Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 64: I love you and want to possess you completely


Brother Feng also likes himself, and he also likes Brother Feng.

So for the past five years, the silent love in the bottom of my heart is not unrequited love, is it

While I was waiting for Brother Feng, Brother Feng was also waiting for him...

After thinking about Ji Xingchen, Xiaolu pounded in his heart and rolled around on the bed excitedly.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at Brother Feng's WeChat, and typed quickly with his fingers.

Brother Feng, do you like me too

He deleted the sentence again before hitting send.

Does it seem too sudden

Ji Xingchen typed again.

Brother Feng, I like you.

But it seems too straightforward and not beautiful enough.

So delete it anyway.

I meet up

Happy to see a branch of spring

Where is the laughter now

you have a god

This hidden poem was temporarily held back, and the writing was not good enough.

Continue to delete.

Brother Feng, I have something to tell you.

still delete.

Brother Feng, are you asleep

delete delete...

Ji Xingchen typed countless sentences back and forth, tossed for two hours, and finally failed to send a single word.

After tossing himself without sleepiness, Ji Xingchen saw that it was too late to disturb Brother Feng's rest, and finally put down the phone.


Or talking to Brother Feng in person will make it more atmospheric and moving

After finally making a decision, Ji Xingchen is ready to choose a suitable time tomorrow to confess to Brother Feng.

Once you have things in your mind, you will keep dreaming at night when you go to bed.

In the dream, Ji Xingchen repeated the scene where he confessed to Brother Feng countless times.

But every time he said that I like you, he was rejected by Brother Feng.

Ji Xingchen was so frightened that his palms were sweating, he knew it should be a dream, but he couldn't wake up.

Until a bell woke him up.

The brain was in a state of tension all night, and Ji Xingchen was in a very bad spirit.

He was almost forced to press the answer button, so he didn't even look at anyone who called him.

"Hey… "

Dimly, he uttered a single syllable.

The other party seemed to hesitate, and then said, "I woke you up?"

The voice of Ranfeng suddenly sounded in his ears, and Ji Xingchen finally woke up a little.

He didn't speak right away, he quickly got up and rubbed his face to make his state look more normal, and then he opened his mouth again.

"No, no, I just lay down and didn't get up."

Ji Xing looked at the time while explaining, and found that it was ten o'clock now! !

He actually slept so late? ?

No wonder there was a surprise in Brother Feng's tone just now.

"Why did you stay in bed today?"

Ji Xingchen listened to Ranfeng's low smile, and did not dare to say that it was because he dreamed that his confession was rejected, so he hurriedly jumped out of bed and went to open the door.

“The bed was so comfy…”

After he finished speaking, he realized how strange his reason was, so Ji Xingchen had no choice but to start the method of changing the topic.

He heard the noise on Ranfeng's side, so he asked, "Is there an event today?"

"No events, but rehearsals."

"Did you go to s city?"

"Well, just got off the plane, now go to the stadium."

To go to the stadium in s city is to go to the rehearsal concert.

"Are you still coming today?"

Ji Xingchen estimated the time for the return journey, and then thought about the time required for the rehearsal. In fact, he already knew the answer in his heart.

But he still asked out of habit.

The result was as he expected...

"I came back after the concert was over."

The concert is three days later, that is to say, he will have to wait another three days to see Brother Feng.

Ji Xingchen pretended that nothing happened, and said lightly, "Okay, then you should take a few days to rest and don't be too tired."

After hanging up Ranfeng's phone, he quickly crossed out the plan to confess today in his heart.

Brother Feng has been preparing for this concert for a long time, and now is the busiest stage. It seems that it is not a good time for him to rush to confess.

After the phone call with Brother Feng, Ji Xingchen was completely awake. After getting up, he first filled himself with a cup of yogurt and oatmeal to fill his stomach, and then took out his mobile phone and browsed the Glory of Kings forum.

In the forum, netizens often share a lot of dry goods and interesting new ways to play. He heard yesterday that Luban can smash the opponent's red dad into the grass so that the jungler can't find it. .

