Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 87: Star God


In such a short time, the news in the family of Ranfeng's family has reached 99+.

Everyone in the family was very concerned about how Ji Xingchen's score was, and they all wanted to call immediately to ask.

However, they watched Ji Xingchen and Ranfeng go to check the scores, but they did not move for so long. They were worried that it was because Ji Xingchen did not pass the exam because he had been away from campus for too long, so they did not dare to ask more, and could only chat about some or not. Anxiously waiting.

A few minutes later, Ranfeng threw a screenshot of 709 points into the group, and posted the third place in the province.

Looking at these two messages, the group was quiet for a few seconds, and then the screen was swiped by the voices of various family members, and every voice was full of joy.

Ranfeng's parents smiled and sent the screenshot of the score to the circle of friends. The friends congratulated them one after another, and left a message to ask them who is so good and has such a high score.

Both of them are very generous, and they are particularly proud to reply that they are their sons.

After the second old man replied to his friend, he made a video call with Ji Xingchen. The three chatted happily for a while. Finally, they hung up the phone with peace of mind when they learned that Ji Xingchen was ready to apply for B University.

Since the score came out, Ji Xingchen's phone has not been quiet.

In addition to his family, he has many fans and water friends who care about his achievements.

Ji Xingchen looked at the unread red dots on his mobile phone. It was really hard to see, so he replied to the fans in the water friend group: The score is ok, don't worry.

He did not specify the score.

At first, he really did not like to show off his character, and felt that sharing with his family was enough.

Second, he has a lot of black fans recently, because he was an anchor and many people stared at him when he participated in the college entrance examination. If he said that he had passed the 709 test, then when he woke up tomorrow, many people would definitely discuss this matter.

Although there are many well-meaning netizens on the Internet, there are indeed many gangsters.

These people will say that 709 is a fan bragging anchor bragging, saying that there is no evidence and must be presented.

If they post screenshots of the college entrance examination scores, he will say that you are p, and he can post thousands of sheets in one night, and if he has the ability, he will send the admission notice.

When you actually post the admission letter again, there are still people who will find this kind of thing on the Internet, let alone B University, he can even find the T University diploma for you right away.

He didn't want to get too much attention and evaluation because of his scores, and he didn't want to make a good thing worse in the end.

Ji Xingchen didn't say the score, and the fans obediently didn't ask.

They all know that Xingxing's popularity has skyrocketed in the past six months, and the number of black fans has increased sharply. Those people are all staring at his college entrance examination results. Unless Xingxing takes the T big B big test, no matter how much he takes, he will be dissed by that group of people. score.

After Ji Xingchen finished talking to the water friends, he planned to turn off the phone and go to sleep.

As a result, just when he was about to shut down, Mo Yuzhe's message popped up.

Brother Cuttlefish: Star Bulls! !

Brother Cuttlefish: I always thought that the gap between the two of us was the difference in game technology, but today I learned that this may be the gap in IQ

When Ji Xingchen saw Mo Yuzhe's inexplicable words, he directly sent him three question marks.

Then the other party threw a screenshot over.

Mo Yuzhe took a screenshot of Ranfeng's circle of friends, five minutes ago.

Maple: [Screenshot 709 points]

Cuttlefish brother: Cow batch! ! Which relative of your family

Feng replied to the cuttlefish brother: the stars

Brother Cuttlefish: Yoho~ Sister-in-law Niubi, Brother Feng, you are here to show off your wife

lina: [like]

Ji Xingchen has turned to Ranfeng's circle of friends before, and he has never posted anything other than a starry sky map he personally took on June 8 every year.

Today, the other party took the initiative to post his results on his private account for the first time. Although he didn't write a word, he knew that Ranfeng was very happy, even happier than himself.

Ji Xingchen looked at the screenshot again, and originally wanted to take it to tease the maple, but his eyes fell on Mo Yuzhe's words about his sister-in-law's bullshit and showing off his wife.

Stars: Double row times minus one

Mo Yuzhe, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly became enlightened, immediately got Ji Xingchen's meaning, and immediately changed his mouth.

Brother Cuttlefish: Geoff!

