Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 74: I also have a gift for you


Tonight, Brother Feng was too straightforward. Ji Xingchen was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. After a fight, he didn't even dare to watch the record.

Therefore, everyone on the Internet mocked Jing Ze and Jing Ze's fans in full swing, and Ji Xingchen didn't know anything.

After the broadcast, he turned around and sat face to face with Ranfeng.

Ranfeng also put away his mobile phone, and the smiling ruffian was also looking at him.

The eyes met in the air, and being looked at by the other party like this, Ji Xingchen suddenly didn't know where to start.

Looking at the unconcealed smile in the other party's eyes, he didn't know if it was an illusion, he felt that Brother Feng liked to laugh more than before.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Ji Xingchen opened his mouth a few times without opening his mouth, and Ranfeng helped him open the chatterbox.

Ji Xingchen hesitated for a few seconds, then reorganized the language in his stomach and finally said, "Brother Feng... Did you just... did it on purpose?"

Ranfeng raised her eyebrows to pretend she didn't understand, and leaned leaning on the back of the chair, "What's the purpose?"

"Just... what you just did in my live studio... "

Ranfeng said with a playful sigh, "Didn't you say all the water friends, support my wife."

I don't know if I have said it a few times before, but Ji Xingchen feels that the word Ranfeng's wife this time is more skilled.

Intimate names will increase each other's interest, but Ji Xingchen still bowed his head blushing because of shyness.

"Actually there's no need for that... I'm fine."

Ranfeng disapproved and denied, "But I have something to do."

He sat up straight again, suppressed the smirk on his face, and his expression became serious, "Will you feel bad if I am wronged?"

Ji Xingchen couldn't shake his head on this question, so he could only admit, "Yes."

will be very distressed.

If Brother Feng is wronged, he will want to use all his strength to get justice for him, and he will try everything to make him happy again.

Ji Xingchen suddenly understood Ranfeng's mood.

He looked up at the man in front of him, who was so handsome and so serious.

At this moment, he was looking into his eyes and asked himself in a low voice, "So, my boyfriend has been wronged, will I be willing?"

Nature is also reluctant.

Ji Xingchen shook his head, then nodded again, "I understand Brother Feng."

His eyes brought back a smile, "Have you eaten yet?"

After Ji Xingchen stood up, Ranfeng also stood up.


"Then are you going to take a shower? You must be tired after flying for so long."

As soon as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he saw that the corners of Ranfeng's mouth were curved, and there was an uncontrollable smile.

He suddenly reacted, "Brother Feng, you lied to me."

Ranfeng admitted directly, "Yes, I lied to you just now, I'm really hungry."

Ji Xingchen didn't understand why the other party wanted to lie to him, but when he heard that Ranfeng said he was hungry, he was going to cook for him quickly, "Then I'm going to cook dinner for you, do you have anything you want to eat?"


Ranfeng walked to Ji Xingchen and whispered in his ear, "I want to eat you."

Ji Xingchen felt that his ears were so itchy.

Ranfeng, who made Ji Xingchen flustered, didn't continue to hold on, only gently dropped a kiss on his forehead and urged, "Go take a shower first."

"Aren't you going to wash first?"

"I'll wait."

"it is good."

After Ji Xingchen agreed, he absently took his pajamas and went to take a bath.

The constant flow of hot water from the shower raised the temperature in the bathroom, and in the sound of the water, Ji Xingchen couldn't help repeating in his mind the words that Ranfeng had just said in his ear.

- Is there anything in particular you want to eat


- I want to eat you.

Brother Feng's tone just now was somewhat ambiguous.

Ji Xingchen was just reminiscing, and he felt that his heart beat faster and his breathing became faster.

After taking a bath, Ji Xingchen's face was extremely hot, and he put the sticker on his palm, which was very hot.

The wet water from the hair flowed down his cheeks, Ji Xingchen quickly wiped it with a handkerchief, and walked to the bed.

He stared at the drawer of the bedside table for a long time, then turned his head to look at the closed door, and then bent down and carefully picked up the book, quietly placing it under the dyed maple pillow.