As soon as he opened the forum, he saw that the number of replies to the first post had exceeded a thousand.

Eat melon front line1 hour ago

Let's take a look at the record of kpl Yewang's girlfriends, brothers see if they have inferiority complex


1l: As expected of the woman behind the wild king, let's take the professional players to fly

2l: plmm are really beautiful and powerful

6l: Which wild king's girlfriends are these? It's a shame not to pay attention to these

10l The landlord replied 6l: They are the girlfriends of Xiao Qian, Hua Yu, Qingcheng and Mumu

11l: What? My Mumuzi actually has a girlfriend? ?

12l Landlord: He has often been in double row with this girl recently

15l: Wow, I suddenly ate a huge melon

When Ji Xingchen saw this, he also reacted to the 11th floor of the building, Jiang Mu actually has a girlfriend? ? ? ?

He flipped the webpage again and returned to the screenshot of the landlord.

In the screenshot, the person called Pop Milk Huang Miao has indeed been in a double row with Jiang Mu these days, and the two of them are still together in the middle of the night.

This girl plays support, and her record is pretty good.

Ye Wang takes his sister to help him get the top score in the double row. It's really easy to make people think that the two are in love.

Ji Xingchen didn't come to a conclusion for the time being, so he continued to look down.

115lsa is not me: the first three are fine, as for the fourth one... It seems that something strange has been mixed in

118lsa Shenshui: People familiar with the matter said that this is a teacher's little trumpet...

119l: Catch two pros! ! !

120l: Teacher Cheng Yu has changed to a trumpet again?

121l: Hahahahahaha, it was Teacher Cheng Yu

130l: Is this Teacher Cheng Yu? Although he often talks to Mumu why he is counted

200l: Landlord, are you going to laugh at me to death hahaha

300l: Okay, today I announce that Mumu and Teacher Cheng Yu are locked

The hundreds of floors in the back are basically all hahahaha.

Ji Xingchen guessed that everyone would definitely go back to pick up who this flowy milky Huang Miao is, but he didn't guess that the direction of the post would be so funny.

When he thought that Teacher Cheng Yu was mistaken for Jiang Mu's girlfriend, Ji Xingchen laughed along with the post.

He was smiling when Jiang Mu called him as soon as he made a phone call.

"I wonder if you have clairvoyance." Ji Xingchen couldn't help but complain as soon as the call was connected.

Jiang Mu had been on the phone with him since World Crown, and then only sent him a message saying that he might be busy with a few things to deal with recently, and they haven't been in contact since then.

As a result, I just read a post today that made fun of him, and the call came directly

Jiang Mu was obviously stunned by Ji Xingchen's complaints, "Clairvoyance? Brother, what are you talking about..."

"It's nothing." Ji Xingchen smiled, "Have you finished your business?"

"It's over, I was about to tell you about it."

Ji Xingchen didn't intend to inquire about this matter, but Jiang Mu took the initiative to mention it, and he was naturally happy to listen.

"Brother Xingxing... I'm in love!"

When Jiang Mu talked about his relationship, his tone was quite excited, but for some reason, Ji Xingchen heard a bit of hesitation from it.

"Wow, you really talked about it!"

Ji Xingchen thought this was really amazing. He just saw that everyone misunderstood that Jiang Mu was in love with Teacher Cheng Yu, but Jiang Mu took the initiative to tell him that he was really talking!

"Why do you say that?" Ji Xingchen's words made Jiang Mu feel a little strange.

"Just before you called, I just saw a post. In it, everyone misunderstood that Teacher Cheng Yu was your girlfriend, saying that you were in double row for two days."

Ji Xingchen happily shared the content of the post he had read with Jiang Mu, only to find that there was an awkward silence on the other side.

"My two are in double row every day... just... Brother Xingxing, if I bring my partner back, will you not accept it?"

Ji Xingchen was full of question marks when asked by Jiang Mu.

"Why don't you accept it? It's too late for me to be happy when you fall in love! Finally someone wants you."

