Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 72: Love Teacher


"Um… "

Ji Xingchen nodded, Jingze's words in the barrage were too conspicuous, he could see it clearly without saying anything about Brother Feng.

Ranfeng still had a sullen face, "Your friend Shui has quarreled with his fans in the live broadcast room?"

"We just played a game and lost."

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he thought that Brother Feng had a lot of unhappiness with this person in the past. Seeing that he was a little irritable now that he learned that his water friend and Jingze fans were arguing, he immediately explained, "Sorry, I was sending you a message at the time, Siwaiyi didn't know it was him who was pulling, but I didn't know until he opened the microphone."

Although he explained to Ranfeng that Shi Ji Xingchen omitted the quarrel, no matter who was put together like this, he was also a little unhappy when the fans of the other party brought the rhythm of the live broadcast room into a miasma.

So when he spoke, even though Ji Xingchen tried to narrate as peacefully as possible, his low mood still betrayed him.

Ji Xingchen didn't explain Ranfeng and knew that he would definitely not provoke this person, but seeing him blame himself so hard, but trying to hide his grievances, the coldness on his face immediately faded, and he quickly comforted him softly, "Why give me Sorry, I'm angry because he bothers you. As for playing games with him, of course I know you won't take the initiative to pull him."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and gently rubbed Ji Xingchen's hair, "No one would take the initiative to pull his boyfriend's opponent to make him unhappy."

Ji Xingchen, who was originally a little frustrated, looked up at Ranfeng again, and his attention was successfully attracted by his boyfriend just now.

As soon as the two of them were talking, Jingze took the initiative to open his account and gave him a magic meteor shower in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room.

After swiping, he also typed a paragraph in the live broadcast room.

[zzzz]: Don't over-interpret

An over-interpretation, leaving out the things about Ji Xingchen.

After sending the gift and typing, Jingze saw that Ji Xingchen hadn't responded, so he continued to open the microphone in the team's room, half-jokingly asked Ji Xingchen, "Why does Xingxing keep silent, are you mad at me? I didn't express it clearly just now, I didn't mean anything else, don't get me wrong, I apologize to you."

Jing Ze's usual routine is this. First, say something vaguely to make everyone think it has other meanings. After the fans are crazy, they will negate it lightly, and throw the blame on others, especially if they sell badly.

In the past, the reason why the scenery cp between him and Ranfeng became the unforgettable cp of so many people was because every time he talked and did things, he could make the cp fan's brain fill up, and he always felt that he had really had something.

Today, he used his usual routine on Ji Xingchen again. He clearly only said the last sentence when he apologized, but he insisted on emphasizing the first sentence, implying that Ji Xingchen was angry with him for not speaking.

Sure enough, after the conflict was provoked, Jingze apologized suddenly, and made his persecuted paranoia and super mother fans not only did not feel that his brother had done too much, but also felt that Ji Xingchen was stingy, and immediately began to feel distressed.

[It's not your fault baby, why are you apologizing]

[This anchor is too stingy, the sentence just now is meaningless, who has been shutting the microphone and not talking?]

[Even if there was anything before, my brother threw gifts for you, and now I'm taking the initiative to apologize to you. Don't do this to a big man...]

[Yes, anchor, please say something quickly]

This group of entertainment circle fans and white lotuses are used to being brainless, and now they are starting to fight back.

Ke Jingren doesn't eat their way at all, and directly points out the key points of the problem.

[Do your stars talk and do things like this? ? Slap you and then give you a candy?]

[The rhythm is brought by you, and the scolding is done by your fans. Now you're going to pretend to be Nima's white lotus?]

[I always feel yin and yang weird when I see this compulsion to talk now, and I feel that there are other meanings in my apology.]

