Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 48


Meng Yufan's height of 1.96 meters was extremely terrifying in front of the boy who was just over 1.7 meters tall.

He put his arms around the girl he loved, his eyes were cold, and he looked down at the high school student who knew nothing about the sky.

The high school student's blushing face instantly turned pale, and his lips were trembling. The little Teddy in his arms is more stubborn than its owner, barking loudly, but in the eyes of the golden retriever, which is more than ten times bigger than it, it is just a bluff.

The golden retriever's tail stood up, no longer swaying from side to side, but pointed straight to the sky like a wolf, with the upper body leaning forward slightly, as if it would rush out and bite the target at any time. It barked its teeth and let out a low warning bark from its throat.

Experienced dog owners know that this is a sign that the dog is about to enter a state of aggression.

The Great Sage is a very docile Angel Golden Retriever, and he doesn't even have the problem of protecting food - but now it seems that it is not that he does not protect food, it just depends on whether he encounters a real "enemy".

Yang Xiao looked down at the big palm on his waist, and patted Meng Yufan's fingers helplessly: "Okay, he's still a child, why are you scaring him?"

Meng Yufan muttered: "Then I'm a child too."

Yang Xiao: "…"

Okay, I called myself a "man" not a "boy" a few days ago, and now I'm pretending to be a little brother again.

Meng Yufan's hands tightly wrapped around her body, and he felt really uncomfortable: Although he had known for a long time that Sister Xiaoxiao was very attractive, how could he be so attracted to the little boy? To actually let the little boy who met for the first time say something like "I want to fall in love with your sister and brother", and treat him as a decoration

Thinking of this, Meng Yufan's expression became more "fierce". When he raised his face, he was actually very intimidating, but he had a good temper and usually used a smile to weaken the sense of distance, making people involuntarily ignore his combat effectiveness. And now, he hid all his tenderness, revealing his sharp minions—

Just a look of contempt made the high school student's lips turn white with fright.

"Right, right, sorry!!" The high school student hugged the little Teddy in his arms tightly and kept apologizing, "I, I thought you two were siblings... So I just thought... "

Meng Yufan raised his eyebrows: "What do you think?"

"I didn't think about anything!" The high school student quickly changed his mind, "I, I, I am a micro-business! I want to sell tea!!"

Yang Xiao: "...Pfft hahahaha!"

Are the brains of high school students now so flexible? The speed of this limit turning is a little slower, and it can't keep up!

She was about to laugh out of tears, she was sick, and she laughed too hard, which resulted in a series of coughs.

Meng Yufan quickly eased for her, and the big golden retriever at his feet also put away his sharp teeth, wagging his tail worriedly, and licked her hand.

Seeing that their "family of three" is so close, anyone with eyes can see that there is no room for them to interfere at all.

The high school student lowered his head in frustration, woo woo woo, he also wants to have a sweet love with the beautiful big sister...

He hugged the teddy dog and left, whispering softly: "Since we are in love, why don't you wear a little rubber band, it will make me misunderstand..."

Yang Xiao caught this sentence with sharp ears, stopped him, and asked curiously, "Little rubber band? What little rubber band?"

The high school student glanced at Meng Yufan and replied tremblingly, "It's the headband that girls use to comb their hair."


The high school student pointed to his wrist: "If a boy or a girl is in a relationship, the girl should put one of her own headbands on the boy to prove that 'name and grass have their own masters'."

Some people say that the tradition of girls wearing headbands to boys is because the school does not plan to wear couple jewelry; some people say that it is like a man carrying a bag for a woman. Boys wear several spare headbands on their wrists so that girls can access them at any time.

I don't know how it has been passed on from time to time, and this behavior of wearing a headband has become a fashion among young people. If you go to the gate of the high school for a while, you are sure to see cute little rubber bands with little rabbits, little stars and little yellow ducks on the wrists of many boys.

After listening to the explanation, Yang Xiao: "..."