Star: [Goodbye].jpg

Because they took the third place in the province, when ordinary students were worried about their scores, and rummaged through the college entrance examination guide and the score lines of various schools to figure out how to fill in their volunteers this year, the admissions teachers of t and b universities had already called Jiji. Xingchen began to ask his intentions here.

Ji Xingchen had already set a goal, and when he filled out the volunteers, he directly applied for the law major of University B.

He easily filled out the volunteers, but the black fans who knew nothing on the Internet were still dissing him and he did not dare to publish his scores.

When Ji Xingchen got the notice, the black fans mocked him online that the two college admission notices had not been sent out.

Ji Xingchen wanted to take advantage of the last free time before the start of school to play the peak competition and rush to the top of the peak.

The black fan said that he was so active in broadcasting, it must be a broken college dream, and if he couldn't be a college student, he would come back to live broadcast to make money and solid fans.

Ji Xingchen was about to start school and said that the live broadcast time would be reduced, and the black fan was sour that he didn't know what pheasant university he went to.

As an anchor, Ji Xingchen is "perfect" enough. He needs to have good looks and skills, and he can casually engage in entertainment effects. The local tyrants will attract a lot of people, play the peak games seriously, and even dominate the first place. . And from time to time, I can do some showy operations to get out of the circle. In the past, the fans were still increasing during the time of live broadcast every day for the college entrance examination.

As an anchor, he is really impeccable to make people jealous.

Therefore, the dark black fans can't attack his live broadcast, so they can only attack him with the college entrance examination, which seems to be difficult for the anchor to complete.

However, the slap came so suddenly.

On the first day of B University, Ji Xingchen's photo was sent by alumni to the super chat of his brother at the same table.

sorrryouuoy: ah ah ah, I met a star at the door of the law school! ! ! ! I didn't dare to go up to say hello and only secretly took a picture, the sisters, the stars are real, super white, super handsome, super Su Chao, the male god! Give me this face value quickly! !

The picture posted by this fan is a side view of Ji Xingchen she took from a distance.

In the dim light of the morning, Ji Xingchen was walking in front of the teaching building, slightly bowing his head and talking to someone on the phone.

The corners of his eyes curled up, and there was a little smile on his lips, as if he stood out from the crowd, his appearance and the ordinary students around him had an insurmountable wall.

Brother Chaohua, who had been silent for a long time, was suddenly blown up by this picture. After those CP fans who were diving low-key quickly saved the picture, they started screaming wildly.

[My God, Xingxingzi is really beautiful and prosperous]

[Is my son growing in reverse? How does it feel as cute as the eighteen-year-old Xiao Qingxin]

[Did you meet the landlord at school? My son has already registered for the university, I hope his studies go well!]

[You guys are just licking your looks, no one pays attention to the background? The landlord is in B University? ?]

[what? ? b is big? ? Is it the big b I thought? ?]

[The owner of B University, she met Xing Xing by chance in school, doesn't that mean... Xing Xing also went to B University?]

[Fuck! ! !]

[Fuck... Really? ? ?]

[Sisters come out and talk! !]

[I can recognize this background even if you can't come out of Jimei, B University Law School!]

[Xingxing was originally admitted to B University! ! !]

This Weibo was swiped hundreds of times by fans, and finally the po master finally came out and said that his school was indeed a B university.

Once Lord Po admits this, then the truth will come to light.

Ji Xingchen's fans are already happy and silly.

Not only fans, but also passers-by who liked it were dumbfounded.

Before the fans started blowing up, they helped Ji Xingchen to hype it up.

Topic: A certain anchor of the cat cat TV was admitted to B University! !

Topic: I just found out that the anchor I watch the live broadcast every day has been admitted to B University! !

Topic: The same is playing games, why some old brothers can be admitted to the B major but I can only get the B major Jade Bird? ?

The two seemingly irrelevant words, B big and anchor, were suddenly combined, and they immediately caught everyone's attention. People who passed by eating melons who did not mix with the anchor circle and did not play games couldn't help but click in and take a look. , in the end which anchor is so arrogant.

Originally, everyone already had a deep learning tyrant filter just by the title, and felt that the anchor was awesome.

As a result, after clicking on the post, they discovered that the anchor not only was admitted to B University, but also re-examined six years after graduating, and before the college entrance examination, except for the last half month of suspension, the rest of the time was actually on. Live game? ?

exm? ?

