
Chapter 27: Who are you calling?


After more than 20 seconds, the traffic jam behind the bus hit the whistle a few times, and Tang Yi slowly found his consciousness. As he slowly stepped on the accelerator, a very official and polite tone was also passed down the phone line.

"Hello Gu, I'm the person in charge of er. The project manager of our oa system will get in touch with you later to make an appointment to meet." Tang Yi saw the intersection and put the hands-free on.

Running away was not his way of doing things, although he did have the urge to hang up at first. But this new office number is on the official website, and the other party knows that it is the person in charge of er. If there is a misunderstanding, it will be bad for the company.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Gu Yanting's voice changed, but Tang Yi didn't know if his voice had changed. He slowly slowed down the car, turned to a road with few people and pulled over, preparing for the next conversation as if facing an enemy.

If in a while... If Gu Yanting said something, should he say hello? Or say a long time no see? If the other party uses power for personal gain, should we remind him that we are all passersby? What if the other party goes too far? Well, throw the list back and don't serve it.

Yes, that's it.

After being quiet for a while, there was a stab in the microphone, and finally Gu Yanting's voice came out again, "Sorry, the signal is not very good, what did you say?"

Tang Yi: "..."


Gu Yanting helplessly looked at the interface of the phone's dead phone, and the big black screen showed that the other party had hung up. But after he clicked to confirm, the phone still did not respond.

"Alas, Mr. Gu, your house has been attacked by mice. We need to pay extra for this! Look at you..." An elder sister in a cleaning uniform took a white plastic bag out with a look of disgust, with a piece of cardboard on it. There are small holes in the teeth after the mouse has crossed the border.

"Then let's add it," Gu Yanting put away the phone, covered his mouth and coughed twice, "This is also a mouse with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it's not easy, both sides have to eat the same..."

"What?" Auntie didn't hear clearly, thinking that the rats he was talking about were sick, and nodded, "That's right, rats are sick, plague, we have to disinfect!"

Gu Yanting was stunned for a moment and smiled in agreement, "Well, eldest sister has worked hard."

He had just arrived in City T for two days, and he had too much work at hand. He had been in the hotel for the first two days, and the door had not been opened. I finally got free today, so I found two cleaners from the housekeeping company to come and clean the house.

These two cleaners are very beautiful, and they all dressed up when they came. In autumn, one wore a little black dress and the other wore a pink coat. Fortunately, they all wore work clothes, borrowed a bit of the toilet and changed into a professional appearance. Otherwise, Gu Yanting would not dare to use it. However, the two eldest sisters cleaned very carefully, from the bedroom to the living room to clean up little by little, it was almost a little more, and finally the hardest hit area of the kitchen was left.

There were mice in the kitchen, rice was scattered all over the ground, and black bugs were recruited in the noodle bag. The ceiling and the corners of the range hood were full of cobwebs, and the ash on the refrigerator was finger-thick.

Gu Yanting glanced at it and was chased out by the elder sister. He has a very bad cold, and if he sneezes in the kitchen, he will probably spray the dust into a mushroom cloud. The eldest sister asked him to stand in the living room halfway through cleaning, wiping the cobwebs and asking him, "How long has it been since Mr. Gu lived in this house?"

"Two years."

"It's been so empty for two years? No wonder..." The eldest sister shook her head regretfully. "You should rent it out. The rent for this house in this area is quite a lot. Besides, it's good for someone to live in the house."

"I don't want to," Gu Yanting smiled and coughed twice, "I didn't want to go that long."

"Is that so... Are you going to leave then?" The eldest sister looked at him, "If you want to pay it back, I can introduce someone to rent it for you, a teacher..."

"No need," Gu Yanting smiled, "Thank you eldest sister."

The eldest sister tutted and didn't speak again. After an hour, the house was finally cleaned completely. After Gu Yanting smiled and sent the person out, he turned around and changed into another pair of clean slippers at the entrance, and then sat down on the sofa.

Tang Yi made the call, he knew.

Even if the number cannot be recognized, he also remembers the sound. He even suspected that Tang Yi would turn into ashes one day, and he could smell which pinch of ashes belonged to Tang Yi as long as he wrinkled his nose.

Gu Yanting sighed and leaned against the sofa with his forehead on his hand.

He was a little hot, maybe a little hot, but sitting on the sofa felt particularly solid. In the past two years, he has lived in many places, done a lot of work, and met a lot of people, but he has tasted everything, but he does not feel at ease.

He vaguely understood why, but if it hadn't happened to happen this time, and the person in charge, Mr. Chen, had private affairs to do and hoped for his help, Gu Yanting thought that he might not come back.

