Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 4


An awkward atmosphere pervaded the four of them.

Yang Xiao looked at his father's face ashen, and didn't know if his heart, which had just undergone bypass surgery, could hold up the sound of "Dad".

At the critical moment, Mama Yang decisively saved the scene.

She raised a gentle smile, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were slightly deeper, but it made her look more gentle.

"Don't stand here." Yang's mother sideways gave way to the entrance, "Xiaoxiao, hurry up and let... let Xiaomeng, come in."

Saying that, Mother Yang patted her lover's back lightly, signaling him to pay attention, and she must not scare away her daughter's boyfriend with a cold face.

Although it was too abrupt for the boy to call him "Mom and Dad", it didn't mean that he really liked to laugh and wanted to marry her.

As a parent, you can't even forget the basics of hospitality at a time like this.

Under the leadership of Mother Yang, the remaining three people walked into the house awkwardly.

Yang Xiao had not slept all night, and his temples were buzzing and hurting. As a result, I was frightened by the fake boyfriend beside me, and felt that my whole head was about to explode.

Meng Yufan is tall and needs to bow his head when entering the house, otherwise he will hit the door frame. When he walked into the hallway to change his shoes, he was so tall that he covered the lights above his head.

The lighting in the old house is not good, and the entrance can only be illuminated by this ceiling lamp. He stood straight under the light bulb, and the entire hallway darkened instantly. Only the top of his head was like a dazzling ball of light, shining in the darkness.

Yang Xiao thought, I am very angry now, I must not laugh now.

She took out a pair of guest slippers from the shoe cabinet and motioned Meng Yufan to put them on.

Meng Yufan took off his boat-sized sneakers and shoved his two feet into the slippers—the soles of his feet went in, but his heels stepped directly on the tiles.

Yang Xiao: "…"

Before she said anything, Meng Yufan blushed first: "I'm sorry, I'm 46 feet."

The shoe size of ordinary men is generally 42 to 44. Meng Yufan's feet are really big, but his height is supported there, so he doesn't look awkward.

Yang's mother said "Oops": "Xiao Meng, you are so tall and tall, can't you be a model?"

Her daughter works in a TV station, and she can always come into contact with many celebrities. Mother Yang thought that Meng Yufan was also one of them when she saw how handsome Zhou Zheng was.

"No, no." Meng Yufan lowered his head, looked at Yang's mother, who was only about 1.5 meters tall, and said obediently, "I'm a basketball player, and now I'm playing while reading."

As soon as these words came out, let alone the parents of the Yang family were shocked, even Yang Xiao's movement of changing shoes was a second slower.

What shocked the parents of the Yang family was that they didn't expect their daughter to find a "student boy". How could she like the boy in the ivory tower with a mature personality

Yang Xiao, on the other hand, was thinking about the boy's self-introduction method—if it was an ordinary physical education student, he would not particularly emphasize that he was playing ball while going to school. Listening to his tone, Meng Yufan should be an athlete who often plays on the court.

... What kind of luck is she, the boyfriend who rents casually, is it a star player

She now regrets that she doesn't usually pay attention to basketball games.

"Do you still know that you are a basketball player?" Yang Xiao answered, deliberately saying in a friendly tone, "Just now at the gate of the community, you bullied a few high school students, and you watched you keep dunking and dunking throughout the game. , slam dunk, you have to bully those little guys and cry."

She also specially added to herself, clenched her fist and lightly hammered his arm a few times, it really seemed like a young couple was joking.

However, when her body leaned over, the boy's body was obviously stiff for a few seconds, and the acting was very embarrassing.

Fortunately, Yang's father and Yang's mother did not find the discord between them. Seeing that the young couple was so close, they thought they were in love.

Because the Yang family really didn't have slippers suitable for Meng Yufan to wear, in the end there was no choice but to let him walk directly into the living room wearing socks.

