Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 59


Yang Xiao could no longer wear his own clothes, Meng Yufan contributed a clean jersey and waited for Her Majesty to put it on.

It's just that he is too tall, the basketball shirt is put on Yang Xiao's body, directly covering his thighs, and the basketball shorts have also turned into cropped pants.

Yang Xiao looks like a child stealing adult clothes. Fortunately, basketball shirts are sleeveless.

Yang Xiao said: "You have piles of dirty clothes here, where did you get the clean jerseys from?"

Meng Yufan hurriedly said, "This is the team's new uniform this semester. I keep it all the time, and I don't want to wear it."

Yang Xiao recalled that during the game just now, Meng Yufan's jersey was indeed a bit darker than his teammates, and even the ball number on his body was faded.

Yang Xiao asked curiously, "Why don't you wear new clothes?"

"...because I want to leave it for you to wear."

It turns out that there is a long-standing tradition in basketball teams that if a boy finds his beloved mate, he will give her a uniform with his name and ball number on it. In the summer, there will be a lot of girls on the basketball court who wear their team uniforms as skirts, and many young couples directly use the team uniforms as lovers' shirts, holding hands and rolling the road, swaggering around the campus.

Teammates change girlfriends faster than team uniforms. The school doesn't have enough uniforms to send them every semester. Only Meng Yufan, honest and well-behaved, keeps the new uniforms in the deepest part of the cabinet. where, waiting for his doomed girl.

Later, Yang Xiao appeared. Later, Meng Yufan finally had the opportunity to let her wear this dress.

Yang Xiao looked down at the large white uniform on his body, Meng Yufan's name was embroidered with red silk thread on his chest. Those three characters are neat and upright, just like his people.

Just now she thought this dress was sloppy and clumsy, but now she felt that there was no other dress in the world that could fit and feel more intimate than it. She covered the name on her chest, bringing it closer.

Yang Xiao was a little embarrassed, but she was used to her stubbornness. She was clearly moved by the boy's efforts, and now she has to talk about it: "It is said that there is a generation gap at the age of three, but now I find that we have more than one generation gap. I can't keep up with your rhythm."

"..." Meng Yufan stopped talking again.

Yang Xiao saw that his face was suddenly blue and white, as if he was doing a war between heaven and man.

After a long while, Meng Yufan finally said, "Speaking of the little rubber band..." He whispered, "Can you give me that little rubber band back?"

The black headband that used to be wrapped around his left wrist was tightly attached to his pulse, and every beat of his heart would be passed on for the owner of the headband to hear.

Yang smiled for a moment.

She had left this matter behind her for a long time, and she recalled it for half a minute before she remembered that such a thing had happened before. For the social animals who are exhausted every day, the "little rubber band" is a trivial consumable item. If it wasn't for Tang Shuge, who regarded the rubber band as the lifeblood and whispered in her ear every day, she would have no time to pay attention to Meng Yufan's wrist. Is there an extra black headband on it

"You're right, that black-headed rope I took from you that night?"

"Yes." Meng Yu said in a sullen voice, "I know I shouldn't take your things casually, but..."

"But that's not mine."

"… what?"

She laughed: "If I had one more or one less rubber band, I wouldn't notice it at all. Don't say you take one, even if you put your arm in a loop, I won't think much about it. "

She quickly explained the ins and outs of the rubber band to Meng Yufan. When Meng Yufan heard that the little rubber band that he regarded as a treasure was actually pulled from another man's head, his expression: "..."

"Isn't it incredible?" Yang Xiao said helplessly, "I persuaded her several times not to be deceived by scalpers, but she promised well, and she spent half a month's salary to buy five in a blink of an eye. The headband!! After I returned the headband that day, she was so happy that she ate three more bowls of dinner... Hey, why are you looking so strange?"

Meng Yufan coughed: "No, nothing."

So what is he struggling with all this time? !

He performed a one-man show of suffering by himself, but as a result, his audience did not enter at all.

They were delayed in the locker room for a long time. It was freezing cold outside, and Yang Xiao couldn't go out in his basketball uniform. Meng Yufan put her down jacket on her, relying on her health, she only wore a thin sweater and jeans.