After doing all this, Ji Xingchen had a deep understanding of the word sneaking for the first time.

He stayed in the room for a while, and when his heartbeat gradually returned to normal, he opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

The moment the door was opened, Ji Xingchen felt very uncomfortable.

The once bright room was now pitch black.

"Brother Feng?" Ji Xingchen shouted to dye the maple, and asked again, "Is there a problem with the line?"

As soon as his words fell, he saw a small clump of flames illuminating the surroundings in the darkness.

Then Ranfeng's voice sounded.

He seems to have a pipe organ hidden in his throat, a birthday song with a familiar melody, but it is very different when sung through his voice

Ji Xingchen had listened to countless versions of this song, but only now did he realize that the person he liked sang it the most beautifully.

"Happy birthday baby."

The dyed maple style walked to Ji Xingchen, and the light of the bedroom and the light of the candle were intertwined, shining on his handsome face.

"Today is the nineteenth of the ninth lunar month, your birthday."

Ranfeng's pale eyes are full of starlight, as if containing all the tenderness in the world.

"You were born at ten o'clock at night, and it's not past ten o'clock now, so it shouldn't be too late for me to celebrate your birthday now?"

Ji Xingchen shook his head. He wanted to answer, but his throat was dry and tight due to excitement.

After two seconds of self-adjustment, he replied in a low voice, "It's not too late."

Brother Feng didn't say it, he actually forgot it himself.

The Gregorian calendar time corresponding to the birthday on the lunar calendar changes every year. He only sees that today is November 4th on the desktop of his mobile phone, but he does not remember that it is his birthday.

How many years have you not celebrated your birthday

It doesn't seem like a year has passed since my father died.

It's been too long, a few years have passed in a flash, and even he himself can't remember the day.

The days that he forgot and didn't care about, but there is still one person in this world to help him remember.

Not only did he remember, his mobile phone password, bank card password, and home password were all his birthday.

At this moment, it seemed that he finally ended his dark and long lonely journey and found an entrance where he could land successfully.

Under the light of the fire, Ji Xingchen could clearly see the shape of the cake and the number of candles.

But he found out that the numbers were wrong.

Ji Xingchen lowered his eyes, raised his finger and pointed at the candle in the middle, "Brother Feng, did you take the wrong candle... I'm 23 this year, not 18."

Ranfeng glanced at the candle and shook his head gently.

"Happy sixth and eighteenth birthday to you."

Ji Xingchen's body suddenly froze, his internal organs seemed to be suddenly squeezed together, he felt a little breathless.

"I missed your first eighteenth birthday, but starting today, allow me to spend the sixth, seventh, eighth with you... I want to be part of every eighteenth in your life Birthday, I want to have my participation and company in all the important moments of your life."

Not knowing if a piece of sand suddenly entered his eyes, Ji Xingchen lowered his eyes and tried to take a deep breath several times but failed to calm down.

Apart from the instinctive nod, he didn't seem to know what to say.

At this moment, he desperately wanted to find some topics to talk to Ranfeng, even if it was a meaningless topic, but his throat wanted to be completely dry, and he couldn't make a sound.

Ranfeng saw all of Ji Xingchen's reactions in his eyes. He stretched out a hand and rubbed Ji Xingchen's hair, and the smile on the corner of his lips became more and more gentle, "Aren't you blowing candles, little birthday star?"


Ji Xingchen crossed his fingers and smiled at Ranfeng, revealing two cute little dimples, "Wait for me to make a wish."

He closed his eyes and sincerely made a wish in his heart.

Opening his eyes again, Ji Xingchen was full of joy and invited Ranfeng to blow out the candles together, "Brother Feng, let's go together."

Two gusts of wind blew, and the soft light of the candle flickered a few times, then dimmed.

The lights came back on, and the room suddenly brightened.

Ranfeng took the cake in one hand and Ji Xingchen in the other to the restaurant.

He put the cake on the table, took out the cake knife, turned around and handed it to Ji Xingchen, "Little birthday star, come and cut the cake."