She sighed: "You children are too good at playing!"

She turned her head to Meng Yufan and asked him, "Have you heard this statement?"

Meng Yufan nodded: "I heard it, many people in our team wear it."

It's just that they wear a "bow tie" today and a "telephone cord" tomorrow, and they change their headbands as fast as they change their girlfriends.

Yang Xiao imagined: "If Yu Huaibo has a headband on his wrist every time he has a girlfriend, then his wrist will not be in a loop?"

"...Why do you think of him again?" Meng Yufan frowned.

"I just think about it, can't I?"

"No!" Meng Yufan said domineeringly, "Sister, if you have time to think about him, you might as well think about me more."

Yang Xiao asked curiously, "You are right in front of me, what do I want you to do?"

"You can think about it, you want to give me the rabbit's head rope, or the duck's head rope."

Yang Xiao: "..." She said with a headache, "When did you see me using such a cute headband?"

When working in Taiwan, Yang Xiao always dressed as an OL, with a fishtail skirt and various shirts, high heels, long curly hair tied up with the most common black rubber bands, and a high ponytail neat and capable. … wearing a bunny, a duck, a kitten’s headband? Even if she jumped off the TV, it was impossible!

Meng Yufan looked at her stubbornly, stretched out his wrist, and insisted on asking for a headband.

"Ordinary black rubber bands will work too..." he said.

Yang Xiao sighed, "I didn't even tie my hair today, where can I get one for you?" She went out to walk the dog and was in a hurry, only wrapped in a down jacket and didn't have her hairstyle at all.

In order to prove her "innocence", she even rolled up her sleeves to show him her empty wrist.

The girl's hands are slender. Because of her recent illness, her skin is so white that it makes people worry. The blue blood vessels on the back of her hands are particularly distinct, and there are still traces of needles. The white skin on her wrist was exposed to the air, and was quickly blown red by the cold wind.

Meng Yufan quickly pulled up her sleeves and put her hands in his pockets.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking." He said hurriedly, "Don't freeze."

"My illness is almost healed, and if I cover it any longer, I'll be bored." Yang Xiao took the Great Sage's dog leash from him and said, "We've been out for so long, and it's time to go back. "

The two came out to take the Great Sage to let the wind out. The Great Sage played for three hours, and the amount of exercise was definitely enough.

So, the two held hands and walked away from the dog park.

Behind them, holding little Teddy, the two male high school students in the battlefield looked at the backs of them leaving, and cried out in grievance.

He doesn't want to fall in love with his big sister again in the future! Not only did the contact information not arrive, but I was forced to eat so much dog food!

The dog park is not far from Yang Xiao's house. The two walked slowly down the road holding hands. When they reached the downstairs of Yang Xiao's house, she invited him upstairs to drink a cup of hot tea.

Meng Yufan's big one, sitting on a delicate fabric sofa, surrounded by dolls of equal height, holding a cup of flower tea in his hand - the scene is really weird and funny.

Yang Xiao secretly raised his mobile phone and took two photos, which were sent to the crowd at home, causing crazy likes from Mom and Dad Yang.

With a creak, Tang Shuge's bedroom door opened. I saw Tang Shuge floated out of the bedroom with two large dark circles under his eyes and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. The soul and body were separated throughout the whole process, and he looked disheveled.

Tang Shuge waved to Meng Yufan and said feebly, "Come here, brother? Just treat it as your own home and sit wherever you want." After speaking, she returned to her room like a wandering soul with her coffee.

Meng Yufan was startled and asked Yang Xiao what was wrong.

Yang Xiao said: "The big writers are revising their manuscripts recently - their website is very strict, and all descriptions below the neck are not allowed. Tangtang has been locked for dozens of chapters within a week. Writing a new article is simply a matter of finesse.”

Meng Yufan didn't understand: "What is the description below the neck?"

Yang Xiao leaned over, attached to his ear, exhaled like a blue, and said a few words softly.

