Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 31


Meng Yufan hurriedly ended the extra training, put on a casual outfit, ran out of the school gate, and jumped on the subway bound for the TV station.

Coinciding with the evening rush hour, there were so many people on the subway that Meng Yufan had to wait for three trains before barely getting on.

And in the gap between these three trains, he was approached four times and asked to call twice. He told them all righteously: "I have a girlfriend!"

When he squeezed off the subway, his clothes were messed up, the buttons were opened, and there was a fragrant business card in the back pocket of his jeans. Meng Yufan didn't even look at it, and threw it into the trash.

He is now on a privately locked shared bicycle, and this professional ethics is still there!

He arrived at the TV station a little later than planned, and he hurriedly sent a message to Yang Xiao to tell her to go downstairs.

The security guard at the gate of the TV station has long been familiar with him, and when he saw him, he even chatted with him.

"Xiao Meng, are you here to pick up your girlfriend from get off work again?"

"Yes!" His answer was extremely loud. He was tall already, but now his head was raised up, making it even more conspicuous.

When Yang Xiao walked out of the elevator, he saw Meng Yufan and the security guard chatting hotly.

Before she raised her voice to call him, Meng Yufan turned his head in her direction as if he had telepathy—the next second, the clouds were beginning to open, the rain was over, the sky was clear, there were no clouds, and the sun was shining brightly.

Seriously, when he saw his smiling face, Yang Xiao's exhaustion from the day's work disappeared.

She didn't notice that her footsteps were much faster, and the high-heeled soles stepped on the shiny marble floor, making a series of crisp knocks.

It's winter now, Yang Xiao has changed into thin winter clothes, and the classic plaid scarf is wrapped around her neck twice, which makes her generous and dignified.

Compared with her, who is afraid of the cold, Meng Yufan seems to have just stepped into the autumn. He relies on his good physique and always wears a bomber jacket and sweatpants. No matter how little he wears, his palms are always warm, no matter what. Whenever Yang Xiao touched it, it was always hot.

"Sister Xiaoxiao." Seeing his girlfriend coming, Meng Yufan quickly greeted her, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"It doesn't matter," Yang said with a blushing face, "I just happened to work overtime, so you are not late."

Where is she working overtime? Obviously, he was fishing in the office and surfing the Internet to buy new sneakers for his boyfriend.

The eyes of the two were glued together, and the atmosphere was just right.

Amidst this incident, a figure appeared behind Yang Xiao, waved his hand vigorously, and said, "Hello, classmate Da Meng! Long time no see!!"

Only then did Meng Yufan notice that his previous employer, Liu Yueyue, was actually there!

"...Ah, you, hello." Meng Yufan greeted her embarrassingly. Facing this old customer, he really didn't know how to treat her.

Liu Yueyue didn't realize that she was a light bulb at all, she followed behind Yang Xiao, and the three walked to the parking lot together.

As soon as he went out, the cold air came on his face, Yang Xiao rubbed his hands, and exhaled a breath of warm air into his palm.

Seeing that she was cold, Meng Yufan naturally held her right hand, interlaced her fingers with hers, and conveyed the warmth in her palm to her. He didn't think it was enough, so he just put her right hand directly into his pocket, and the palms of the two were pressed together and blended in the pocket.

Liu Yueyue didn't notice their little movements, she sneezed, and the heat turned into a white mist in the air: "It's so cold... It feels like it was summer a few days ago, but why is it suddenly winter."

Yang Xiao teased her: "Your time has been too chaotic. It's been more than a month since you came to practice. When you first entered the stage, the leaves of the leaves were all yellow, and now the leaves are gone."

"Wow, it's been over a month so soon?" Liu Yueyue suddenly turned to look at them, "So, shouldn't your contract expire long ago?"

Yang Xiao: "…"

Meng Yufan: "…"

Her gaze fell on Meng Yufan's pocket - Yang Xiao's hand was still in it!

Yang Xiao suddenly felt a panic when her puppy love was caught by the dean of the school. The enthusiasm in her palms seemed to be running up her arms, burning her cheeks.

Yang Xiao: "...We have renewed our contract." She coughed, "My ex-boyfriend hasn't shown up, and I'm uneasy, so I want to hire him to protect me for another two months."

Reasonable and reasonable, no one can make mistakes.

Liu Yueyue was really fooled.

She asked again: "By the way, Da Meng, does your company allow two orders in the same period of time?"

"Allow." Meng Yufan replied, "There is a gold medal boyfriend in the company, and the schedule is full. During the National Day, he met five mothers-in-law in seven days, attended four class reunions, and one was in Out of town!"

Compared with him, Meng Yufan only needs to serve Yang Xiao alone, which is too leisurely.

"That's good!" Liu Yueyue said happily, "Then when are you free this weekend? I'll rent you for a day, you can accompany me back to school!"

Yang Xiao: "...???" It turned out that she wasn't joking just now, she was trying to play the real thing!

Meng Yufan: "...!!!"

Meng Yufan panicked immediately, he subconsciously looked at Yang Xiao next to him, and hurriedly turned around: "This, I have to accompany Sister Xiaoxiao on the weekend, it's not convenient."

Liu Yueyue blinked: "Ah? But doesn't Sister Yang only rent you to commute to and from get off work? Do you have plans for weekends?"

"..." Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan looked at each other, the girl pulled her hand out of his pocket, Meng Yufan wanted to hold her tightly, but in the end her body temperature left. "He... uh, Yu Fan got it wrong, we don't have plans for this weekend. He, he is—yes, he has a game this weekend!!"

