Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 79: The past five years


After Mo Yuzhe stopped being a light bulb, Ranfeng and Ji Xingchen went to the cinema again.

Ranfeng, a traffic-level star, is easy to be photographed wherever he goes, and he usually has very little free time when he is full of work. Even if he is occasionally free, he is either writing songs, reading books or exercising, and he hardly appears in public.

The same is true for Ji Xingchen. In the past, he was busy taking care of his seriously ill mother while working part-time. Later, he was busy with live broadcasts to earn money. He almost stayed at home all the time, and it has been a long time since he was completely relaxed.

It was a rare trip today, and they didn't plan to go back immediately.

Blockbusters are waiting for the Spring Festival, and there are not many movies during this time.

Ji Xingchen selected on the Internet for a while, and found that the movies released were either big animated movies watched by children or domestic horror movies.

The remaining few foreign films had poor reputation, and only one small production with a new protagonist was left with a score of 9.4. Ji Xingchen hurriedly chose this one.

After Ji Xingchen took the ticket, he handed one to Ranfeng.

Not many people in the cinema, but not without.

Even though the two of them had already put on masks to cover their faces, but their height and figure were too good, if it was too obvious to queue up together, Ji Xingchen would go in first, and Ranfeng would only come in when there was no one at the door when the movie was about to start.

The location that Ji Xingchen chose was in the innermost corner of the last row. The location was very hidden, and no one would see it.

If in the past he would not have chosen this position.

Like most people, Ji Xingchen likes to sit in the best viewing area in the middle, so that watching movies will be very comfortable.

The new location gave him a different movie viewing experience, and the same kind of sneaky movie watching also made him feel a little exciting.

Although I knew that nothing would happen, I couldn't help worrying about whether someone would discover his relationship with Ranfeng in the next second.

Because there were a few vacancies next to him, there was also a couple who could look over at any time.

Ji Xingchen and Ranfeng didn't speak at first.

When the movie started and everyone was fascinated, Ji Xingchen felt his hand being held by a warm big hand, and then clasped his fingers tightly.

He turned his head and saw the outline of Ranfeng in the darkness with the light projected on the screen.

Ji Xingchen looked at Shang Ranfeng, but couldn't see his eyes clearly.

So he turned his head and pulled the distance between him and Ranfeng, and then said gently in Ranfeng's ear, "We seem to be cheating like this."

As soon as Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he saw Ranfeng take off his mask.

Before he could react, the other party quickly kissed him on the forehead.

Ranfeng's deliberately lowered voice rang in his ear when he spoke to the heroine of the movie.

"Then I'll be bolder."

The movie Ji Xingchen watched was called "Morning Dewdrops", and it told the story of a campus couple who failed to get together in the end.

In such an environment, Ji Xingchen didn't actually watch it too seriously, but he still didn't miss the important plot in the play.

The front of this drama is very sweet and cliché. It is a girl with a poor, low self-esteem and sensitive family who succeeds in having a crush on the male god. In the final stage of the third year of high school, she and the male god talked about a relationship that made all the girls in the school jealous. But later, due to family background and parents, the male god's parents came forward to separate the two. The male god went abroad and left the pitiful female protagonist alone at the bottom of the society.

Fortunately, the heroine is self-improvement and has gone through many hardships to become an excellent jewelry designer.

She waited for the male protagonist for seven years, and after publishing a design for a necklace called "Morning Dew" on the date of their breakup seven years later, she chose to seal this memory and start her life again.

The reunion with the male protagonist was at her engagement banquet with her fiancé.

After the ceremony, the male protagonist found the female protagonist, told her how much he missed her and unforgettable, and proposed to take her away from marriage.

The hostess shook off his hand and firmly rejected him.

"If it were seven years ago, I would definitely hold your hand and go with you regardless."

"But now... let the past pass. Not everyone will stand in the dark and wait for someone in the dark."

In the last scene of the movie, the male protagonist stood in a daze and watched the back of the female protagonist leave.

The lights in the room dimmed, and Ji Xingchen felt that Ranfeng and his crossed fingers were gripping harder.

The lights around him came on, Ji Xingchen let go of Ranfeng's hand, took out his mobile phone, lowered his head and pretended to watch the time, preparing to leave after everyone left.

The young couple on his right did not leave either, and the crying girl said she would wait for the easter egg.

