Boyfriend For Hire

Chapter 82


Meng Yufan brought a storm of inspiration to Yang Xiao.

All night, Yang Xiao nailed himself in front of the computer, with no distractions, his fingers seemed to have his own consciousness, capturing all the little auras in his mind, knitting needles and threads into the most beautiful fabrics, and tailoring them into the brightest costumes .

She sat from night to morning, never leaving her seat or being distracted once except to go to the bathroom.

When the takeaway arrived, Meng Yufan sat beside her with the lunch box and fed her mouth by mouth with chopsticks. After dinner, Meng Yufan peeled the fruit again and cut it into small pieces. Yang Xiao didn't have time to care about it. She opened her mouth to eat what was brought to her mouth. As for what to eat, whether it was delicious, and who fed her , she was completely unaware.

She devotes herself to the work in front of her. She is like a brave warrior. The most powerful enemy and the most ferocious dragon are in front of her. She just wants to raise the sword in her hand and overcome this difficulty. come down!

… This working state lasted from late at night until dawn, the first ray of morning light shone through the blinds and fell on her, the girl’s fingertips beat on the keyboard with the sun, and she typed the last word—the sword was drawn beautifully The sword flower is neatly returned to its sheath.

Yang Xiao stared blankly at the document on the screen, even she herself couldn't believe that this was her masterpiece in one night. Because of the rush of time, she did not make a ppt, but a dozen or so pages of documents full of pictures and texts are enough to illustrate her efforts.

Being able to come up with such a perfect plan in a few hours is inseparable from the work she has accumulated over the years and the many homework she has done for the project. But what she is most grateful for is Meng Yufan for giving her this inspiration.

Speaking of Meng Yufan - Yang Xiao's eyes swept across the messy study room, and looked at the living room next to it. On the sofa in the living room, she saw her boy slumped there, with his head down, two long, long lines that had nowhere to be placed. His legs fell off the sofa, and he was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

He fulfilled his promise last night: Yang Xiao only needs to work here with peace of mind, and he will quietly wait for her by the side.

Yang Xiao's heart softened, she walked towards him quickly, raised her hand and gently pushed his shoulder.

"Yu Fan... Yu Fan, wake up." She called to him softly, "Why did you fall asleep here? Go back to the bedroom and sleep, it's so cold here."

Meng Yufan didn't fall asleep. As soon as she pushed him, he woke up in a daze.

Before he opened his eyes, he groped for her hand, and replied confusedly, "I can't see you in the bedroom..."

He rubbed his eyes, looked at the sky outside the window, and asked confusedly, "What time is it now?"

"It's more than six o'clock, it's almost seven o'clock."

"...Seven o'clock... Seven o'clock... Seven o'clock?!!!!!" Meng Yufan woke up instantly, and he jumped up from the sofa, as if a spring was installed under his butt, "Oops, the coach told me I'll go back to school for a morning run at six!!"

He took a look at the phone, and sure enough, there were more than a dozen missed calls on the phone. With trembling hands, he opened WeChat, and Coach Wu sent a hideous [smile].

Meng Yufan: "... huh."

The penalty of twenty laps is impossible to escape.

Two people, one going to work and one going to school, huddled together to wash and change clothes. Meng Yufan was taking supplements recently, and his beard grew very fast, but after one night, a layer of hairy stubble grew on his chin.

While brushing his teeth, Yang Xiao curiously put the palm of his hand on his chin, prickly, feeling like he had raised a cactus.

Meng Yufan avoided her dishonest hand and took the time to shave. Yang Xiao stared at his reflection in the mirror, saw him skillfully scraping the stubble on his chin with a small scraper, and realized once again that he was already a "man" instead of a "boy".

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you didn't sleep last night, don't you need a rest?" the boy in the mirror asked.

"There's no time." Yang Xiao shook his head and put on makeup in front of the mirror, "I'll go to the company to have a cup of coffee, at least make it through today."

Both of them are warriors, and in the face of difficulties, warriors will never back down.