Meng Yufan immediately picked up: "Yes yes yes yes, look at my memory. I have a game on the weekend, which is very important, it is the CUBA group qualifying match! You may not have heard of this game, but it... "

"Who said I didn't hear it?" Liu Yueyue interrupted him unhappily, "ChineseUniversityBasketballAssociation, the Chinese college basketball league, right? Our Huacheng Media University is a seed team, and the academic committee issued a notice calling everyone to watch it. Just this weekend, we are at home against the Hwaseong University basketball team—" Her eyes brightened, and she immediately asked, "Wait, the Hwaseong University basketball team, isn't that just you??"

Yang Xiao: "...???"

How could Meng Yufan expect such a coincidence? Liu Yueyue is actually a student of Communication University

But the words were out of his mouth, and he could only bite the bullet and admit: "... Haha, what a coincidence."

"Isn't this just right!" Liu Yueyue was very happy, "Anyway, you have to come to our school to play basketball, and I have to watch that game. After the game, you only need to spare three hours... No, two hours , I rent you!"

The atmosphere in the car was a little dull.

As usual, Yang Xiao parked the car at the side entrance of Hwaseong University. Meng Yufan said goodbye in a muffled voice, and turned around to get off the bus.

"Yu Fan, wait a minute." Yang Xiao stopped him.

But the boy didn't turn to him with those deep eyes the first second she called him, like every time before.

He turned his head to himself, nestled in the passenger seat, and looked at the crowd of people and horses outside the window.

"...Are you in a bad mood?" Yang Xiao asked tentatively, "I didn't talk much along the way."

After they separated from Liu Yueyue, on the way from the TV station to the school, Meng Yufan said no more than 10 words, and they were all echoing words such as "um", "oh" and "really". Nothing ever happened.

In Yang Xiao's eyes, the boy is always full of vigor, like a sunflower born to the sun; but today, the sunflower has been wilted by the rain.

Strange... When we first met today, he wasn't like this.

Hearing Yang Xiao's question, Meng Yufan was silent for a while and replied, "No, I was thinking about the weekend."

"Want to play?" Yang Xiao thought, the weekend group stage must be very intense, Meng Yufan has changed his partner, and he will definitely have to adapt for a while.

"...No." This time, Meng Yufan finally turned to look at her. His eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was something in his eyes that Yang Xiao couldn't understand. "What do you want to think about in the game? Play, get the ball, and just shoot into the basket."

"Then what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about things after the game." Meng Yufan smiled, "Liu Yueyue said she would rent me for two hours and take me to meet her classmates. I was thinking about what to wear, what to say, and how to behave. I have been for a long time. I didn't take orders from other people, I forgot how to get along with other girls."

"… "

"Sister Xiaoxiao," he asked with burning eyes, looking at her, "do you think I want her to hold my arm, or hold hands and put my arms around her shoulders? She is small, if I hold her in my arms bosom—"

"—Enough!" Yang Xiao interrupted him suddenly, she didn't want to admit that when Meng Yufan narrated that scene, a kind of jealousy that she had never experienced ignited her heart.

But why should she be jealous

The relationship between Liu Yueyue and Meng Yufan is nothing but a contract, and all their close contact is permitted by the contract.

This contract... Yang Xiao also signed it.

"Meng Yufan, I understand what you mean." Yang Xiao was not stupid, she could see the boy's thoughts in an instant, "If you don't want to show her affection, why did you promise her just now? ?"

He nodded, he asked Liu Yueyue to place an order on the app, and he agreed!

"Why did I agree?" Meng Yufan lowered his eyes and didn't look into her eyes, "...because I'm waiting for you to help me refuse."

"… "

"I said I wanted to accompany you on the weekend, but you denied it first." He raised his eyes again and looked at her deeply, "You can follow my words and say that we have a date plan for the weekend. Are you Liu Yueyue's superior, it's much easier for you to reject her than me."

Yang Xiao was speechless.

"I..." She didn't know what to say. Under the gaze of those eyes, all her arguments were pale.

She bit her lip and suddenly said, "I have prepared a present for you!"

She turned almost hastily and lifted a paper bag from behind the driver's seat. The paper bag is also tied with pink fireworks ribbons, which use the simplest black lines to outline the pattern of a pair of AJ basketball shoes.

Yang Xiao said: "This is a new model this month, you shouldn't have it yet? I ordered it last week, and it arrived pretty fast..."

Meng Yufan looked at the shoebox on his lap, and there was no smile on his face.

Yang Xiao originally hoped that through this gift, he could apologize and make Meng Yufan happy. He is the little fresh meat she bought with money, and she, the gold master, should give him a gift to make him happy.

But it looks like... she seems to be self-defeating.

Yang Xiao asked: " don't like it?"

"No, I like it very much." Meng Yufan's big hand fell on the shoe box and slowly rubbed it, "I like it very much."

He liked every gift she gave him, whether it was a scarf, a pair of shoes, a kiss on his heart, or a drunken dream.

He turned his head to look at her and said softly, "Sister Xiaoxiao, in fact, I also have a gift for you."

"Ah, what gift?" Yang Xiao said hurriedly, "You are still a student, don't you even have a lot of living expenses now, so don't buy anything for me."

"I didn't buy it." The boy shook his head.

He took out a ticket from his pocket, but instead of handing it to Yang Xiao, he solemnly placed it on the driver's platform.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, do you know that the reason why I came to see you today is actually to invite you to the basketball game this weekend... Media University is a very strong seeded team, and they have a forward who won the MVP in their team. .I want to invite you to watch my game and see how your boyfriend beats him."