
Chapter 26: After half a bottle of wine, his consciousness became more and more sober


Many things cannot be assumed. In the past two years, Shen Fan has gradually taken over the control of Er from the newly appointed director, and he can finally do whatever he wants. In the past two years, Tang Yi has also risen from a small foreman in the marketing department to the ranks of the evil bourgeoisie. Zhou Weiwei went to kindergarten, and his head and head sprouted along with the wicker. When he called Tang Susu, he would complain that the teacher was not pretty.

And Zhou Hao finally got what he wanted after spending two years of patience, and finally dropped the word "good".

"You can try, but always leave some leeway." Tang Yi raised his head and looked at him. After the glasses were not blocked, the calmness and gentleness in the phoenix's eyes were clearly discernible. Clearly this was not an uncontrollable impulse.

A person's character is difficult to change, Tang Yi smiled, and the account book was clear: "I don't want to owe you."

Zhou Hao stared at him for a moment with his eyes lowered, the intoxicated taste still left on his lips, he stretched out his hand and wiped it slowly. After taking a few breaths, he wrapped his arms around him again and said, "You don't owe me anything."


The relationship between Tang Yi and Zhou Hao is not a debt. Emotional matters are originally wishful thinking. It is up to you to do it or not, and it depends on the other party. However, just like Tang Yi's side has not mentioned it for three years, Zhou Hao's side also has a lot of privacy that will never be discussed during the meeting.

For example, the details of the Zhou family and the big mansion where it is said that more than 20 people will gather at every turn.

These are not so secretive things, as long as Tang Yi is willing to inquire about it, he will know a little bit. If Shen Fan helps, it may be more effective, but he feels a little tired.

Weiwei was only five years old, but when he came to play with him, he always avoided all news and rumors about the Zhou family.

Apparently this is the result of someone teaching. Children are not good at concealing, and they can't say deceitful words to Tang Yi. They can only talk about him when the closest Tang Susu has no intention of asking.

Tang Yi thought at first that it is not easy for children to survive in such an environment, and then thought that maybe it was all because of himself.

It is impossible for the Zhou family not to be on guard against him. Zhou Hao seemed to think that except for feelings, these things were taken for granted, so he let the situation develop.

He had seen Zhou Hao have a black credit card, and the legendary Aladdin card that could only be invited by the bank was casually thrown into the car by Zhou Hao. At that time, he was angry because Tang Yi had other arrangements to have dinner with him at night, and the corners of his brows and eyes were freezing, but Tang Yi unconsciously asked when his eyes touched the black and gold card. How much is the amount

Zhou Hao's eyes were puzzled for a moment, and he didn't seem to understand what the problem was, and then he reported an amount that made Tang Yi sigh. According to the evaluation standards of ordinary banks, Zhou Hao's worth in that bank is about five times that of this amount.

Tang Yi went from being a small foreman to a small leader in the department, and now he has turned into a serf and became a boss. He sees all the hardships and hardships of starting from scratch or climbing from the bottom, and occasionally a little self-satisfied. But the reality is that all his efforts so far are not as good as Zhou Hao's one-month interest.

He vaguely understood the Zhou family's concerns, but he knew these gaps and distances, but he still couldn't resist the waves of offensive, or the waves of emptiness in his heart.

Empty bottles always require new refills.

He has been discussing for a long time, and sooner or later he will find someone to spend the rest of his life.

After sunset, the sky gradually darkened, and the wind was blowing outside the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows, and the rain suddenly tightened. Tang Yi opened another guest room on the same floor as Zhou Hao. It seemed like the end of the world was about to happen in the room without the lights on. He felt a little bored for no reason, so he opened a bottle of wine and took two sips by himself.

After half a bottle of wine, his consciousness became more and more sober.

It was raining like this on the night two years ago. At that time, he had already told Gu Yanting that he was going to break up. The latter was afraid that Tang Yi would go back in the rain, so he hid in a corner to prepare for the night. Tang Yi was restless that night, and took Mom Gu as an excuse to call him back.

He knew every move of Gu Yanting at night. The act of cautiously wanting to approach but afraid of waking him up made Tang Yi endure it, and only regarded it as the last bit of tenderness he had given him.

Tang Yi sat in the cafe when he heard that Gu Yanting had followed his cousin. After the fat man left, his face was calm, while admiring his indifference, he reached out and called the waiter for coffee.

When the waiter came over, he had a strange face. After a few times, he finally couldn't help but reminded politely and in a low voice, "Sir, the cups you asked for haven't been drunk yet. Is it because the taste is not right?"

Tang Yi fled at that time, thinking that you didn't feel much better.

After Gu Yanting left, he finally settled down, but even if he didn't ask him, he could have predicted that the other party's life would not be easy. Gu Yanting is not good at words. When he was in college, he was as simple as a blank piece of paper. After graduation, he also had great ambitions. After being suppressed by Tang Yi, he reluctantly settled in that design company.

Tang Yi didn't know that what he entrusted to him was not a human being. During the first half year of Gu Yanting's work, he had more demands on him. At that time, he really wanted a home, so he used up the savings of the two to pay the down payment for the small house. After taking the keys, the two had no money to buy furniture, so they bought a moisture-proof mat and a mattress, and put them on the floor under their bodies.

In winter, the ground is damp, and when I wake up in the morning, my back is cold, and there is a wet patch under the moisture-proof pad. Gu Yanting is not like he grew up suffering from childhood to adulthood, and it didn't take long for him to hold on. Tang Yi ruthlessly bought a sofa bed for him to sleep on. At that time, he really loved each other, so he made a floor under the sofa and watched Gu Yanting sleep on the sofa.