"Good morning."

"good morning."

"Good morning."

At 8:30 in the morning, in the office of Hwaseong TV Satellite Channel, there were bursts of greetings.

When Yu Linglong stepped out of the elevator, he was greeted respectfully by many younger generations.

Since the previous team was poached, Yu Linglong changed from an unknown ordinary choreographer to a "loyal veteran" and instantly became the most senior subordinate beside Zhou Hui.

For this reason, when other employees in the group saw him, they naturally greeted him with a smile and followed him.

Yu Linglong came early. When he arrived, most of the offices were still vacant. Today is Friday, the last day of the country's legal working day - but in the group of the witch Zhou Hui, she is "Fa", she said. Work a few days a week, then work a few days.

Yu Linglong looked around for a week and saw that Yang Xiao's workstation was empty, he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Sure enough, the new director was tortured by Zhou Hui and escaped...

He didn't understand what Zhou Hui was thinking. The last team left, but instead of reflecting on her own mistakes, she poured all the pressure on him crazily, forcing him to come up with one version after another, but she was not satisfied with each version of the plan. Yu Linglong has been with her for so many years, but her rank has only risen once.

The most unacceptable thing for him is that after Zhou Hui found that he couldn't extract inspiration from him, he actually dug a director from another channel!

He had inquired ahead of time. The average rating of Yang Xiao's previous program was only about 0.8, and during the New Year's video, there was a videotaping accident, which caused a huge scandal, and the entire variety channel was devastated by that incident. , the three directors were shocked...

Even if Zhou Hui digs up such a small director, do you still expect her to come up with some amazing ideas

What a joke!

Yu Linglong raised the corner of his mouth lightly and hid the sarcasm in his eyes. He was about to walk to his workstation when the door of the tea room suddenly opened, and a figure came into his sight.

I saw Yang Xiao holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and the rich bitter taste swayed from the cup, without adding any milk or sugar.

She looked a little tired, with red blood in her eyes, but she was in good spirits and walked like the wind.

She didn't notice Yu Linglong, she walked quickly to her work station and woke up the dormant computer - Yu Linglong glanced far away and found that Yang Xiao's computer screen was stuck in a document full of words.

Yu Linglong felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He walked quickly to Yang Xiao's workstation, opening his mouth like a small talk.

"Yang Xiao, why did you arrive so early?... It's not like I stayed in the station all night to work overtime last night, right?"

"No." Yang Xiao raised his head and smiled, and said lightly, "My house is right next to it, and it only takes ten minutes to walk, so I came earlier."

Yu Linglong just pretended to see the document on the computer and asked, "How is it? Is the proposal meeting this afternoon ready?"

Yang Xiao was not wary of him, thinking that he was simply starting to care about her as a senior: "I have some ideas. I wrote a simple document last night, but it hasn't been sorted into ppt yet."

"Hmm... that's not good." Yu Linglong breathed a sigh of relief: an idea written in a document? Just some fragments of inspiration. "You may not know that satellite TV and terrestrial channels are different, and the entire office atmosphere is different. We are very professional. Maybe your channel holds a proposal meeting and just hand in a word document, but in our satellite TV, all The pre must be organized into a ppt that can be shown to everyone, and the content is concise and to the point - such a large text description as you, the producer will not have the patience to read it."

"..." Yang Xiao wondered if she was thinking too much, Yu Linglong's tone made her feel very uncomfortable.

What is "the difference between satellite TV and terrestrial channels"? What is "we are very professional"? What is "you can just hand in a word document casually"

The proposal meeting is originally a brainstorming session. As long as your ideas are clearly explained and the selling points are fully introduced, the form it relies on is not important.

Of course, a place has its own rules. Zhou Hui asked his subordinates to submit it as ppt, then Yang Xiao could organize the documents into ppt. The different forms were not the reason why Yu Linglong looked down on her.

Yang Xiao originally had a good impression of the senior Linglong, but he didn't expect that his words were thorny.

