Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 23


After learning the truth, Yang Xiao's first reaction was to call the police.

Playing wild ball has both disadvantages and no advantages. For a basketball player who is on the rise, if he is injured, it will have a great impact on his career! Even if he wasn't injured, he was a student who went out to play wild ball, and the team knew that he would definitely be punished, which would definitely become a stain on his resume.

She couldn't stand by and let Meng Yufan fall into such a dangerous situation!

"How to call the police?" The boy from the host department stopped her and shrugged, "This live broadcast software is set up in Southeast Asia, and it has to be over the wall. And these bets are not in RMB, but in the software. With virtual currency, even if you call the police, the police can’t do anything about it.”

Southeast Asia has been the home of online gambling games in recent years. From the server to the operation team, all of them are overseas, and the domestic police have no way to start. In order to avoid risks, virtual currency cannot be converted into cash in the software. If users want to exchange, they can only use private exchange channels—but in fact, these so-called private exchange channels are also supported by companies.

If you rashly call the police, you will only startle the snake.

"Okay, you give me peace." Yang Xiao interrupted him, she stared straight at his eyes, not allowing him to look away, "Little boy, it's good that you have news ideals, but young people don't always think As soon as you reach the sky, you will make big news for the first time. You children, when your brains are hot, you dare to come here with a pinhole camera. Have you ever thought about how you will end if someone finds out? "

Liu Yueyue whispered: "Isn't this discovered by others..."

"Xiao Liu, I didn't ask you anything. Let's talk about your affairs when we go back." Yang Xiao noticed that Liu Yueyue kept her eyes fixed on the boy who was the anchor when she spoke, and even jumped out several times to protect him. In this way, she was obviously dazed by the boy, became his little answer, and even brought the most dangerous pinhole camera in her bag!

Yang Xiao continued to press the boy again: "Are you also a senior? A broadcaster? Which TV station are you doing an intern at now?"

"I..." The boy had nowhere to hide under her coercion, but he stammered, "...I'm not in an internship right now."

"So, without the guidance of your seniors, you dared to bring your classmates to the field as soon as you patted your head?" Yang Xiao said coldly, "Are you really just doing a semester homework? Let me guess—this one If the news is made, it will definitely add a lot to your resume, right?"

"..." The boy was speechless. No matter how much he thought, he was just a student who didn't come out of the ivory tower. His little thoughts were too naked in the eyes of Yang Xiao, who was used to seeing monsters and ghosts.

Yang Xiao's sharp gaze swept across the four little quails, and he gave an order in a swift and resolute manner: "You guys, turn off the cameras immediately, and let me go back as you come! Don't tell anyone about today's affairs. From now on, delete all the footage! You can do this news, but at least after three or five years, you can do it after you have a certain social experience. Do you hear?"

"… I heard."

The four children were frightened by her, and Nana agreed. They hurriedly retreated to the outside of the basketball court, Liu Yueyue walked in the last place, her head bowed, and there were still tears in her eyes.

When she passed by Yang Xiao, she asked in a low voice, "Then Sister Yang...Aren't you leaving?"

"I'm not leaving." Yang Xiao calmly took out his mobile phone, swiped his finger on the screen, and pressed a few numbers, "Little guy, let my sister tell you that in addition to looking for the police uncle, you can also find Who is it?"

On the basketball court, the game is entering a white-hot stage. The score on both sides was very hard. Meng Yufan's team of professional athletes had two forwards, he and Xu Dong, while the opponent team had a small forward and a point guard. The guard was very capable of three-pointers. I've seen him on the field before.

Xu Dong's agility gave Meng Yufan an excellent chance to score. Meng Yufan held the ball and jumped high, made a dunk, and scored two points again!

But when he landed, the enemy defender suddenly stepped forward and blocked his foothold. Meng Yufan awkwardly changed direction in the air and landed dangerously. If he hesitated for another second, he would probably injure his foot.

It's inexplicable, what is a guard rushing to the basket

"Brother, you ran in the wrong direction." Meng Yufan patted the man on the shoulder and said jokingly.

But what he got was the man's provocative gaze.

Meng Yufan was stared inexplicably, full of doubts. Xu Dong ran over and whispered to him, "Fanzi, be careful, the tactics on the other side are too dark, protect yourself."

"It's just a friendly match, and there's no money to get it, why are they playing so dirty?" Meng Yufan muttered.

However, he didn't notice that beside him, Xu Dong hesitated.

Fortunately, Meng Yufan is a single-celled animal. After scoring a goal, he only cares about being happy. As before, he flew a kiss to the auditorium again - eh, strange, where did Sister Xiaoxiao go

Yang Xiao was originally standing in the most conspicuous part of the auditorium, and Meng Yufan could see her as soon as he turned his head. But now, her place is empty, and even her bag and coat are gone.

Meng Yufan instantly became a poor dog who couldn't find his owner. At this time, he couldn't even care about playing ball. All he could think about was where his girlfriend went.

It's not because Sister Xiaoxiao thinks watching him play basketball is too boring, so she sneaks away...

Meng Yufan became more and more frustrated the more he thought about it, and he even missed a good opportunity to score a goal while he was absent-minded.

"What the hell are you doing?" the team's center—the frog who started smoking the cigarette—quaked immediately, "I asked you to play for me, not to paddle for me. of!"

"Play for me" and "Paddle for me", these two sentences sounded particularly harsh in Meng Yufan's ears.

