Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 38


Tang Shuge was dumbfounded, stunned, and sluggish. She is now broadcasting a sentence over and over in her mind - Jiangnan Leather Factory closed down, the bastard egg yolk crane, owed 350 million, and ran away with his sister-in-law! Ran! Ran!

Yang Xiao immediately turned around and planned to drive to Tang Shuge's company.

"If such a big thing happens, I don't think I should go to the cafeteria." Yang Xiao said, "First go to Tangtang's company to check the situation. There are biscuits in my car. If you are hungry, eat some biscuits first. Pad your belly."

"...Biscuits? No!" Tang Shuge leaned forward and suddenly said loudly, "I've been hungry all night, not to eat biscuits on my birthday!!!!!!!!!"

"Can… "

Tang Shuge put his hands on the back of the passenger seat, with a mysterious frenzy in his expression: "What's the use of me returning to the company now? Can I catch the bastard boss back with my bare hands, or can I provide the police uncle The key clue? The boss ran away, the little wolf dog slept, and dozens of my colleagues were there, one more than me, one less than me—you open it for me! Go ahead! The company closes down when it closes Well, miss out on the free lobster feast, but never again!”

Yang Xiao: "…"

Yang Xiao could see it, Tang Shuge was obviously furious, and he was going crazy.

Seeing Tang Shuge's flaming eyes, Yang Xiao was afraid that if he disobeyed her, she would be eaten alive by her as a lobster.

She could only drive the car to the cafeteria tremblingly, parked it downstairs, and then, like Meng Yufan, guarded Tang Shuge into the lobster cafeteria.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Tang Shuge went straight to the lobster area. The lobster wall was as spectacular as the photos of Internet celebrities. Each lobster was much thicker and longer than the forearm. It was cut in half from left to right. Tang Shuge didn't blink an eye. Eat shrimp. She didn't use the tools specially prepared by the waiter, and only used her hands and a few hard teeth to break the lobster's big tongs.

While fighting with the lobster, she greeted Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan: "You eat, what are you looking at me for?"

Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan watched her take apart the lobster shell with her bare hands, and they always felt that she was going to dismantle the boss's head in the next second...

They were all jolted and hurriedly said: "Eat, we are eating too!"

In a panic, Yang Xiao gave Meng Yufan a fishbone, and Meng Yufan gave Yang Xiao a gnawed bone.

Fortunately, Tang Shuge was concentrating on the lobster and didn't notice that something was wrong with the two of them.

Yang Xiao deliberately knocked off his fork and said, "Oh, look at how careless I am."

Saying that, she immediately squatted down and got under the table.

Meng Yufan had a good heart with her, and found an excuse to get under the table.

Meng Yufan was too big. He was cradling his knees under the table, looking especially suspicious.

He whispered, "Sister Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with Sister Tang?"

Yang Xiao was worried: "What else can happen? The company suddenly closed down on the birthday, it must have been greatly stimulated!"

"This... how to do this."

Yang Xiao thought for a while: "This meal makes me uneasy, and I can't keep dragging it. I'll start a topic in a while, look at me, cooperate with me, and you must send her to the company as soon as possible. !"

"No problem!" Before Meng Yufan could finish speaking, his stomach began to growl.

It was only then that Yang Xiao remembered that this silly boy was even more looking forward to today's buffet than Tang Shuge, and he was hungry for more than 20 hours...

She softened her heart and rubbed his hair: "Okay, don't worry about it. This buffet is not cheap, you can eat it. I don't have any appetite today, so you can take my share back. what."

"it is good!"

The two conspired for a long time, and finally got out from under the dining table.

In such a short time, the lobster shells in front of Tang Shuge had piled up into a hill. She took another plate and chewed it with all her heart and mind.

Not long after, the manager of the restaurant lobby came over and said kindly, "Miss, today is your birthday, and the restaurant specially gave you a birthday noodle. What kind of noodles do you like to eat? You can tell us."

Only then did Tang Shuge put down the lobster tongs in his hand, and said slowly, "I want to eat noodles, such as hay fishing, can you do it?"

"Uh..." the lobby manager said embarrassedly, "this really doesn't exist."

