Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 68


Feng Xiang's illegitimate fan... In view of the fact that she threw RMB wildly in the studio when she first appeared, Yang Xiao secretly nicknamed her Miss Qian Sabi.

Miss Qian is a rich girl in her 20s. She has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, thinking that everything in this world can be bought with money.

Some people say that "beauty is justice", while she thinks that "money is justice".

This time, she made a scene in the studio and lost her face. She was brought home by her parents and banned her pocket money for three months.

Without money, how can she chase stars? How can I buy VIP tickets for the first row on the basketball court

Because of this, when Yang Xiao proposed to refund the scalper money, she hesitated for a while, and then passed the friend request of the other party.

Miss Qian still has three points of common sense. She did not ask her teacher to ask her guilt as soon as she came up, but asked Yang Xiao to send her work permit to prove her identity.

Yang Xiao took a photo in the office with the business card in hand, lined up the names on the business card clearly, and the background could be seen as a TV station.

Seeing that she was indeed "Yang Xiao", Miss Qian immediately sent a series of voice messages asking her to ask her guilt.

"When will you refund the money??" Miss Qian was furious.

Yang Xiao didn't speak, because she really couldn't learn the whistling energy of Miao Mengchu's voice. If she spoke directly, she would definitely get through it.

LOL: If you refund the money, it will definitely be refunded.

LOL: Only, I can only refund you half.

Yang Xiao said this deliberately. She has worked as a reporter, and she knows the psychology of such a person. She has to provoke her to get the news she wants to know.

Sure enough, Miss Qian took the bait: "Liar!! You must return the 8,000 yuan to me!!"

... eight thousand? !

Yang Xiao was shocked. Miao Mengchu is really a lion. You must know that the most popular variety show on satellite TV usually costs around two or three thousand tickets. If a well-known artist appears, the scalper will only ask for four or five thousand! How can their small late-night show on weekdays be worth the 8,000 yuan admission fee

Is this Miss Qian too stupid, or is Miao Mengchu too greedy

LOL: I didn't lie to you

LOL: I promised to bring you in, and I did.

LOL: You yelled at the venue yourself and the show was suspended.

LOL: I thought you were pitiful, so I agreed to give you half of it.

Miss Qian's voice came again: "If I only want to enter the venue, why don't I find another scalper? You said that you are a staff member of the program team, and you can not only bring me in, but also promise to let me Taking a photo with my brother and interacting, I gave you so much money!"

Yang Xiao: "…"

She really admires Miao Mengchu's courage! How dare she promise such a thing? Indeed, after the recording of the program, the guests will shake hands with the staff of the program group and take photos. If you meet a more famous star, the staff will quietly bring relatives and friends over to take a group photo.

Regarding the matter of taking a group photo, although Taiwan regulations do not allow it, everyone turns a blind eye. After all, groupies are generally very young, and they are all "who's cousin", "who's niece", and celebrities. You won't lose your face just because of a group photo.

Unexpectedly, Miao Mengchu took advantage of this loophole, and for the sake of 8,000 yuan, he didn't even want his face!

Although Yang Xiao grasped the news, she was not sure to move to Miao Mengchu in one fell swoop based on the other side's words alone. She must get a more powerful "real hammer".

After thinking about it, Yang Xiao thumped and threw a straight hook.

LOL: I promise you? When did I promise you

LOL: Hehe, do you have any proof that I said that

Three minutes later, Yang Xiao received a video.

She never imagined that things would go so smoothly! !

The video sent by Miss Qian was recorded outside the TV station.

The camera shakes, and a big face of Miss Qian appears in front of the screen. Looking at her movements, it turned out that she was using the front camera of her mobile phone as a mirror, and was painting her eyebrows and making up her eyes carefully.

In a corner that the camera couldn't see, an impatient female voice sounded.

"Are you alright?" Even though the voice was deliberately lowered, it still couldn't hide the squeamish temperament, "When you pass the gate in a while, you and I get closer, the security guards change at noon, and no one is watching. "

"I haven't painted lipstick yet." Miss Qian muttered, "I'm going to see my husband! I don't know if he likes bean paste color or plum color?"