Yang's mother pulled her daughter aside and said angrily: "Tell me, how old are you, and you are still so inappropriate. If you had told your mother that Xiaomeng's feet were big, I would have gone to the supermarket downstairs beforehand. Have you bought a pair of plus-size slippers?"

Yang Xiao confessed his mistake obediently, and said coquettishly, "Mom, I finally came back, are you wasting your precious time in lecturing?"

Yang's mother was really distracted, took her hand, and said worriedly: "Xiaoxiao, you really need to pay attention to your body. Mom read the news that day, saying that white-collar workers now work long overtime and the risk of sudden death is high... You can You can’t just get up and stay up for two days and two nights, and drink coffee as water!”

"Mom, I cherish my life very much, so don't worry." Yang Xiao hurriedly responded.

"Wait." Yang's mother suddenly raised her head and looked at her eyes carefully, "Why are your eyes red? Did you stay up late, or did you cry?"

She really deserves to be her own mother. Yang Xiao not only stayed up all night, but also cried twice. But Yang Xiao couldn't really tell the truth to her mother, her brain was down for a while, and she didn't know how to get over it.

At a critical moment, her good comrade-in-arms Comrade Meng Yufan rushed over and came to an epic rescue.

"Yes... it's the beauty contact lenses! She didn't wear them properly when she put them on in the morning. She rubbed her eyes. You see, it's all bleeding!" Meng Yufan came over, put one hand on Yang Xiao's shoulder, and hugged her , "I have asked her to take off the contact lenses, don't worry."

"Yes, yes, it's the color contact lenses." Yang Xiao answered immediately, "The new color contact lenses I bought on Taobao are very uncomfortable. I guess it's a copycat, so I'll give it a bad review when I go back!"

"You have always loved smugness since you were a child." Dad Yang sat on the sofa and said with some dissatisfaction, "You are not short-sighted, you have to poke those stained glass pieces in your eyes, it hurts your eyes. And you look at you, come back When I went home, I dressed up like I was going to work, my foundation was so thick and my lips were so red, my skin couldn’t breathe!”

Yang Xiao thought desperately, God, her father is here again.

She is obviously twenty-five years old, but her father still thinks she is a fifteen-year-old girl. The most beautiful hairstyle is "Da Guangming", the most beautiful clothes are school uniforms, the most suitable skin care products are Dabao, and even a colored lipstick has to be talked about by her father for a long time.

The most terrifying thing happened just after graduation. A neighbor aunt wanted to introduce her to a partner, and Dad Yang sent the photo on her ID card directly...

That blind date, the man declined after seeing the photo. Dad Yang was still puzzled, thinking that his girl was so beautiful, how could the other party look down on her

yes. Yang Xiao thought, in her father's mind, she could be Miss China when she appeared without makeup. If she wore makeup, then the four little actresses in the entertainment industry would not be able to match her appearance.

The star-chasing girl has a mother filter, and her father has a father filter that has lasted for 25 years, and as she gets older, the filter gets thicker and thicker.

Yang Xiao was afraid that her father would force her to remove her makeup on the spot, so she quickly took her mother and hid in the kitchen, leaving Meng Yufan alone in the living room to deal with her father.

Meng Yufan panicked, chasing after her pitifully, looking like a big dog abandoned by its owner.

While her parents were not paying attention, Yang Xiao showed a hideous smile at her fake boyfriend, stretched out her right index finger and gestured "death" around her neck, and then left a look of "kill you if you dare to reveal your stuff", He slowly closed the kitchen door.

Meng Yufan, who stayed where he was and didn't dare to move: "..."

At this moment, Dad Yang fired... No, he opened his mouth.

"Xiao Meng, stop standing, sit down." Dad Yang pointed to the small stool opposite the sofa, "Come, tell me, how did you meet my precious daughter?"

Meng Yufan thought, it's really hard for him to make some money and risk his life...

Fortunately, none of the questions asked by Dad Yang were out of line.

