.

After eating the takeaway quickly, he was exhausted and hurriedly took a shower, then fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

When he slept, he did not cover the quilt and forgot to turn on the air conditioner. The temperature dropped in the middle of the night and he woke up cold.

Opening his eyes in a daze, Ji Xingchen found his phone vibrating.

The light from the phone made his eyes uncomfortable in the dark.

He hurriedly pressed the answer button on his mobile phone, but couldn't see who was calling him.

"Xingxing, what's your room number?"

Hearing the familiar voice coming from the phone, Ji Xingchen subconsciously called out the other party's name, "Brother Feng?"

Because he had just woken up from sleep, Ji Xingchen spoke in a faint nasal voice, the tone was not high, like a coquettish little milk cat.


Ranfeng's voice was originally calm and sober, but after Ji Xingchen softly called Brother Feng, it became softer.

"Xingxing, tell me, what is your room number?"

The brain that has not yet woken up is running a little slow. After Ranfeng repeated the question again, Ji Xingchen finally heard what the other party was saying.

So he didn't think much about it and said, "408. It's 408..."

"it is good."

The one who responded to him was still the man with a soft and gentle voice.

Ji Xingchen thought that Brother Feng was asking for the room number for his friend, so he asked, "When will your friend come over tomorrow, I will go out to see the house tomorrow..."

What responded to him was Ranfeng's low smile, "Then I'll let him come earlier."

Ji Xingchen lay on the pillow and hummed, feeling that his eyelids started to get heavy again, so he rubbed his eyes.

"Xingxing... are you asleep?"

Ranfeng's voice was like a warm wind, and Ji Xingchen felt very comfortable listening to it.

"No, not yet..."

The man continued to say softly, "Then help me open the door."

"Open the door?"


"What door do you open..."

At first, Ji Xingchen didn't realize what it meant, and it wasn't until a few seconds later that he suddenly thought of something.

"Brother Feng, you, have you come to City C???"

There was a guess in Ji Xingchen's mind. He suddenly woke up and ran towards the door before he even had time to put on his slippers.

The nights in the early morning of October are a little cold.

The man stood outside the door wearing a black trench coat, his face was slightly tired, but his eyes were dark and his mouth was smiling.

Ji Xingchen looked at the person who was airborne in front of him in disbelief, both surprises and surprises.

"Brother Feng... why are you here?"

At that moment, Ji Xingchen felt as if he was dreaming, and he couldn't tell whether it was real or a dream.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered a sentence he had inadvertently read before in his mind.

The moon won't come to you, but I will.

Brother Feng, did you come here specially for him

Ji Xingchen looked at Ranfeng with wide eyes, wanting to hear what he said next.

But the other party's response to him was a warm embrace.