Boy’s Love Online is a Wreck

Chapter 89: Protect the best stars in the world


The name Ji Lintian, Ranfeng, felt a little familiar. After reading the information, he found out that this person was the director who was restricted by Ji Xingchen's popularity in his live broadcast room when he was on Mao Mao TV.

At that time, Lin Boyuan mentioned it to him, but he didn't take it to heart, but he didn't expect the other party to be the initiator of this black material.

Ranfeng continued to look down on the news, and found that Ji Lintian bought a marketing account and Shuijun deliberately broke the news and compiled the information. Those fake classmates and fake neighbors released the information based on the information he provided, and the photos were naturally provided by him.

But Ji Lintian hired Hei Ji Xingchen, this is only the most superficial and superficial thing.

Like a key clue, he quietly revealed the truth that no one knew before.

The person who compiled the data for Ranfeng re-opened an article later, and wrote in detail the relationship between Ji Lintian and Ji Xingchen—

Ji Lintian is Ji Xingchen's cousin, his father Ji Chengzhu and Ji Xingchen's father Ji Jiangcheng are brothers.

Ji Cheng Porridge's family used to be impoverished, and they all depended on his younger brother Ji Jiangcheng to support him to do business and bring him up with one hand.

But later Ji Jiangcheng went bankrupt and owed loan sharks and died in a car accident because of an investment mistake. However, as a brother, he stood by and watched the whole process. Later, he even joined a debt collection company to force Ji Xingchen and his mother to repay the debt.

Ji Xingchen's house and car are all mortgaged, and he is homeless to work at least two or three jobs a day to make ends meet.

The two days of mother and son have been so hard, and he has contributed greatly.

When I wrote the information here, I focused on adding a point at the back, saying that the company that cheated on Ji Jiangcheng later had close business contacts with Ji Cheng porridge, and it was suspected that he and the other party should cooperate with each other to design Ji Jiang City.

After that, the people who summarized it went on to add a second point at the back, saying that Ji Jiangcheng's car accident was a little suspicious and could dig deeper.

The information that can be found in one night is limited. After reading it, Ranfeng asked people to continue to follow the clues, and asked the other party to focus on checking Ji Chengzhu's company and several projects invested in his name.

The icy words made Ranfeng particularly calm and composed, but in fact, at this moment, his expression was very ugly.

In the past, Ji Xingchen only talked about those past events lightly, and he knew nothing about those details.

So even if he knew that Ji Xingchen had a very bad time, it was just a concept, not specific.

Ranfeng couldn't help but look at the photo that Ji Lintian released to reveal the news.

Ji Xingchen is dark and green, and his body is emaciated.

A person who sleeps so regularly, but has such deep dark circles, how many nights did he stay up

With such a thin appearance, how hard should the days be at that time

Although it has been so many years, even though everything is getting better now, Ranfeng is in a panic.

He wished he could travel through time and space, return to the tired and strong boy in the photo, give him a hug and protect him under his wings.

In those few years, Ji Xingchen should have been happy and carefree, but he had to run around for life...

The more I think about it, the lower the air pressure around Ronfeng.

The dull atmosphere was finally broken by a sudden WeChat message.

This message was sent by Ji Xingchen.

Little Star: Are you home

Little Star: [Kitten wagging its tail].jpg

Ranfeng lowered his head and glanced at the content carefully. Through the text, he could also feel the other party's concern, and his eyes finally softened.

Feng: Here, in class

Little Star: Yes, the teacher just arrived

After sending this, the other party continued to enter.

Little Xingxing: I'm going to start the roll call, let's not talk about it

Little Xingxing: Brother Feng, I will call you after class~

Maple: Good

After looking at the WeChat interface for a while, Ranfeng found another emoji package and sent it to Ji Xingchen.

Maple: [Press on the wall to play boo boo].jpg

This is the emoji that Lin Haoqian sent to Ji Xingchen before.

Ji Xingchen was brainwashed and often sent it to himself.

After dyeing Feng Feng's hair, he waited for a few minutes, and seeing that Ji Xingchen didn't reply, he guessed that he must be studying seriously.

He glanced at the sun rising to the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window, turned around and contacted Lina.

He wants to investigate what Ji Lintian and his dad did in the past, but what needs to be clarified more urgently than this is Ji Xingchen's black stuff yesterday.

The public opinion has not been reversed, and everyone still feels that Ji Xingchen has a problem with his character, so he must first help Ji Xingchen reverse the word of mouth and clarify the black material.

He handed over the marketing account and navy materials to Lina for processing, but concealed the news of Ji Xingchen's father's bankruptcy and death.

As long as the person who broke the news comes out to clarify that Ji Xingchen was deliberately hacked, it is enough, and any extra clarification will only make more people dig into Ji Xingchen's past.