Ji Xingchen said that, Jiang Mu's attitude finally relaxed a lot, "That's good, that's good."

"Then when will you bring your brother and sister back to meet me?"

"We'll be back in a while." After speaking, Jiang Mu reiterated uneasy, "Brother, don't be too surprised when that happens."

"The more you talk, the more curious I become... Who is it?"

"You know, so let's meet directly in a few days..."

Ji Xingchen's curiosity was lifted to the highest level by Jiang Mu's last sentence.

But the scope of Nai He is too large, he really can't think of it, so he can only give up.

However, when Ji Xingchen saw that Jiang Mu, who was younger than himself, was in love, he secretly despised himself before he could catch Brother Feng.

He quietly wrote a sentence in the notebook with a pen to complain about himself.

#Ji Xingchen can't#

After writing, he crossed out these five words and re-written-

#season stars must go#

Three days later, when Brother Feng finishes the concert, his confession will definitely work! ! !

Looking forward to confessing this matter, Ji Xingchen felt that time seemed to pass slowly.

After two days of relying on the live broadcast, Ji Xingchen finally waited until the day when Brother Feng's concert officially started.

The concert started at seven o'clock in the evening, and at noon Ji Xingchen got on the plane and went to S city.

This was the first time he went to see Brother Feng's concert with his own eyes. Perhaps he was looking forward to it. When Ji Xingchen took the plane this time, the discomfort in his heart was much better than before, and he was not so afraid.

Brother Feng booked his air ticket for him this time. Originally, when he got off the plane, Brother Feng wanted to arrange for someone to pick him up, but because he and Lan Xin had an agreement to wait at the airport to go together, he refused.

After getting off the plane, Ji Xingchen sent a message back to Ranfeng, telling him that he had arrived safely.

So busy today, Ji Xingchen didn't expect Brother Feng to reply to him.

As a result, who knew he had just sent it, Brother Feng immediately returned to him in seconds.

Feng: Still at the airport

Xingxing: Mmmm, my little sister's plane is 20 minutes late

Wind: be careful

Star: small meaning~

Seeing that Brother Feng was still free to chat with him, Ji Xingchen asked again.

Xingxing: Brother Feng, aren't you busy now

Wind: very busy

Xingxing: Then you still have time to reply to WeChat!

Wind: you are different

In the past, Ji Xingchen thought at most that Brother Feng was teasing him and making fun of him.

But since he figured out that Brother Feng also liked him that day, he looked at this again and felt that...

Seems to be a little sweet...

Ji Xingchen felt like he had filled his heart with honey. It was not sweet yet, so he immediately received a selfie from Ranfeng.

The background of the photo looks like a dressing room, with Maple's hair dyed bright silver. He was wearing a silver stage suit embellished with sequins, and under the light, it was like a gem glowing.

Ji Xingchen's heart was shaken with waves.

Brother Feng is very white, and with this hair color, he looks immortal and lustful.

Star: Is this your opening look tonight? so bad! !

Ji Xingchen couldn't hide his excitement. After typing, he quietly opened the picture and looked at it again and again, until the phone vibrated again.

Wind: How bad is it

Ji Xingchen, who realized that he made a typo after seeing Brother Feng's reply, quickly corrected it.

Star: It's handsome!

star: typo

Feng: I'm off to make up, let's not talk about it

Xingxing: ok, you are busy

Feng: Don't run around after the concert, come to the backstage to find me

Ji Xingchen held the phone and nodded.

After waiting at the airport for more than half an hour, Ji Xingchen finally joined Lan Xin smoothly.

As soon as the two met, Lan Xin took out a lot of things from her bag.

Hats, sunglasses, masks, stickers, support banners, silver light sticks, lights...

Ji Xingchen put on his hat, sunglasses and mask, and looked at Lan Xin's bag curiously.

"This bag doesn't look too big, so it can fit?"

Lan Xin gave Ji Xingchen a specially-made "I Love Brother Feng" light sign, "Of course, the star-chasing girl's bag must be able to hold all the aid supplies."