Ji Xingchen stretched out his hand to take it from Ranfeng's hand, and when his fingertips brushed past the opponent's palm, he was gently pinched by Ranfeng.

Ji Xingchen paused, looked up at Ranfeng, "Can we cut it together?"

Ranfeng smiled lowly, "It seems that only two people cut the wedding cake together."

He said so, but stood behind Ji Xingchen and hugged him from behind.

Ranfeng's left hand is around Ji Xingchen's waist, and his right hand holds his cake-cutting hand, "Do you want to cut?"

Ji Xingchen's heart was beating non-stop, but he nodded persistently, "Yeah."

This feeling is very strange, Ji Xingchen is very solemn.

He put the first piece of cake he cut on a plate and held it in front of Ranfeng, "You eat the first piece."


Ji Xingchen tilted his head slightly, with curiosity written in his eyes.

Ranfeng handed the cake to his mouth, "Try what it tastes like."

Seeing that there was no fork, Ji Xingchen stuck out his tongue and licked the cream.

As soon as the cream was put into his mouth, Ranfeng supported his head and lowered his head to cover his lips.

The sweet cream melts little by little on the tip of the tongue.

Greasy, slippery, as if seducing each other deeper lingering.

Ranfeng stopped at a critical point. After letting go of Ji Xingchen, he glanced at the other party's red lips that were glowing with water, and wiped the cream from the corner of Ji Xingchen's mouth with his fingertips.

"You're creamy today."

Ji Xingchen quietly closed his eyes, hiding the reddened corners of his kissed eyes.

"I also cooked longevity noodles for you, wait for me."

Then Bi Ranfeng returned to the kitchen, and after a few minutes of tossing, he brought out a bowl of longevity noodles.

He placed his face upright in front of Ji Xingchen, and continued to put chopsticks.

"Hopefully it doesn't taste bad."

Ranfeng has never cooked for anyone since he was a child. At home alone, he can't even cook quick-frozen dumplings.

But this time, for Ji Xingchen's birthday, he specially invited a master to teach him how to make longevity noodles, and he learned it for half a month.

Although this matter seems to be very simple, just find a guide on the Internet, but he still doesn't want to perfunctory.

He hopes that the gift he presents to his lover will always be the most exquisite and perfect.

Ji Xingchen was surprised and delighted, and immediately sat down and took a bite.

"It tastes good." Ji Xingchen couldn't help but add, "It's very delicious, Brother Feng, you are really talented."

He said this without putting on a lover filter, nor was it a perfunctory compliment.

Because the taste is really good, the noodles are very strong and delicious.

Ji Xingchen knew that Brother Feng couldn't cook, but he cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for himself tonight, and he must have worked a lot in advance.

He was moved and happy.

In order to live up to Brother Feng's heart, although Ji Xingchen had actually eaten dinner, he still finished the noodles little by little.

Fortunately, there are not too many under Feng Ge's face, and it is just right when the supper is finished.

Ranfeng stayed by his side the whole time. After he finished eating, he took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, then went to the room and suddenly took six gift boxes out.

Each of these boxes is large and beautifully packaged, and it looks like they have been carefully prepared.

Ji Xingchen was startled, and quickly looked at Ranfeng, "Brother Feng, how many surprises have you prepared for me?"

Ranfeng just smiled, but did not speak.

So Ji Xingchen stepped forward and took the top gift box, puzzled, "But do you need to give me so many birthday gifts?"

"Of course."

After Ranfeng finished speaking, he glanced at the box in Ji Xingchen's hand and gave him a look, "Aren't you going to open it and take a look?"


After he finished speaking, he gently pulled the bow on the gift box.

When the box was opened, a basketball fell into his eyes.

A limited edition basketball from a certain brand.

"This is an eighteenth birthday present for you." Ranfeng's soft voice sounded in her ears, "You asked for it by name on New Year's Day. You said that after the college entrance examination, you want to compare with me for a three-point shot. more."

Ji Xingchen looked up.