"Today is my birthday, little brother, help me~~"

To say that Tang Shuge is also a little beauty, with a small round face and big watery eyes, she even dressed up for her birthday today. The loose white sweater added a soft and cute feeling to her. As soon as she acted like a spoiled child, the lobby manager raised his hand and surrendered.

"...Actually, our back kitchen does have an employee who jumped from Hai O Lao." The lobby manager thought for a while, "But Hai O Lao's noodles use specially kneaded dough embryos, and we can't prepare that right now. Kind of noodles, I'll let him replace it with something else for the time being, okay?"

Tang Sugar naturally said yes.

Soon, the employee who claimed to have jumped from Hai O Lao appeared with his "pulling noodles"...

It's just that what he's holding in his hand is not a doughnut, but a piece of... very, very, very, very long white toilet paper.

The roll of paper was flying, and it even flew past the eyes of Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan.

Yang Xiao: "…"

Meng Yufan: "…"

This "pulling face" is really "pulling" enough.

Tang Shuge said in surprise, "I want to try it too!" She got up, took the slender piece of toilet paper from the waiter, and began to study in a strict manner. The white paper was flying, Tang Shuge's arms were rounded, and he was having a great time. She even asked Meng Yufan to make a video for her, saying that she would post it in the circle of friends.

Meng Yufan was in charge of the video, Yang Xiao was in charge of the applause, and the two coaxed her as a kindergarten child.

While applauding, Yang Xiao stuck to Meng Yufan's side, and whispered, "She doesn't seem to be very sick, and I'll start in a while."

"Okay." Meng Yufan also whispered, "I'll give you an assist."

Tang Shuge had had enough and returned to his seat sweating. She looked down at the two large plates of lobster shells and said, "I'm done eating again, I'll go get some more."

She ate six lobsters today! She eats far more than usual, but she doesn't seem to be hungry.

Yang Xiaosheng was afraid that she would eat it again, and she would get sick, so she quickly said: "Tangtang, Yufan just told me that he checked his bank card and found that his salary, your company has never called him."

Meng Yufan: "Huh?"

Yang Xiao kicked him under the table.

Meng Yufan immediately changed his words: "Oh, yes yes yes! yes, I have never received my salary!" His acting skills were poor, "I am so anxious, this is my hard-earned money!"

Yang Xiao sang with him: "I don't know if I can get the money back."

Meng Yufan: "I'm so miserable, I don't even have living expenses, woo woo woo."

Yang Xiao: "..." She reminded in a low voice, "The play is a bit overdone."

Fortunately, Tang Shuge didn't realize that they were complicit. She stared blankly at the lobster shell on her plate, silent for a long time, wondering what she was thinking.

Suddenly, she stood up with a slap on the table and said angrily: "The trash boss is shameless! When the boss, he took all the money and ran away with the little wolf dog of his own company!! What she thought she was doing, recycling scrapped shared bicycles ?!!! Dirty!!"

She waved her hand: "Don't eat, let's go! Meng Yufan, you are also a victim, let's form a group to ask for wages!!!!"

Yang Xiao let out a long sigh of relief, thinking to himself, Tangtang is finally back to normal...

After they left the restaurant, they immediately drove to the cloud sharing boyfriend company.

Tang Shuge's company is located in the entrepreneurial park, and there are so many Internet companies crowded out. Almost every day, new companies are cut and opened, or they are delisted because they can't support it.

Every once in a while, someone will hold a banner to ask for a salary, which is not surprising to the social animals - after all, Internet companies sound foreign, but in essence they are just another form of migrant workers.

Cloud Sharing Boyfriend has rented a quarter-floor office building with more than 40 employees, who are divided into several executive departments such as the Customer Service Department, the Marketing and Commerce Department, and the R&D Department. Tang Shuge is from the Marketing and Commerce Department. Every day, he is either kneeling on resources or on the way to resources.

As a result, kneeling and kneeling, the company has all kneeled down!

She stayed in the company's office computer, and the resource schedule she had just determined, but she couldn't use it anymore.

