Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 85: college entrance examination


On the second day after Cai Wenji's five kills, almost all the platforms that could be named were crowded to watch, even the audience of Jinjiang Literature City's Tanmei Channel.

Overnight, Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room suddenly inexplicably became the most popular live broadcast room in the Maomao TV King Glory area, and occasionally the popularity even exceeded 10 million.

The platform is also very troublesome, and directly changed the certification of Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room to [Peak No. 1 Five Kills Cai Wenji].

However, the new viewers who came here to find out that this live broadcast room is completely different from what they imagined. The anchor wants to draw friends to lead after finishing the peak game every day to stabilize the first score, but the fans are eager to urge one by one. Do not play games when the anchor is down.

So a brother went to the forum to post again.

Topic: Watching an anchor's live broadcast recently is so magical! ! !

Content: I swiped the video of Cai Wenji's five killings from a certain platform. I heard that this anchor is very interesting, so I watched the live broadcast for two days. Good guy, the anchor is really strong and deserves to be No. 1 in the peak, but he only broadcasts for four hours a day! ! Well, even if it's only broadcast for four hours, it's still pretty good, but fans in their live broadcast room actually ask the anchor to stop the broadcast early every day. Do you think these people have a brain problem? I hate that the anchor broadcasts ten or eight hours a day, but his fans come in the opposite direction. And this stupid speed? ? And the most awesome brothers, do you know what it is? Today, the anchor went to pee, and the water friends in their live broadcast room actually started to discuss how to do the last final question of college entrance examination mathematics? In the end, did the host teach them?

1l: A live broadcast room with a strong learning atmosphere, please ask for a name

2l: Toxic

5l: This anchor is too unmotivated, it only broadcasts for four hours? ? Who is so pretentious than the anchor

10l: Are you afraid that fans will run away

Landlord of 20l: I didn't run, this anchor is very popular, it has exceeded 10 million. And I heard that I usually have 5 million popularity casually, and the top three big anchors on the platform

30l: Do you not cherish the popularity so much

40l: Who is so awesome

50l: Is Cai Wenji No. 1 in the Five Kills Peak? It's decoded, hahahaha if it's him, it's normal, don't worry, everyone's fans are loyal

55l: Stars? Hahahaha, his live broadcast room is really magical. Every day I go to his live broadcast room, I feel that I have been nurtured, and the learning atmosphere is particularly strong.

60l: Fans urged him to stop broadcasting because he has to take the college entrance examination, right

100l: The college entrance examination? ? Live the college entrance exam every day? Cow batch! !

110l: Too strong, too strong! Such a big anchor still wants to continue to learn and improve himself, I admire it!

120l: I'm afraid it's not a show. Judging from the postgraduate anchors I watched last year, it seems that only one passed

Originally, only the fans in his live broadcast room knew that Ji Xingchen was going to take the college entrance examination, and no one said it outside.

However, because of the popularity of the video of Cai Wenji's five kills being brought to the top of the peak competition by professional players, he also made a wave of circles, so more and more people follow him. Similarly, the fact that he was going to take the college entrance examination quickly spread.

The vast majority of viewers saw that he was so motivated to take the college entrance examination, and felt that he was very motivated, so they went to his live broadcast room to support him with the attitude of blessing.

However, the tree is big to attract the wind. Seeing that Ji Xingchen only live broadcasted for four hours a day, the popularity of the live broadcast room has not been lost, and he even reached the top of the Mao Mao TV King Glory section. Some anchors and passers-by have red eyes. About to bleed.

So in the following days, people came out from time to time to bring the rhythm, saying that this wave of Ji Xingchen was a deliberate marketing hype to set him up.

Many people also threatened that Ji Xingchen, the anchor who still has a live broadcast for the exam, is just a show, and it is absolutely impossible to concentrate on his studies.

Everyone had mixed opinions about his going to take the college entrance examination, but Ji Xingchen ignored it, because he really didn't have time to read the news.

Six months may seem like a long time, but when a person has a goal to strive for, it is a blink of an eye.

Two days before the college entrance examination, Ji Xingchen returned to the place of his household registration to take the college entrance examination. When he went to confirm the examination room, he found that the examination place he was assigned to was the same school six years ago.

After going around in circles, he returned to the same place.

Before going to bed at night, Ji Xingchen told Ranfeng about it, and then logged into the live broadcast room.

He didn't start the broadcast, he went as an audience. As a result, he found that there were more than 2 million fans in his live broadcast room.

Cat Mao TV recently launched a new program, where each host can set a special gift that belongs to the host. On the 1st, the super administrator in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room helped him change the special gift of the live broadcast room to "Celebrate Stars College Entrance Exam".

So what Ji Xingchen saw when he came in was the special effects of the [Stars College Entrance Exam Cheer] gift effect in the live broadcast room.

In addition, the water friends in the barrage are also wishing him a successful college entrance examination.

[Come on baby for the college entrance examination, mother loves you!]

[The stars are rushing! !]

[Believe in yourself, you can do it!]

[Relax your mind, come on for the college entrance examination!]