After she finished speaking, she shook her head again, "No, it's not enough, Brother Xingxing, let's go to the scene and get some surrounding. The pictures drawn by Mrs. Maple Leaf at the if station are super cute!!!"

Ji Xingchen, who had never chased after a concert, was just like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden for the first time.

In the past, fans said that the attendance rate of the concert was so high and how many people came to the scene. In Ji Xingchen's mind, it was just a bunch of data.

I came to the scene in person today and saw the posters, stalls, and long queues all around the stadium, and then I knew how popular this scene was.

Sister ifeng gathered from all over the country to support the idol together tonight.

After arriving at the scene, Ji Xingchen was quickly infected by the enthusiasm of the fans.

However, most of the fans who come to the scene are girls. Male fans like Ji Xingchen are particularly conspicuous when they appear in the tens of thousands of flowers, especially his height is quite eye-catching, so basically he will be asked all the way. , "Wow, male fan!!"

There was a little sister who distributed supplies at a station who was very cute. Seeing that Ji Xingchen's clothes were clean, he helped him not to be covered with badges.

On the shoulders, chest, waist, and back, Ji Xingchen was suddenly full of cartoon brother Ranfeng.

When it was time for the opening, Ji Xingchen joined Lan Xin and her other little sisters and lined up to check the tickets and enter the venue.

Ranfeng and Mo Yuzhe gave Ji Xingchen four tickets in total, but three of them were in area a, and one of the tickets Mo Yuzhe gave was in area b.

When the votes were divided before, Ji Xingchen felt that the three young ladies might be more topical together, so he took the tickets for the B area alone.

After entering the arena, he separated from Lan Xin.

As soon as he walked into the B area, the young lady who stood there distributed blue and white star support sticks, blue and white support banners and blue and white brochures to him.

He opened the booklet with the light, and found that the fans on it had carefully written the roadmap and precautions, and what songs were arranged later, how to support, when to open the support stick...

Ji Xingchen, who was chasing the concert for the first time, was moved by the fans' thoughtfulness.

He carefully put these away, adjusted the cheering stick again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he locked his eyes on the stage.

Because the time has not yet come, the stage is still empty and there is nothing.

But five minutes later, the lights were dimmed and fans were screaming.

A number suddenly popped up on the big screen in the center, and the original screaming fans stopped shouting and counted down together.






The voices of the fans were in unison, piercing the sky in the dark night.






At the end of the countdown, the screen in the center of the stage suddenly lit up, and the appearance of dyed maple appeared on it, and the real money came towards the fans.

The accompaniment of "Chasing the Waves" sounded, and Ranfeng was blocked by a wall of water.

He stopped, stretched out his slender fingers, and gently touched the water.

Then the water splashed, and in the center of the screen, the real person Ranfeng appeared on the stage!

The splendid lights on the stage hit the silver-white sequins on his clothes, and Ji Xingchen's heart jumped as fast as those splashes of water after being touched.

The visual impact of Ranfeng's new shape is too strong, and the surrounding fans have already started screaming desperately.

"Ahhh brother shark me!!!!!!!"

"Ahhh my husband is so handsome!!!"

Ji Xingchen didn't dare to scream like the fans, so he turned on the "I love Brother Feng" light sign that Lan Xin gave him, and waved it for Ranfeng in the air.

Two hours into a concert, Ji Xingchen's hands were numb when he waved, but he still insisted on holding the light sign.

At the end of the concert, Ji Xingchen finally caught sight of Ranfeng, who was walking to the flower arrangement in area B.

Ranfeng glanced at him, and then carefully read the words on the lamp board in his hand.

In front of tens of thousands of people, he suddenly laughed.

The fans couldn't stand this laughter, and the fans in the audience were about to split their voices.

"The last song, everyone listen quietly."

Ranfeng made a "shh" gesture and met Ji Xingchen's gaze again across the crowd.

The stage fell silent for a moment.

Fans opened their blue and white cheer sticks and waved them in the air.