[Isn't it just yin and yang weirdness, I fucking feel that this is not an apology, but a moral kidnapping]

[Please see this group clearly, they are big stars, they gave you gifts and apologized to you, you little bastards are less interesting than the anchor, come over and kneel down and lick them]

[Fuck, I just said why it sounds so uncomfortable, so it is]

[Big stars have time to brush gifts, please take care of your group of cerebral palsy fans]

The sound of the computer was played out. After Ranfeng listened to Jingze's words, and then watched the content of the barrage in the live broadcast room, he probably knew what was going on.

Jingze came here specially to bully his little rabbit, and deliberately asked him to vent his anger.

Ranfeng put his arm on Ji Xingchen's shoulder and pulled him into his arms, "Did he lead you to the rhythm?"

Ji Xingchen leaned on Ranfeng's chest and nodded as a default.

"Why didn't you tell me just now?"

"It's not a big deal, so I don't think it's necessary to say it."

"I think it's necessary." Ranfeng denied it with some force, but looked down at Ji Xingchen's eyes softly, "Is he making you unhappy?"

Ranfeng's last sentence is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Looking at his lover's insight into everything, listening to his gentle whispers, Ji Xingchen can no longer be a ninja like in the live broadcast room.

"I was a little unhappy just now, but it's fine now."

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally asked his doubts, "Brother Feng, does he... like you?"

Ranfeng did not deny it.

"He confessed to me."

The expected answer did not surprise Ji Xingchen.

He felt something when he asked.

No wonder everyone used to think that the cp scandal between Jingze and Brother Feng was so real. No wonder Jingze likes to take the opportunity to cue Brother Feng from time to time after being dismantled. No wonder he always seems to hate himself today.

Recently, I have been tied up with Brother Feng, but Brother Feng turned a blind eye to their CP...

So Jing Ze is probably jealous when he meets his rival in love

"There was a time when your cps were very real, I thought at the time..."

Ji Xingchen didn't finish what he said, but Ranfeng could guess what it meant.

The reason why he was so decisive to tear down this cp and never had any contact with Jingze was because he was afraid that if Ji Xingchen saw it, he would think wildly.

It turned out that he was still thinking and misunderstanding at the time.

He touched the stud on Ji Xingchen's earlobe and kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it well at the time."

How could Ji Xingchen blame Ranfeng, "Brother Feng, no, no need to apologize..."

Ranfeng took over and asked him in a low voice, "Are you jealous?"

Ji Xingchen felt a little embarrassed to be asked by Brother Feng so straightforwardly about jealousy.

But he didn't want to lie to Ranfeng, so he admitted frankly, "Yes, I felt very sad at that time."

More than sad.

At that time, his mother was seriously ill and he was out of breath. This news dealt a fatal blow to him, who was on the verge of collapse.

It was as if the only light in his life that supported him was gone.

For this misunderstanding, guessing is one thing, Ji Xingchen admitting it himself is another.

Now even if his tone is light, he doesn't complain, but Ranfeng can't help but feel distressed when he hears it.

Ji Xingchen had never expressed his thoughts and admiration for him in the past five years so bluntly to him.

But he knew that their love for each other was equal.

Therefore, the so-called sadness in Ji Xingchen's mouth was definitely much deeper than what he described.

Ranfeng's warm palms covered Ji Xingchen's skin and clasped their hands together.

"I blocked him at the time and never contacted him again."

A word without a reason, like making up for the damage caused by a misunderstanding many years ago, Ranfeng still wants to explain to Ji Xingchen a few years late.

He didn't want him to feel insecure, not even old accounts from the past.

"I have always only had you in my heart, and I have never stepped into anyone else."

Ranfeng had a smile in his eyes, but his tone was extraordinarily serious.

The sudden explanation and confession made Ji Xingchen satisfied but a little embarrassed.

He felt that what he said just now seemed to be coquettishly complaining about grievances to Brother Feng...

"I-I know... those words just now have no other meaning..."

Before Ji Xingchen's words were finished, Zhong Xingxian's voice came from the computer again.

"Brother Xingxing? Are you still there? Do you want to play again?"

Ji Xingchen had been talking to Ranfeng with Mai closed just now. He had never expressed his position here, and the other three little idols were also a little anxious.