"Stop dawdling." The female voice off-camera urged, "After you go in, go to the bathroom and stay there. You can paint for as long as you want. When the group shows, you follow them into the recording studio. Just fine."

"When will the group photo be taken?" Miss Qian frowned.

"Don't worry, my sister is definitely not a liar. After the recording, I will definitely arrange for you to take a photo with him!" After saying this, the woman outside the camera stretched out a hand and patted Miss Qian's shoulder—and that hand On her ring finger, there is a particularly conspicuous teardrop-shaped pink diamond ring! !

Yang Xiao immediately jumped to Miao Mengchu's WeChat Moments, and sure enough, on the background picture of her Moments, she saw an identical diamond ring! !

- Finally caught it! !

"Feng Xiang, in view of the turmoil outside, the team has decided that you will not accept any business activities in the next two months, and prepare for the game with peace of mind." In the dormitory of the CBA Huacheng team, the coach looked at the team's forward pillar, issued this order.

"..." Feng Xiang was silent. He was mentally prepared for the above decision, so there was no difference between "accepting" or "not accepting".

Since he joined the Hwaseong team, he has been a talking point in the team. At the beginning, the media laughed at him for sitting on the bench, and the tricks and legs he learned in school were useless; when he began to emerge in the CBA arena, fans immediately praised him as a talent that was rare in ten years; He has been given the green light all the time, other team members are not allowed to participate in business activities, are not allowed to have private agents, are not allowed to have endorsements, but these rules have no binding force on him.

It's just this time... Feng Xiang was on the hot search because of the illegitimate fandom in the studio, and it became more and more intense, and there was no momentum to stop at all.

In this matter, Feng Xiang was the "victim" and the most innocent. But who made him romantic and affectionate, female fans flocked to him, causing many people to look at him like a thorn in their eyes.

On the one hand, the leaders of the team wanted to keep this cash cow before the storm subsided, and on the other hand, they wanted to use this to kill his ruffian, so they decided to prohibit Feng Xiang from participating in business activities.

The coach asked him, "Do you have any objections?"

"No." His broken eyebrows were raised high, "I respect the opinion of the club leaders."

This is the end of the matter.

He said he had no opinion, and the coach took it as if he had no opinion. Two adults pretending to be deaf and dumb, here to maintain the last decency.

"That's right," the coach said. "Just now, the security guard at the gate said that someone called your name and was looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Feng Xiang said indifferently, "Fans, just stop it."

"No, it's a young boy, the security said, with a physique that looks like a basketball player."

Feng Xiang's heart moved.

The coach continued: "I don't remember his name, but he said he was a junior of your BGI basketball team."

Feng Xiang blurted out: "Is it Meng Yufan?"

"Yes, it seems to be this name. Do you really know?!"

"I know." Feng Xiang put on his coat and walked out, "I can probably guess what he is looking for from me."

Meng Yufan was waiting outside the dormitory area, with his hands in the pockets of his down jacket.

The Huacheng Men's Basketball Club bought an entire dormitory building two kilometers away from the home court. Every morning, the men's basketball players lined up and ran to the home training ground shouting slogans, which became a very famous local scene. Some fans even deliberately wait on this commute to give gifts to idols, or just chat and cheer.

When Meng Yufan arrived, there were three or five fans gathered at the door, men and women, with New Year's goods in their hands, talking to the uncle of the security guard, hoping that he would be accommodating and deliver these holiday gifts to the players.

Because Meng Yufan's height and physique looked like a basketball player, the fans gave him a few more glances.

"Brother, are you from the youth team?" a male fan asked curiously.

Meng Yufan shook his head and explained, "No, I'm from the BGI basketball team."

"...Oh, CUBA." The male fan smiled and said the four letters with a disdainful tone.

For the audience of CBA, CUBA is simply a child playing a house, and it is not worthy of their high regard.

Even though that person's attitude was so frivolous, Meng Yufan did not get angry.

He came here today with serious business to do, and there is no need to conflict with this group of laymen. After all, real respect does not come by talking, but it needs to be won by strength.