Gu Yanting's back pain did not ease much, and the blue under his eyes became heavier. Tang Yi was puzzled, and only woke up in the middle of the night after an entertainment event and found out that it was him who was sleeping on the sofa. Gu Yanting would hold him up every time he waited for him to fall asleep. Then take him down again before he wakes up.

Tang Yi was furious when he found out, and there was still a little sourness in his heart. He kicked Gu Yanting who was curled up in a ball, but when the other party struggled to wake up, he was speechless.

Gu Yanting stumbled across the edge of the quilt and said in a hoarse voice, "Tang Yi, I really have nothing to give you, don't think I'm useless."

That hard winter didn't last long. Tang Yi dragged the two of them through three months of hardship because of his own impulse. After that, he bought a bed, and then slowly added other furniture. The two of them are happiest every time they buy furniture and pots and pans. They push a car together and walk slowly along the shelves of the supermarket. When they see anything novel, they are excited to pick it up and imagine what to put at home. look.

Later, the furniture changed from old to new.

Later, the two broke up, and he left the country and never looked back.

Tang Yi suffocated the last sip in the bottle, touched the phone, and sighed in a low voice in his heart.

The next morning, Zhou Hao came over and knocked on Tang Yi's door. He was in a hurry to go back to City C, and it was too late to have breakfast with Tang Yi and spend a sweet time together.

Both of them were no longer children, and they had always been career-oriented. Tang Yi waved goodbye, and after he left, he simply drove back to T City.

Shen Fan was rarely in T City these two days, and Tang Yi had something to discuss with him.

Shen Fan is now committed to the development of the new company. His goal is to make the new er a group company, and he intends to learn from others' capital operation and backdoor listing after he is full of wings. er's original main business was cut seven, seven, eight, eight, and in the end, the main profit was placed in Tang Yi's hands.

Tang Yi has sole power, and the subsidiary has just won several educational institutions in the province this year, and the customer group is no longer a single small and medium-sized enterprise. Under the leadership of Yan Ke, the people in the marketing department set up a special group to deal with government departments. Tang Yi felt that this matter was feasible, but when it came to the official, he still planned to speak to Shen Fan.

Shen Fan originally came back this time to visit a beautiful woman who was crazy about raising cats and dogs. He stayed out of town all the year round, and he was on business trips all over the world. After the beautiful woman raised her son, the number of times she saw her in a year could not be used with both hands. . Although she is well-maintained and has her own small clubhouse, she is inevitably lonely when she returns home, and after thinking about it, she decides to keep an animal as a company.

Shen Fan unconsciously thought of Tang Yi when he saw the big beauty staring at cats and dogs online. If Tang Yi can't change his sexual orientation to marry a wife and have children, wouldn't it be even more pitiful to be alone when he is old. So after he ordered a cat for his mother, he went to T city and insisted on buying a dog for Tang Yi.

After Tang Yi and Shen Fan finished talking about business, Shen Fan mentioned this issue again, and made a table from the body odor, body size, barking degree, and relatives of different dog breeds.

"Are you really free?" Tang Yi was a little helpless. After taking a piece of paper printed by Shen Fan himself, he couldn't help laughing, "Did you draw all these dogs?"

Shen Fan knocked on the table angrily, "Ah, this is a painting of the soul! Can you respect your brother's creation?"

Tang Yi never changed his name. No matter how Shen Fan frowned, he just called him by his first name. He glanced at the handsome Shen Fan and coughed lightly, "Comrade Shen Fan, I may not need a dog anymore."

"What do you mean?" Shen Fan was stunned.

"I promised to try it with Zhou Hao yesterday," Tang Yi said with a smile, "Now let's get along and see, if one day it feels right, we may live together."

Shen Fan: "..."

Shen Fan knew very well about Tang Yi and Zhou Hao, and he could see that Tang Yi's promise was sooner or later, but he was still startled. He was silent for a long time, not knowing whether to bless or persuade.

"It's nothing," Tang Yi instead came to comfort him, "You don't have to worry. If he does something wrong, I will definitely call you for help."

"That's fine," Shen Fan nodded, "Anyway, I'm your brother too."

"Oh, yes, an old customer from the headquarters introduced a list. It's quite fat. You can go back and have a look and send a competent person to contact the other party directly."

Many old users do not know that the software business is all owned by the subsidiary here, and they give their original contact information when introducing friends or customers. Tang Yi has communicated with the old users for the past two years, and he nodded after hearing this. But since this old customer can know Shen Fan's contact information, 80% of the list is fat enough.

After chatting with Shen Fan, he went to do something. I only remembered this when I was going home at night. There was a pot of porridge in the traffic jam in front, Tang Yi had nothing to do, so he simply took out his mobile phone and planned to send the number to Yan Ke's work number. When he poked his finger down, there was a bus fortress behind him. Tang Yi frowned, and the phone went out.

After cutting off the phone, Tang Yi hadn't been able to send out the number, but the other party actually came back.

After years of professional reaction this time, Tang Yi hesitated for a moment and then decided to say hello to the other party.

The moment the green light in front of him turned on, the phone was connected by him. Tang Yi smiled before saying a word, and was ready to greet this fat big customer politely.

However, the voice coming from the microphone was completely unfamiliar and low and magnetic.

"Hello, I'm Gu Yanting."