Especially Bu Huo, Jingze was the one who brought him in, and it became like this in the future. He was especially afraid that things would cause trouble and he would not be able to step down.

Zhong Xingxian looks like he is asking about the game, but Ji Xingchen understands that he is actually helping himself out.

Everyone didn't know that he was talking to Brother Feng, and the rhythm implied that he was angry and protesting, so if he kept off the mic, the misunderstanding would get bigger and bigger.

Moreover, Jing Ze said that, if he didn't follow the steps again, he would be a little too ignorant of praise.

"Brother Feng, go take a shower, I'll take care of it here and stop broadcasting."

After he finished speaking, he returned to his seat and quickly turned on the microphone.

Although Jingze was hostile to him, he didn't want to bring personal conflicts into the group, so that the audience in the live broadcast room would also be unhappy.

"I'm sorry, brothers, I was in a rush to urinate just now, so I couldn't hold back and went peeing." Ji Xingchen's tone was light, and he couldn't hear anything unusual.

After he finished speaking, he apologized to Jing Ze, "Sorry Jing, Brother Jing, I was so anxious just now that I forgot to tell you..."

Ji Xingchen's words are already like this. Whether the water friends in the barrage see that he wants to take this matter over or really go to pee and forget to mention it, they all follow his steps and want to talk about this topic. Take it over.

[Cat Cat TV Urine King is worthy of you]

[Hahahaha I was just wondering if I was going to pee, it was the same before]

As soon as Ji Xingchen's attitude loosened, the water friends also loosened their voices and stopped spraying each other. As a result, Jingze's fans became aggrieved.

[Speaking of a urgency for a second, can it suffocate you to death?]

[Don't speak for a long time, now my brother apologized and smashed the gift? ?]

[Tsk, what a little white lotus that is indisputable in the world]

[Emotions are saying that we have nothing to look for]

[Oops, it's better to urinate Dafa, you can apply anything to it]

[exist? The urine came back. I don't know if the management will add one to my brother? Is this how your anchors treat guests?]

The dog skin plaster is well-known in the Jingze fan circle. After all, Ranfeng dismantled the cp like that, and they could stick it on it. Now that Ji Xingchen didn't admit that he was careful as they thought, it's uncomfortable. .

[Is it over yet? Push your nose on your face, right?]

[Yo, believe what your brother says, what the stars say is fake, double standard of international fame?]

Ji Xingchen apologized, but the fans were still aggressive, Jingze was still in the team room, but he didn't say anything.

His account was still hanging in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room, and he obviously saw the rhythm in the live broadcast room.

But he was just like a blind man, he didn't care about anything, and let the fans' gifts attack Ji Xingchen.

The water friends saw that they were going to force Ji Xingchen to apologize and admit their mistakes, and their hearts were also bursting with fire.

Where can Jingren watch the anchor suffer from this kind of grievance, roll up his sleeves and get ready to work.

As a result, someone spoke before them.

Broadcast: [fffff] Send 20 confession balloons to the anchor cat cat tv star~ The most sincere love is given to the one you like the most, do you feel the deep love? than heart~~

[Who is this fffff]

[I missed class earlier, wow, dyed maple! !]

[Brother Feng, ah]

[Wow, the one who just said that he disliked Jingze for not tying the CP? Stimulate!]

[Come on if the surname is dyed, what 520 confession balloon are you giving?]

[9494, what do you want to do]

[Tsk, there is something in this surname dyed]

The sudden addition of Ranfeng made the situation delicate. The water friends can vaguely feel that Ranfeng is here to support Xingxing.

Sure enough, everyone guessed right. After a few seconds of this gift broadcast, the bright senior account of Ranfeng in the live broadcast room swiped another message.

[Management] [fffff]: Have time to take others, but no time to take me

Have time to take others, no time to take me

No matter if Ranfeng was joking with Ji Xingchen or meant something, but the water friend made up this tone in his brain, but he turned it over!