Time seems to return to that winter five years ago.

Brother Feng in the backlight is as gentle as ever.

Ji Xingchen's heart also became very soft, he lowered his head and continued to open the second gift.

"This is the first album I made for you when you were nineteen years old." Ranfeng slowly narrated to Ji Xingchen, raising her eyes with a faint smile, "This is the only one in the world."

Ji Xingchen didn't dare to look at Ranfeng, and stroked his fingers lightly on the album.

The name of the album is "star", and the cover is very familiar. It is the starry sky map he saw in his circle of friends when he first added Fengge WeChat.

"I saw this picture in your circle of friends. Did you take it yourself?"

When he first saw this picture, he thought it was very beautiful, so he searched the Internet for pictures, but he couldn't find it.

Ranfeng nodded, "I specially went to Finland to shoot."

Ji Xingchen's fingertips rested on the brightest but loneliest star, "It's beautiful."

When he saw it for the first time, he felt that this star map was beautiful and gentle but lonely.

So 19-year-old Feng Ge... What kind of mood did you take when taking this picture

"What about this? Is it my twentieth birthday present?"

Having received gifts from the age of eighteen and nineteen in a row, Ji Xingchen has understood that Brother Feng prepares gifts for himself every birthday. Today, he is returning all the gifts that he has not given in the past to himself.

Ranfeng's 20th birthday gift to Ji Xingchen is a model of a Bentley Mulsanne extended version of the car.

Ji Xingchen remembered this car. When he was young and ignorant, he told Ranfeng that he would go for a ride in this car when he saved enough money.

"Didn't you say you should buy it with your own money? I bought it when I made my first ten million..."

Originally, Ji Xingchen thought that Ranfeng had only sent one model. Hearing this, he immediately opened the door of the model car.

There was indeed a key inside.

Ji Xingchen looked at Ranfeng in shock and wanted to return such a precious gift to him, but was held by the other party.

"You said you wanted to take me for a ride, but don't try to deny it."

Ji Xingchen wanted to say something, but Ranfeng pressed his lips with the pulp of his index finger.

"Look at the next one."

Ji Xingchen could only open the next birthday present obediently.

His twenty-first birthday present was a fondant candied haws.

The red candied haws are small and cute, and Ji Xingchen can't put it down.

"When I went back to school on your birthday, I saw that the candied gourd shop at the door was still open." Ranfeng introduced the origin of his birthday gift to Ji Xingchen.

"The day before the third consultation, we went out to eat, but we all forgot to bring our mobile phones. After we paid for the meal, we only had fifty cents left in our wallet. When you walked past that store, you said you wanted to eat a bunch of candied haws, but I didn't give it to you. purchase."

Ranfeng's words also evoked Ji Xingchen's memories. Time passed by in a hurry, but the original picture was still vivid in his mind.

Ji Xingchen took over the words, "You said you owe it first, and then pay me back... Later, I thought you forgot."

Ranfeng nodded, "I looked at you every day, and I really forgot. Later, when I couldn't see you, I remembered everything again."

Ji Xingchen looked at the fondant candied haws in his hand, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart.

Seeing that Ji Xingchen seemed to want to cry, Ranfeng reached out and rubbed his head, "But isn't it for you now?"

Ji Xingchen rubbed the palm of Ranfeng's hand, and didn't dare to look up into his eyes, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back tears.

He could only do something to distract the sour emotion, so he hurriedly opened the fifth box.

This is a specially customized spaceship model, and there is a little man in the cockpit, he is dressed in the same clothes as Rabbit.

A line of words was written outside the cockpit - may the stars shine in your life.

Note that Ji Xingchen is very familiar with dyeing maple.

Ji Xingchen held back his sourness, finally summoned up the courage to look at Ranfeng, and asked him with a smile, "Brother Feng, do you often look at the stars?"

Ranfeng nodded and replied, "Yes."

"Me too."

Once upon a time, even if he and Brother Feng were separated by thousands of miles, they all lived, waited, and guarded under the same starry sky.

But they are so stubborn about each other, blessing and missing each other...