Dye Feng returned to the center of the stage, wearing a simple white shirt and black trousers, and sat in front of the white piano in a beautiful nebula special effect.

Ranfeng lowered her eyes, her slender fingers played an unfamiliar melody on the keys.

"When you were seventeen, you wrote poetry with childishness.

From now on, the words I like, always see your shadow

At a bewildered age, it's too late to tell you

Like it has become a matter of course, can't help it

Is it love? Thinking of your heart softens

The unspoken heartbeat slows down with time"

Ranfeng's voice was softer than ever before, and fans held their breath and listened to this love song seriously.

Everyone was immersed in this sweet secret love, but Ji Xingchen's heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

To the fans, this is a simple love song.

But he knew that the poem 17 wrote was the poem he wrote to Brother Feng on the postcard...

In that year, he thought it was just a desperate and unrequited love.

"Look up, the sky is full of stars

I want to see you in Liu Ying

I want to remember alone

All buried in the hot summer wind

You slammed into your chest, your ears turned red

Lean on my shoulder, breathing spreads

kiss like vanilla ice cream

melts on my lips"

Ranfeng raised her head and looked in the direction of Ji Xingchen with a smile, her eyes were filled with tenderness.

Ji Xingchen looked back at him, sweet and sour in his heart.

Fortunately it's not too late.

Fortunately, the person he likes also likes him.

"I want to invite you to an undisturbed love

To kiss you in the morning light, now

The stars and the moon are boundless, I plant a vow with you"

After the song is over, the nebula dissipates, leaving only a dark night and a star on the stage.

After the lights were dimmed, they turned on again. There was no one who had dyed the maple on the stage. The fans looked at the stage reluctantly, and slowly turned their heads and walked out.

Ji Xingchen turned off the lights and the cheering stick, and strode towards the background.

He understood, this song was a confession written by Brother Feng to him.

Brother Feng sang to him everything he wanted to say.

Ji Xingchen felt that he couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't want to wait until he went home tomorrow before confessing.

He wanted to tell Brother Feng right away that he also liked him, had liked him for six years, and fell in love with him at first sight from the first time they met.

Ji Xingchen was a little excited, he was a little anxious to walk, and he almost fell.

As a result, the staff stopped him outside the door.

Ji Xingchen looked at the backstage close in front of him but couldn't get in, nervous and anxious.

"Brother Feng, I'm here, but the staff won't let me in..."

A few minutes later, Ranfeng appeared in front of him and took him back to his dressing room in person.

The moment the door was closed, Ji Xingchen was pushed against the door by Ranfeng and held in his arms.

Ji Xingchen's chest heaved violently, and he raised his head to meet Ranfeng's gaze, "Brother Feng, I understand the song just now."

Ranfeng squinted his eyes and asked him in a hoarse voice, "What do you understand?"

Brother Feng's voice was low and hoarse and somewhat provocative. Ji Xingchen's limbs were a little weak when he heard it.

He took a few deep breaths, adjusted his heartbeat, and then slowly said to Ranfeng, "I dreamed of confessing to you before, but you kept rejecting me."

Speaking of this dream, Ji Xingchen felt a little aggrieved.

"Although it was a blow, I was always certain in my dreams that it was all fake."

Ji Xingchen raised his chin and quietly closed the distance between the two.

"Why?" Ranfeng's peach blossom eyes lifted up, and there was a bit of bewitching in his voice.

Ji Xingchen's heartbeat started to speed up involuntarily.

He licked his lips, but his bright eyes were full of determination, "Because I feel that you like me too, right?"

Seeing that Ranfeng didn't answer, Ji Xingchen didn't know where the courage came from, so he asked Ranfeng, "Brother Feng, is that right?"

Ranfeng, who was being questioned, raised Ji Xingchen's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"No." He denied in a low voice.

The pale eyes were dyed with passion and desire, and the warm breath was entangled in the neck.

In Ji Xingchen's stunned eyes, Ranfeng lowered his head and kissed his lips heavily.

"I love you, and I want to possess you completely."