How much does Ranfeng despise that Jingze? He doesn't even want to mention his name, so he will replace it with someone else. And at this time, he took the initiative to swim in the muddy water, completely disregarding Jingze's face, and came out to slap his face.

The water friends who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal started to frantically set up the rhythm with the dolls in the barrage.

[Have time to take others, but no time to take me?]

[Have time to take others, but no time to take me?]

[Have time to take others, but no time to take me?]

Competitors are not fans of the entertainment industry. Anyone dares to make fun of them and play any stalks.

Seeing that Ranfeng had a series of coquettish operations like a god descending, the doll immediately began to coax.

[I heard that there is no Xingxing wife, your husband is jealous]

[Xingxingzi, your husband asked you to take him]

[Wife, take me--A love strategy from Ye Wang Ranfeng]

After going through popular science before, they also knew that this powerful Jingze was the one who tore up his CP by Ranfeng, so they deliberately moved the topic to a more ambiguous place, and every sentence was deliberately poking Jingze and his fans. pulmonary tube.

In the live broadcast room, Ranfeng continued to type and ask Ji Xingchen again.

[Management] [fffff]: Bring it

This sentence happens to be connected after the water friend's "wife, take me", and it looks very subtle when connected.

Where did Ji Xingchen think of Brother Feng, who was going to take a bath, but logged into his account of Ranfeng, and came directly to support him...

He hurriedly turned around and looked back, and sure enough, he saw that Ranfeng did not leave, and looked at him behind him.

His eyes were smiling like a crescent moon, and he was using his mouth to ask himself—

Bring it

However, after these two words, he also added two words.


He followed the barrage in the live broadcast room and said to himself, bring a wife.

Ji Xingchen's face suddenly turned red.

He didn't dare to look at Ranfeng any more, and turned around to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

On the computer screen, Shuiyou was like a repeater, repeating what Ranfeng had just said.

[Do you bring it?]

[Do you bring it?]

[Do you bring it?]

Ji Xingchen saw that everyone was booing, and the picture of Brother Feng telling him to bring his wife just now appeared in his mind again.

He was a little embarrassed by the question, so he closed Mai again and looked at Ranfeng in confusion.

Ranfeng was already beside him at some point, and he was looking at him at this time, "Aren't you going to take me to fly, why are you watching me?"

"I just thought it was kind of weird..."

Ji Xingchen felt that they were in the same room, but they had to type and use the live broadcast room to communicate.

However, Ranfeng deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, with a smile in his eyes, "I can't let people bully my wife."

Ji Xingchen's ears, which had escaped the catastrophe, are now red as well.

"Brother Feng, don't always make fun of me."

"I'm not kidding, do you bring your boyfriend?"

After Ranfeng finished speaking, he helped Ji Xingchen to open the wheat, but his eyes kept falling on him.

Ji Xingchen's heartbeat was particularly loud.

Obviously only the microphone was turned on, but he felt as if the camera was turned on.

"bring… "

The sound was barely audible.

[Can't hear, speak louder!]

[Can't hear, speak louder!]

[Can't hear, speak louder!]

Ji Xingchen's already red face suddenly became very hot.

He quickly glanced at Ranfeng next to him and raised his voice, "Take it! You, you number..."

A minute later, Ranfeng got a number, and Ji Xingchen's game also showed that the other party was asking for an invitation.

Only the accounts of Jingze and Ji Xingchen were left in the team room. The three little idols noticed something was wrong when Ranfeng appeared, and they each found a reason to quit the team.

Seeing that Jingze still insisted on staying in the room and refused to leave, Ji Xingchen left the room by himself.

"I said before that I would bring Brother Feng in a double row. I'm sorry."

He couldn't care less about his indecent speech, and his heart had long been messed up by the invitations that Ranfeng kept sending.

The originally five-person team room suddenly became the only one left, Jing Ze.

He has been hanging in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room, so he can see clearly what Ranfeng does.

