Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 88: I miss you


At the beginning, a person who claimed to be Ji Xingchen's neighbor broke the news on an anonymous forum, and immediately after this post, several classmates who claimed to be Ji Xingchen's junior high school also came to add fuel to it and sang with him.

Subsequently, several marketing accounts posted screenshots of these words to Weibo, and posted a few screenshots with the keyword #bUniversityBajixingchenOverturn#.

This topic went straight to the third hot search without warning. After clicking on it, the content of those marketing accounts popped up. These marketing accounts were all negotiated, and sent three screenshots and Four pictures.

Screenshot one:

Everyone thinks that a student who has just been admitted to B University is very popular, right, but don't be deceived by his appearance and marketing. I used to be his neighbor, I know who he is. I admit that he has a smart head, so it was easy to get into the B university, but his ability to learn is strong, but this person has a terrible personality. He used to be very rebellious. A gangster who is full of regulars. If you don't believe me, go to our local bar and ask. You all know that he is a playboy. It wasn't because the little girl's belly was getting bigger that she wanted an abortion. His dad went to him, and he even got into a fight with his dad.

Screenshot two:

Wow, landlord, finally someone dares to talk about this. Someone's marketing is so good, and now all the online washing is in vain, and there are people who are sorry for him that he didn't take the college entrance examination before, you know Why didn't he take the college entrance examination? He asked his father for money in the college entrance examination. If his father did not give it, he threatened not to take the college entrance examination. His father was so angry that he died in a car accident. This little beast didn't shed a single tear when he went to the scene to watch it, he was thinking about how to quickly inherit the family's property. This prodigal son inherited so many fortunes, but it didn't take long for him to lose everything, and he owed loan sharks, and later his mother got cancer from anger. He doesn't care about his mother with so much money. If he doesn't give his mother money for medical treatment, his mother is mad at him, oh no, he should die without money for medical treatment.

Screenshot three:

wow, is that awesome? I am his classmate in junior high and high school, do you know why he transferred? I was expelled from the school because of frequent fights and absenteeism in my second year of high school. But his family had some money, so his father paid him to change schools to study again. These days I've been blowing news about him. I thought he'd changed his mind and become a better man, but it turned out to be all fake? Is it so fake

In addition to the screenshots of these three forums, there are a few photos sent by the marketing account. They seem to be afraid that everyone will not understand, and they also kindly typed subtitles on it.

The background of the first picture is an Internet cafe. Ji Xingchen doesn't seem to have slept well, with big dark circles under his eyes and a cigarette between his fingertips.

The second picture is the back of Ji Xingchen, he is walking towards a bar.

The third picture is a continuation of the second one. It is the front view of Ji Xingchen in the bar, and he doesn't look very good.

The fourth picture is not Ji Xingchen, but a thin woman lying on a hospital bed, looking extremely painful.

One photo after another, the people who see it are angry and distressed, especially the last one, the woman's expression is not as good as death.

In the picture last season, Xingchen smoked a bar and was sluggish. It is completely different from what everyone sees. Many passers-by who read the text and don't believe it, but have to believe what they see with their eyes.

Especially the last woman who was tortured by cancer was obviously Ji Xingchen's seriously ill mother, and after thinking about the revelations of the previous people, everyone believed that Ji Xingchen was stubborn and didn't care about his mother.

[This is no longer a rollover, okay, this person has serious personality problems]

[Trash anchor, I'm sick to death]

[These days, if you smoke, drink, dance and dance, you can be a good boy without the filial piety to get a B major?]

[I thought he was an inspirational and hard-working child, but the reality gave me a slap in the face]

[No, I just fell in love with him, I think this little brother is handsome and powerful, and now I can't eat because of disgust]

Although this revelation looks really stone hammer, there are still some people who think there is a problem.

[Can anonymous revelations be a hammer this year?]

[Are fans blind? Not only broke the news, but also posted pictures later? Are you smoking? Did you go clubbing? Did you see how fucking bad it was?]

[Yes, and it’s not one person who said that, many people have said it. One person may say it’s false, but so many people say it’s definitely not wrong]

[But before, his junior sister and some classmates also broke the news, saying that he has always been a good person and a good person.]

[Then who is telling the truth?]