Meng Yufan's face turned red.

Yang Xiao was overjoyed: Meng Yufan is obviously no longer a pure virgin, why is he still so funny when he is teased!

She chased after her victory and continued to tease him for a while. It was the kind of teasing that editors would definitely kill if you put it on a literary website. It made the little boy blushing and couldn't even hold the water glass in his hand.

Meng Yufan's hand slipped, and the water glass fell from his palm and landed directly on his pants.

And by coincidence, it just landed between the legs, and a large chunk of it was instantly dizzy.

Fortunately, the cup of tea was cold, otherwise he would have been scalded.

Yang Xiao's first reaction was to take the paper scraper next to him, and swish a few pieces of paper to help him wipe it.

But how could the thin paper towel wipe off so many water stains, just wiped a few times, it was all soaked in water, only Yang Xiao's hot fingertips fell between his legs.

Meng Yufan: "…"

Yang Xiao: "…"

The two glanced at Tang Shuge's closed door at the same time.

If... if... if... ahem, that's not quite right, is it

They separated as quickly as they were electrocuted, Meng Yufan jumped up from the sofa, and Yang Xiao quickly bounced onto the carpet next to him.

The great sage who was lying on the carpet was pushed away by Yang Xiao, and he tilted his head blankly, not knowing what kind of adult game the masters were playing.

Yang Xiao pointed to the bathroom in a panic: "There is my hair dryer in the bathroom, so I can dry my clothes."

Meng Yufan nodded, rushed to the bathroom without saying a word, and closed the door with a "bang" and locked it from the inside.

As a result, after a few minutes, there was a knock on the door panel from the bathroom.

"Dong dong dong." The boy asked in a muffled voice, "Are you outside?"

"Yes!" Yang Xiao, who was leaning against the door, hurriedly stood up straight, "What's wrong?"

"… well, I didn't find your hair dryer… "

"Huh? It's hanging on the wall, dark grey, Dyson's."

"Is this a hair dryer?" The boy looked at the machine on the wall in amazement—it looked completely different from an ordinary hair dryer. Its blower was a hollow cylinder, round, long, and weird. "I thought it was..."

Halfway through speaking, the boy fell silent.

In the corridor separated by a door, Yang Xiao posted on the door panel and asked curiously, "What do you think this is?"

"It's nothing." Meng Yufan shook his head, throwing those inappropriate thoughts out of his mind, "How do you use this hair dryer?"

"Just wear it and use it."

"...???" Meng Yufan was once again shocked by the image associated with his brain, he couldn't help raising the volume, "Go through and use it????"

Yang Xiao answered inexplicably: "Yes, divide your hair into strands and blow them through." She suddenly reacted and asked with an angry smile, "Wait, little boy, what are you thinking about in your head? what??"

Only then did Meng Yufan realize that he wanted to go wrong.

He quickly turned on the switch, and the hot air quickly blew out of the dryer, blowing all the moisture off his pants.

Yang Xiao deliberately made trouble, knocked on the door and asked him, "Can you use it? Would you like my sister to go in and blow it for you?"

Meng Yufan slammed against the door, thinking that if she was let in, Tang Sanzang would really not be able to get out of the palace of the king of the daughter country today!

A hair dryer costing a few thousand dollars was really unusual, and it quickly blew all the moisture between Meng Yufan's legs.

He quickly put the priceless treasure back, held it in both hands, and said "thank you" to it reverently.

He was about to open the door to leave, when suddenly his eyes were fixed on the small tray in front of the sink, and he couldn't move it away—I saw several black headbands lying on the round tray!

It was the most basic ordinary rubber band, because the movement was too large when it was removed, and there were several long black hair attached to it.

Meng Yufan stared at the seemingly ordinary rubber bands, and his heartbeat instantly soared into the sky.

Kong Yiji said, stealing books is not stealing...

Then... he took a few of his girlfriend's headbands, so it wasn't considered stealing, right