Meng Yufan knows that CUBA players are far from the real CBA players. Among the active players in the CBA, less than 1% are from CUBA, and the remaining 99% are clubs. The youth team reservists trained by themselves after poaching from the sports school. But Meng Yufan didn't feel that he was born shorter than those people.

Just when Meng Yufan was silent, the door outside the dormitory building was suddenly pushed open from inside.

A shadow over two meters tall appeared there, and the fans who were waiting here immediately widened their eyes, wanting to see if it was the player they supported—"It's Feng Xiang!" "It's Team Feng!"

Feng Xiang nodded to them hastily, then raised his hand and waved in Meng Yufan's direction.

"Meng Yufan, come here." The weather was cold, and when Feng Xiang spoke, the heat formed a small mist in the air, "I'll take you into the dormitory area for a walk."

In an instant, countless envious eyes were cast on Meng Yufan. The boy straightened his back and threw all those eyes on the ground.

After the two registered in the security room, Feng Xiang took Meng Yufan to the open space behind the dormitory building.

There is a small playground downstairs in their dormitory, not big enough to fit a standard basketball court.

It was freezing cold and there was not a single person on the basketball court, making it the best place to talk.

Feng Xiang asked straight to the point: "Junior Brother Meng, why did you suddenly think of looking for me?"

Meng Yufan also answered straight to the point: "How do you plan to respond to the turmoil on the Internet?"

Feng Xiang smiled, that kind of indifferent smile with a hint of boredom. "I don't care about this kind of thing, my agent will handle it."

He thought for a while, and then said: "He talked to me on the phone before and said that he would post a statement on my Weibo at 7 o'clock tonight, seriously warning those illegitimate fans not to harass me again, and when necessary. Recourse to the law... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if 'serious warnings' were any help, those scalpers selling private itineraries wouldn't exist."

Feng Xiang's answer did not satisfy the boy.

Meng Yufan asked, "Is this the only thing in the statement?"

Feng Xiang: "Then what else do you want?"

"... Being abused and attacked by netizens, what about the show crew and all the staff who were implicated?" Meng Yufan frowned and looked at the man opposite, the blue veins on his forehead throbbing, "Don't you have a word to say to them?"

Feng Xiang finally understood Meng Yufan's suggestion.

"Little Junior Brother, so that's why you're looking for me—" Feng Xiang scratched his chin amusingly, "Let me guess, is it because the illegitimate fans made a scene in the studio and affected the shooting task, which resulted in Your girlfriend was punished by the stage? You hope I can give Yang Xiaomei a few words in the announcement, right?"

He ate more meals than Meng Yufan for several years, and he was thoughtful, and he stabbed to the core in one fell swoop.

The boy looked at the senior with stern eyes.

"Yes, the purpose of my coming here is to hope—no, I beg you, to stand up and say a few words of justice for Yang Xiao." The boy said every word and every sentence very steadily, presumably, he was in Before exporting, he has already typed countless times of belly drafts. "She is the program director, and the entire planning was conceived by her alone, and it was she who coordinated many parties in such a short period of time that the project could be pushed forward quickly. Now, if something went wrong during the recording of the program, the stage should hold her accountable. Feng Senior Brother, I beg you, to see her work so hard, and say a few words of justice for her."

Although Meng Yufan said the request, he did not deliberately put his status in the dust. With a straight posture and bright eyes, this is not a "request", but a "negotiation".

He hangs on his left wrist at the side of his body, wearing a small bracelet made of three colored ropes. The bracelet was so thin that it wasn't obvious on the boy's wrist, but it unexpectedly attracted Feng Xiang's attention.

Feng Xiang looked away and finally said, "... Junior Brother, you really don't seem to be asking for help."

Meng Yufan asked, "Then what is the attitude of asking for help?"

"I don't need you to beg me." Feng Xiang suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the basket beside him, "Let's play ball with me. Just the two of us, right here. I'll give you half an hour, but I can't prevent it. Attack, as long as you can score five goals, I will agree to your request."

At six o'clock in the evening, the conference room on the eighth floor of Hwaseong TV Station.