After waiting for a while, she found that the two boys in the row with her had not left, so she quietly said to her boyfriend, "Hey, the two boys over there are a bit handsome."

Her boyfriend blocked her vision, "Why don't you look at others, isn't your husband handsome? Besides, they are almost covering their faces with masks and hats. How do you know that you are handsome?"

The girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and didn't cry to explain to her boyfriend, "It feels! Especially the one in black clothes, I think it looks a little familiar, and the temperament is a bit like a celebrity."

The boyfriend chuckled, "Why do celebrities come here to watch movies? Everyone watches them in home theaters."

The girl nodded, "That's right, but I feel like they seem to be a good match, so they won't be a couple, right?"

"This looks like a brother, what are you thinking about?"

"Brothers will come to watch a romantic movie together???"

"I used to watch with my brother too..."

The girlfriend was shocked, "You are so strange."

The voices of the two are actually very small, but Ji Xingchen's hearing is better, so he can hear it.

After the two young couples left, he patted Ranfeng on the shoulder, "It's a coincidence, brother, you should watch the romance movie too."

Ranfeng nodded with a low smile, "Unfortunately, I came with my boyfriend."

After watching the movie Ji Xingchen and Ranfeng went home, and after a simple dinner at home, he started the live broadcast.

He played the peak match all night, from 6:00 to 10:30 in the evening, and rushed for a wave of points.

Seeing Ji Xingchen's ten-game winning streak tonight, the water friends who originally complained that he was too busy in dating and couldn't broadcast well were moved to tears and called Xingxing Niubi.

When Ji Xingchen went to take a bath after the broadcast, he found that Ranfeng had a scarf in his hand.

"I found it just now for you to hang your clothes. This scarf looks familiar."

When the scarf in Ranfeng's hand was taken out, it was neatly folded, and it was obvious that Ji Xingchen had carefully preserved it.

He couldn't remember for a while, so he walked up to Ji Xingchen, put the scarf in his hand, and tried to ask, "Mine?"

Ji Xingchen glanced at the scarf and nodded.

Are you not familiar? That scarf is Brother Feng's own.

"You gave it to me."

Ranfeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

He didn't remember that he had given Ji Xingchen such a gift.

Ji Xingchen snickered when he saw that he was deceived successfully, "You put it on my neck during the sports meeting."

Ji Xingchen bit the word personally, and after his reminder, Ranfeng finally remembered everything.

No wonder it looks familiar.

At that time, Ji Xingchen had just had the operation and didn't recover, so he secretly ran to watch his game and blew the cold wind for a long time, and his face was frozen red. Seeing his pitiful appearance but unwilling to leave, angry and distressed, he took off the scarf around his neck and put it around him.

What he thought at the time was to cover Ji Xingchen's face directly, so as not to see him uncomfortable and feel uncomfortable too.

He didn't really care that the scarf was given to Ji Xingchen.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the other party is still well preserved.

Ranfeng moved slightly, touched Ji Xingchen's head, and asked him with a smile, "So you kept it for me for so many years? Didn't I lend it to you, why did it become a gift for you?"

Ji Xingchen, who was exposed in person, has gradually deepened his cheekiness and utility recently, so he answered confidently, "You didn't let me pay it back, or you just gave it to me."

After he finished speaking, he asked Ranfeng, "Why are you angry with me when I came to see you play the other day?"

Ask is so.

But why Ranfeng was angry, he didn't understand at the time, but now he understands everything.

Brother Feng was distressed that he had just finished the operation, afraid that he would catch a cold.

The corners of Ji Xingchen's eyes turned into crescents, and he stared blankly at Ranfeng's eyes, wanting to hear how he would answer him.

"What else can it be for." Ranfeng raised his hand helplessly and rubbed Ji Xingchen's hair into a mess, "I still don't like you."

Ji Xingchen thought that Ranfeng would play Tai Chi and even tease him as before, but he didn't expect to admit it so readily this time.

Originally, he was prepared to ridicule the other party, but he was so generous, Ji Xingchen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Ji Xingchen was at a loss for words, but Ranfeng was aroused by what he said just now, and asked Ji Xingchen with a smile, "How about you? You came here in the winter and just had an operation, so you came to learn techniques from me?"

Ranfeng, like Ji Xingchen, is actually asking the question knowingly.