[That's what his high school classmates broke, and the high school classmates don't know him, so I still believe what his former classmates said, it feels very real]

[Maybe his later classmates were also deceived by him]

[Am I the only one who saw the revelation time? The first person who broke the news just finished speaking for a few minutes, and someone behind him immediately broke the news? They are so lucky that their classmates and neighbors have a post and a forum? And this hot search is so fake, I bought it at a glance]

[Fans are still being persecuted for delusional disorder. The marketing is so powerful in the front, can someone not be used to it and tell the truth?]

[No matter why he is so coincidental, I just want to know if such a person deserves a big B? It has seriously affected the image of University B. Well, can University B let him drop out of school, for fear of damaging the future pillar of the motherland]

[People drop out of school when things get to the bottom of things? ?]

[Time will tell if the news is fake or not, I just want to say one thing, do you know what school Xingxing went to in the third year of high school? It's the funniest joke I've heard that you can spend money on Mingyou.]

In the beginning, there were not many people commenting on these marketing accounts, but the No. 3 position in the most popular search was too obvious. A few Weibo posts that were quickly ignored, in less than an hour, were Tens of thousands of messages were torn out by Fanfanheihei, and the trend has not stopped.

Ji Xingchen was so hot a few days ago, how fierce everyone was blowing it, how big is the psychological gap between everyone today, and how fiercely he stepped on.

Although Ji Xingchen is not a star in the entertainment industry, there are certain fans in the live broadcast, and some fans of his brother at the same table, but these fans are not worth mentioning compared with the public, and this is what everyone calls such a big reversal. material".

So in the face of the angry crowd, they couldn't even control the criticism. Weibo, forums and other places watched everyone scold Ji Xingchen over and over again.

So fans know that the hot search is the third one that was deliberately bought by hackers, but they have no choice but to watch the popularity of this black entry keep rising on the Internet.

Just when fans thought that this hot search would be sent to the first place by everyone, this hot search was directly withdrawn.

However, the topic of discussion recently is that Ji Xingchen went to B University. Even if the hot search only stayed for an hour and was removed, in fact, the popularity has already spread.

"This hot search was specially bought by someone. Xingxing is not in the circle, and he doesn't know his relationship with you, so I didn't get the wind in advance."

Lina explained to Ranfeng about Ji Xingchen's black material on the public relations network.

"There are still people in several forums who want to expand this matter, but I have already asked people to delete the post and not allow it to be posted again."

This hot search is weird, and Ranfeng naturally knows that Lina is not to blame.

"Don't increase the heat any further."

"We've already said hello, but some things are out of control... Xingxing is the best thing to clarify. After all, he is a famous school, and his popularity has been suppressed, but it's not good to carry black material on him."

Ranfeng replied in a low voice, "I'll handle this matter."

Lina froze for a moment.

She originally thought that Ranfeng would be handed over to her to handle, after all, she is a professional.

But he didn't expect him to come in person.

"it is good… "

After hanging up Lina's phone, Ranfeng made a few calls directly to let people check the information of the whistleblower and the person who bought the marketing account behind him.

As long as the parties have had operations, they can find clues.

After the phone call, Ranfeng asked the lawyer to draw up a draft.

Now the voice of helping Ji Xingchen on the Internet is very small. It is not enough to delete posts and press hot searches. Everyone will think that these operations are Ji Xingchen's guilty conscience. Over time, although the topic has passed, everyone thinks this black material is true. .

And there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and there was very little support for Ji Xingchen. He didn't know what other people thought, but if Ji Xingchen and his fans saw this situation, they would definitely feel uncomfortable.

At this time, someone needs to stand up, stand on Ji Xingchen's side, and tell everyone strongly that all this is fake.

Immediately after this, the official studio of Ranfeng went straight to the end, sent a very official Weibo Aite to those marketing accounts, and sent a lawyer's letter to sue them.

The content is very serious. It's not just the kind of bluffing or bluffing that celebrities usually talk about. This is real.

Although it is only issued by the studio, it shows that it is Ranfeng's attitude - he will support his old classmates this time.

Seeing this statement, passersby were confused, they didn't understand why Ranfeng had to swim in muddy waters.

But seeing that his attitude is so strong and his words are so deadly and so rigid, he feels as if things are not what everyone thinks.

Some people calmed down. After all, Ranfeng is usually very cautious. Now that big stars dare to end up with scolding, they seem to be able to quietly wait for the truth of the matter.

The ifeng sisters stopped being neutral and chose to trust Ji Xingchen.