Yu Linglong didn't notice that Yang Xiao's evaluation of him had dropped by one level, and continued to talk rhetorically—

"Yang Xiao, I'm doing this for your own good, this is my experience of blood and tears." Yu Linglong said in a casual tone, "But you have to understand that there is a reason why Teacher Zhou has high demands on us... After all, a 'strong woman' like her who got married in her 40s and then quickly divorced would always find fault with her work."

Yang Xiao: "…"

If he had a hammer at hand, Yang Xiao would definitely blow Yu Linglong's head! ! ! !

It's a pity that she thought he was a young man of literature and art at first, but she never thought that he was even more stubborn than the roadside aunt.

Yang Xiao really doesn't know Zhou Hui's marital status, but is there any direct and inevitable connection between Zhou Hui's marital status and her work attitude? ? ? ? There is something in Yu Linglong's words, suggesting that "Zhou Hui is divorced at such a young age, so she can only torture her subordinates because of her psychopathy", and wants to instill this idea in Yang Xiao.

But in Yang Xiao's view, this statement is really irresponsible.

Yang Xiao, a new employee, just joined the job, and he couldn't wait to tell her the leader's gossip. Did he just want her to "stand in line"

She didn't have much contact with Zhou Hui, and only had a relationship the day before yesterday. It's true that Zhou Hui is demanding, has a fiery temper, and speaks unpleasantly, but the male leaders of the same character grab a lot of them in the stage. After all, the producer needs to grasp the direction of the entire show, and leaders who are not tough enough cannot control it. No one would confuse a male leader's work attitude with his marital status, so why talk about Zhou Hui's backside

"…Brother Yu, whether Teacher Zhou is divorced or married has nothing to do with my proposal this time." Yang Xiao said lightly, "I'm sorry, I still have things to do. After all, I have to hurry up and put this Documents that can’t be taken on the table are organized into ppt.”

"You..." Yu Linglong was stabbed by her, but he couldn't find anything wrong, so he could only grit his teeth and leave.

He sat back in his seat, getting angrier the more he thought about it.

This Yang Xiao, he threw an olive branch to her, but she deliberately refused. Then don't blame him for "seriously nitpicking" her at the proposal meeting for a while!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the conference room on the 20th floor of Hwaseong TV Station.

The TV station space is limited, and there are only a few meeting rooms, all of which need to be booked in advance. Every month at the end of the month, there are often eight channels competing for a large conference room at the same time.

However, this situation never occurs in satellite TV.

Hwaseong Satellite TV is the son of Hwaseong TV, and the most promising eldest son. It has its own dedicated studio and conference room, except for satellite TV employees, people from other channels have no chance to step into it.

Yang Xiao stood in front of the projector and looked around the room full of people. In the past, she had always hoped that she would have the opportunity to stand here, and today this wish has come true - and she is still the keynote speaker!

The hands hanging down at the sides of the body lightly clenched into fists, Yang Xiao calmed down, and finally checked the program plan to be reported later.

Because of the urgency of time, her ppt is not beautifully done, and the content is not detailed enough. It is more like a set of refined speech outlines. But it doesn't matter, she has the confidence to pass on the most core ideas to everyone through her own elaboration.

She quickly went through the speech a few times in her head. The meeting room was gradually filled with people, and unfamiliar faces gathered around her. None of them spoke, but everyone's eyes were engraved with doubts about her - no one believed that she could impress the critical Zhou Hui. .

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, Zhou Hui took the lead and walked quickly into the conference room. The assistant behind her graciously pulled out a chair and set up tea for her, and she sat in the center seat like a queen inspecting her new soldiers.

Yu Linglong sat in the position closest to her, with the computer turned on and placed in front of her, as if asking for advice patiently.

"Okay, I'll have a meeting in another program group later." Zhou Hui raised his wrist and glanced at the time, "Don't talk nonsense, I'll give you half an hour to go through your things."

This time is shorter than Yang Xiao expected, but it doesn't matter, it will not affect her explanation.