There is a very wonderful relationship between the anchor and the water friends. To ordinary people, it seems that there are only shallow money transactions. But Ji Xingchen felt that because of the live broadcast, he and his water friends had a kind of ties similar to relatives.

They are obviously strangers, but sometimes they seem to be very close relatives to each other.

Everyone cared about themselves so much, Ji Xingchen was very moved, so he typed a thank you in the live broadcast room.

As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, the water friends began to urge him to go offline.

[The stars go to bed quickly]

[Don't swipe your phone for the stars, keep in good condition]

[Xingxing checks whether his admission ticket and pen are ready?]

One by one, the mother fans were heartbroken for Ji Xingchen's college entrance examination.

In order to prevent fans from worrying so much, Ji Xingchen once again confirmed whether the alarm clock was set, and then turned off the phone and went to sleep.

The moment he woke up with his alarm clock, his phone rang.

Connected to the phone, the voice of Ranfeng came from inside.

"Although I know you won't miss the time, I can't help but want to give you a call."

Ranfeng's words reminded Ji Xingchen of the parents who were more nervous than the candidates when he was watching the news. They couldn't even fall asleep at night. When they woke up the next morning, they stared at the alarm clock, fearing that their children would miss the time.

"Brother Feng, are you nervous about my college entrance examination?"

Ji Xingchen put the phone on the bed and put it on the bed, got up and started getting dressed.

Ranfeng on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Ji Xingchen to suddenly ask such a question, and answered after two seconds, "A little bit."

Ji Xingchen stopped wearing clothes, and bent over to look at the phone with interest, "Are you worried that I'm not doing well?"

Ranfeng chuckled, "I'm not worried about your exam. But I feel a little regretful that I won't have the opportunity to accompany you on such an important day as the college entrance examination."

The college entrance examination is a big day, and Ji Xingchen is not alone in taking the college entrance examination.

At such an important moment, if a big star like Ranfeng suddenly appeared outside the examination room during the two days of the examination, he was afraid that it would disturb the order and affect some students.

So when Ji Xingchen came back for the exam, Ranfeng only sent him to the airport and did not come back with him.

After hanging up Ranfeng's phone, Ji Xingchen checked everything before going downstairs for breakfast.

It was still early, so he walked slowly to the examination room.

There was a cordon outside the examination room, and there were no cars but pedestrians on the road. Compared with the usual hustle and bustle, the surrounding area was extraordinarily quiet.

People all over the country are doing their best to create the best examination conditions for the future flowers of the motherland.

Re-entering the college entrance examination room after six years, Ji Xingchen is more calm and calm than his immature self six years ago.

Chinese, mathematics, science, English.

Every exam went very smoothly.

After the last class, Ji Xingchen came out and some fans recognized him.

The fan is a beautiful little girl, and seeing Ji Xingchen himself blushed and a little excited.

She took out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag and asked Ji Xingchen to sign her name.

"I saw you yesterday, but I didn't dare to come and talk to you for fear of disturbing you. My third year in high school was very stressful, and the happiest time was to go home and watch your four-hour live broadcast every week. We are more difficult than the college entrance examination, but seeing how hard you work, you gradually become more motivated."

After the little girl confessed, she wanted to take a photo with Ji Xingchen, but she had no choice but to bring her cell phone.

After saying goodbye to the fans, Ji Xingchen walked out of the school gate.

At this time, the door was blocked by the parents who came to pick up the children. Many students would stop when they walked out of the school gate and search for their family members in the vast crowd.

Ji Xingchen didn't stop, he went out and turned right and walked down a less crowded tree-lined path.

Now almost everyone is surrounded by the school gate, the more Ji Xingchen walks, the less people are on the road.

After walking about 300 meters, Ji Xingchen suddenly heard someone calling his name at a corner.

"Ji Xingchen."

Ji Xingchen turned around, looking for fame.

In a small corner where no one was in the corner, a man in black was leaning against the wall.

His face was covered tightly, and even his eyes were covered by a peaked cap.

But Ji Xingchen recognized him at a glance.

"Why are you here?"

Ji Xingchen walked to Ranfeng in three or two steps, looked up at him, and couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

Ranfeng glanced around at nothing, then quickly shook Ji Xingchen's hand and let go.

"Come to pick you up."

There was a hint of laughter in his voice.

Ji Xingchen felt that everything was too coincidental, so he asked him, "So sure I will go this way?"

Ranfeng didn't think at all, "You used to love to walk here."

"What if I turn left or go straight."

"My assistant will be waiting for you there."

"Thinking so thoroughly?"

"Of course." Ranfeng smiled, then calmed down and looked into Ji Xingchen's eyes seriously, "I said it six years ago, I will wait for you here after the English test."

Reality and memory seem to overlap again.

Ji Xingchen felt as if the time had returned to that noon six years ago.

He failed to make the appointment in the college entrance examination, but Ranfeng's appearance today seems to help him completely fill this regret.

Ji Xingchen wanted to say something, but Ranfeng grabbed his right hand.

He didn't know where to conjure a ring like a trick, and slowly and solemnly put it on Ji Xingchen's fingertips.

"I couldn't confess to you before, I don't know if it's too late to make up for it now."