The company was a mess, the floor was full of rubbish, and many people were moving things out. Moreover, they were not carrying their own personal items, but the company's computers, printers, desks and chairs and other office supplies. Some even found a cart and carried away the company's fortune tree.

"Suger, why are you only here now!" A female colleague stopped in front of them and heard the voice of the person who had just called her. "The police have finished taking the transcripts and have left!"

"What are you doing?" Tang Shuge asked blankly.

"What else can I do, move something home to reduce personal losses!" the female colleague said angrily, "Our company has been paying one month's salary, plus this month, it's a full two months' salary! The boss is now absconding with the money. Now, there is no way, everyone can only divide the things in the company!"

They are like this, like in the TV series, after the powerful family loses power, the servants carry things and run like crazy.

She looked curiously at Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan beside Tang Shuge and asked, "Is this your friend?"

Tang Shuge nodded, and first introduced Yang Xiao: "This is my best friend, who is living with me now." She pointed to Meng Yufan again, "This is the boyfriend signed by our company, and the company has never paid for his service fee. ."

"I don't know about this!" The female colleague changed her face immediately, as if she was afraid of being entangled by them. "The boss ran away, and the labor fee has nothing to do with us."

After she finished speaking, she quickly smeared oil on the soles of her feet, pushed the fortune tree and slipped away.

But before leaving, she kindly told Tang Shuge: "The house is about to be emptied by everyone, don't be stunned, just pick something valuable and go!"

Tang Sugar: "… "

Yang Xiao: "…"

Meng Yufan: "…"

But having said that, how could their company have anything of value

The tables and chairs were all emptied, and even the labor protection supplies in the cabinets were gone. In addition to the two trash cans on the ground, there are only two pots of wilted spider plants on the windowsill.

Tang Shuge stared blankly at the empty office. Just last week, she was still chatting and laughing with her colleagues here, still discussing the work for the next quarter with her partners, and still reporting the progress of her work to her boss...

And now, all that's left here is a mess.

She walked towards the depths of the company like a ghost.

Why is it her, why is it today

She has changed so many jobs after graduation, and every company can't work for a long time, but this is the first time that she was unemployed on her birthday! !

Yang Xiao and Meng Yufan were afraid of her accident and followed her nervously. If she goes fast, they go fast; if she goes slow, they go slow.

In this way, they walked to the door of the boss's office. On the wall outside the door, there was a blackboard with the "Star of the Month" commendation, and Tang Shuge's photo was pasted in the "Encouragement Award" column. She told Yang Xiao that everyone has a share in the award for this month's star, and her photos have been hanging on it for several months.

"Tangtang..." Yang Xiao was extremely worried. Although Tang Shuge is an optimist, it does not mean that she will always be carefree.

Tang Shuge pushed open the door of the boss's office like a sleepwalker, and the inside of the door was the same as the outside, everything was emptied, and the indentation on the carpet proved that not long ago, there was a boss desk and Chairs.

There was a wild calligraphy on the wall. Yang Xiao recognized it for a long time, only to realize that it was written - "Be the CEO! Take care of the little wolf dog!"

… It must be admitted that the boss who absconded with donations really did it.

The three stood silently in the boss's office, and no one spoke for a while.

At this moment, a very strange sound suddenly came from the house - like someone was scratching the board with their fingernails! ! !

In an instant, the goosebumps on Yang Xiao's body rose.

Tang Shuge screamed out: "What, what sound!"

As if responding to her, the sound of fingernails scratching the door became louder, louder, louder...

At a critical moment, Meng Yufan stepped forward, he immediately blocked in front of the two girls and protected them behind him.

"Don't be afraid." The boy said solemnly, "I'll protect you."

Tang Shuge shivered, and almost put his entire head in Yang Xiao's arms. Yang Xiao wrapped her arms around her and grabbed the corner of Meng Yufan's clothes with the other, and the three of them were close together.

The room was empty, Meng Yufan couldn't even find a weapon in his hand, so he could only protect his chest with his bare hands.

His eyes looked at every corner of the room one by one, and finally landed on a cabinet.