This is a medium-sized conference room that can accommodate 30 people. Beside the long table in the conference room, the staff of the "Midnight Heart" program team, the photography team, the director team, the technical team, the logistics team, etc., all gathered at the this.

The employees of other groups are not under the jurisdiction of the "Midnight Heart" program group, and they are just the most common cooperative relationship. They have to serve two or three programs a day. Who would have thought that such an unfortunate accident happened on the first day of the new year. !

The lead broadcaster and the photographer beside him whispered their remarks; the technical team leader seemed calm, but was actually refreshing the computer desktop very mechanically; the logistics team was very worried, their wages were not high, and they were worried about being joined together.

As the meeting time approached, slowly, the entire conference room gradually became quiet, and all eyes were on the tall and slender figure beside the long table.

Yang Xiao was still wearing the women's suit from yesterday, with her long legs folded in wide-leg trousers. She lowered her head and couldn't see her expression clearly, her hands twitching rapidly on the keyboard of the laptop.

Liu Yueyue leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yang, you haven't changed your clothes... You won't be in the stage all night, right?"

"Well." Yang Xiao looked at his watch, "I haven't slept for nearly forty hours. There are too many things to do, and I don't have time to go home."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Liu Yueyue asked impatiently.

"I really need your help." Yang Xiao calmly closed the computer and turned to look at her, "Promise me, don't forget to applaud when the meeting is over."

"… what?"

Before Liu Yueyue could ask the meaning of this sentence, the door of the conference room opened again.

The three leaders and a secretary in the channel walked in with a sullen face, and behind them were Huang Laoxie, who nodded and bowed his waist, and Miao Mengchu, who was holding a tea tray.

Seeing their flattering looks, Liu Yueyue muttered, "It's really like two lap dogs."

"Don't say that." Yang Xiao whispered and stopped Liu Yueyue, "How can they compare with dogs? Dogs are good friends of humans."

"… "

Liu Yueyue quickly covered her mouth, for fear that she would laugh out loud.

The three leaders were seated at the chief position of the conference table, and Huang Laoxie was seated below them. According to the personnel of the program group, after Huang Laoxie, Yang Xiaoxiao should be the one who had to move a chair with the cheeky Miao Mengchu and put it beside Huang Laoxie.

Yang Xiao went with her.

The meeting officially started.

The accident happened during the New Year, and it caught up with the peak of network traffic, and the peak reached its peak at one point, and the volume of online discussions remained high. The big leaders of the channel also have no intention of celebrating the festival. They quickly conduct internal self-examinations before they can continue to report to the platform.

The channel director's face was ashen. First, he asked the secretary to read the public opinion records of the past two days. From online feedback to radio complaints, the more the secretary read, the uglier the channel director's face became.

If at first his face seemed to be constipated for three days, after he listened to the public opinion report, it had become seven days.

"Okay, stop reading." The channel director raised his hand to interrupt the secretary's report and threw his eyes at Yang Xiao, "You are Yang Xiao? The responsible editor of "Midnight Heart"?"

Yang Xiao immediately got up: "Yes, I am the director and actual executor of this show."

The director is in his fifties, and he has spent most of his life climbing to the position of channel director step by step: "I ask you, how many years have you worked in our channel and this program group?"

"It's been three years. I used to be a news channel, and then I was transferred to the "Midnight Heart" column group. It was Angkor who dug me out."

"Three years!" The director snorted coldly, "What's the status of Huacheng TV in the domestic TV and broadcasting media, I don't need to tell you? Now the program team has made such an ugly incident during the recording, and almost all social platforms have Being captured by netizens, tell me, how are you going to be responsible?"

"Director, this is the reason why I applied for a face-to-face report today." Under the pressure of the director's gaze, Yang Xiao stood tall and was ashamed. I just heard her answer crisply, "After my investigation, someone is indeed responsible for this recording accident - but it's not me, it's the one who ignored Taiwan's regulations, pocketed 8,000 yuan, and brought illegitimate fans into Taiwan. Miao Mengchu, and the producer Huang who shielded her!"

Now that her face has been torn, she will tear it apart.