Take others when you have time, but not yourself when you have time.

Every word was like a steel needle poking into Jing Ze's heart.

The barrage is right, in Ranfeng's heart, he is just an individual, not even worthy of a name.

When Ranfeng dismantled himself and his cp without mercy, in the end, he did not reject the cp of his brother at the same table.

Previous couple outfits, couple earrings, today's confession balloons and active double row...

Each seemed to announce to the world his extraordinary relationship with the old schoolmate.

It's not like what it is.

Jealousy is like a raging fire, burning Jing Ze about to lose his mind.

He didn't understand why he wanted to do this. Even though Ranfeng had already rejected him so obviously, he still couldn't help but want to post him upside down.

Maybe it was his heartbeat after being rescued by this man when he was facing the unspoken fate, or maybe it was the illusion that he had a chance when he was sheltered behind him.

In the past, he always thought that he was too anxious to hype up CP and made Brother Feng angry with him, so he was always looking for opportunities to reconcile with him.

But now he suddenly realized that he had no chance at all.

The voices of Ranfeng and Ji Xingchen continued to be heard in the live broadcast room.

Jingze heard that the always cold Ran Feng actually spoke to the little anchor in a soft-spoken manner, and took the initiative to adjust him from time to time. It was the first time he saw such an enthusiastic brother Feng.

Jing Ze still stayed in the live broadcast room like a self-abuse, and watched the sweet double row of Ran Feng and Ji Xingchen.

This Ranfeng chose Zhao Yun to play wild, and Ji Xingchen to play Diaochan.

At the beginning of the game, Ranfeng beat Father Lan into residual blood and asked Ji Xingchen to come over to get it.

How can Ji Xingchen dare to take the sequelae of the humble middle road.

"I don't need it, Brother Feng, take the development first."

Ranfeng didn't speak, and Zhao Yun stood motionless next to the blue buff. After the battle, he returned to the city where he was.

Strictly speaking, Ranfeng is not really motionless.

While he clicked back to the city, he said in the game, "The mage is here to get the blue."

After posting it several times, Ji Xingchen has the attitude of not giving up.

[Cai Wenji]: Brother Ye Wang, do you want to spoil your wife so much

[Cao Cao]: Diaochan, go to your husband to get blue!

Ji Xingchen could only helplessly go to the blue buff and let Ranfeng help him take a blue.

In the live broadcast room, all the water friends were dyed Fengxiu.

[How can the surname dye do this?]

[If I had this three-point skill, would I still worry about not being able to get a target?]

[Just now Xingxingzi was forced to play the jungle and still want to give blue to that person, but now he is forced to take a blue by the jungler, tsk tsk]

[Shh, the surname Ran is looking for a place for his wife]


How arrogant Jingze and his fans were before, how uncomfortable they are now.

Ranfeng is someone they can't afford to offend, even if he knows that he is here to slap his face, he can only hold his tail and dare not speak.

Without the yin and yang of Jingze fans in the barrage, the water friends will let themselves go even more.

Seeing Ranfeng and Ji Xingchen in the back, you are blue and I am very sweet, and seeing Ranfeng giving Ji Xingchen a head to give him five kills, the barrage takes off directly.

After teasing them for a while, someone suddenly remembered the Night Breeze Picking the Stars that had not appeared for a long time.

[@night breeze fetching stars, boss come quickly, your wife ran away with someone tonight]

Seeing that someone has cued the night wind to pick the stars again, many water friends have changed their barrage to green


[I like this new husband]

["The old does not go, the new does not come"]

["Love Teacher"]

[Did you see the boss? study]

[The surname is Ran, can you lend your "Love Teacher" to the big guy?]

Ji Xingchen saw the green barrage on the screen, and didn't understand what was going on, but Ranfeng was typing in the game and talking back to the water friends.

[Maple]: Do not borrow

Jing Ze's heart was like being crushed and trampled on the ground.

The mobile phone that was originally in his hand drew a parabola in the air, which was completely shattered by him.