But mentioning the ignorant and obscure secret love that once was, looking back now, it still has a clear memory and looks extra sweet.

This is why everyone likes to reminisce about the past.

Because that beauty will always be fixed in the most beautiful moment by the brain with the best memory.

Ji Xingchen shook his head and said his belated confession seriously in a joking tone.

"Of course I came to see you, you don't know, I fell in love with you at first sight."

The words "love at first sight" made Ranfeng stunned.

Even though I knew that the other party was also in high school, I liked me.

But he always thought that Ji Xingchen, like him, slowly fell in love with each other while getting along.

As a result, Ji Xingchen fell in love with him at first sight.

It's a very simple thing to push backwards from the results, so Ranfeng recalls it from the beginning and finds that although Ji Xingchen likes to express it very vaguely, everything does have clues.

He went out to eat fried rice and Ji Xingchen was at the table next to him.

During his basketball season, Xingchen always happened to pass by.

On the way home every day, he always encounters Ji Xingchen, who claims to be on the way, but not on the way.

Mingming Ji Xingchen also made the notes in class every day, but he always borrowed them to copy them.

At first he thought it was a coincidence.

But there are so many coincidences.

Every seemingly inadvertent coincidence was deliberately deliberate by Ji Xingchen.

It took five years to gain insight into Ji Xingchen's careful thinking, and Ranfeng was happy but somewhat remorseful.

His fingertips gently inserted into Ji Xingchen's hair, and he helped him comb the ends of his messy hair just now.

"I originally planned to confess to you after the college entrance examination, but it seems that this plan went wrong. I should have told you earlier."

That way they might not miss so many years.

Ji Xingchen heard the regret in Ranfeng's tone.

He looked up at Ranfeng and confirmed one thing with him.

"You asked me to wait for you after the exam, did you want to confess to me?"

Ranfeng didn't speak, just nodded lightly.

This confession has been planned for a long time.

That was the first time he liked someone, and that person was still his brother, so when he told Ji Xingchen at that time, he was actually quite clueless.

But Ranfeng never expected that Ji Xingchen not only missed the appointment, but even missed the last English class.

At that time, he was more worried about Ji Xingchen's safety than not being able to express himself.

After all, the unknown is the most frightening thing. Even if he enters the examination room, he cannot calm down and take the examination.

After the college entrance examination, the other classmates went out to party with joy, but Ranfeng waited for Ji Xingchen all night in worry and anxiety.

The mobile phone that has been dialing repeatedly was called out of power by him, but the answer to him was always a busy tone that no one answered.

Ji Xingchen didn't know that Ranfeng had waited for him for so long, but when he heard his words, he felt that his heart was being stirred back and forth with a sharp bayonet.

Ranfeng did not say, he could also imagine how uncomfortable the other party was that day.

But he didn't know the truth until five years later, and he was twice as sad.

For myself and for dyeing maple.

Ji Xingchen reached out and hugged Ranfeng's back, and apologized in a low voice.

"Sorry, I missed the appointment."

Not only did he miss the appointment that day, but he forgot everything.

Ranfeng hugged him back and comforted him softly, "I didn't blame you."

He also wanted to know what happened to Ji Xingchen that day, but since he met Ji Xingchen again, looking at the changes in the other person, watching his edges and corners being smoothed out by life, he intuitively told him that it must be a bad period. Memories.

Ji Xingchen loved him so much, how could he be willing not to contact him for five years.

So when he was with Ji Xingchen, he told him that if he didn't want to talk about the past, he wouldn't talk about it.

Therefore, until now, he will not take the initiative to ask more questions.

He knows Ji Xingchen, if this past is positive, he must have told himself long ago.

Ji Xingchen closed his eyes and leaned against Ranfeng's arms, and it took about five minutes for him to speak again.

"I'm sorry Brother Feng, at noon that day... my father died."

Ji Xingchen thought that he might never bring up that past in his life, but now with Ranfeng by his side, he felt as if he could face the past calmly.

"My dad was talking to people about business, and he had a car accident when he came back. He was waiting for the last look at me with a sigh of relief..."

But his father, this last wish was not fulfilled when he was alive.

Five years ago, on June 8, when Ji Xingchen and his mother arrived in a hurry, his father had already left.