After all, they believe in their idols, and if Brother Feng dares to do this, then there is absolutely no problem with Ji Xingchen's character.

This hot search was bought at seven o'clock in the evening, when the online traffic was particularly heavy.

Ranfeng helped Ji Xingchen deal with this, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

He went out and drove, and when he was about to get big, he called Ji Xingchen.

The phone rang once, and the other party was connected.

"Big star, what are you looking for at night?"

Ji Xingchen's voice came from the mobile phone, and the tone was a little rough, as if he was in a good mood.

Ranfeng made a rough judgment through Ji Xingchen's reaction psychology.

He rubbed his temples, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Following Ji Xingchen's words, he said, "It's nothing, I just want to ask the college students what they are doing now. They answered my phone so quickly."

"I checked the information in the library and the administrator informed me that the time was up and the library would be closed. You called when I came out to check the time."

The pen in the book suddenly slipped out as he spoke.

When Ji Xingchen left, the door almost closed, and he left in a hurry without putting away the pen.

He quickly bent down and picked up the pen on the ground.

Ranfeng smiled, "Excuse."

Ji Xingchen also laughed, "Believe it or not."

"So that's why you didn't call me."

Ranfeng's sudden "unreasonable trouble" surprised Ji Xingchen, but he also found it interesting, so he explained, "I'm too busy to have time, and I don't even have time to touch my phone."

"felt it."

If you were still guessing before, then Ranfeng is now really sure that Ji Xingchen didn't see anything today and doesn't know anything.

Although he knew that this matter must not be hidden from Ji Xingchen, he might know everything tomorrow.

But at least at the cusp of the storm and the fiercest online public opinion now, he doesn't know the best.

Listening to Ji Xingchen's faint laughter from the phone, Ranfeng blamed herself for not protecting Ji Xingchen well.

If possible, he would like to support Ji Xingchen in a pure and small world, and let him simply be a simple and ordinary college student, so that he can keep his peace of mind and not be disturbed by other things.

"Any other plans tonight?"

Ji Xingchen stopped walking back to the bedroom, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What do you think I have plans?"

Ranfeng stepped on the red light of the brake light, and ruffian said, "For example, don't go back, make a date with me."

"But our dormitory building access control time is eleven o'clock."

Ji Xingchen wants to go back to the dormitory to sleep. Although he doesn't plan to live in the school, he still chooses to live in the dormitory for the first week because he has a lot of things to do at the beginning of the school year. Family.

"It's okay, I can take you in, I'm at the gate of your school."

The last sentence, what Ranfeng said was ambiguous but righteous.

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen immediately changed the route back to the dormitory and went directly outside the school.

There were a lot fewer people in the middle of the night, and Ji Xingchen was standing in a corner holding a book and was about to call Ranfeng.

Suddenly someone hugged him from behind.

The familiar breath came, and Ji Xingchen glanced around subconsciously. Although there was no one around, he still wanted to avoid it.

His movement was stopped by Ranfeng.

Ji Xingchen was a little worried, "If you hold me like this, I will be photographed by the paparazzi."

Ranfeng smiled and rubbed Ji Xingchen's face with his chin, "It's just right, I'll introduce this to everyone."

Ji Xingchen's face was a little itchy, so he leaned back slightly, moved his head a few times, and tried to turn his head to look at Ranfeng's face, but he only saw the tip of his nose.

Ji Xingchen smiled, "Why are you so thick-skinned?"

Ranfeng tilted her head and pecked on his lips just like Ji Xingchen, "Then say I'm your partner."

The shadows of the two people crossed and overlapped under the street lamp, making them seem very intimate.

Ji Xingchen looked at the shadow and was suddenly curious about dyeing maple's actions.

"Why did you come suddenly?"

Although he didn't watch the news online, he could feel the difference between Ranfeng tonight.

He didn't know the reason, so he asked the other party directly.

The moonlight is so beautiful that no one is willing to destroy this tranquility.

Ranfeng didn't say anything else, just whispered in Ji Xingchen's ear, "I miss you."

Returning from the hotel the next day, Ranfeng received a call from his father.

"I saw the stars."

Ran's father is concise and concise, but the amount of information is huge.

"Go check Ji Lintian and Ji Cheng porridge."

After hanging up the phone, the information collected by Ranfeng was also compiled.

The profile also shows a person's name—

Season Lintian.