That is a very common display case, the upper three layers are Baibaoge, and the lower part is a pair of double-door cabinets. The space is not large, and from the outside, it should not be enough to hide people.

The sound of fingernails scratching the door is louder...

Meng Yufan frowned slightly, took a step carefully in that direction, then stretched out his hand, ready to open the cabinet door.

Yang Xiao was also frightened. She grabbed Meng Yufan's clothes tightly and kept saying, "Don't go, don't go there, let's go."

Tang Shuge yelled, "Meng Yufan! Do you know that a curious muscular guy like you will be the first to die in horror movies!!!!"

But Meng Yufan didn't listen to their advice. He slowly put his big palm on the handle of the cabinet, and then pulled sharply—

—I saw a big golden hairy guy jumping out of the cabinet, shaking his head and waving his tail, and rushed directly into Meng Yufan's arms! !

That's right, there's actually a beautiful big golden retriever hidden in the cabinet! And the sound of fingernails scratching the door just now was also an oolong made by it.

The dog's long hair flutters, and the rich color is like a rubbed sun. Because the playful got into the cabinet, it had a lot of dust on it, but even so, it could not hide its handsome and unrestrained.

For the first time, Yang Xiao knew that a dog could also be described by the word "handsome".

But why is there a golden retriever in the cabinet of the boss's office

"Great Sage, is that you?" Meng Yufan scratched his chin in surprise, in exchange for the golden retriever's enthusiastic tail twist.

Tang Shuge was no longer afraid, and immediately leaned over, looked left and right, and said, "It is indeed the Great Sage! I thought the boss would take it away!"

Yang Xiao was dizzy: "Great Sage? You all know this dog?"

Tang Shuge hurriedly said: "Xiaoxiao, have you forgotten? As I told you, in addition to renting out boyfriends, our company has also launched a variety of scene stacking packages. You can send milk tea, roses, and dogs. Pick you up from get off work—here, this is the Golden Retriever I mentioned with the No. 1 nomination rate."

Yang Xiao vaguely remembered that he had indeed heard Tang Shuge mention this.

At the beginning, when Liu Yueyue asked for his salary, he ordered the superimposed package of the Great Sage Meng Yufan, otherwise Meng Yufan would not know it.

Yang Xiao looked at this warm and smart handsome dog and said sincerely, "This dog is really handsome."

It also has a collar around its neck, with a small bow tie attached to it, very gentlemanly.

"Of course!" Tang Shuge said, "The Great Sage has a pedigree certificate! The boss always says, don't think it's just a dog, it's worth at least 20,000 yuan!—Ah!"

Tang Shuge's eyes suddenly lit up.

She looked at the dog, looked at Yang Xiao, then looked at the dog, and then looked at Yang Xiao.

She blinked her eyes, took out the pitiful eyes she had used to treat the restaurant manager today, and suggested frantically: "Xiaoxiao, look at this dog, does it look like my unpaid wages?"

Yang Xiao instantly understood her intention and immediately refused: "It's not like, of course it's not like! Can your salary be enough to eat, drink and lose hair!"


"No, it's enough to have a madman like you at home, I can't have another one." Yang Xiao refused coldly. "Besides, raising a large dog is not something that can be decided at once. It is different from a small dog. It needs a lot of exercise. Do you think the two of us have the time to take it to the lawn to play wildly for one afternoon every week? "

She is not an arbitrary fascist. If this is a small dog with a pocket size, or a cat, Yang Xiao will agree with her best friend.

But golden retrievers are big dogs! Yang Xiao really doesn't like sports. It is absolutely impossible for her to be exposed to the sun for a few hours for a dog.

Tang Shuge was persuaded by her, and could only look at this well-behaved dog with regret.

Sorry, although she loves it, she prefers to lie at home...

At this moment, Meng Yufan suddenly crouched down and hugged the golden retriever.

The dog wagged his tail enthusiastically, sticking out his tongue and washing his face cheerfully.

"Sister Xiaoxiao," Meng Yufan hugged his long-lost brother who was also a mammal, tightly refusing to let go, "you just keep it, I'll be responsible for taking it out to play every week in the future, okay? ? Wang Wang!"