He just played a company friendly match for his friends, what difference does he make if he wins or loses? And he has already scored so many goals in front of him, even if he is an iron man, his physical strength can't hold it.

Meng Yufan also has a temper, but he always looks like a good gentleman, which makes people ignore his true fighting ability. After all, he is a sports student with a height of nearly two meters and a body full of muscles. If he rolls up his sleeves and fights, he can beat the frog in front of him with one punch.

His heart was agitated, and he took a step forward to grab the collar of the frog, but before he could do it, a harsh horn sounded from the entrance of the basketball court—

— "Stop it, stop it, stop playing." A middle-aged man in uniform strode closer with a loudspeaker in hand, "I don't even look at what time it is, and I'm still playing basketball. Lights, do you disturb the people?"

Behind the middle-aged man, there were several other young men in uniform who surrounded the audience and were shouting loudly for the audience to leave.

How is this going

Seeing this group of people in uniform, almost everyone's heart skipped a beat. Although this game was called "XX Company Basketball Invitational Tournament" on the surface, it was a wild ball game behind the scenes.

If the police are called...

"Frog", as the organizer of the basketball game, was beating a drum in his heart. However, when he saw the uniforms on those men, he felt something was wrong.

No, these people aren't police, they look like... they look like...

"Urban management law enforcement!" said the man with the loudspeaker, "We received a report that your basketball court was using searchlights privately, which seriously exceeded the city's specified lumens. You didn't declare in advance, which seriously disturbed the people!"

Around this basketball court, there are indeed four high searchlights that illuminate the court.

Frog frowned, took out a good pack of cigarettes, and walked over to hand out cigarettes to the city officials: "Look, there's not even a residential building nearby, it's just an office building, where are the 'civilians' disturbing?"

"Isn't the employees in the office building 'min'?" The city management captain didn't take his cigarette. "You have a light shining directly on the opposite building, we just received a report from a kind lady..." He looked back, "Strange, where did that warm lady go?"

Where did the zealous lady who reported it go

The enthusiastic lady sneaked into the crowd while taking advantage of the chaos, dragged her lover and ran away! !

Meng Yufan couldn't even explain how it all happened - all of a sudden, the city management came in, all of a sudden, the game was suspended, and all of a sudden, Yang Xiao ran up to him, took his hand and Go outside the basketball court!

She stepped on high heels, but she ran very fast. Meng Yufan's big hand was tightly held by her, and he stumbled out with her.

"Laugh...Sister Xiaoxiao!" Meng Yufan suspected that they were making a thriller spy war movie, "Why are we running?"

Yang Xiao pulled him into the parking lot and hid under the shadow of a tree: "Why run? If you don't run, your stupid dog will be chopped up by your good brother and sold for money!"

"… what?"

Yang Xiao spoke quickly: "Do you know what you are playing? - You are playing wild ball! What does wild ball mean, don't I need to explain it to you?"

"..." Meng Yufan was stunned. As a basketball player, of course he knows what a field ball is. He knows even more that a field field is like a quagmire. Once it gets wet, it will only get deeper and deeper. His first reaction was to go back to find Xu Dong, "No, Xu Dong is still there, I have to go back and save him!"

"Save him? He doesn't need you to save him at all! He must know that this is a wild ball, and he is taking you into the pit on purpose!"

"But what if he doesn't know?" Meng Yufan shook his head repeatedly, stubbornly unwilling to believe, "Maybe, maybe he was also deceived? Xu Dong and I have known each other for so many years, we are the best. Brother, why did he lie to me?"

Yang Xiao only felt powerless. After all, Meng Yufan is still too young and too inexperienced in society. Falling in love with this kind of boy is as sweet as in the novels every day; but when serious things are involved, the young boy will reveal his childish side, go to the dark one foolishly, and never turn back without hitting the south wall.

Otherwise, it is very painful to say that the relationship between sister and brother is very painful, where is it in love, it is obviously raising a son!

What kind of little wolf dog is this

This is obviously a little idiot, a little mentally retarded, a little second-hand!

Yang Xiao closed his eyes, wishing to stuff this silly thing directly back into the basketball court.

Doesn't he like to fight? Then call! Just get your head off and use it as a basketball!

But there's no way, this is the boyfriend she personally chose, no matter how angry she is, she can't return it...

— No, she is Party A, she can return it! !

When she placed the order, it was clearly written in the precautions. If there is something wrong with the "rental boyfriend", the employer can cancel the transaction at any time! Just to deduct some liquidated damages.

She can afford this liquidated damages.

Yang Xiao became angrier the more he thought about it, and opened his mouth on impulse.

"Meng Yufan, let's make a bet." She said solemnly, "Tonight I will take you back to the dormitory, you can rest for a night honestly, and tomorrow morning, you will go to Xu Dong."

"… and then?"

"Didn't you say you're good brothers? Then he certainly won't lie to you, right? You ask him face to face if he knew in advance that this was a wild ball game. If he says he doesn't know, fine , I put a big banquet, punished myself three cups, and apologized to him in person!" Yang Xiao said coldly, "But if he knows, I think—the employment contract between us can be ended early."

She smiled and didn't need to distrust her "boyfriend".

"It's a word!" Meng Yufan immediately raised his hand, "I, Meng Yufan, swear here, if I really misread someone, if Xu Dong really deliberately lied to me, then my employment contract with Sister Xiaoxiao Immediately void, I will not charge Sister Xiaoxiao a penny, and then extend the service for two months for free!!"

Yang Xiao: "...?"

No, wait, what's up with the free two-month extension