Looking at the cold corpse, his mother fainted because of too much stimulation, and then Ji Xingchen was told by the doctor that his mother might have stomach cancer.

Knowing such bad news and facing such a big double blow, Ji Xingchen was constantly harassed by debt collectors.

At that time, Ji Xingchen didn't know that their family was in so much debt because of Ji Lintian's father, so those creditors were afraid that everything would be in vain, so they found debt collectors to threaten him not to let him take the corpse until he paid five million. shipped out.

At that time, Ji Xingchen didn't even have a chance to be sad, so he had to find a way to collect money to pay off the debt and protect his father's last dignity.

The situation at that time was so tragic that Ji Xingchen didn't dare to recall it again now.

Father's funeral, mother's illness, family debt.

Everything fell to him overnight, and he had to face it all like a man.

During that time, he almost never closed his eyes once, and the huge pressure and blow made him almost collapse.

The day before his father's burial, Ji Xingchen felt really uncomfortable, so he forced himself to give himself a few minutes to rest.

His cell phone had long been lost in that corner of the hospital, so he bought a calling card and called Ranfeng.

It rained heavily that night, but Ji Xingchen's phone was cut off again and again.

Hearing the sound of the rain outside, he had no choice but to hang up.

At that time, Ji Xingchen thought that he could make another call when he was free.

But he did not expect that in the next five years, he would never have such an opportunity again.

Because after he sold his property to help his father pay off his debts, her mother's condition worsened.

Not only that, but she also saw the diary she wrote.

Ji Xingchen used to have the habit of keeping a diary. Although he kept only one or two sentences every day, it was enough to let his mother know in detail about how he likes to dye maples.

Ji Xingchen remembered very clearly that his mother Wan Xiaojuan calmly asked him if he liked dyeing maples.

Facing his seriously ill mother, he had no way to lie, so he admitted it directly.

In fact, Wan Xiaojuan had already expected it, so she did not stop him strongly.

With a pale face, she held on to her dilapidated body and gave a tactful warning to her son, "Mom hopes you can calm down for a while, you are still young and your mind is not mature enough. It's just a novelty."

Ji Xingchen agreed.

He thought that he actually had a chance, and that his mother would understand him when he realized that he was serious.

The conversation at the time seemed calm, but after that day, Ji Xingchen found that his mother took him more seriously.

The term is actually inaccurate.

Because my mother was so strict with him that she was almost paranoid, she could be said to have squeezed all his private time and needed her own care every minute and every second.

Even if he was cooking, Wan Xiaojuan would call him every minute.

Not only that, even if he called, Wan Xiaojuan had to carefully ask who he called and what he said.

Ji Xingchen answered one by one, and knew that her mother didn't say anything, but she was always worried that she would lose contact with Ranfeng.

So in order to make his mother not worry so much about himself, he completely deleted Ranfeng's number on his mobile phone, and took the initiative to hand over the phone to Wan Xiaojuan to assure her that he would only take good care of her now, and would never contact Ranfeng. .

Since that day, Ji Xingchen has put Ranfeng in the most hidden corner of his heart.

Later, he found that his mother was no longer so suspicious, and gradually began to be willing to let him go out to work to earn money to support the family.

At that time, Ji Xingchen could understand his mother's worries, but his heart seemed to be cut in two.

In the following year, Ji Xingchen delivered takeaways, moved bricks, worked as a waiter and tutored.

But he couldn't do each job for too long, because Wan Xiaojuan's condition became more and more serious, to the point where she couldn't take care of herself. The doctor said that she had only three months to live at most.

After realizing that her only relative in this world was about to leave her, Ji Xingchen quit all her jobs and accompany her every day through the last period of her life.

During that time, he was very thin, weighing less than one hundred and one.

Wan Xiaojuan was reluctant and distressed to see her son like this.

She didn't know how to make him look happier, and she was reluctant to let him live alone in this world.

Suddenly one day, she woke up in the middle of the night and saw Ji Xingchen, who was too thin to be human, crying and carefully calling out Ranfeng's name in her dream, so she held her son's hand and shed tears.

The next day, she wrote a letter to Ji Xingchen while he was out.

The handwriting on the letter is no longer graceful and a little scribbled, but it is full of love and reluctance for his son.

After explaining all the funerals, she wrote a paragraph at the end to—

If you still like him three years later, my mother will not object.