The lights in the conference room went out, and in the darkness, the projection screen lit up.

Yang Xiao stood under the light and slowly opened his mouth—

"Hello producer and colleagues. I found a new keyword for "The King of Rebounds" - don't give up, don't give up."

Before Zhou Hui could speak, Yu Linglong laughed first.

"Huh?" Yu Linglong said, "Did I travel to the military program of the next group? It came out without giving up or giving up?"

Following his words, there were also small laughter in the entire conference room.

Zhou Hui did not stop those ridicules, nor did she criticize Yang Xiao. She had a cold expression and waited for Yang Xiao's next words.

Yang Xiao: "Before I explain this concept, I would like to ask you one thing. I think everyone has grown up, there should be sports students in the school, right?"

The crowd nodded.

"Then have you paid attention, where did these sports students go in the end?"

"Uh..." someone replied, "Where else can I go, continue to study, some go to a sports school, and some go to a comprehensive university as a specialty student."

Yang Xiao looked at the man and shook his head: "No, your idea is entirely based on survivorship bias. In fact, it's just like many ordinary students who drop out of school after nine years of compulsory education, even after finishing high school. Just like failing to get into colleges and universities, many children who dreamed of sports did not make it to the end."

The light and shadow on the big screen changed, and Yang Xiao showed a set of data, which was a table she compiled after looking up the news over the years through the Internet.

"Taking basketball as an example, a national youth basketball competition is held every year. But we can see from these data that the number of basketball players who participate in U14 is far less than that of U12; the number of basketball players who participate in U16 is far less than that of U14. The..." She said, making circles with the mouse under several key data, "that is to say, as people grow older, fewer and fewer people are still holding on to their basketball dreams."

"After all, not everyone has the ability to enter the national team!" Someone raised his hand, and Yang Xiao recognized him as the coordinator of the program group, "I went to the sports school to practice table tennis for two years when I was a child, and thought I played well. As a result, as soon as the official game came on the field, the whole reaction ability was too poor."

"Yes, you are talking about a situation where you can't continue - although you have dreams, but your own ability can't keep up, which is commonly known as 'congenital insufficiency'." Yang Xiao continued.

There was another small laugh in the conference room.

Yang Xiao: "Why did these people leave the basketball world? In short, it can be summarized into two points, one is the 'congenital deficiency' of that colleague, and the other is due to 'acquired' reasons such as family poverty, etc. off the field."

She changed her voice - "They were all abandoned by fate."

The meeting room suddenly became very quiet. Someone wanted to cough, and as soon as he made a sound, he immediately pressed his mouth.

Yang smiled and said: "However, there are still people who have persevered on this road. Are all these persevering people the reincarnation of Jordan? Can everyone afford the high tuition fees for private education?… No , many of them are also struggling in their fate, they want to give up countless times, but they persevere countless times."

Ppt returned to the first page, and the six words were gradually split and transformed to form a new slogan.

"On the way to realize the dream, not to be abandoned by fate, nor to give up fate - this is my understanding of the game of basketball."

After speaking in a loud voice, Yang Xiao bravely met Zhou Hui's gaze.

I saw the gold medal producer leaning forward slightly, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

She tapped her knuckles on the table and said, "Go on."

The words that are extremely simple, but Yang Xiao heard the affirmation.

The ppt turned another page, and new content appeared on the big screen behind Yang Xiao.

"My proposal is to expand the selection scope and introduce players of different age groups, tentatively select the 14-16-year-old reserve youth group, the 20-25-year-old active athletes, and the 30-35-year-old retired athletes, representing the inheritance and development of basketball dreams. Carry forward. Encourage athletes to freely combine, form teams, and conduct 3v3, 5v5 pk matches... and finally decide the winner."

Teenagers with a bright future, young people at the peak of their sports careers, middle-aged people who have left the court... Their lives are closely related to basketball. On this difficult road forward, if they take a wrong step, they will miss the championship.

They stand on both sides of the river of time, examining themselves and others.