Ji Xingchen hasn't told him much about that past, so he won't open those scars in front of so many people to sprinkle salt on his wounds.

After Ranfeng arranged these things, he found that there was a new reminder on his mobile phone.

Ji Xingchen actually replied to him a minute ago.

The other party didn't type, so he sent the emoji package he sent back.

Little Star: [Press on the wall to play boo boo].jpg

Dye Feng smiled.

Someone is not concentrating in class.

When Lina contacted the marketing account and public relations team to deal with the rumors, the high school monitor Wen Shuyan came to Ranfeng.

Wen Shuyan: Brother Feng, you know about Xingxing recently. I think your studio has issued a statement, that is, we are not from the entertainment industry, but we also want to clarify for Xingxing. The students are all ready to fight against those idiots. Just a moment, but it's just... Well, they sent me to ask you, why should we buy this hot search? How long will it take to schedule? We have been researching for a long time and haven't figured out how to do it. The old lady also urged me to pay me to arrange hot searches quickly, and urged me to do it all night, but where do I go to arrange it...

Wen Shuyan: By the way, Brother Feng, is 100,000 enough to buy a hot search

Wen Shuyan's sentence is simple and simple, but his friendship with Ji Xingchen is between the lines.

The former classmates were willing to testify for Ji Xingchen. After seeing it, Ranfeng was surprised but moved.

After he solemnly thanked the monitor and classmates, he asked the other party for information, and then sent it to Lina, asking her to sort it out and send it together.

However, no one expected that before the data was integrated and sent out, a small number of people on the Internet would be one step ahead of them, using their own weak strength to maintain Ji Xingchen.

Since last night, some people who also claim to be Ji Xingchen's classmates have appeared on Weibo and various forums.

[I'm a classmate of Ji Xingchen's junior high school + senior one and senior two. My name is Zhang Jiayi. The reason why I stand up is that no one has more say than me, because our junior high school classmates are only in the same class as Ji Xingchen after they are promoted to high school. I am alone, and all the students in the 201x (16) class of Chuangjia Junior High School can testify for me. I can swear I haven't said anything bad about Ji Xingchen on the Internet, because I know that he is a good enough person who can be described as perfect, so I don't know who the so-called classmate of junior high school and high school is. In addition, I have to clarify that Ji Xingchen was not expelled from school because of a fight, but because his household registration was not in the locality and he had to go back to the place where his household registration was registered for the college entrance examination, so he only transferred in the third year of high school. At that time, the whole class, including the teacher, were very reluctant to bear him. Before he left, our class specially held a class meeting for him, and I even left a photo of that class meeting. In addition, I also want to say that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and making rumors is legally responsible. I hope you don’t make random rumors and ruin people’s reputations]

This junior high school + high school classmate posted two photos on the forum. One was the class meeting held for Ji Xingchen in the class. Ji Xingchen hugged a few boys generously, smiling and saying something.

The second photo is the graduation photo of their class from junior high school. Ji Xingchen is standing next to him, and his eyebrows are very conspicuous.

Not only did this classmate come out to speak for Ji Xingchen under the real-name system, but more people came forward one after another.

They spoke on Weibo, forums and Douyin. Not organized, but all in one.

[I'm He Jiajia, a classmate of Ji Xingchen's junior high school. I don't know why such ridiculous black materials appear on the Internet, but Ji Xingchen is definitely not the kind of person everyone thinks. It is true that he is a rich second generation, but he never shows off, and he is also very diligent and thrifty, just like an ordinary student. It was only when I accidentally saw his father's car that I knew that his family was so rich. And he's not a playboy if he doesn't dance, go clubbing, or fight. I've been with him for three years, and I've never seen that.]

[I am Wei Xiaowei, a classmate of Ji Xingchen Chuangjia High School. I can prove with my real name that Ji Xingchen is really gentle. He is Bai Yueguang of the whole class, and he is handsome and has a very good personality. At first everyone thought that a handsome guy like him would be very cold, but he is not, he is very enthusiastic, like the sun can illuminate everyone around him. Once I smashed my exam and hid in the classroom and cried quietly. After he saw it, he went out and bought a cup of milk tea and put it on my table. He is really a very gentle person, I hope some people don't maliciously slander him! There are also rumors that he makes people abort, I hope you don't be so vicious, Ji Xingchen is very good emotionally, even if he rejects you, he is very gentle and makes you feel decent, and he never makes trouble with anyone Gossip! We can't hide any gossip here. If someone had an abortion, everyone would definitely know about it!]

[I'm not Ji Xingchen's classmate, but I'm his alumni, I know him, he doesn't know me. Once on a bus I was robbed of money by a thief. He chased that person for me for a few blocks, and finally got scratched on his arm by the other side. Such a person, I believe he is definitely not what you say.]

With the ferment of yesterday's breaking news, the attitude of ordinary people towards Ji Xingchen is contempt, disgust and disappointment.