Meng Yufan's down jacket was uniformly issued by the team. I don’t know if all the down jackets of Chinese sports specialties are made by the same manufacturer – black, long, dragging all the way to the ankle; there is a hat, there is a pocket that can hold two super cups of milk tea; the national flag must be printed on the chest , the back must read CHINA.

Yang Xiao put on this five-pound down jacket. When walking, he had to kick up the hem of the down jacket with a straight step, otherwise he would fall down at any time.

Meng Yufan was afraid that she would freeze, so she put a hat on her and tightened it so that she could see the road with only one pair of eyes.

Yang Xiao suspected that he had turned into a silkworm chrysalis walking upright.

She followed Meng Yufan and rushed to the gate of the gymnasium. I thought it was dark now, and they left without knowing it, but as soon as the door was opened, they bumped into the cleaning auntie.

God damn it, what exactly is the Shura field where the cheating was caught!

"Young man, are you leaving so late?" Auntie cleaning greeted them familiarly.

"Ah... um..." Meng Yufan didn't expect to meet anyone, he said in a panic, "I, I was just practicing."

Well, practicing "two-handed ball control" and "accurate shooting" in the bathroom can be regarded as honing skills...

"You really love your girlfriend. You are so thin that you have given her a coat." Auntie moved her gaze to Yang Xiao who was behind him, and saw that she was carrying a large bag of bulging things in a black plastic bag. , thought it was rubbish, and said enthusiastically, "Just give me the rubbish, and I'll throw it away for you!"

Yang Xiao: "..." What she was holding in her hand was not garbage at all, but the clothes she was wearing. Meng Yufan rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find a clean black plastic bag, and packed the wet clothes into the bag. "This is not rubbish," Yang Xiao felt guilty, and quietly hid the black plastic bag behind him, "We can just take it away."

After she finished speaking, she pinched Meng Yufan's lower back, and the two stepped on the Hot Wheels and trotted all the way out of Auntie Cleaning's sight.

Obviously just an ordinary cleaning aunt... Why do they look like puppy love junior high school students who were chased by the dean of the school?

They rushed to the parking lot, found Yang Xiao's SUV, opened the door, got in the car, and locked it in one go.

The two looked at each other at first, then laughed out loud at the same time.

"You're stupid..." Yang Xiao laughed until her tears came out. She lay on the steering wheel, her chest heaving, "It's okay if you're stupid, I'm actually stupid with you."

She suddenly remembered something and asked, "Wait, what is the responsibility of Auntie Cleaning?"

Meng Yufan: "The scope of responsibility? The entire basketball hall has to be cleaned..."

"Does that include dressing rooms and bathrooms too?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"..." Yang Xiao wished she would slam her head into the steering wheel, the temperature on her face rose, and she said weakly, "Can't they see the things in the trash can in the bathroom!!"

Meng Yufan: "…"

Yes, yes. The small umbrellas they had just used in the bathroom were knotted and thrown into the trash can. No one thought of taking them away and disposing of them. Well now, the cleaning aunt will definitely see it. And the two of them were alone for so long in an empty basketball arena...

- Yang Xiao swears that she will never step into Huacheng University again in her life! ! !

She asked, "Meng Yufan, have you been planning for a long time? Otherwise, why are you even ready?"

"It was issued by the school." Meng Yufan swore to the sky, "I went to the school hospital for a physical examination a few days ago. The teacher gave each of us a box, and I put it in the locker room."

Oh, it turns out that it wasn't a long-planned plan, it was just an idea.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk about it, Meng Yufan can't rush back to the bathroom and steal those small umbrellas back.

The two sat in the car for a long time, and the time passed, and Yang Xiao's stomach suddenly made a rumbling sound. She was so busy today that she didn't even eat lunch, so she hurriedly ran to watch Meng Yufan's game, but was pinned down by the boy in the bathroom and did a full set of aerobic exercise, and she was so hungry that she was so hungry.

Meng Yufan seemed to wake up suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Ah, by the way, I ordered a western restaurant, and now it's too late."

Yang Xiao squeezed his hand and asked helplessly, "Unless the western restaurant you mentioned is Pizza Hut, no western restaurant will let me in with my current dress."