Is this just something that can be described as awesome

[This is probably the so-called god of learning.]

[The winner in life is just like this]

[So this is the big guy, the younger brother worships]

[I heard that I also ranked first in the peak competition. This difficulty is an inappropriate analogy. Note that it is a coincidence. Don't blame me. If you use the school to divide it, it is equivalent to the big t in the game.]

[An La An La, the god of learning is full of skills in all aspects]

[Brothers, you talked for a long time, but tell me who the name is!]

[Cat Cat TV Star]

The power of the people who eat melons is extremely powerful. It didn't take long for the platforms with relatively large traffic on the Internet to mention the fact that Ji Xingchen was admitted to the B University.

The news spread, and the black fans who have been following Ji Xingchen's every move and attacked Ji Xingchen's college entrance examination hard, after learning the news, their faces were slapped.

After all, the so-called Pheasant University in their mouths is actually B University.

Seeing that Ji Xingchen is so awesome, the black fans who are sour and jealous but have to obey, can only shut their mouths in the end.

However, the vast majority of people are no longer bb, but there are still a few strong yin and yang teachers who still can't help but come out and quietly bring the rhythm.

[How come you didn't even dare to say your score before you got into B University?]

The black fans seem to be complaining, but in fact they are still connoting that Ji Xingchen may be fake.

But the black fans are really stupid. This time, Ji Xingchen's fans have not had time to refute, and passersby can't stand it anymore.

[People Xingxing don't want to pay attention to you idiots and stop Liao]

[Are you not allowed to be low-key? People are used to this kind of score for a long time. I really think that everyone who surfs the Internet has to show a score of 4.500 like you?]

[This is the gap between you and others, understand?]

After the black fans were scolded, many people released pictures of Ji Xingchen taken by passers-by from various angles. These people are B college students, but they are not fans of Ji Xingchen, but from their own circle of friends. Elementary school classmates, aunt's children, or other B college students found them. Most of them don't chase stars, play games, or watch live broadcasts at all. However, because Ji Xingchen is too eye-catching, he took pictures of him in the classroom, cafeteria, and library of B University. Wait for the picture to appear.

The hammer can't be hammered anymore.

Hammer's black fans hurriedly deleted the Weibo, Moments, and various messages that he scolded Ji Xingchen a few months ago, and quietly changed himself a vest.

After Ji Xingchen was picked out by everyone that he was a college student, he himself did not know, and was busy with his homework.

He naturally did not start the live broadcast when he was busy with his schoolwork, but this did not affect other people coming to his live broadcast room to watch.

Although the homepage of Mao Mao TV Ji Xingchen is pitch-dark, the barrage is very lively.

[Stars are awesome]

[As expected of my mother's eldest son, my mother loves you]

[Student God, please bless me for the exam]

[Tears to send me the first anchor star of the King of Glory in Big Cat Village to B University]

[Still shouting stars? ? Don't know how to show me some respect? ? To be called Star God! Understand?]

[Star God!]

[Understand, understand, the Star God is so powerful that he is vans]

The anchor has been away from high school for six years and re-entered the university entrance examination for B. This topic is too much love and positive energy for ordinary people, so Ji Xingchen was sent to the hot search by everyone.

Many marketing accounts took the initiative to transfer the posts about Ji Xingchen from various forums and posted them on Weibo, and many self-media video people with high traffic also introduced him as an inspirational study.

There are too many discussions. Even the middle-aged and elderly people in the circle of friends are forwarding his inspirational deeds. Many people talk about other people's children, and now they have become the anchor stars of Mao Mao TV.

Ji Xingchen's popularity is unprecedented, and he is more influential than Cai Wenji's five kills before. Almost everyone's evaluation of him is one-sided praise.

However, this popularity and praise only lasted for two days.

On the third day of the hot fermentation, a lot of black material about Ji Xingchen's past suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The whistleblower was so convincing that, as a classmate and neighbor, Ji Xingchen completely denied his character and efforts.

In the people who broke the news, Ji Xingchen has completely become a prodigal with bad character, completely two faces compared to now...

Seeing this, netizens were confused.