Meng Yufan discussed the answer with Yang Xiao ahead of time, not to say that he was confident, but at least he could get 80 points.

Meng Yufan was sitting on the small bench in an orderly manner.

Dad Yang asked how they met.

Meng Yufan recited the answer: "Xiaoxiao and I met at a friend's party. At the first meeting, we had a good impression of each other, and after a few contacts, we naturally became together."

This answer barely qualified.

Dad Yang asked again, "You just said you were a student? So how old are you?"

Meng Yufan replied, "I'm 22 years old and I'm a graduate student."

"22 years old?" Dad Yang frowned, "So, you are three years younger than our Xiaoxiao?"

Yang Xiao started working in a TV station after graduating from an undergraduate degree. She was a journalist and later moved to work as a director behind the scenes. Work is the most inspiring to grow, especially working in a TV station. I don’t know how many monsters and ghosts I see every day, which sharpened her mind even more, and made her quickly grow from a fledgling little girl to today’s female demon... female elite.

Compared with her, Meng Yufan, who is young and has not yet stepped out of the campus gate, does not look very reliable.

Although it is said that the female junior holds golden bricks, but...

The thought of handing over the Pearl in the palm of his hand to the Maotou boy in front of him made Dad Yang's heart even more uncomfortable.

In the kitchen, Yang Xiao's mother and daughter also happened to talk about age.

The Yang family ate dumplings at noon today. Yang's mother is in charge of making dumplings, and Yang Xiao is in charge of rolling out the skin. The mother and daughter work together, chatting and cooking.

Mother Yang was surprised: "Xiao Meng is so much younger than you? Oh, he does look quite young. But Xiaoxiao, haven't you always liked older men?"

Yang Xiao protested: "Don't spread rumors, how can I have it?"

"Mom still doesn't know you? Look at the pop songs you listened to when you were in high school. Everyone else listened to Pan Shuai, Jay Chou, etc. You don't like those, you only like Dr. Chen, and you like listening to old Cantonese songs; and your college ones. When you were chasing Korean dramas together in the dormitory, the male protagonist was a forty-year-old 'uncle', and for a while you changed your avatar to that male protagonist; and your first boyfriend..."

Mother Yang's words came to an abrupt end, and she said quietly, "Forget it, don't mention him."

Yang Xiao's first boyfriend, the domineering president with reproductive cancer, is eight years older than Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao had just graduated at the time, and was impressed by the "mature bearing" of the other party, so he fell in love with him for two years.

But the more the two came into contact, the bigger the differences, and eventually parted ways.

"There's nothing I can't mention." Yang Xiao took the words calmly while rolling out the dumpling wrappers, "In my heart, my ex-boyfriend has long been a pile of ashes in the cremation furnace, except every year during Qingming, I will give it to me. We don't have any contact with him other than the incense stick."

Yang Xiaoqing was fortunate, fortunately, she didn't tell her parents when she was in love with Yu Huaibo, otherwise if they knew, she would fall into the old man's pit again, and she would definitely feel distressed.

"I used to really like older men. I thought they were mature and considerate. But now I realize that maturity is not related to age. A lot of men are getting older, but they don't have the mindset to match."

Therefore, her first boyfriend, who was obviously worth hundreds of millions, was still bound by the feudal patriarchal ideology, and said the shameless content of "don't give birth to a son, don't get a certificate"; therefore, her second boyfriend can be in the While interacting with her, he chatted with countless girls at the same time, just because it could prove his charm.

Yang Xiao raised a handful of dry flour and landed it on the rolled dumpling skin. As she was doing it, she said: "their hair is getting thinner, their stomachs are getting bigger and bigger, their jokes are getting more and more yellow, and they are smoking more and more... It seems that since stepping into the society, all men have accelerated their horsepower and become greasy. They have neither interesting souls nor good-looking skins. If your daughter chooses them, your daughter will be blind."

Mother Yang said worriedly: "But... But, you have found a young man now, and there is no guarantee that he will not become the kind of person you said in the future."