"… "

The mopping down jacket is mixed with a loose basketball shirt. If Yang Xiao wears this kind of clothes and sits in front of the viewing glass window, eats steak and drinks red wine, it is estimated that everyone will be watching.

So, the promised romantic Christmas dinner can only be declared aborted.

But the rumbling stomach can't be ignored. The two discussed it and decided to eat hot pot.

On such a cold day, it really goes well with hot pot.

There is a "Tianxin Hotpot Restaurant" in the North Gate of Huada. This is a chain of Internet celebrity hotpot restaurants that has become famous in recent years. The taste is good and the service is good. The most important thing is that the owner of this store used to be in the entertainment industry and opened a brokerage company. Later, he retreated bravely, turned around, and joined the catering industry. This hot pot restaurant is visited by many celebrities, and pictures of the owner and the couple with celebrities are hung on the walls.

In those group photos, there are Jiang Zicheng, who has won the international best actor at a young age, the legendary twin sister Su Jinx2, the musical star Xiangchai, and…

Yang Xiao works in a TV station and is immune to celebrities for a long time. She goes to Tianxin Hotpot Restaurant for dinner, not for chasing celebrities, but for a good meal.

Today is Christmas, and it coincides with the weekend, and the Tianxin hot pot restaurant is full of people. The lead lady took a waiting list for them, and the note showed that there were 8 tables in front of them waiting to eat.

No choice but to wait.

Fortunately, the service of the hot pot restaurant is very good, and a lot of drinks and fruits are prepared in the waiting area. In order to retain customers, the owner set up a billboard with a letter: "Doing handicraft can be discounted."

Specifically, the store owner provides origami and colored ropes. When customers are waiting, they can use origami to make paper cranes. Ten paper cranes are tied together with colored ropes, and one piece can be worth five yuan!

There is a stack of colored paper next to the hands of each waiting customer, and everyone is burying their heads in the folding. There is a table of four girls dressed as college students who have already folded hundreds of them.

Meng Yufan also went to pick up a stack of origami and a few beautiful colored ropes, and Yang Xiao immediately raised his hand to indicate, "It was agreed in advance that I won't be able to fold paper cranes."

Meng Yufan was surprised and confused: "But you're a girl!"

"What's wrong with the girls? I'm not a robot produced by an assembly line. The software is pre-installed at the factory. I can fold paper cranes, turn flower ropes, and jump rubber bands." Yang Xiao took the origami paper and fiddled with it, "... Go ask the waiter, I don't I can fold thousand paper cranes, but I can fold little frogs, okay?"

"… Little frog?"

"As soon as you press your butt, you slap that little frog that can jump all the way." Yang Xiao said in a tone that recalled the past, "I was the first place in our class in the long jump competition of little frogs."

"...May I take the liberty to ask, Sister Xiaoxiao, was the year you were talking about twenty years ago?"

Yang Xiao laughed at him angrily, and pretended to lift his foot to kick him, so Meng Yufan jumped up in front of the waiter like a little frog with a big plus size.

After a while, Meng Yufan came back and resumed his order: "Sister Xiaoxiao, the clerk said, it can't be a frog, only a thousand paper cranes."

"What about the paper plane?"

"Although I didn't ask, but I don't think paper airplanes will work."

"… "

Seeing that the people around were folded a large handful of paper cranes, Yang Xiao's heart was filled with unyielding energy, and he was about to fold paper cranes.

So the two sat on a small stool, met face to face, head to head, found Qian Zhihe's tutorial from the Internet, and began to follow the video step by step.

Meng Yufan has big hands and feet, and the tables and chairs in the waiting area are low and uncomfortable. He is so big curled up there, holding a colorful origami paper that is not as big as his slap. cute.

His palms are full of calluses, his knuckles are thick, and his nails are bald. These hands can help him control the ball on the court, but they can't make him dexterously pinching a paper crane.

Just when he was bald for the crane, suddenly there was a burst of warm applause in the hot pot restaurant.

All the customers in the waiting area looked curiously at the sound—I saw a male customer kneeling on one knee in the restaurant, holding flowers in one hand and a diamond ring in the other, proposing to his girlfriend! !