"It's the last one." Ranfeng's words brought Ji Xingchen's thoughts back.

He held the last gift baby in his arms, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Every gift in front of Brother Feng has been carefully prepared. I don't know what kind of surprise the last one will bring.

Ji Xingchen, who was full of anticipation, pulled the bow, but stopped when he opened the box.

He looked at Ranfeng and looked at him for several seconds.

"Suddenly a little reluctant to dismantle."


"It's over because it's taken apart..."

But he didn't want to end it.

"Actually, it's not that I can't bear it, it's just that this feeling is really precious. I feel as if I don't deserve it."

Ranfeng opened her arms and embraced Ji Xingchen in her arms, patted his back lightly to reassure him, "Who do you deserve? No matter how precious your heart is, it can't compare to your weight in my heart."

Ji Xingchen buried his head on Ranfeng's shoulder and said in a sullen voice, "I know... But because of some things in the past few years, I don't feel like I am as confident as before. Before I met you, I actually felt pretty good about myself. Be strong, a person can live well. But recently I realized that I don't care because I have nothing, so I'm not afraid of losing anything. But now I suddenly realize that I have it, I have it, and everything is as happy as a dream , so I can't help worrying about whether it will all be lost again one day. Brother Feng, do you think I am sick?"

After meeting with Ranfeng for so long, Ji Xingchen has never mentioned anything that happened in the past five years to Ranfeng.

But tonight he was so happy, so happy that he almost forgot that he had experienced so many losses and blows.

But the pain of stepping on thorns in the dark has always been haunting his heart, and he can't help but wonder if he will fall into the abyss again in the next second.

Ji Xingchen also felt that he was really hypocritical at this time, but his grandparents, parents, and mother would never come back.

He was so terrified that he wanted to hold fast to dyeing the maple, but he felt that now he was not worthy of his liking.

Ranfeng didn't know what Ji Xingchen had gone through, but at this moment his unease made his heart aches.

He touched Ji Xingchen's head soothingly, and then held his right hand and pressed it against his heart.

"Do you feel his throbbing?"

The strong and powerful heart beat again and again, Ji Xingchen silently felt its rhythm, and realized the sense of security he brought to him.

Ji Xingchen raised his head and met the opponent's gaze helplessly.

From his eyes, Ji Xingchen saw hope and light.

"If you are sick, then I will be your antidote."

Ji Xingchen's restless heart finally calmed down.

"Brother Feng, thank you for staying with me."

"I will always stay with you."

Ji Xingchen was finally willing to open the last gift.

Inside is an hourglass.

Two very realistic artificial roses are made at both ends of the hourglass, and when the sand falls, it is scattered around it.


He turned the hourglass upside down and watched the fine sand flow down little by little, feeling the passage of time.


He thought Brother Feng would explain it to him, but this time he didn't, so he answered in a low voice.

Ji Xingchen could only lie down on the table by himself, looking at the fine sand and the rose carefully.

The hourglass represents time and the rose symbolizes love.

Looking at it, Ji Xingchen suddenly understood what Brother Feng wanted to convey to him.

-Even if time passes, the love for each other is eternal.

So even though they have been apart for five years and haven't seen each other for nearly 2,000 days and nights, they are able to come back together because of their unwavering love for each other.

Ji Xingchen suddenly became enlightened.

So just now, what were you afraid of when you were feeling inferior

Isn't the sense of security that Brother Feng gave him not enough

After the six-year birthday present was unpacked, Ji Xingchen felt short and long.

The table has been filled with various objects of various sizes by him.

He arranged them in two rows and looked at them one by one carefully.

From eighteen to twenty-three.

From five years ago to now.

Looking at the gifts that Brother Feng prepared for him every year, he suddenly felt as if he had accompanied Brother Feng through the five years of separation.

Although it was only a few words, it seemed to fill in some of the regrets they had missed.

Ji Xingchen turned around, hooked Ranfeng's neck, and took the initiative to put a kiss on his lips.

"Brother Feng, I also have a gift I want to give you."