"It's okay, I have time to teach him." Yang Xiao raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "If I really can't teach him well, I'll kick him and change it."

"Aiya, you can't talk nonsense!" Yang's mother covered her mouth as she spoke, "Xiao Meng will be so sad when she hears it."

"Mom, your concept has taken a 180-degree turn." Yang laughed and complained, "I thought he was too young just now, and I thought he was not worthy of your daughter. When your daughter said that she was going to be replaced, you felt distressed?"

"I never said that he was unworthy. Mom just cares about your love life. You have been a girl with ideas since you were a child. If you think he is good, then your mother thinks he is also good!" Yang's mother said quickly, "Let's talk about it. Now, my mom is a fashionable aunt, and she usually surfs the Internet! Mom knows that sibling love is popular now. I have read several articles, all of which are about sibling love. In our time, it was called 'Lao Niu' Eating tender grass', but among you young people, it's called... or called..."

Mama Yang knocked her head and finally remembered the word: "It's called 'Little Milk Wolf'!"

Yang Xiao almost went under the table with a smile.

"Mom, you are really my mother!" Yang Xiao asked, "What 'little milk wolf', do you think he looks like that, he is obviously a stupid golden retriever!"

She raised a golden retriever dog just across the door from her house, looking majestic, it was called a handsome and compelling one. In fact, the essence is a second-hand thing. Once, the golden retriever chased the bee, and the bee stung his mouth and swelled his entire head into a small watermelon.

The mother and daughter were chatting and laughing in the kitchen, when suddenly the light bulb above their heads flickered and went out.

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask if the power was out, when he heard his father's voice in the living room.

"Don't be nervous, the two of you! The light bulbs in the living room are getting old, I'll switch off and change the light bulbs!"

The mother and daughter looked at each other. Mother Yang wiped her hands on the apron and said angrily, "Your dad really remembers that it's one time out and one out, and the guests are still there. Even if you want to change the light bulb, you can't change it at this time!"

Yang Xiao also said, "I'll go and have a look. My dad is too old. It's too dangerous to change the light bulb. I'll help him hold a ladder."

As they spoke, they walked out of the kitchen together, but as soon as they opened the door, they were shocked by the scene in the living room—

It turned out that the person who changed the light bulb was not Dad Yang at all, but Meng Yufan, who came to the door for the first time!

Moreover, he didn't use a ladder at all, instead, relying on his height, he directly reached out and took off the lampshade!

The old house with units like his, originally had a much lower floor height than the current commercial house. Meng Yufan's height of 1.94 meters stands in the living room, just as conspicuous as the Dinghaishen needle borrowed by Sun Wukong.

I saw him easily lift his arm, easily take off the lampshade, easily unscrew the old bulb, easily replace the new one, and then easily put the lampshade back.

Yang Xiaoyi used five "light and easy" in a row to describe his movements, because he was really... too relaxed.

Without moving a ladder, without climbing, he really completed the work of changing the light bulb as simply as picking a leaf.

He also took a rag and wiped the lampshade very carefully, and it didn't take more than two minutes from start to finish.

Dad Yang turned on the switch - "smack", the light in the living room turned on.

The ceiling lamp in the Yang family's living room is the most common type of ring. The original light bulb has become cloudy. After the new light bulb is replaced, the bright halo is so dazzling and eye-catching, Meng Yufan is wearing that circle. White halo, holy like a super-aged angel who just descended.

Yang's mother's eyes instantly sharpened.

At this moment, she has seen how the son-in-law will make a contribution to her in the future cleaning, helping her to clean the glass on the top of the balcony, the dust on the top of the bookcase, and dismantle the range hood lightly.

Yang Xiao didn't know that Meng Yufan just changed a light bulb for her family, and her mother had written his name on her family's household registration book.

She's only thinking about one thing right now - is it part of the business to change the light bulbs, and do you need to pay extra