"Promise him!" "Promise him!"

The onlookers immediately applauded and cheered, with laughter and cries mixed together, and some people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of this romantic scene.

The girl was shy and timid, and her eyes were already full of tears. She nodded and agreed to her boyfriend's proposal, and in the roar of others, she and her boyfriend kissed.

A marriage proposal started with vigour and ended happily. Thanks to this sweet scene, there seemed to be a whirlwind of love in the entire restaurant. Originally, Christmas was the day when young couples went out on a date. The whole restaurant looked around, full of sticky couples.

It is said that the most expensive "send you 88 fat cow roses" in the store has been sold out.

… The spending power of couples is so terrifying.

In the waiting area, the four female college students sighed silently as they looked at Qianzhihe strung with colorful ropes in front of them.

"Let me just say, when can we meet in the dormitory? We have to come out for Christmas party." A short-haired girl complained, "Look, in this restaurant, besides the four of us, which other table is single dog? Everyone is in love, only we are making origami machines without feelings."

Another girl with glasses answered: "Yeah, I haven't eaten the hot pot yet, so the dog food is full first."

"God, believers are willing to mix meat and vegetables for a lifetime, please give me a man!!" The short-haired girl folded her hands together, "I don't need much. He doesn't need to be rich, he doesn't need to be smart, just handsome is enough. ."

"...Isn't that demanding?"

"Before I was admitted to BGI, my friends all said, 'Smartisthe newsexy', and after I arrived at BGI, I wanted to discover the sexy academics around me. When I stepped into BGI, I realized that academics can't bring sexy , Xueba can only bring baldness!!"

Meng Yufan listened with interest for a long time, and found that the four female college students were actually his schoolgirls.

They thought their voices were low, but who made Meng Yufan and Yang Xiao so close to them, they listened to their words.

"Like God praying for love, it's better to discover the handsome guys around you." Among the four girls, the one with a bob head said, "Look, how about the tall boy sitting behind us?"

... the tall boy sitting behind them... Meng Yufan was stunned for a moment, isn't that himself!

"Don't be stupid." The last girl said, "Didn't you see a big beauty sitting across from him? She was wearing his basketball uniform, and the A-cone on her feet was also a couple's style. If this is not love, then you It's even more impossible for the CP to be love!"

The four girls sighed in unison again at Qianzhihe in front of them, hey, when will sweet love be their turn.

Meng Yufan held the thin origami in his hand, but his mind was not on it at all.

Even passers-by can see that he and Sister Xiaoxiao are a couple, but...

Meng Yufan leaned into Yang Xiao's ear and asked tentatively, "You haven't given me an answer yet."

Yang Xiao was busy fiddling with the colorful ropes in her hand. She had already given up the origami crane and started fiddling with these thin little colored ropes. Without looking up, she asked, "What answer?"

"In the bathroom just now, I said I wanted to be the last man in your life..." The boy's eyelashes trembled slightly like a small brush, and he said shyly but stubbornly, "You haven't agreed yet."

"… "

"Miss Xiaoxiao..."

"… "

"Yang Xiao."

"… "


When he shouted the last "Smile!", the wolf in his heart appeared again.

Yang Xiao raised his head, sat up straight, hooked his fingers at him, and said calmly, "Stretch out your hand."

Meng Yufan didn't know what she was going to do, but she handed over her right hand immediately.

His skin has a healthy wheatish color due to frequent outdoor sports. His bones are thick, from the knuckles to the palms, from the wrists to the forearms, are much thicker than the average person.

Yang Xiao was too familiar with his hands. She knew the strength when he held her tightly, and also felt the softness when he caressed her body.

The boy has no habit of wearing jewelry, his hands are clean, no rings, no bracelets, no wrist guards.

Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes: "You seem to be missing something in your hand."

Meng Yufan's heart was beating wildly. He seemed to have a premonition of something. He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked calmly, "A girl's headband is missing?"

"Don't always worry about a broken head rope." Yang Xiao looked up at him, his eyes narrowed into a beautiful arc, and the sky was clear. And in her palm, lay a delicate bracelet made of colorful strings. "Good, my sister will give you something better."