The only time he wanted to come back in two years was the year he just went out. On Christmas night, he was in a village in Tuqiao, Hunan. When the night was filled with darkness, he suddenly thought of Tang Yi. Gu Yanting, who was driving back later, couldn't remember why, he only remembered that it was raining heavily that day, and he drove the car for more than an hour with his eyes wide open, just wanting to come back and see him.

After he got on the Huaihua Expressway, he mustered up the courage to call Tang Yi. When the call was connected, his head was stuck. After Tang Yi hung up, he regretted and anxious, called again, and then... heard another person's voice.

Tang Yi's voice was relaxed, the other party's voice was pleasant, and the caller himself was superfluous.

The feeling of coldness at that time can't be described. Gu Yanting never believed that Tang Yi liked others. He felt that it was an excuse for Tang Yi to break up with him, and he was an idiot if he believed it. But when he heard the incomparably clear dialogue, he was dumbfounded.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yanting ran along the high speed for a long time. In the rain, he smiled at the empty road. After giggling for a while, he felt panicked. Finally, he couldn't hold back and smashed it hard. The steering wheel clacked to a halt.

No accident is fatal. The way he ran to Huaihua was changed to a run from Huaihua to Tuqiao. After walking for a while in the rain, he would squeak for a while, then walk for a while and then squeak again. The second half of the road was all mountain roads, and he seemed to be sick again. Hit the accelerator hard.

When he returned to the original place, the car was ruined by him. He sat on the second floor of the stilted building and stared at the dark rain outside all night. When it was dawn, he thought, "Tang Yi, I hate you."

He deleted Tang Yi's number, which was later stored in his mobile phone, and cleaned up the photos on his mobile phone. It wasn't until later when he arrived in Guangzhou. When he took an order for the first time, he excitedly ran to the top of the rooftop and screamed. The leader and his colleagues held a celebration banquet for him. After the banquet, everyone dispersed one after another. He smiled and waved goodbye to everyone. At that time, I unconsciously remembered the person I wanted to hate.

How much he wanted to tell him, you see, it's not that I can't do it.

He was a little excited that day, and he was a little excited while holding the phone and repeatedly lost the number several times and then canceled it. In the middle of the night, he held his breath and his heart beat faster and dialed out. He just wanted to hear his voice, even a breath.

God didn't hear his prayer, God told him, "The phone you dialed is off".

Another time, a colleague got married, and when the young couple went to collect the certificate, they happened to be driving to do errands, and they took them to the Civil Affairs Bureau. The ID photos of the two colleagues were a little silly, with their big heads in the middle, with a bright red background behind them.

Gu Yanting was still talking and laughing with them at the time, and when he returned to his residence, he suddenly felt a little stuck.

That night he had a dream that the wedding photo of him and Tang Yi was torn apart and scattered on the ground. He yelled angrily, thinking that a burglar had entered the house.

As a result, when he turned back, he saw Tang Yi came to him with a knife and said to him, "Yanting, either I will dig Lin Rui out of your heart, or I will dig you out of my heart. Choose one of the two, you decide. "

He woke up sweating profusely, and subconsciously touched the other side of the bed.


Gu Yanting was completely insomnia that night, and panicked in his heart. He pulled his slippers and walked to the balcony. After freezing his hands and feet, he returned to the house. At this time, he was no longer the hairy guy he had just broken up with. He only knew that Gu Ying felt sorry for his incompetence and cowardice, and blamed Tang Yi for disliking him for his incompetence.

He began to think differently and put the name Lin Rui on the keyword.

Then he was finally completely heartbroken, and he gave himself a "deserving" in hindsight.


Gu Yanting held the phone and looked at it for a while, then recalled the call record. He didn't understand what Tang Yi said when he called, but it was probably work-related. He hesitated, then called again.

Tang Yi was answering Shen Fan's call, and when he heard a call, he glanced at it, and saw that it was Gu Yanting's number, slightly stunned, ignoring it.

"I also inquired about the news about the Zhou family. The credibility can only be said to be more than half, but generally speaking, there is nothing illegal, but the number of paragraphs is a bit high." Shen Fan said, "You have a mind."

Tang Yi responded with a smile, "Okay."

"Okay, then I can rest assured." Shen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon, you really don't want a dog?"

"No, it's good for me to support myself." Tang Yi sighed helplessly, "Safe journey."

After Shen Fan hung up, Gu Yanting's side hadn't broken yet, Tang Yi glanced at it and picked it up.

"Mr. Tang, it's me." Gu Yanting coughed lightly. He wanted to ask if there was something wrong with you calling me just now, but what slipped out of his mouth was, "Who are you calling?"

Tang Yi was silent for a while, then spit out a word, "Dog."