However, in the face of public opinion, Ji Xingchen's former classmates and alumni were not afraid, and at the risk of being attacked and abused by everyone, they had to stand up and support him.

None of these people have received a penny, and they have not even had any contact with Ji Xingchen.

But the Ji Xingchen they portrayed was so upright, gentle and kind.

It is precisely because of these people who dare to speak out that the word of mouth of Ji Xingchen, who has received a lot of bad reviews, has been reversed, and many people have begun to waver.

[I'm a little confused and shaken, who is telling the truth?]

[I feel that my classmates are so arrogant. This is the first time I see someone who has been hacked by the whole network. There are so many people who come out to support him]

[If a person is really that bad, there won't be so many people willing to speak for him]

While various forums were discussing these classmates who clarified for Ji Xingchen, they suddenly saw a video that shocked them even more.

A topic named #we believe in jixingchen# suddenly became a hot search.

After clicking on it, what popped up was a Weibo and a video posted by a Weibo named [All Students of Class 1, Class 201x, Mingyou No. 1 Middle School].

All the students of Mingyou No. 1 Middle School, Class 201x, Class 1: We don't know how to clarify to make it more real, but at least the graduation certificate can testify for us. We used to get along with Ji Xingchen for a year. Three people become tigers. If the anonymous distortions of three people on the Internet can be regarded as facts, can the 38 members of our class refute him for him

The text is very simple, but the content of the video posted below is very powerful.

The video is not long, only three minutes.

After clicking it, what popped out was a graduation certificate from Zhang Mingyou No. 1 Middle School and the signatures of his classmates.

Wen Shuyan, Wu Rui, Zhang Xiao, Bai Xue, Zhang Daishu, Chen Shanshan... Dye Feng.

Each certificate is followed by the students' words to support Ji Xingchen and clarify for him.

Jumping over names one by one, they are finally aggregated into 38 strong and firm signatures.

At the end of the video, the students wrote a paragraph to Ji Xingchen.

- When someone deliberately distorts the facts and wantonly slanders and attacks you, it is not that you are bad, but that you are strong enough.

You will always be the brightest star in our hearts.

The classmates in this class made a bold pledge to netizens about Ji Xingchen's character overnight in the form of a joint signature.

A well-known person born in a famous school, betting on their graduation certificate, they didn't scold and refute with others on the Internet, but they used practical actions to tell everyone how firm their hearts are in supporting Ji Xingchen.

[Have you found out, those who said Ji Xingchen was bad were anonymous, they just posted pictures, nothing else. But those who spoke and clarified for him were all real names, and they also posted their graduation certificates...]

[There are 39 people in their class. Except for Ji Xingchen, all of them have posted their diplomas to support him]

[My God, who did I see? Ranfeng also posted a graduation certificate! !]

[Brother Feng! That's right, it's really Brother Feng! ! ! ! ! !]

[To be honest, I was quite moved after reading it... This classmate relationship is too precious.]

[So how good is this person? Except for Ji Xingchen himself, everyone in the class has come to speak for him]

[Everyone here, it's been six years since you graduated. When you encounter this kind of thing, are your classmates willing to stand up?]

[all the classmates? ? If it were me, only good friends would come out to protect me, the whole class should stand up, how popular it is]

[Xingxing must be a gentle and excellent person, only such a person can't see him being slandered]

[Woooooo, I really want to cry, gentle people will also be tenderly rewarded]

[This video and autograph are too good to cry! ! ! !]

[Stars are worth it]

[I think there is nothing to say about this matter. The person involved did not say a word, but so many classmates came out to defend him. If he is really a bad person, it is absolutely impossible for so many people to stand up for him]

[The idiot who broke the news probably didn't expect Xingxing's character to be so good, everyone should protect him like this]

Originally, the maintenance of many classmates made everyone start to shake, but now Ji Xingchen's whole class in senior three stood up together, and the wind direction really began to change.

Ordinary netizens are speaking for Ji Xingchen more and more, and the position of this hot search is getting higher and higher.

When this topic was brushed to the top of the hot search, the so-called classmates and neighbors who broke the news of Ji Xingchen were also picked up. In fact, they were all writers who used money to make up stories.

Their so-called classmates' identities are fake, their neighbors' identities are fake, and the content of the revelations is even more fake.

Not only that, but the marketing accounts that first released the material also came out and apologized. Because the Ranfeng studio was very rigid, several writers were afraid of lawsuits, so they also came out to apologize and posted screenshots, proving that someone had indeed given them the task and asked them to come out to compile materials and deliberately black people.

At the same time, fans also released the so-called picture of Ji Xingchen smoking in an Internet cafe, and enlarged the picture to cut out his smoking hand.

Only then did everyone realize that it was actually shot at a dislocation, and it was not Ji Xingchen who was holding a cigarette in his hand, but the person who was online behind. But because of the angle, it was specially photographed like this.

Seeing this, netizens finally understood.

All this is because some people can't get used to Ji Xingchen's excellence, and deliberately make up materials to black him.

After being teased, angry netizens scolded these writers and marketing accounts, and some even began to call for the culprit behind the scenes to be uncovered.

However, none of the current clues point to Ji Lintian, so the netizens are like headless flies, and they have not found anything.

But they didn't pick up any substantive content, but someone accidentally helped to decipher the origin of the photo in the bar.

The screenshot was posted by a netizen. She posted a lot of pictures, including messages from her friends in her circle of friends, conversations between them, and a few old photos of Ji Xingchen a few years ago.

Circle of Friends Dialogue:

Friend: This handsome guy looks familiar

Netizen: Familiar

Friend: Yes, I feel like I have seen him, wait for me to find

WeChat conversation:

Friend: Look at this little brother

Friend: [picture]

Netizen: It's him! ! ! How do you have his picture

Friend: I shot this before, five or six years ago, right? At that time, I liked to go to a bar to play. When I saw this little brother is very handsome, I took a picture and kept the picture.

Netizen: Can you be more specific

Friend: Say what? Is this little brother? I don't have much to say, I don't know much, I know that he used to work in that bar and he was very hard

Netizen: Is there anything else

Friend: Let me think...

Friend: Oh, I just thought of one, a friend of mine told me something about him.

Friend: This little brother is actually quite miserable. It seems that his father died in a car accident during the college entrance examination, and his mother got cancer. His family owes a lot of debts because of investment failures. Was he only eighteen at the time? I have to work several jobs a day, which is really hard.

Friend: I remember meeting him at an internet cafe once. I joked with him about how I met you during the day and met you at night, and how many places do you work in a day

Friend: He said he works four places a day, I was shocked at the time, doesn't he need to sleep

Friend: At that time, I thought, why does he work so many jobs? Does he need money or death? It was only later that he found out that he had a seriously ill mother to support. Cancer was just a matter of money. No amount of money was enough.

Friend: At that time, some rich women told him to give him money because of his good looks, so that he would not work so hard. But he didn't want it, he was very clean

Friend: But then he didn't go to the bar when his mother was seriously ill. He took care of his mother every day. Later, I heard that he moved, and I don't know where he went.

Friend: I still have a few pictures, do you want to take a look. He was so thin back then, he was not as energetic as in your circle of friends. One of them was taken after he stayed up for a few nights while he was asleep. He seemed to be I haven't slept for a few days because of taking care of his mother

The netizen finally posted all the photos sent to her by her friends, and attached a message [I hope some people will be individuals].

The photos are very complicated, and they are basically the scenes of Ji Xingchen in Internet cafes and bars.

Ji Xingchen in the picture is much younger than he looks now, but in every picture, his eyes appear particularly large because of too much weight loss.

In fact, his eyes are very beautiful, and the dark eyes always make people want to take a second look.

But his appearance was so haggard, and the dark blue in his eyes hung there, as if it would never go away.

The last picture was a picture of Ji Xingchen quietly dozing off in a corner.

He just fell asleep standing there, looking exhausted.

With a tired look on his face, it seemed that he was going to collapse in the next second when the wind blew, but he tried his best to straighten his back, even though he was already asleep.

Seeing these, it is not necessary to say more, fans also want to understand everything.

At that time, he was not in good spirits because of the erosion of life, but because he had worked so many jobs and had no time to sleep at all.

At that time, he was so thin in every photo because he used all the money to treat his mother's illness, and he might not even be able to live a basic life.

Why did he take the college entrance examination six years later, because his father died on the day of the college entrance examination!

Thinking of those pasts, the hearts of fans who have been abused are also painful.

[At that time, Xingxing was only eighteen years old, right? How did he take on this family alone...]

[I dare not think about what life was like when Xingxing lived]

[I always thought that Xing Xing was so optimistic and cheerful that he must have a carefree life... But it was not easy for him]

[No wonder he is always the only voice in the Xingxing live broadcast room. I have never heard him mention his family or seen them call him]

[Because he has no family anymore...]

[Yeah, he has no family, but I'm really sad... ]

[Woo woo woo I cry, be a person really!]

[Fuck me, it’s not easy for the stars, and now I’ve finally got a better life and fulfilled my dream, but Dogecoin came to hack him?]

[I won't do this if you have the heart]

[Why don't you die one hundred and eighty times who make up this kind of black stuff]

[Go to hell with trash! Go to die! ! ! !]

Those gentle Buddhist fans in Ji Xingchen's live broadcast room were abused to become mothers one by one.

They regretted that they could not accompany Ji Xingchen to guard him during the most difficult time, but in the days to come, they will go forward and accompany him like family members, and will not allow anyone to hurt him again!